2 moms vs mom+dad

Incorrect Tyrone

Homosexuals are mentally ill and in dire need of psychiatric help to cure them of their abnormal behavior. . :cool:

Says who?
More that 2/3rds of the world.

Only the western nations think being a fudge packer is normal.

The majority of Asian, African, S. American, and Middle Eastern countries consider homosexuality to be disgusting and abnormal. .. :cool:

The majority of Americans work to make someone else wealthy. Is "the majority said so" really the line of logic you want to follow? Can you think for yourself?
Texas Study.......:lol:

There are many other studies that point in the same direction. I am not really interested in contesting the findings, rather I am interested in the dynamics that cause them. And whether it compares to black disparities.

Actually, no. There are not. Only this one - and the vast number of methodology and conflict of interest issues involved in this one render it completely meaningless.
Homosexuals are inherently mentally defective. Any time you meet or come to know one, realize that you are dealing with damaged goods, even when they are nice and seemingly stable. They are abnormal, so of course the lifestyle they offer to a child will be abnormal.

You want to see damaged goods? Go look in the mirror. God the Creator made homosexuals. :cool:

I take it you are queer. No offense friend, just telling the truth. I think homerseptuals are okay in my book, just so long as they don't demand to be treated equally.

Jesus loves you.

Religion really does make people stupid doesn't it? I bet you are from the South, no? Why don't we drop some stats on you about your area that is inherently poorer, kids are dumber, and people are fatter. How about those stats? In my opinion, I would rather deal with a gay guy then someone who is statistically shown to be poorer, fatter and stupider than the rest of the nation.. I wonder if that has any correlation with your views on homosexuality?
There are no two ways about it.

Homos are mentally defective walking disease containers.

And shouldn't be allowed around normal people. . :cool:

I knew Muslims had some pretty nonsensical religious beliefs, but you just make your religion look even worse than it already does..
This has nothing to do with religion.

Homos engage in animalistic subhuman behavior.

And should be locked up and isolated for public safety reasons.. .. :cool:
There are no two ways about it.

Homos are mentally defective walking disease containers.

And shouldn't be allowed around normal people. . :cool:

I knew Muslims had some pretty nonsensical religious beliefs, but you just make your religion look even worse than it already does..
This has nothing to do with religion.

Homos engage in animalistic subhuman behavior.

And should be locked up and isolated for public safety reasons.. .. :cool:

This has everything to do with religion.. You don't see anyone other than fundamentalists advocating homophobic policies, let alone the bigot driven nonsense that you are preaching.

You do realize that what you are preaching will be viewed the same way we look at the racists who were protesting the civil rights movement and desegregation of schools in the south? Do you want to be categorized with those people? When you're grandchildren ask you about this civil rights fight, and you need to tell them that you were one of those bigots that fought against humanity.

I know this isnt about race but it flows along the same lines of political correctness and disparate outcomes.

there are some people who blame racial disparities on racism AND homosexual disparities on homophobia. there are some who blame disparities in both groups as simply personal responsibility.

what I am interested in, is finding out whether there are any people out there who have opposing views on the two issues, which way, and why.
There are several problems with this post and the study.

  • First off, the Washington Times didn't post this chart. It apparently was an embellishment of the actually article.
  • The definition of "lesbian mothers" and “gay fathers” in the study is so general that almost any two same sex adults living together with children could be included in the study.
  • The study received funding from the the Witherspoon Institute, which has ties to the National Organization for Marriage.
  • Lastly, the article came from the Washington Times which is enough to cast doubt on any article they publish.

Study: Children fare better in traditional mom-dad families - Washington Times

Look: NOM Jumps On Flawed Anti-Gay Research, Posts False Graphic | The New Civil Rights Movement
When you're grandchildren ask you about this civil rights fight, and you need to tell them that you were one of those bigots that fought against humanity.

I am all for normal humanity........ :thup:

But homos don't qualify as norman humans. . :cool:

Just like the blacks of the 1950's.. Are you reading this right from their playbook?
The majority of the African American community is opposed to homosexuality.

And resent people who equate the Civil Rights fight with the perverted homo struggle. .. :cool:

I know this isnt about race but it flows along the same lines of political correctness and disparate outcomes.

there are some people who blame racial disparities on racism AND homosexual disparities on homophobia. there are some who blame disparities in both groups as simply personal responsibility.

what I am interested in, is finding out whether there are any people out there who have opposing views on the two issues, which way, and why.

I looked up 'New Family Structures' and found that the site was funded and run by the Witherspoon Institute.

Another google search led me to find that this particular institute is opposed to same sex marriage, as well as abortion and stem cell research.

In short, a homophobic website completed this obviously biased 'study'.

You lose.
many thanks to flopper, naomi, doctorisin and bodacea for bringing it to my attention that there is an interesting backstory to this.

the author did err with the lax requirements to define families with gay fathers and lesbian mothers, but to be fair it was the only way to a large enough random sample of children from homosexual families. the ad homs directed his way for faulty peer review and pernicious funding were demonstrably incorrect.

I had assumed that the consensus view was that homosexually orientated families produced children with more negative social outcomes simply because I had seen studies that broke out same-sex families as a risk factor. I did not realize that there were many 'no difference' studies based on non-random self-selected homosexual couples. the methodology of many or most of those studies would not hold up anywhere near as well as Regnerus's.

Canada legalized gay marriage more than a decade ago and gay unions were afforded legal status for quite a while before that. Canadian census results for several million randomly chosen children are made available for studies that meet strict criteria. a study commissioned on high school graduation rates for children of same-sex families agreed with Regnerus that they did more poorly, even down to female children performing worse. I realize this is only one of the negative outcomes listed in the OP but it uses large sample sizes and is funded by the Canadian Federal Govt. I do not have the time or the inclination to ferret out more information on other disparities.


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