2 Questions

My point is it is impossible to get money out of the system. Every attempt thus far has been a failure. And it should be. Money is a proxy for power and voice, as the SUpreme Court realized. Silencing people's voices is what fascists do.

BTW, you broke your own rule. The sentence IN BOLD is a logical fallacy. :lmao:
Please explain what logical fallacy I committed.
It is obvious every attempt has been a failure because you people are bitching to get money out of politics and we've had legislation to do that going back to the 1950s.
There were many attempts at powered flight before the Wright brothers. Failures don't prove impossibility. Sorry, I don't know the proper name for that one, but failure in the past doesn't prove failure in the future.
There were many attempts at powered flight before the Wright brothers. Failures don't prove impossibility. Sorry, I don't know the proper name for that one, but failure in the past doesn't prove failure in the future.

On the other hand it could be called a "red herring" argument, since the question is whether public financing is a good idea, NOT whether it's possible.
My point is it is impossible to get money out of the system. Every attempt thus far has been a failure. And it should be. Money is a proxy for power and voice, as the SUpreme Court realized. Silencing people's voices is what fascists do.

Yes, it's a sad day when rich people can't buy the policies they want.
Allowing these Zombie banks to go self regulated was INSANITY............but since the 4 banks shown in post 67 basically OWN THE U.S. with about 90% of the transactions for our entire country is the main deal.

They pushed for a full repeal of Glass Act...........they got what they wanted and pushed derivatives to the FUCKING next Universe.............EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM SHOULD HAVE BEEN UNDER..........GONE.................ALL OF THEIR ASSETS SEIZED.....................

But since they own our politicians this didn't happen did it...............

We bailed them out to a tune of 16.1 TRILLION from the discount window of the Federal Reserve while everyone was focused on TARP which was utter BS............TARP was a smoke screen for the real bailout from the onset.

Now, via the Federal Reserve they have RE INFLATED THE BUBBLE. Increased their asset purchases through the roof.........via QE and continued the currency War that is Global..............

They have maintained a NEAR ZERO RATE for 6 years at the FED which is sheer madness............Ensuring the an inflated bubble from hell yet again.............QE has ended.........................the next step is that they will raise these interest rates...........which they eventually will have to do..........because they can't keep them NIL forever..............when they do their will be hell to pay from our reckless policies and creation of the monsters of the Banking industries..............

This will cause a Global reset and massive crash..........as the bets are not sustainable, and their is no way they can pay the bets when the bell tolls..........This event will happen when and where the Federal Reserve and other money manipulators decide it. and as a solution to this event there will be an eventual new reserve currency created to replace the dollar which is dying due to our IDIOTIC POLICIES..............

And their isn't a damned thing we can do about it..........there's no way to stop it...........It has simply gone too far.
I really cant stand this 'money in politics' is the problem excuse.

That is NOT the problem, it is a symptom. Money does nothing more than buy political hopefuls ads on TV and other places. That is not how a politician wins. they win by garnering votes.

The REAL problem is apathetic and ignorant voters following the latest lie and trend out there. If you really think that taking money out of the equation changes the reality of the voter than you have completely lost vision of the true problem.

We are talking about decisions that affect BILLIONS of dollars and extremely complex system. Those with the money and resources to influence politicians are going to do so no matter what asinine barriers are placed in their way - even if it was outright illegal.

The ONLY check on that influence is the VOTE. If the voters are not going to take that responsibility seriously then they are not going to get a government that looks out for them - PERIOD. There is no getting around it - no law that can force corruption out when the people are so willing to vote for corruption. Believing that simply limiting campaign funds or publicly funding elections will somehow fix politicians representing big interests rather than the people is magical thinking. the WHY is missing. Why are they suddenly going to represent us? Until we stop voting for corrupt politicians that are bought and paid for we are going to continually get politicians that are bought and paid for.
We "allowed" those banks to get to big to fail, the government told them, showed them, they were to big to fail and now the banks understand that there is no risk in the pursuit of billions of profit that they should stay away from because.........they are to big to fail.

It is really like heads I win, tails you lose.

Beside that, it took our politicians YEARS to get rid of Glass Steagall. Why do you think that the politicians would bring that legislation back.?. Btw, do you know which party was so opposed to Glass Steagall?

Did you know O voted for TARP?

Since this thread would no doubt end up becoming divided along political lines, I figured I would post it in "Politics".

