2 year old taken by alligator at Disney

First, some mad man gunned down pop singer Christina Grimmie. Then, that Islamic attacker did his jihad at the nightclub, producing the deadliest attack on American soil since 9/11.

Now, an alligator gobbled up a boy at a Disney World hotel.

Alligator drags child in lake at Disney resort, deputies say
Was the alligator half gorilla?

No, your ____ is though.
I could have sworn your ____ with the crooked eye that can see around a corner and the freezer bag for a left titty is though.
Uh oh! Was there a sign saying don't fuck with the buffalo?

That looks like Yellowstone and yes there are signs stating just that.

Shows what an extraordinary good job signs are at keeping us safe huh?

Once I ignored a sign that said "caution: do not enter"...well I didn't think it was really that big of a deal so I entered and then a hammer fell on my head from the work site. It was their fault-I mean they didn't warn me about tools potentially being dropped!


Indeed. The sign didn't say anything at all about hammers specifically, did it! An outrage!!!
I thought there were laws or rule against soliciting business; clients have to contact lawyers, not the other way. Only when they are agreed to be their representation can they communicate back and forth. Lawyers aren't supposed to solicit other people's clients either.

Really? Then what are all those TV commercials and mass mailings lawyers run every day? Are they selling cookies?

I agree with you about the McDonald's case, but this is nothing like that. Baht Disney park has been around for decades, and it was posted. The semantic spin is just ridiculous that they should have had a list of every possible hazard, when the sing they had covered every possibility related to going in the water. No one can ever post enough signage to prevent Stupid Human Tricks.
Great point. For every drug on the market some shyster lawyer has a class action lawsuit against the maker.

Lightning strikes also happen on beaches, don't forget that! And, and , it's possible to stumble and choke yourself on a jawbreaker when walking on sand, too! Have to have that on your signs, OR ELSE!!!!
. Defend corporate negligence & it's money over the kids dead body eh ? Ahh what the heck right, he was just one kid eh ? Everybody just shake hands and part ways then, nothing to see here.

lol go fuck yourself you retarded gimp.
I thought there were laws or rule against soliciting business; clients have to contact lawyers, not the other way. Only when they are agreed to be their representation can they communicate back and forth. Lawyers aren't supposed to solicit other people's clients either.

Really? Then what are all those TV commercials and mass mailings lawyers run every day? Are they selling cookies?

I agree with you about the McDonald's case, but this is nothing like that. Baht Disney park has been around for decades, and it was posted. The semantic spin is just ridiculous that they should have had a list of every possible hazard, when the sing they had covered every possibility related to going in the water. No one can ever post enough signage to prevent Stupid Human Tricks.
Great point. For every drug on the market some shyster lawyer has a class action lawsuit against the maker.

Lightning strikes also happen on beaches, don't forget that! And, and , it's possible to stumble and choke yourself on a jawbreaker when walking on sand, too! Have to have that on your signs, OR ELSE!!!!
. Defend corporate negligence & it's money over the kids dead body eh ? Ahh what the heck right, he was just one kid eh ? Everybody just shake hands and part ways then, nothing to see here.

lol go fuck yourself you retarded gimp.
Holy shit....you guys are going at it! Lol
First, some mad man gunned down pop singer Christina Grimmie. Then, that Islamic attacker did his jihad at the nightclub, producing the deadliest attack on American soil since 9/11.

Now, an alligator gobbled up a boy at a Disney World hotel.

Alligator drags child in lake at Disney resort, deputies say
Was the alligator half gorilla?

No, your ____ is though.
I could have sworn your ____ with the crooked eye that can see around a corner and the freezer bag for a left titty is though.

Try again. Maybe make sense this time.
First, some mad man gunned down pop singer Christina Grimmie. Then, that Islamic attacker did his jihad at the nightclub, producing the deadliest attack on American soil since 9/11.

Now, an alligator gobbled up a boy at a Disney World hotel.

Alligator drags child in lake at Disney resort, deputies say
Was the alligator half gorilla?

No, your ____ is though.
I could have sworn your ____ with the crooked eye that can see around a corner and the freezer bag for a left titty is though.

Try again. Maybe make sense this time.
Your ____ read it and she said she it made sense but she was really more interested in getting back to giving me a BJ
First, some mad man gunned down pop singer Christina Grimmie. Then, that Islamic attacker did his jihad at the nightclub, producing the deadliest attack on American soil since 9/11.

Now, an alligator gobbled up a boy at a Disney World hotel.

Alligator drags child in lake at Disney resort, deputies say
Was the alligator half gorilla?

No, your ____ is though.
I could have sworn your ____ with the crooked eye that can see around a corner and the freezer bag for a left titty is though.

