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20,000 Small Business Survival Loans Go Unprocessed After Pelosi/ Dems Block Funding For US Workers

As soon as Pelosi and her fellow Democrats split up that money they got from the first bail out, they got out of town. I hear Pelosi is on a chocolate and ice cream binge between her many TV appearances. What an anti American POS.

So did the Republicans. Get a grip.

Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

trump did not make that promise


The $4000 is not only from a cut of the corporate tax rate but also lower taxes for the workers too

and a stronger economy for all

and it was doing good until china attacked us with the wuhan virus

My apologies. It was $4000 per household. But for 40% of American workers, none of those promises have been kept. They're reporting that they're worse off than before, and the financial studies confirm that working people continue to lose ground. The gap between rich and poor is widening under Trump, and its widening at a much faster rate under Trump than under Obama.

It realy does no good to buy into the conspiracy theory that China "attacked us" with this virus. Not only is this highly likely to be proven to be a false narrative, it serves absolutely no useful purpose, other than promote the interests of Russian propagandists who are really pushing this theory very hard, to further disrupt the American economy during this crisis.

Given the manner in which corporate America has abused these past taxpayer funded bailouts, I have little faith that American corporations wil do jack shit for their workers having done nothing but screw them over for the past 40 years. They will find ways to get the money and keep it for themselves - like McDonalds making sure to get their franchise fees, while their minimum wage workers starve.

I agree. And that is why I support their strong stand that there must be strong independent oversight. This is a LOT of money flowing out.

Why not just cut out the middleman and let pelosi dispense the money directly from the House chamber?

this is just another attempt undermine the trump administration

Attempting to enforce accountability and oversight = "undermining the Trump administration".

Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

trump did not make that promise


The $4000 is not only from a cut of the corporate tax rate but also lower taxes for the workers too

and a stronger economy for all

and it was doing good until china attacked us with the wuhan virus

My apologies. It was $4000 per household. But for 40% of American workers, none of those promises have been kept. They're reporting that they're worse off than before, and the financial studies confirm that working people continue to lose ground. The gap between rich and poor is widening under Trump, and its widening at a much faster rate under Trump than under Obama.

It realy does no good to buy into the conspiracy theory that China "attacked us" with this virus. Not only is this highly likely to be proven to be a false narrative, it serves absolutely no useful purpose, other than promote the interests of Russian propagandists who are really pushing this theory very hard, to further disrupt the American economy during this crisis.

Given the manner in which corporate America has abused these past taxpayer funded bailouts, I have little faith that American corporations wil do jack shit for their workers having done nothing but screw them over for the past 40 years. They will find ways to get the money and keep it for themselves - like McDonalds making sure to get their franchise fees, while their minimum wage workers starve.

I agree. And that is why I support their strong stand that there must be strong independent oversight. This is a LOT of money flowing out.

Why not just cut out the middleman and let pelosi dispense the money directly from the House chamber?

this is just another attempt undermine the trump administration

Attempting to enforce accountability and oversight = "undermining the Trump administration".

Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
the diffeeences is in the amount of money we are talking about, small business loans are easily 100x that of what an individual would ever be able to receive from the government.
Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

trump did not make that promise


The $4000 is not only from a cut of the corporate tax rate but also lower taxes for the workers too

and a stronger economy for all

and it was doing good until china attacked us with the wuhan virus

My apologies. It was $4000 per household. But for 40% of American workers, none of those promises have been kept. They're reporting that they're worse off than before, and the financial studies confirm that working people continue to lose ground. The gap between rich and poor is widening under Trump, and its widening at a much faster rate under Trump than under Obama.

It realy does no good to buy into the conspiracy theory that China "attacked us" with this virus. Not only is this highly likely to be proven to be a false narrative, it serves absolutely no useful purpose, other than promote the interests of Russian propagandists who are really pushing this theory very hard, to further disrupt the American economy during this crisis.

Given the manner in which corporate America has abused these past taxpayer funded bailouts, I have little faith that American corporations wil do jack shit for their workers having done nothing but screw them over for the past 40 years. They will find ways to get the money and keep it for themselves - like McDonalds making sure to get their franchise fees, while their minimum wage workers starve.

Many families are such low income that they were paying very little taxes to begin with

so yes, not every family saw their disposable income rise $4000

And those are EXACTLY the families who could have most used that $4000. Even worse, those are the families who are suffering most in this pandemic. They're the ones who are least likely to have health insurance, and the most likely to have more than one job, thereby increasing their risk of exposure, and the most likely to have an underlying condition, increasing their risk of death. Those tracking the virus say that you can track the virus by income and by zip code. The poorest areas have the highest rate of both infection and death.