Two questions:

1. Why, after all we've learned, do we still have financial institutions that are Too Big To Fail?

(a) The US adopted FASCISM as its socio-economic system

2. Why, after all we've learned, have we not instituted or re-instituted something like Glass Steagall?


Glass-Steagall is a bullshit argument raised by the ignorasses, socialists and government supremacists

Glass-Steagall Wouldn't Have Prevented the JPMorgan Loss or the Financial Crisis

"The first domino to nearly topple over in the financial crisis was Bear Stearns, an investment bank that had nothing to do with commercial banking. Glass-Steagall would have been irrelevant. Then came Lehman Brothers; it too was an investment bank with no commercial banking business and therefore wouldn't have been covered by Glass-Steagall either. After them, Merrill Lynch was next — and yep, it too was an investment bank that had nothing to do with Glass-Steagall."

Since this thread would no doubt end up becoming divided along political lines, I figured I would post it in "Politics".

Two questions:

1. Why, after all we've learned, do we still have financial institutions that are Too Big To Fail?

(a) The US adopted FASCISM as its socio-economic system

2. Why, after all we've learned, have we not instituted or re-instituted something like Glass Steagall?


Glass-Steagall is a bullshit argument raised by the ignorasses, socialists and government supremacists

Glass-Steagall Wouldn't Have Prevented the JPMorgan Loss or the Financial Crisis

"The first domino to nearly topple over in the financial crisis was Bear Stearns, an investment bank that had nothing to do with commercial banking. Glass-Steagall would have been irrelevant. Then came Lehman Brothers; it too was an investment bank with no commercial banking business and therefore wouldn't have been covered by Glass-Steagall either. After them, Merrill Lynch was next — and yep, it too was an investment bank that had nothing to do with Glass-Steagall."

Mark Levin, is that you?


The PWG Report recommended: (1) the codification into the CEA, as an "exclusion", of existing regulatory exemptions for OTC financial derivatives, revised to permit electronic trading between "eligible swaps participants" (acting as "principals") and to even allow standardized (i.e. "fungible") contracts subject to "regulated" clearing; (2) continuation of the existing CFTC authority to exempt other non-agricultural commodities (such as energy products) from provisions of the CEA; (3) continuation of existing exemptions for "hybrid instruments" expanded to cover the Shad-Johnson Accord (thereby exempting from the CEA any hybrid that could be viewed as a future on a "non-exempt security"), and a prohibition on the CFTC changing the exemption without the agreement of the other members of the PWG; (4) continuation of the preemption of state laws that might otherwise make any "excluded" or "exempted" transactions illegal as gambling or otherwise; (5) as previously recommended by the PWG in its report on hedge funds, the expansion of SEC and CFTC "risk assessment" oversight of affiliates of securities firms and commodity firms engaged in OTC derivatives activities to ensure they did not endanger affiliated broker-dealers or futures commission merchants; (6) encouraging the CFTC to grant broad "deregulation" of existing exchange trading to reflect differences in (A) the susceptibility of commodities to price manipulation and (B) the "sophistication" and financial strength of the parties permitted to trade on the exchange; and (7) permission for single stock and narrow index stock futures on terms to be agreed between the CFTC and SEC.

This is from Section 117 of the CFMA:

This Act shall supersede and preempt the application of any State or local law that prohibits or regulates gaming or the operation of bucket shops

Why does a bank need exemptions from state gaming laws for casinos? Why does a bank need to be exempted from laws prohibiting bucket shops?

This type of legislation led to the outright fraud we saw leading up to the crash.

Where were all the States Rights advocates screaming about this blatant federal pre-emption of state laws? Why was Fox News not ranting about this?

Things that make you go hmmmmm...

Bill Clinton must have liked it since he signed it into law.
aka............more blood put into a dead corpse. This time from the Island of Japan........Who's next............the IMF maybe.

Since this thread would no doubt end up becoming divided along political lines, I figured I would post it in "Politics".

Two questions:

1. Why, after all we've learned, do we still have financial institutions that are Too Big To Fail?

(a) The US adopted FASCISM as its socio-economic system

2. Why, after all we've learned, have we not instituted or re-instituted something like Glass Steagall?


Glass-Steagall is a bullshit argument raised by the ignorasses, socialists and government supremacists

Glass-Steagall Wouldn't Have Prevented the JPMorgan Loss or the Financial Crisis

"The first domino to nearly topple over in the financial crisis was Bear Stearns, an investment bank that had nothing to do with commercial banking. Glass-Steagall would have been irrelevant. Then came Lehman Brothers; it too was an investment bank with no commercial banking business and therefore wouldn't have been covered by Glass-Steagall either. After them, Merrill Lynch was next — and yep, it too was an investment bank that had nothing to do with Glass-Steagall."
BS...........Getting rid of it allowed Commercial and Investment banks to merge allowing them to take Derivatives to the next Universe............using Fractional banking through other people's assets in the Commercial sector to go into their Investment banking schemes............

The only dang reason the markets are afloat now are through QE..............ZERO RATE LOANS here and abroad.......and now through the QE policy of Japan...........