Try again. Maybe make sense this time.
Your ____ read it and she said she it made sense but she was really more interested in getting back to giving me a BJ

Strike two.
Holy shit....you guys are going at it! Lol

Some of these sick morons don't deserve respect, they're just trolls.

As per the topic as I said that park has been there since 1971 with almost no prior incidents, which clearly indicates they aren't negligent in addressing problems there. The ridiculous claim that they are somehow responsible for some guy making a bad decision because they didn't have a sign with some list of hazards on it is a stupid as claiming that people who run stop signs are entitled to zillions of bucks because the stop sign doesn't list all the hazards inherent in running stop signs; hey, stop signs don't specifically mention getting hit by by cars or trucks, right? ... well duh ...

These gimps running around shrieking about how much they would sue for are just giving themselves woodies fantasizing over getting zillions of bucks for nothing, that's all; they're amoral tards.
It's interesting that people defending Disney are all right wingers. It's not surprising that they would defend a muti billion dollar corporation. It's what they always do. It's as if they think people who are hurt or killed by those corporations intentionally did it to themselves
Holy shit....you guys are going at it! Lol

Some of these sick morons don't deserve respect, they're just trolls.

As per the topic as I said that park has been there since 1971 with almost no prior incidents, which clearly indicates they aren't negligent in addressing problems there. The ridiculous claim that they are somehow responsible for some guy making a bad decision because they didn't have a sign with some list of hazards on it is a stupid as claiming that people who run stop signs are entitled to zillions of bucks because the stop sign doesn't list all the hazards inherent in running stop signs; hey, stop signs don't specifically mention getting hit by by cars or trucks, right? ... well duh ...

These gimps running around shrieking about how much they would sue for are just giving themselves woodies fantasizing over getting zillions of bucks for nothing, that's all; they're amoral tards.
. You are probably one of those idiots that kiss your corporate bosses butt's, and they (your corporate bosses or heroe's), laugh at how stupid you are, and then pat you on the shoulder with words of kindness while looking you in your face. People like you and others are puppets who don't even need your strings pulled, and another thing is that some of your noses will grow in a heartbeat if need be in order to protect the corporate stooges who are out of touch with this nation. The lagoon, because it was unusable, should have looked like the natural habitat that a predator like that lives in, and not a beach that intices people to the waters edge.
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"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
No. The Everglades does but they have not migrated that far north.
Obviously it's not common knowledge that alligators are in and around Disney.

Granted, I've heard many people say "No Swimming" means stay out of the water, but I've also heard many people say "No Swimming" doesn't mean you can't wade in the water. You and I can debate all day what the sign means, but what is clear is the sign is not specific enough.

Was is a stupid decision to step in to the water with a 2 year old? Perhaps. But then I would argue if the water is that dangerous why would you build a beach and put chairs on it and invite people to stand and lay by the water? Wouldn't it make much more sense to put grass by the water with a sign that says "Wildlife STAY OUT"?

-Disney World is in Florida...it is common knowledge that there are Gators in Florida

-What part of "no swimming" is so difficult to understand?

-Gators wont come out of the water to attack you, they don't feel safe out of the water. They'll come out to sun bathe and that's about it

-When you kayak down a river populated by gators do you know what the gators do? They run to the water for safety.
"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.

I'm in Tampa and I've known people to have pythons in their yard before.
Not true. Shooting a gator with a 9mm wont do anything to the gator. Gators are also very fast and would be hard to hit while moving. Gators are so fast that in fact you can't outrun one-on land.

Wrong 9mph tops for a gator, man can hit 20+

Wrong, this is basic math.

-Gators run faster than 9mph...but let's focus on your much bolder claim

-To run 20 MPH....you'd be running a 3 minute mile....the record is 3 minutes 43 seconds. I'm sorry but you can't run that.

The greatest recorded land speed for any crocodilian is 17 km/h (10.6 mph)

Talk:American alligator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fastest human footspeed on record is 44.64 km/h (12.4 m/s or 27.8 mph)

Footspeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The average person walks at 3.1 miles per hour.

You think an alligator is going to run after you for an hour dimwit?

Is it 9 or 10 mph? You're already contradicting yourself.

Do you think you can run as fast as the fast person on the planet dimwit? Do me a favor: go to a zoo with a gator, and run straight and see what happens.

I guarantee you can't reach 20 MPH-go try it on a treadmill and please be sure to record it, I wouldn't want to miss out on an opportunity to make money on youtube.
Not true. Shooting a gator with a 9mm wont do anything to the gator. Gators are also very fast and would be hard to hit while moving. Gators are so fast that in fact you can't outrun one-on land.