I like the approach of giving money to the workers for now to keep them going, and focus on mitigation until both the rate of infection and the rate of death are both on a downward curve. And then look at what business needs, focusing on small businesses, not mega corporations.

My son-in-law's small business can survive for a couple of months with no income. He already hustling emergency repairs and he has face shields, masks and three kinds of gloves for his crew. But he's only been in business for 4 years, so he doesn't have a big cash cushion to work with. Being able to bring his crew in for a roof replacement will give him money to keep going, and knowing that his workers can receive $500 on weeks he's doesn't have work for them, is a huge assist for now.

Our unemployment insuranc program encourages workers to take temporary work when available. Workers use this to "test drive jobs". If you're on unemployment, you can take a temporary job which could lead to perm, and if you don't like it or they don't like you, only lose your benefits for the time you worked. If I received a full week's wage for work last week, I can receive a full week's EI next week if I don't work at all.

Trudeau has promised financial assistance to companies who keep employees on their payrolls, but I haven't seen any details of that published yet, and I don't think they're finalized. The opposition leader didn't like the program as proposed. My neighbour works for a larger corporation with 3 or 4 locations throughout the Escarpment. His company is still paying him for a 40 hour week, even though he's only working 1/2 days, two or three days a week. If my son in law did that, he'd be out of cash in three weeks.

We cant refund taxes to families that do not pay taxes

except through the unEarned Income Tax Credit program which should be ended

btw: are you a Canadian?

In Canada, all of our social programs are tied to filing tax returns, whether or not you pay taxes. Many programs are triggered automatically if your taxable income is below $35,000, like good and service tax rebates which are paid quarterly. That's why I received a stimulus cheque. As a retiree, my income, after taxes is slightly more than that of my neighbour who works full time.

I have a small custom activewear business which supplements my pension, and a rent controlled apartment in resort town near Niagara Falls. I'm basically set, until I'm unable to live on my own any longer. I don't have to work, but the money pays for materials I would be buying for sewing anyway, and allows me to deduct 1/3 of my household expenses from taxable income. It also allows me to deduct yoga classes, and trips to skating, and gymnastics competitions from income as "promotional/advertizing". The best piece of tax advice I ever got was to turn your hobby into a business, just to make your fun deductible too.

This started when my daughter was a dancer and a competitive figure skater. It allowed me to deduct her training costs from taxes - advertising and promotion.

Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

trump did not make that promise


The $4000 is not only from a cut of the corporate tax rate but also lower taxes for the workers too

and a stronger economy for all

and it was doing good until china attacked us with the wuhan virus

My apologies. It was $4000 per household. But for 40% of American workers, none of those promises have been kept. They're reporting that they're worse off than before, and the financial studies confirm that working people continue to lose ground. The gap between rich and poor is widening under Trump, and its widening at a much faster rate under Trump than under Obama.

It realy does no good to buy into the conspiracy theory that China "attacked us" with this virus. Not only is this highly likely to be proven to be a false narrative, it serves absolutely no useful purpose, other than promote the interests of Russian propagandists who are really pushing this theory very hard, to further disrupt the American economy during this crisis.

Given the manner in which corporate America has abused these past taxpayer funded bailouts, I have little faith that American corporations wil do jack shit for their workers having done nothing but screw them over for the past 40 years. They will find ways to get the money and keep it for themselves - like McDonalds making sure to get their franchise fees, while their minimum wage workers starve.

I agree. And that is why I support their strong stand that there must be strong independent oversight. This is a LOT of money flowing out.

Why not just cut out the middleman and let pelosi dispense the money directly from the House chamber?

this is just another attempt undermine the trump administration

No one need undermine the Trump Administration. They're doing a bang up job of it themselves. Trump washing his hands of re-starting the economy and leaving it up to states, while openly encouraging protestors to demand their states re-open immediately is going to backfire on him BIGLY. Trump has gone from "I alone can fix it" in 2016, to "The states are on their own with testing" in 2020.

The small loan program is out of money, but few small businesses have received loans. The process and qualification process is confusing to the banks, and the software doesn't work as advertized. Then there's the attempts of hedge fund managers, and franchise companies to subvert the intention of the program, and get a big slice of the funds. The franchise provision was something that Republicans clung to, over the objections of Democrats who want as much of the monies used to fight the pandemic as possible.

