2 moms vs mom+dad

How do gay parents teach children about sex?

This right here might be an observation on par with the greatest social commentators who ever lived, including Will Rogers, Lenny Bruce and Paul Harvey.

"You see, little Joey, a man or a woman, get together with a man or a woman, or two men and a horse, or three women and a dog, and they take off their clothes and play with each other until that funny feeling cums, and then a stork brings a baby assuming they used the right anal jelly and dildo.

"Now, let's forget this nonsense and go shopping."
many thanks to flopper, naomi, doctorisin and bodacea for bringing it to my attention that there is an interesting backstory to this.

the author did err with the lax requirements to define families with gay fathers and lesbian mothers, but to be fair it was the only way to a large enough random sample of children from homosexual families. the ad homs directed his way for faulty peer review and pernicious funding were demonstrably incorrect.

I had assumed that the consensus view was that homosexually orientated families produced children with more negative social outcomes simply because I had seen studies that broke out same-sex families as a risk factor. I did not realize that there were many 'no difference' studies based on non-random self-selected homosexual couples. the methodology of many or most of those studies would not hold up anywhere near as well as Regnerus's.

Canada legalized gay marriage more than a decade ago and gay unions were afforded legal status for quite a while before that. Canadian census results for several million randomly chosen children are made available for studies that meet strict criteria. a study commissioned on high school graduation rates for children of same-sex families agreed with Regnerus that they did more poorly, even down to female children performing worse. I realize this is only one of the negative outcomes listed in the OP but it uses large sample sizes and is funded by the Canadian Federal Govt. I do not have the time or the inclination to ferret out more information on other disparities.

I don't see any point in comparing the outcomes of children raised by homosexual parents with children raised by heterosexual parents because it will change nothing. A more useful study might be comparing the outcomes of children raised by two homosexual parents versus children raised by a single homosexual parent. This is a real choice many homosexual single parents face, whether to remain single and shoulder all the child rearing responsibility by themselves or seek a partner.
It would be most likely that the kids would be straight, so they wouldn't need to. But if their kids asked about it, they can be open and tell them.
So then, don't ask don't tell?

What a awkward life for children of homosexuals
So then, don't ask don't tell?

What a awkward life for children of homosexuals

No, it is assumed the kids would be straight, so you teach them about men and women, and if circumstances change, teach them about same sex relationships.

How does a heterosexual family teach their gay kids about sex?
Assumed lol. Have you looked around? Half of the population is gay now. Turn on HGTV and every couple looking for a house consists of Adam and Steve.
Assumed lol. Have you looked around? Half of the population is gay now. Turn on HGTV and every couple looking for a house consists of Adam and Steve.

Well those tricky numbers thing would tell us that 10 percent of the population was gay. They exist, and if youre watching HGTV, you might want to check if you are swaying too. I hear its contagious lol

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