2 Questions

We need a
Great point. If the Tea Party ran with something like that and on smart use of public money, instead of absolutism and shutting down half the freakin' government, they'd be taken much more seriously.
They are taken seriously. They influence decisions and elections, however they do not run the House and the House can pass bills all day long and if Harry Reid refuses to vote on the the budget doesn't happen. Blaming the shut down on Republicans, and especially the TEA party is highly polemic and partisan on your part.

So knock off the both parties do it, I'm above it rhetoric.
We need a
Great point. If the Tea Party ran with something like that and on smart use of public money, instead of absolutism and shutting down half the freakin' government, they'd be taken much more seriously.
They are taken seriously. They influence decisions and elections, however they do not run the House and the House can pass bills all day long and if Harry Reid refuses to vote on the the budget doesn't happen. Blaming the shut down on Republicans, and especially the TEA party is highly polemic and partisan on your part.

So knock off the both parties do it, I'm above it rhetoric.

Where did I "blame the shut down on Republicans"? My point was that there are plenty of people in the Tea Party who regularly talk about shutting down various departments in the government, who talk about shutting down Medicare, Medicaid and/or social security. You can pretend that doesn't happen, that's your call, but it's the reason (along with the help of people like Beck, Bachmann and Palin) the movement is not taken seriously, except by those in it.

You're committed to it, fine. But at least admit what people in the movement are saying.

And "polemic"? As compared to whom here, you?

1. Why, after all we've learned, do we still have financial institutions that are Too Big To Fail?

Good News: They are no longer Too Big To Fail.

Bad News: They are Too Big To Save.

2. Why, after all we've learned, have we not instituted or re-instituted something like Glass Steagall?

The broker-dealers are doing God's work and have sworn they learned from their mistakes and won't ever, ever, ever put fees before sound fiscal management again. Promise!
What they need to do is deregulate the banks,
It was the completely unregulated financial derivatives which were the cause of the crash. And the SEC voted unanimously in 2004 to waive the capital reserve requirements for the 5 biggest broker-dealers.
What they need to do is deregulate the banks,
It was the completely unregulated financial derivatives which were the cause of the crash. And the SEC voted unanimously in 2005 to waive the capital reserve requirements for the 5 biggest broker-dealers.

Yup. Proper regulation of CMO's, CDS's, mortgage brokers and the ratings agencies would have completely changed the landscape.

All five of the broker-dealers who were given that extra special treatment by the SEC no longer exist as independent companies or have converted into bank holding companies so they could be bailed out.

Bear Stearns was the first to go under. Then Lehman Brothers went under. Then Merrill Lynch went under.

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converted to bank holding companies so they could receive bailout money.
Where did I "blame the shut down on Republicans"? My point was that there are plenty of people in the Tea Party who regularly talk about shutting down various departments in the government, who talk about shutting down Medicare, Medicaid and/or social security. You can pretend that doesn't happen, that's your call, but it's the reason (along with the help of people like Beck, Bachmann and Palin) the movement is not taken seriously, except by those in it.

You're committed to it, fine. But at least admit what people in the movement are saying.

And "polemic"? As compared to whom here, you?
I don't claim to be unbiased, unlike you. I have decided on a bias due to my experiences and observations. TEA party types want fiscal responsibility and in some cases, the elimination of departments. I am absolutely onboard with that. I'm not aware of the movement wanting to shut down Medicare, SS or Medicaid, they want it fixed. They can't continue the way it is.

The evidence is that you are wrong, for reasons already mentioned. They are taken seriously. The fact that the left works tirelessly to demonize them is further evidence.
No bank is allowed to have more than 10 percent of all US deposits. That rule was waived during the crisis for J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo so they could buy up the failing banks.

So they are bigger than ever. If they go down, they are Too Big To Save and we are all fucked.

Not only that, banks and countries are more leveraged than ever, making supermassive carry trades because of the Fed's ZIRP policy and its irresponsible forward guidance.

You will know an extinction level event is about to occur when you see panic capital outflows from developing countries. It will start in Asia.
Where did I "blame the shut down on Republicans"? My point was that there are plenty of people in the Tea Party who regularly talk about shutting down various departments in the government, who talk about shutting down Medicare, Medicaid and/or social security. You can pretend that doesn't happen, that's your call, but it's the reason (along with the help of people like Beck, Bachmann and Palin) the movement is not taken seriously, except by those in it.

You're committed to it, fine. But at least admit what people in the movement are saying.

And "polemic"? As compared to whom here, you?
I don't claim to be unbiased, unlike you. I have decided on a bias due to my experiences and observations. TEA party types want fiscal responsibility and in some cases, the elimination of departments. I am absolutely onboard with that. I'm not aware of the movement wanting to shut down Medicare, SS or Medicaid, they want it fixed. They can't continue the way it is.

The evidence is that you are wrong, for reasons already mentioned. They are taken seriously. The fact that the left works tirelessly to demonize them is further evidence.

I've never claimed to be unbiased. Ever. You're welcome to show me where and when I said that.

The Left loves bringing up Palin & Bachmann & the Tea Party for any reason they can come up with because they're easy targets.

But again, I realize you support them, so you take them seriously.

