2 year old taken by alligator at Disney

Orlando is not too far from FSU where the Gators rule.

The Gators are Florida, not FSU. Tallahassee is far from Orlando.

That's about as irresponsible as it gets. Alligators feed at night mostly, and are more active then. Especially in June. And they DID have an attack there before - 30 years ago. Now they've had 2 in the last 30 years.It's not many, but with the stakes this high, they should have been prepared, not having an Outdoor Movie Night.

I could just imagine what their boardroom discussions must have sounded like. Everything geared to bringing in more customers, making them more comfortable and happy, and making more money.....not a word about public safety.

This is a problem with our society. We have one set of irresponsible and stupid parents, so everybody has to suffer? I think not. What's next, we're all going to live in bubbles?

Also gators aren't really all that dangerous if you show them respect. I've lived in Florida for 30 years-and never once have I ever been anywhere close to being attacked by a gator.

The problem with society is the incredible amount of insensitivity and arrogance in your post.

For starters, these parents just lost a child. Furthermore, they had to watch this predator take their child literally out of their hands. Don't you think they are suffering enough now without the arm chair QBs on the internet telling them how "stupid" they are.

Secondly, you, who've lived in Florida for 30 years, don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that people from somewhere else in the world might not understand Florida wildlife?

Lastly, how exactly are you going to be make to "suffer" if Disney has to put signs up warning about the wildlife, or if Disney has to close their fake beaches that go no where anyway? What these parents are feeling today is "suffering" and they will feel it for the rest of their lives. What you're feeling is annoyance at tourists who had the audacity to not know what you know about your state of 30 years while visiting the kid friendly Magic Kingdom, and they paid for it with their child's life.

And if you're right that tourists are stupid for not knowing that alligators have the potential to be in every body of water in Florida and not just the everglades, then I'll double down on that and say how stupid is it that Disney follows up to the stupidity by building a man-made lake, inviting beaches and chairs right next to it and plenty of distractions without a single warning about alligators?

-I think it's common knowledge that there are gators here in Florida.

-The parents lived through a traumatic experience and I'm sure they'll regret it for the rest of their lives-but that doesn't mean it wasn't a stupid decision. There are people who have used poor judgement and do actions that are detrimental to others-just because they feel bad doesn't erase the facts of what happened.

-If Disney cancels movie night because ONE of of hundreds of thousands of people didn't follow the warnings, then yes it does affect others.

-They were warned not to go swimming. They choose to ignore the warnings and brought a 2-year old child into the water and that child paid the ultimate price.

-The parents obviously did NOT take the warnings seriously (when everybody else seemingly did mind you)-that's THEIR fault and THEIR responsibility.

Obviously it's not common knowledge that alligators are in and around Disney.

Granted, I've heard many people say "No Swimming" means stay out of the water, but I've also heard many people say "No Swimming" doesn't mean you can't wade in the water. You and I can debate all day what the sign means, but what is clear is the sign is not specific enough.

Was is a stupid decision to step in to the water with a 2 year old? Perhaps. But then I would argue if the water is that dangerous why would you build a beach and put chairs on it and invite people to stand and lay by the water? Wouldn't it make much more sense to put grass by the water with a sign that says "Wildlife STAY OUT"?

Is Disney in Florida?

See above. 2 year old taken by alligator at Disney
"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.
"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?
"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.
"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.
"They knew about the alligators. They had reports from employees concerned about the alligators and yet they did nothing," said attorney Michael Steinger of the Florida-based law firm Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. "When you know of this danger and you fail to take action – and more so you invite guests to come to that beach to watch a movie on the sand – you have to take responsibility for the inherent danger on the lake that you’re aware of."

Gator tragedy leaves Disney facing legal nightmare, say experts | Fox News

Who the hell invites people to come to their magic amusement park, proceeds to show a movie on the beach next to a lagoon where alligators reside and doesn't even warn people of the danger in the water? Keep in mind there are many other distractions going (light shows, fireworks, the pool, music, etc). Disney was playing with fire on this one. I'm mean, WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A BEACH NEXT TO A LAGOON WHERE ALLIGATORS RESIDE AND INVITES PEOPLE ONTO IT AT NIGHT - people who don't live in Florida and may not know???

Look, I love Disney. My family stays at Disney resorts 2-3 times a year. They know how to entertain the young ones. But they dropped the ball on this one and child paid with his life.

Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.

I may have to find a new favorite vacation spot!
Something else you may not be aware of. That part of Florida also has huge boa constrictors and monitor lizards running loose. People smuggle them in as pets and when they tire of them they turn them loose. I guess Disney should put warning signs out. Oh! And mosquitoes might kill you too.

Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.

I may have to find a new favorite vacation spot!

Just always be aware. There are dangerous animals here there and everywhere. We have bears and panthers too.
Orlando is not too far from FSU where the Gators rule.

The Gators are Florida, not FSU. Tallahassee is far from Orlando.

They were having "Outdoor Movie Night" on that beach.

That's about as irresponsible as it gets. Alligators feed at night mostly, and are more active then. Especially in June. And they DID have an attack there before - 30 years ago. Now they've had 2 in the last 30 years.It's not many, but with the stakes this high, they should have been prepared, not having an Outdoor Movie Night.

I could just imagine what their boardroom discussions must have sounded like. Everything geared to bringing in more customers, making them more comfortable and happy, and making more money.....not a word about public safety.

This is a problem with our society. We have one set of irresponsible and stupid parents, so everybody has to suffer? I think not. What's next, we're all going to live in bubbles?