Pumping blood into a dead corpse from bets in the markets that can never be paid.

Since this thread would no doubt end up becoming divided along political lines, I figured I would post it in "Politics".

Two questions:

1. Why, after all we've learned, do we still have financial institutions that are Too Big To Fail?

(a) The US adopted FASCISM as its socio-economic system

2. Why, after all we've learned, have we not instituted or re-instituted something like Glass Steagall?


Glass-Steagall is a bullshit argument raised by the ignorasses, socialists and government supremacists

Glass-Steagall Wouldn't Have Prevented the JPMorgan Loss or the Financial Crisis

"The first domino to nearly topple over in the financial crisis was Bear Stearns, an investment bank that had nothing to do with commercial banking. Glass-Steagall would have been irrelevant. Then came Lehman Brothers; it too was an investment bank with no commercial banking business and therefore wouldn't have been covered by Glass-Steagall either. After them, Merrill Lynch was next — and yep, it too was an investment bank that had nothing to do with Glass-Steagall."
BS...........Getting rid of it allowed Commercial and Investment banks to merge allowing them to take Derivatives to the next Universe............using Fractional banking through other people's assets in the Commercial sector to go into their Investment banking schemes............

The only dang reason the markets are afloat now are through QE..............ZERO RATE LOANS here and abroad.......and now through the QE policy of Japan...........

Pumping blood into a dead corpse from bets in the markets that can never be paid.

Most of the people who post here have no idea that Glass Steagal was DESIGNED to keep the stodgy boring world of commercial banking AWAY form the risky, high rollers of the investment arena. That's why mortgages were kept in the banking arena. Nothing to exciting about mortgages. At least there wasn't anything to exciting about mortgages before those restriction were lifted.

And obviously there was very good reason to keep the two separated by law.

Since this thread would no doubt end up becoming divided along political lines, I figured I would post it in "Politics".

Two questions:

1. Why, after all we've learned, do we still have financial institutions that are Too Big To Fail?

(a) The US adopted FASCISM as its socio-economic system

2. Why, after all we've learned, have we not instituted or re-instituted something like Glass Steagall?


Glass-Steagall is a bullshit argument raised by the ignorasses, socialists and government supremacists

Glass-Steagall Wouldn't Have Prevented the JPMorgan Loss or the Financial Crisis

"The first domino to nearly topple over in the financial crisis was Bear Stearns, an investment bank that had nothing to do with commercial banking. Glass-Steagall would have been irrelevant. Then came Lehman Brothers; it too was an investment bank with no commercial banking business and therefore wouldn't have been covered by Glass-Steagall either. After them, Merrill Lynch was next — and yep, it too was an investment bank that had nothing to do with Glass-Steagall."
BS...........Getting rid of it allowed Commercial and Investment banks to merge allowing them to take Derivatives to the next Universe............using Fractional banking through other people's assets in the Commercial sector to go into their Investment banking schemes............

The only dang reason the markets are afloat now are through QE..............ZERO RATE LOANS here and abroad.......and now through the QE policy of Japan...........

Pumping blood into a dead corpse from bets in the markets that can never be paid.

Most of the people who post here have no idea that Glass Steagal was DESIGNED to keep the stodgy boring world of commercial banking AWAY form the risky, high rollers of the investment arena. That's why mortgages were kept in the banking arena. Nothing to exciting about mortgages. At least there wasn't anything to exciting about mortgages before those restriction were lifted.

And obviously there was very good reason to keep the two separated by law.
The only thing keeping the inflated Markets afloat are Gov't asset purchases and Zero Rates............as the Feds leave the game the currency manipulators of Japan jump in to save the day..............

It's only a matter of time until the BS currency Wars and Market manipulations fail.........History will repeat...............
OK so you admit your proposal is unworkable because the incumbent will always have the advantage.
Special interests support those they think will win. Note the shift in money towards the GOP recently. Same people supported the Dems in 2010.
And as I said, you would have to repeal the 1A to make that happen.

My plan was to get money-grubbing out of the system and prevent our representatives from selling their votes to the highest bidder. I never said anything about solving the name recognition advantage of incumbents. That was ALL YOU trying to muddy the waters.
My point is it is impossible to get money out of the system. Every attempt thus far has been a failure. And it should be. Money is a proxy for power and voice, as the SUpreme Court realized. Silencing people's voices is what fascists do.

Who would of thought that this idea, that those with the most money have the most power and voice, who would have thought that was what the writers of the COTUS had in mind. Money as a proxy for power and voice in our form of government. Hmmmmm????

That's just hard for me to believe. And I thought you rethugs were big COTUS supporters.

This is nothing new, as FDR fought against it in the thirties:

'We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs.

We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob."

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