I've never claimed to be unbiased. Ever. You're welcome to show me where and when I said that.

The Left loves bringing up Palin & Bachmann & the Tea Party for any reason they can come up with because they're easy targets.

But again, I realize you support them, so you take them seriously.
I haven't seen you use the word unbiased buy that's been your message. You always bring up the lefty talking points so.....

I support the TEA party, not Palin or Bachman, although much of their message. The left has their fair share of easy targets too, you know. I support the principles, people can come and go.
We need a groundswell for public financing of elections, so that politicians will be "owned" by us instead of special interests. The Tea Party could be worthwhile if they took this up instead of believing the propaganda that it's just another manner of government control. I don't see how allowing more voices to be heard, instead of just the party-approved, would be a bad thing.

Great point. If the Tea Party ran with something like that and on smart use of public money, instead of absolutism and shutting down half the freakin' government, they'd be taken much more seriously.

And more importantly, they'd be providing a great service.

How about we just get a slate of candidates chosen by a committee and we vote for one of them? Sort of like the old Soviet Union, which is what Dems want to emulate.
What they need to do is deregulate the banks,
It was the completely unregulated financial derivatives which were the cause of the crash. And the SEC voted unanimously in 2004 to waive the capital reserve requirements for the 5 biggest broker-dealers.
Bullshit and bullshit.
Derivatives were certainly regulated.
The only reason the gov't was involved in the bailouts was to protect depositors' funds. If not for that the banks would have gone through bankruptcy, which is what happens when the market corrects itself.
What they need to do is deregulate the banks,
It was the completely unregulated financial derivatives which were the cause of the crash. And the SEC voted unanimously in 2005 to waive the capital reserve requirements for the 5 biggest broker-dealers.

Yup. Proper regulation of CMO's, CDS's, mortgage brokers and the ratings agencies would have completely changed the landscape.

Bullshit. Totally unprovable. Every time there is a scandal there is call for more regulation. And then the next scandal or disaster comes along with calls for even more regulation.
How about we just get a slate of candidates chosen by a committee and we vote for one of them? Sort of like the old Soviet Union, which is what Dems want to emulate.

That's idiotic, but I've come to expect nothing less from you. You're pushing the lie that public financing means the government picks the candidates. I envision money being divvied up equally after a round of open media events and primaries. That's "the people" picking the candidates, not a committee or party.
How about we just get a slate of candidates chosen by a committee and we vote for one of them? Sort of like the old Soviet Union, which is what Dems want to emulate.

That's idiotic, but I've come to expect nothing less from you. You're pushing the lie that public financing means the government picks the candidates. I envision money being divvied up equally after a round of open media events and primaries. That's "the people" picking the candidates, not a committee or party.
That's typically juvenile, short sighted and myopic. Just what we've come to expect from you.
The incumbent gets free news exposure so unless you are planning on controlling the media too that wont happen.
Besides, you are denying people the right to vote with their wallets by supporting the candidates of their choice. That is a guaranteed by the 1A so unless you want to repeal that too, it wont happen.

Since this thread would no doubt end up becoming divided along political lines, I figured I would post it in "Politics".

Two questions:

1. Why, after all we've learned, do we still have financial institutions that are Too Big To Fail?

2. Why, after all we've learned, have we not instituted or re-instituted something like Glass Steagall?


#1: Obama's greatest failure.
#2: A failure of leadership by our elected officials.
That's typically juvenile, short sighted and myopic. Just what we've come to expect from you.
The incumbent gets free news exposure so unless you are planning on controlling the media too that wont happen.
Besides, you are denying people the right to vote with their wallets by supporting the candidates of their choice. That is a guaranteed by the 1A so unless you want to repeal that too, it wont happen.

Can't do anything about news being reported, but the money part can be remedied. At present we have special interests that don't care about parties at all, but support incumbents because a sure thing is better than a maybe. The supposed violation of the 1st amendment would be solved by amending the amendment to say that money isn't speech. Candidates should be judged on their own speech, not the ability of their supporters to fund that speech.
What they need to do is deregulate the banks,
It was the completely unregulated financial derivatives which were the cause of the crash. And the SEC voted unanimously in 2004 to waive the capital reserve requirements for the 5 biggest broker-dealers.
Bullshit and bullshit.
Derivatives were certainly regulated.

Nope. They were completely deregulated by the CFMA and the FSMA.
That's typically juvenile, short sighted and myopic. Just what we've come to expect from you.
The incumbent gets free news exposure so unless you are planning on controlling the media too that wont happen.
Besides, you are denying people the right to vote with their wallets by supporting the candidates of their choice. That is a guaranteed by the 1A so unless you want to repeal that too, it wont happen.

Can't do anything about news being reported, but the money part can be remedied. At present we have special interests that don't care about parties at all, but support incumbents because a sure thing is better than a maybe. The supposed violation of the 1st amendment would be solved by amending the amendment to say that money isn't speech. Candidates should be judged on their own speech, not the ability of their supporters to fund that speech.
OK so youadmit your proposal is unworkable because the incumbent will always have the advantage.
Special interests support those they think will win. Note the shift in money towards the GOP recently. Same people supported the Dems in 2010.
And as I said, you would have to repeal the 1A to make that happen.

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