There's also the issue of state and local governments, all of whom are facing revenue shortfalls and huge spending requirements. Trump is saying that the states will be dealt with later. But the states are spending the money NOW.

Joe Biden has actual, hands on experience in restarting the economy. He's the guy who handled all the technical work of doing it when Obama was President. He also worked on the Ebola outbreak, and the H1N1 Pandemic. You know the H1N1 Pandemic, which killed 14,000 Americans in 12 months, no shut downs, and no nurses begging for PPE's in the street.
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Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
the diffeeences is in the amount of money we are talking about, small business loans are easily 100x that of what an individual would ever be able to receive from the government.
I dont know what the ratio is but as I keep pointing out:

reopen the economy and all your fears are solved

you will not need to give any money business or individuals

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.
As I understand it companies can get the loan and if it goes to worker paychecks the loan will be forgiven

if they dont pass it along to the workers then they will be liable

Yes, if they're still in business. But if they're not still in business, it gets added to their bankruptcy, and the workers are still out of pocket. The big issue is there is NO OVERSIGHT, to ensure that they actually do give the money to their workers. Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

The critical issues are ones of oversight, and ensuring that the PEOPLE get money to eat. Trump seems to be putting corporations and the economy ahead of PEOPLE throughout this pandemic. We're now seeing a lot of "What would be an 'acceptable rate of death' to get the economy open again?" questions from conservatives. These are the same people who are still trying to ban abortion, but they're prepared to sacrifice certain portions of the population to the great god, Money.

The economy will go on as long as there are people. People will always have needs and will be willing to barter their skills and talents with others to meet those needs. What may not go on is behemouth corporations who suck up the wealth of the nation at the expense of the health and well being of the PEOPLE.

Americans are being forced to face the reality that a nation that is run solely for the benefit of its corporations and doesn't meet the needs of all of its PEOPLE, will never survive. The Roman Republic lasted for 1000 years because even the most corrupt of its rulers understood that they governed only so long as the PEOPLE, who they called the "Headcount" had their needs tended to. The guys in the taverns with nothing to do but complain about their lives could easily revolt, and the ruling elites could end up with their heads on pikes. It happened early on in the Republic and the elites never forgot it.

The workers need the money, before ANYBODY else. 22,000,000 PEOPLE are unemployed. They've already been dropped from the payrolls, and they need the money FIRST. Businesses can get moratoriums on payments and obligations, PEOPLE need to eat. TODAY.

The preamble of the Constitution begins "WE THE PEOPLE".
You are just flat out wrong. PERIOD.
My business in 2008 prior to the collapse, was a $6 million revenue company.
After the collapse, the industry I am in took a HUGE hit. By 2015 over 40% of U.S. printing companies went out of business or were bought up.
We went from 43 employees to 12 by 2014.
How much money did we get to try and save the business by Obama's corporate bail out?? - $0 - . NOTHING. Not one red cent.
Fast forward to now.
Yesterday, thank GOD we received the PPE funding in our bank account. I would have absolutely had to close the business without it.
AND - you are WRONG AGAIN in that "there is no oversight to see of the workers get the money". That is a complete false statement. Within one year I have to provide verifiable payroll statements 90 days prior to receiving funds, and 90 days after receiving the money. To prove that I did not lay off, cut hours etc.

I'm not talking about oversight of the businesses receiving the money. I'm talking about oversight of Trump and his cronies annd who they give ethe money to. The House and Senate set up the oversight comittee, and Trump promptly fired the Chairman and installed his own Chairman. That's what he does prior to pulling shennaigans - just like he installed that political appointee in the OMB to block the Ukraine payment.
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
the diffeeences is in the amount of money we are talking about, small business loans are easily 100x that of what an individual would ever be able to receive from the government.
I dont know what the ratio is but as I keep pointing out:

reopen the economy and all your fears are solved

you will not need to give any money business or individuals

Do you honestly think that business is going to return to normal after everything is re-opened? It's not going to happen. People are going to wait and see how this all works out for other people before going out. I had plans of going to LasVegas in October, with a group of friends, and that's not going to happen now, even though my bank account is looking flush at the moment.

One of my American friends posted this morning that her church community held a special prayer service on March 15th. It's a close knit community. More than 70 people in attendance have since come down with the virus, leading to a cluster of over 300 cases, and 27 deaths, so far. Their church community is bereft, both from the losses in the community, and from the knowledge that the church service lead to those deaths.

