20 children hospitalized each day with gun injuries

Getting things right is exactly the opposite of what libtards are trying to do. They are cockroaches fouling up anything they get into and for a designed purpose.
"A weapon, arm, or armament is any device used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings, structures, or systems. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, and warfare. In a broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary.
While ordinary objects such as sticks, stones, cars, or pencils can be used as weapons, many are expressly designed for the purpose – ranging from simple implements such as clubs, swords and guns, and to complicated modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, biological and cyberweapons."

Weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be my guest, click the link, you'll actually learn something.

More lies.

We are talking personal fire arms protected by the Second Amendment, not weapons in general and you know it, fascist slime.

The 2nd mentions the right to bare arms, not the right to bare personal fire arms. :lol:
"A weapon, arm, or armament is any device used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings, structures, or systems. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, and warfare. In a broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary.
While ordinary objects such as sticks, stones, cars, or pencils can be used as weapons, many are expressly designed for the purpose – ranging from simple implements such as clubs, swords and guns, and to complicated modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, biological and cyberweapons."

Weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be my guest, click the link, you'll actually learn something.

More lies.

We are talking personal fire arms protected by the Second Amendment, not weapons in general and you know it, fascist slime.

The 2nd mentions the right to bare arms, not the right to bare personal fire arms. :lol:

its bear, not bare, or Bear.
So basically, to keep doing what you just admitted isn't working. Hell of a plan, son. :lol:

Last April, Harvard University completed a long study.......concluded definitively that......

more guns = less crimes

Here is the full paper >> http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMauseronline.pdf

Stop being a fucking limpwrister.,........and pull up your pants.:D:D:up:

So why don't you give everyone in the US say, 10 guns, and you'll be the safest place on the planet? :lol:

Works at gun shows, firing ranges and cop stations.

Very low crime rates there, but you libtards want minorities to remain fearful and dependent on the Democrats to fix things for them instead of empowering them to defend themselves and advance their individual interests. No, they have to be loyal members of their race first and that means not cooperating with the law.

The system will and is now falling apart cause there is no new tax payer money to keep the gravy train running..
20 children hospitalized each day. Those guns make us so safe.
Twenty U.S. Kids Hospitalized Each Day for Gun Injuries: Study ? WebMD
Brain, I know these kinds of articles are written to horrify everyday people about guns so that the government grabbers can take away the people's guns with their consent. After that, we're just another communist country killing ten million over this issue and ten million over that until a third of the population is wiped out, usually political opponents of those who lied their asses off getting elected when elections were "free" of everything except their calumny.

The fact is that the child population of the United States is 73 million (2007) Number of people in the US under the age of 18 is 73,675,595.
In early America, life expectancy was 26. By 1850, life expectancy had increased to 38. Today in this same country of America, average life expectancy is 77, and more people live to be the age of 100 than they have since Methuselah's day.

That said, the percentage of childhood deaths is negligible considering how many people there are in this country--we are approaching half a billion souls here, many of whom are not registered as even being. Even if we took the official number of 317,443,000 as our basis, the annual rate of childhood deaths due to gunshot wounds is well under a total of 460.

Calling that a major problem is just plain wrong because that's probably close to one in a million children dying of gunshot wounds annually or .0000001

Get a grip, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

At birth, the average life expectancy is more than double what it was a hundred years ago, as it is now.

If you take away people's guns, politicians get lazy and in countries in which the population has no access to weaponry, it is common for politicians to order the killings of hundreds of thousands of people, and in many instances, a third of the population deprived of benefits and food, medicine, and sanitation in order to say people died of "natural causes."

There's nothing natural about political genocide. Nazi Germany eliminated 95% of European Jews by mass killings and deportations to countries who forced starvation on many of them.

That factor is eliminated when average people can protect themselves by being armed and respected as truly equal partners with others in the life of a country.

God bless America, and may the flag of Liberty ever wave.
20 kids EVERY FUCKING day are shot and you call it a "molehill"? :cuckoo:

Bullshit. Those are kids like a nuke is a gun and an AR-15 an assault rifle to you idiots.
"A weapon, arm, or armament is any device used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings, structures, or systems. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, and warfare. In a broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary.
While ordinary objects such as sticks, stones, cars, or pencils can be used as weapons, many are expressly designed for the purpose – ranging from simple implements such as clubs, swords and guns, and to complicated modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, biological and cyberweapons."

Weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be my guest, click the link, you'll actually learn something.

More lies.

We are talking personal fire arms protected by the Second Amendment, not weapons in general and you know it, fascist slime.

The 2nd mentions the right to bare arms, not the right to bare personal fire arms. :lol:

You're barely sentient.
Ok, so I made a spelling mistake, but I guess if that's all you can attack, I guess I win my point. :cool:
Over 300 children and teens per day visit the er for burns. Time to ban heat sources.
Those guns make us so safe.

No, people that are trained to use a firearm in self defense make themselves safer against the thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about your rules.

Big frickin' difference.
Those guns make us so safe.

No, people that are trained to use a firearm in self defense make themselves safer against the thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about your rules.

Big frickin' difference.

That's what these knee jerk knuckleheads don't understand.
People don't have weapons to protect the public they have weapons to protect themselves, their families and their homes.
Those guns make us so safe.

No, people that are trained to use a firearm in self defense make themselves safer against the thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about your rules.

Big frickin' difference.

That's what these knee jerk knuckleheads don't understand.
People don't have weapons to protect the public they have weapons to protect themselves, their families and their homes.

It's just a shame they end up doing more harm than good.
No, people that are trained to use a firearm in self defense make themselves safer against the thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about your rules.

Big frickin' difference.

That's what these knee jerk knuckleheads don't understand.
People don't have weapons to protect the public they have weapons to protect themselves, their families and their homes.

It's just a shame they end up doing more harm than good.

Law abiding citizens proactively taking measures to protect themselves and their families end up doing more harm than good? Really? Are you really that thick?

Or is it the assholes running around shooting indiscriminately that are doing the harm? Maybe, eh?
No, people that are trained to use a firearm in self defense make themselves safer against the thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about your rules.

Big frickin' difference.

That's what these knee jerk knuckleheads don't understand.
People don't have weapons to protect the public they have weapons to protect themselves, their families and their homes.

It's just a shame they end up doing more harm than good.

My weapons have never done any harm
That's what these knee jerk knuckleheads don't understand.
People don't have weapons to protect the public they have weapons to protect themselves, their families and their homes.

It's just a shame they end up doing more harm than good.

Law abiding citizens proactively taking measures to protect themselves and their families end up doing more harm than good? Really? Are you really that thick?

Or is it the assholes running around shooting indiscriminately that are doing the harm? Maybe, eh?

Relatively easy access to firearms is what I was referring to.

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