Wrong 9mph tops for a gator, man can hit 20+

Wrong, this is basic math.

-Gators run faster than 9mph...but let's focus on your much bolder claim

-To run 20 MPH....you'd be running a 3 minute mile....the record is 3 minutes 43 seconds. I'm sorry but you can't run that.

The greatest recorded land speed for any crocodilian is 17 km/h (10.6 mph)

Talk:American alligator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fastest human footspeed on record is 44.64 km/h (12.4 m/s or 27.8 mph)

Footspeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The average person walks at 3.1 miles per hour.

You think an alligator is going to run after you for an hour dimwit?

Is it 9 or 10 mph? You're already contradicting yourself.

Do you think you can run as fast as the fast person on the planet dimwit? Do me a favor: go to a zoo with a gator, and run straight and see what happens.

I guarantee you can't reach 20 MPH-go try it on a treadmill and please be sure to record it, I wouldn't want to miss out on an opportunity to make money on youtube.

Go ahead and contradict sourced material dumbass. I don't have to run faster than 11 mph* for a short distance to get away. You fail to understand any of this, it is evident.

* Assuming I am running against the FASTEST alligator ever measured for speed.
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"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.

I'm in Tampa and I've known people to have pythons in their yard before.
My husband has seen a big yellow Burmese Python in the Apalachicola river.
Not true. Shooting a gator with a 9mm wont do anything to the gator. Gators are also very fast and would be hard to hit while moving. Gators are so fast that in fact you can't outrun one-on land.

Wrong 9mph tops for a gator, man can hit 20+

Wrong, this is basic math.

-Gators run faster than 9mph...but let's focus on your much bolder claim

-To run 20 MPH....you'd be running a 3 minute mile....the record is 3 minutes 43 seconds. I'm sorry but you can't run that.

The greatest recorded land speed for any crocodilian is 17 km/h (10.6 mph)

Talk:American alligator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fastest human footspeed on record is 44.64 km/h (12.4 m/s or 27.8 mph)

Footspeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The average person walks at 3.1 miles per hour.

You think an alligator is going to run after you for an hour dimwit?

Is it 9 or 10 mph? You're already contradicting yourself.

Do you think you can run as fast as the fast person on the planet dimwit? Do me a favor: go to a zoo with a gator, and run straight and see what happens.

I guarantee you can't reach 20 MPH-go try it on a treadmill and please be sure to record it, I wouldn't want to miss out on an opportunity to make money on youtube.

Go ahead and contradict sourced material dumbass. I don't have to run faster than 11 mph* for a short distance to get away. You fail to understand any of this, it is evident.

* Assuming I am running against the FASTEST alligator ever measured for speed.

If you're running away from an Alligator it's not on a track-it's near a pond/swamp. Even without that 11mph for a human is a sprint, which we can't sustain for very long (our bodies are built for endurance running-not sprints). Have you ever hit 11mph on a treadmill before? It's not easy...now imagine that in the mud.

Have you ever been a runner or worked out seriously before? You're making it sound like a cakewalk.

PS: Those with poor grammar should not call others a "dumbass" unless they want the other person to correct their myriad of mistakes.
Obviously it's not common knowledge that alligators are in and around Disney.

Granted, I've heard many people say "No Swimming" means stay out of the water, but I've also heard many people say "No Swimming" doesn't mean you can't wade in the water. You and I can debate all day what the sign means, but what is clear is the sign is not specific enough.

Was is a stupid decision to step in to the water with a 2 year old? Perhaps. But then I would argue if the water is that dangerous why would you build a beach and put chairs on it and invite people to stand and lay by the water? Wouldn't it make much more sense to put grass by the water with a sign that says "Wildlife STAY OUT"?

-Disney World is in Florida...it is common knowledge that there are Gators in Florida

-What part of "no swimming" is so difficult to understand?

-Gators wont come out of the water to attack you, they don't feel safe out of the water. They'll come out to sun bathe and that's about it

-When you kayak down a river populated by gators do you know what the gators do? They run to the water for safety.

That is correct gator is a common place here in Florida signs all over the place. You would think Florida should know better but look at the chart last year alone one fatality and 9 bites.
Also signs...... *No Swimming* but you can still play in the shallow water or at the edge of the water. Not good enough. This tragedy happened inside Disney property. They are very aware that there are gators in their ponds. Regularly they removed gators inside Disney properties. And as far as I remember there was a boy that got bitten by gator inside Disney property but forgot what year.
IMHO........ It's not the gator fault but Disney is responsible for this tragedy.

How often do alligator attacks happen in Florida?

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