Also gators aren't really all that dangerous if you show them respect. I've lived in Florida for 30 years-and never once have I ever been anywhere close to being attacked by a gator.

The problem with society is the incredible amount of insensitivity and arrogance in your post.

For starters, these parents just lost a child. Furthermore, they had to watch this predator take their child literally out of their hands. Don't you think they are suffering enough now without the arm chair QBs on the internet telling them how "stupid" they are.

Secondly, you, who've lived in Florida for 30 years, don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that people from somewhere else in the world might not understand Florida wildlife?

Lastly, how exactly are you going to be make to "suffer" if Disney has to put signs up warning about the wildlife, or if Disney has to close their fake beaches that go no where anyway? What these parents are feeling today is "suffering" and they will feel it for the rest of their lives. What you're feeling is annoyance at tourists who had the audacity to not know what you know about your state of 30 years while visiting the kid friendly Magic Kingdom, and they paid for it with their child's life.

And if you're right that tourists are stupid for not knowing that alligators have the potential to be in every body of water in Florida and not just the everglades, then I'll double down on that and say how stupid is it that Disney follows up to the stupidity by building a man-made lake, inviting beaches and chairs right next to it and plenty of distractions without a single warning about alligators?

-I think it's common knowledge that there are gators here in Florida.

-The parents lived through a traumatic experience and I'm sure they'll regret it for the rest of their lives-but that doesn't mean it wasn't a stupid decision. There are people who have used poor judgement and do actions that are detrimental to others-just because they feel bad doesn't erase the facts of what happened.

-If Disney cancels movie night because ONE of of hundreds of thousands of people didn't follow the warnings, then yes it does affect others.

-They were warned not to go swimming. They choose to ignore the warnings and brought a 2-year old child into the water and that child paid the ultimate price.

-The parents obviously did NOT take the warnings seriously (when everybody else seemingly did mind you)-that's THEIR fault and THEIR responsibility.

Obviously it's not common knowledge that alligators are in and around Disney.

Granted, I've heard many people say "No Swimming" means stay out of the water, but I've also heard many people say "No Swimming" doesn't mean you can't wade in the water. You and I can debate all day what the sign means, but what is clear is the sign is not specific enough.

Was is a stupid decision to step in to the water with a 2 year old? Perhaps. But then I would argue if the water is that dangerous why would you build a beach and put chairs on it and invite people to stand and lay by the water? Wouldn't it make much more sense to put grass by the water with a sign that says "Wildlife STAY OUT"?
. Exactly.
Orlando and Disney has an issue with boa constrictors?
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.

I may have to find a new favorite vacation spot!

Just always be aware. There are dangerous animals here there and everywhere. We have bears and panthers too.

Bears in Florida? OK that I did not know.
They are rampant in that part of Florida. What do you think makes Disney immune?

I thought it was pythons but further south.
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.

I may have to find a new favorite vacation spot!

Just always be aware. There are dangerous animals here there and everywhere. We have bears and panthers too.

Bears in Florida? OK that I did not know.

Omg! Lol. This is where I live.

I thought it was pythons but further south.
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.

I may have to find a new favorite vacation spot!

Just always be aware. There are dangerous animals here there and everywhere. We have bears and panthers too.

Bears in Florida? OK that I did not know.

Omg! Lol. This is where I live.

Poor bear! Those guys didn't do a very good job of catching him!
I thought it was pythons but further south.
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.

I may have to find a new favorite vacation spot!

Just always be aware. There are dangerous animals here there and everywhere. We have bears and panthers too.

Bears in Florida? OK that I did not know.

Omg! Lol. This is where I live.

. No matter what you say or post in a video on this matter, the fact that Disney wanted to make this area by the lagoon/lake, look like a beach for the guest to go near to or to party on, when it was in an area where predators that can main or kill the guest live, ummm was a very foolish thing period.
Not true. Shooting a gator with a 9mm wont do anything to the gator. Gators are also very fast and would be hard to hit while moving. Gators are so fast that in fact you can't outrun one-on land.

Wrong 9mph tops for a gator, man can hit 20+

Wrong, this is basic math.

-Gators run faster than 9mph...but let's focus on your much bolder claim

-To run 20 MPH....you'd be running a 3 minute mile....the record is 3 minutes 43 seconds. I'm sorry but you can't run that.

The greatest recorded land speed for any crocodilian is 17 km/h (10.6 mph)

Talk:American alligator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fastest human footspeed on record is 44.64 km/h (12.4 m/s or 27.8 mph)

Footspeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The average person walks at 3.1 miles per hour.

You think an alligator is going to run after you for an hour dimwit?
Pythons are constrictors and it's creeping steadily northward. See above. And monitor lizards too.

I may have to find a new favorite vacation spot!

Just always be aware. There are dangerous animals here there and everywhere. We have bears and panthers too.

Bears in Florida? OK that I did not know.

Omg! Lol. This is where I live.

. No matter what you say or post in a video on this matter, the fact that Disney wanted to make this area by the lagoon/lake, look like a beach for the guest to go near to or to party on, when it was in an area where predators that can main or kill the guest live, ummm was a very foolish thing period.

Have it your way. I will not argue. I showed you a gator swimming right off our beaches with a dude walking out to it. Signs won't make you safe. You cannot stop a gator from going anywhere it wants to go. If it scares you crawl under the bed or wise up and don't be out in the water at night. That's when they like to feed. It was a terrible tragedy and Disney will pay through the nose.

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