People are going to be afraid to go out for a long, long time. Toronto really didn't get back to normal until SARStock, more than 6 months after the last case. There were no tourists in the city at all. No conventions, no concerts. No big touring group would play in Ontario, much less Toronto.

Your borders are going to be closed for a good long time. Trump was talking about opening up the Canadian border soon, and Trudeau said he wouldn't even discuss it before fall. Other countries will feel the same way. You will be a national parriah until you get this thing under control.
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
the diffeeences is in the amount of money we are talking about, small business loans are easily 100x that of what an individual would ever be able to receive from the government.
I dont know what the ratio is but as I keep pointing out:

reopen the economy and all your fears are solved

you will not need to give any money business or individuals

Business owners are taking that money whether or not we reopen the economy.

It’s free money.
Dem's holding workers hostage again unless they get a bunch more PORK??

Again, you have it backwards. Democrats wants the states to receive money for the hospitals, to test and treat covid19 cases, to buy PPE's and ventilators. Money to set up the testing systems that they need to re-open their economies, that Trump says they're on their own for. The states need this money NOW as hundreds of thousands of people are still getting sick and going to hospital, and they're running out of money.

Democrats also want more money to go to people, not corporations. Again, corporations can wait, people need to eat now, and 22,000,000 people are already unemployed. Getting money to their employers won't help those who are already unemployed.

Conservatives never want any money to go to people ever. They only want corporations to get bailouts. Never people. This was the problem with the 2008 bailouts. The bailout money went to the corporations who cratered the economy because they were too big to fail. They used it to pay bonuses to the guys who crashed the economy.


HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.
As I understand it companies can get the loan and if it goes to worker paychecks the loan will be forgiven

if they dont pass it along to the workers then they will be liable

Yes, if they're still in business. But if they're not still in business, it gets added to their bankruptcy, and the workers are still out of pocket. The big issue is there is NO OVERSIGHT, to ensure that they actually do give the money to their workers. Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

The critical issues are ones of oversight, and ensuring that the PEOPLE get money to eat. Trump seems to be putting corporations and the economy ahead of PEOPLE throughout this pandemic. We're now seeing a lot of "What would be an 'acceptable rate of death' to get the economy open again?" questions from conservatives. These are the same people who are still trying to ban abortion, but they're prepared to sacrifice certain portions of the population to the great god, Money.

The economy will go on as long as there are people. People will always have needs and will be willing to barter their skills and talents with others to meet those needs. What may not go on is behemouth corporations who suck up the wealth of the nation at the expense of the health and well being of the PEOPLE.

Americans are being forced to face the reality that a nation that is run solely for the benefit of its corporations and doesn't meet the needs of all of its PEOPLE, will never survive. The Roman Republic lasted for 1000 years because even the most corrupt of its rulers understood that they governed only so long as the PEOPLE, who they called the "Headcount" had their needs tended to. The guys in the taverns with nothing to do but complain about their lives could easily revolt, and the ruling elites could end up with their heads on pikes. It happened early on in the Republic and the elites never forgot it.

The workers need the money, before ANYBODY else. 22,000,000 PEOPLE are unemployed. They've already been dropped from the payrolls, and they need the money FIRST. Businesses can get moratoriums on payments and obligations, PEOPLE need to eat. TODAY.

The preamble of the Constitution begins "WE THE PEOPLE".
You are just flat out wrong. PERIOD.
My business in 2008 prior to the collapse, was a $6 million revenue company.
After the collapse, the industry I am in took a HUGE hit. By 2015 over 40% of U.S. printing companies went out of business or were bought up.
We went from 43 employees to 12 by 2014.
How much money did we get to try and save the business by Obama's corporate bail out?? - $0 - . NOTHING. Not one red cent.
Fast forward to now.
Yesterday, thank GOD we received the PPE funding in our bank account. I would have absolutely had to close the business without it.
AND - you are WRONG AGAIN in that "there is no oversight to see of the workers get the money". That is a complete false statement. Within one year I have to provide verifiable payroll statements 90 days prior to receiving funds, and 90 days after receiving the money. To prove that I did not lay off, cut hours etc.

I'm not talking about oversight of the businesses receiving the money. I'm talking about oversight of Trump and his cronies annd who they give ethe money to. The House and Senate set up the oversight comittee, and Trump promptly fired the Chairman and installed his own Chairman. That's what he does prior to pulling shennaigans - just like he installed that political appointee in the OMB to block the Ukraine payment.
If the performance of obama and pelosi are the standard to judge by you should be suspicious of the current emergency spending

because they sure took care of their friends

but thats the problem with massive hysterical spending by the federal government

unfortunately you will have to live with it because your side does not run the executive branch at this time
but hey, what am I saying?

you are a canadian so you dont have a side - or a say - in what goes on in America
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
Which is going to result in a lot of business owners pocketing a lot of money just because they can.
Yes, along with lazy employees sitting home till the helicopter money runs out

but will there by any businesses still alive to hire them when they are ready to work?
the diffeeences is in the amount of money we are talking about, small business loans are easily 100x that of what an individual would ever be able to receive from the government.
I dont know what the ratio is but as I keep pointing out:

reopen the economy and all your fears are solved

you will not need to give any money business or individuals

Business owners are taking that money whether or not we reopen the economy.

It’s free money.
I agree

but the government ordered the business to close

So like the man said, you break it, you buy it

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual you prove to be a liar. Republicans wanted to jam what they wanted through Congress. It was either their way or the highway. Democrats want to expand that protection to state governments and hospitals. They employ people as well and are laying people off. They should also stabilize the post office as well.

Now even Trump admits there will have to be compromise and that is why Pelosi and Mnuchin are talking. That is why voters are attracted to Buden. He talks about reaching across the aisle.
Pelosi is pushing for FEDERAL forced vote by mail in the 2020 election in the next round of coronavirus aid.

Meaning, 'F' state rights!

Wth does voting have to do with CV19 aid?

The federal government has a duty to protect the people's tight to vote. State rights does not play into this. That is essentially saying that a state has the right to re-institute slavery again. Voters should be able to vote without fear of getting sick. Republican New Hampshire Governor is waiving the state's requirement that you have to have a reason for voting absentee.

Voting has everything to do with CV19. Voters should be able to cast a ballot without fear of getting sick. In Wisconsin, a Republican state legislator worked the polls in full protective gear. A option ordinary citizens do not have. We know what this is all about. Republicans need to reduce the turbout to win and they are hoping enough people are too scared to vote and reduce turnout.

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.
As I understand it companies can get the loan and if it goes to worker paychecks the loan will be forgiven

if they dont pass it along to the workers then they will be liable

Yes, if they're still in business. But if they're not still in business, it gets added to their bankruptcy, and the workers are still out of pocket. The big issue is there is NO OVERSIGHT, to ensure that they actually do give the money to their workers. Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

The critical issues are ones of oversight, and ensuring that the PEOPLE get money to eat. Trump seems to be putting corporations and the economy ahead of PEOPLE throughout this pandemic. We're now seeing a lot of "What would be an 'acceptable rate of death' to get the economy open again?" questions from conservatives. These are the same people who are still trying to ban abortion, but they're prepared to sacrifice certain portions of the population to the great god, Money.

The economy will go on as long as there are people. People will always have needs and will be willing to barter their skills and talents with others to meet those needs. What may not go on is behemouth corporations who suck up the wealth of the nation at the expense of the health and well being of the PEOPLE.

Americans are being forced to face the reality that a nation that is run solely for the benefit of its corporations and doesn't meet the needs of all of its PEOPLE, will never survive. The Roman Republic lasted for 1000 years because even the most corrupt of its rulers understood that they governed only so long as the PEOPLE, who they called the "Headcount" had their needs tended to. The guys in the taverns with nothing to do but complain about their lives could easily revolt, and the ruling elites could end up with their heads on pikes. It happened early on in the Republic and the elites never forgot it.

The workers need the money, before ANYBODY else. 22,000,000 PEOPLE are unemployed. They've already been dropped from the payrolls, and they need the money FIRST. Businesses can get moratoriums on payments and obligations, PEOPLE need to eat. TODAY.

The preamble of the Constitution begins "WE THE PEOPLE".
So kindly explain why ANYONE is trying to tack other things...like changes to how the States conduct voting...onto a bill to fight a virus?
This is Democrats holding the people hostage...holding up monies that would be going to average people on the street...that would be keeping small businesses IN business...and they're doing it to take advantage of the situation to further their political agenda!

Voters have a right to vote and the federal government should be safeguarding those rights. Being able to vote without fear of catching coronavirus is very germane. The federal government can regulate federal elections if they choose. Your political agenda is to keep voters from exercising their God given right.

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

Fewer small businesses means higher unemployment. Pelosi and the Democrats Hate for Trump exceeds whatever ounce of compassion they have for Americans, ESPECIALLY, the American small business.

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.
What a fucking sack of shit lying ass moistened bint you are.

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