20 children hospitalized each day with gun injuries

Obama has finally read the memo.. Anti gun propaganda is a non-starter.. It's for the children


Yeah, and many of those 18 year minus one day children would be mugging people if they weren't shooting each other so much.

Like in the LA riots, and today in Chicago etc, just block off the hood and let them go at it. More of each other they kill equates to tax payer savings


Most of those people in the hood are innocent citizensand have a right to protect themselves. The city wont let them protect themselves by making it almost impossible to legally own a gun, and then let the criminals rule. It is part of how libbtards create their grip on minority communities. If conservatives would look into trying to break up that system through good LE policy the minorities would leave the Democratic machine in droves.
I'm guessing English isn't your first language, because I said "all guns", not certain guns, because you have that already, there are tons of weapons you can't/are not allowed buy, nukes being at the top of the list.

Certain guns is the first step towards all guns, and you know it.

Nukes are artillery, not arms. get your catagories of weapons right.

Getting things right is exactly the opposite of what libtards are trying to do. They are cockroaches fouling up anything they get into and for a designed purpose.
"A weapon, arm, or armament is any device used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings, structures, or systems. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, and warfare. In a broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary.
While ordinary objects such as sticks, stones, cars, or pencils can be used as weapons, many are expressly designed for the purpose – ranging from simple implements such as clubs, swords and guns, and to complicated modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, biological and cyberweapons."

Weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be my guest, click the link, you'll actually learn something.
What would be even better would be for gun nuts to provide answers for curbing gun violence.

We have.. It's just that there is no support to prosecute federal gun crime to the extent allowable by law.

Thugs need to be eliminated either by death or a very lengthy incarceration


So basically, to keep doing what you just admitted isn't working. Hell of a plan, son. :lol:

Last April, Harvard University completed a long study.......concluded definitively that......

more guns = less crimes

Here is the full paper >> http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMauseronline.pdf

Stop being a fucking limpwrister.,........and pull up your pants.:D:D:up:

What would be even better would be for gun nuts to provide answers for curbing gun violence.

How about the fucking police do their job in urban areas?

I'm all for life without parole for any crime in which a gun is used.

But idiots like you saying that more regulation on law abiding gun owners is the answer don't want to hear that because you're too fucking stuck on getting rid of guns and leaving law abiding people defenseless.
Is the myth that anyone who wants to have stricter gun control actually wants to ban all guns and disarm civilians all you have, because that myth is making me sleepy.

I still cant decide if you are a really poor liar or if you are just incredibly ignorant and stupid.
Certain guns is the first step towards all guns, and you know it.

Nukes are artillery, not arms. get your catagories of weapons right.

Getting things right is exactly the opposite of what libtards are trying to do. They are cockroaches fouling up anything they get into and for a designed purpose.
"A weapon, arm, or armament is any device used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings, structures, or systems. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, and warfare. In a broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary.
While ordinary objects such as sticks, stones, cars, or pencils can be used as weapons, many are expressly designed for the purpose – ranging from simple implements such as clubs, swords and guns, and to complicated modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, biological and cyberweapons."

Weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be my guest, click the link, you'll actually learn something.

More lies.

We are talking personal fire arms protected by the Second Amendment, not weapons in general and you know it, fascist slime.
We have.. It's just that there is no support to prosecute federal gun crime to the extent allowable by law.

Thugs need to be eliminated either by death or a very lengthy incarceration


So basically, to keep doing what you just admitted isn't working. Hell of a plan, son. :lol:

Last April, Harvard University completed a long study.......concluded definitively that......

more guns = less crimes

Here is the full paper >> http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMauseronline.pdf

Stop being a fucking limpwrister.,........and pull up your pants.:D:D:up:

So why don't you give everyone in the US say, 10 guns, and you'll be the safest place on the planet? :lol:
This issue is really nothing more than an internet hobby in 2014........and a real opportunity to poke the eyes out of the gun grabber assholes.

Indeed......74% of the country opposes a ban of firearms. In 2014, gun grabber assholes are a fringe entity in this country >>>>

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Laugh my balls off about it every time Im driving to the range.:D:D:fu:

Hey skookerasbil... Got any CLIPS for my Sig? LMAO


20 children hospitalized each day. Those guns make us so safe.
Twenty U.S. Kids Hospitalized Each Day for Gun Injuries: Study ? WebMD
Brain, I know these kinds of articles are written to horrify everyday people about guns so that the government grabbers can take away the people's guns with their consent. After that, we're just another communist country killing ten million over this issue and ten million over that until a third of the population is wiped out, usually political opponents of those who lied their asses off getting elected when elections were "free" of everything except their calumny.

The fact is that the child population of the United States is 73 million (2007) Number of people in the US under the age of 18 is 73,675,595.
In early America, life expectancy was 26. By 1850, life expectancy had increased to 38. Today in this same country of America, average life expectancy is 77, and more people live to be the age of 100 than they have since Methuselah's day.

That said, the percentage of childhood deaths is negligible considering how many people there are in this country--we are approaching half a billion souls here, many of whom are not registered as even being. Even if we took the official number of 317,443,000 as our basis, the annual rate of childhood deaths due to gunshot wounds is well under a total of 460.

Calling that a major problem is just plain wrong because that's probably close to one in a million children dying of gunshot wounds annually or .0000001

Get a grip, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

At birth, the average life expectancy is more than double what it was a hundred years ago, as it is now.

If you take away people's guns, politicians get lazy and in countries in which the population has no access to weaponry, it is common for politicians to order the killings of hundreds of thousands of people, and in many instances, a third of the population deprived of benefits and food, medicine, and sanitation in order to say people died of "natural causes."

There's nothing natural about political genocide. Nazi Germany eliminated 95% of European Jews by mass killings and deportations to countries who forced starvation on many of them.

That factor is eliminated when average people can protect themselves by being armed and respected as truly equal partners with others in the life of a country.

God bless America, and may the flag of Liberty ever wave.
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This issue is really nothing more than an internet hobby in 2014........and a real opportunity to poke the eyes out of the gun grabber assholes.

Indeed......74% of the country opposes a ban of firearms. In 2014, gun grabber assholes are a fringe entity in this country >>>>

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Laugh my balls off about it every time Im driving to the range.:D:D:fu:

Hey skookerasbil... Got any CLIPS for my Sig? LMAO



too funny.......

still don't own a handgun. Too lazy to go through the process.

A few months ago, got a Savage rimfire for me and my son........having lots of fun plinking. I was going broke shooting 45LC's and 44magnums.......those .17's are nasty little rounds. And Ive fallen in love with the simple bolt action rifle........never understood it until I started using one.
20 children hospitalized each day. Those guns make us so safe.
Twenty U.S. Kids Hospitalized Each Day for Gun Injuries: Study ? WebMD
Brain, I know these kinds of articles are written to horrify everyday people about guns so that the government grabbers can take away the people's guns with their consent. After that, we're just another communist country killing ten million over this issue and ten million over that until a third of the population is wiped out, usually political opponents of those who lied their asses off getting elected when elections were "free" of everything except their calumny.

The fact is that the child population of the United States is 73 million (2007) Number of people in the US under the age of 18 is 73,675,595.
In early America, life expectancy was 26. By 1850, life expectancy had increased to 38. Today in this same country of America, average life expectancy is 77, and more people live to be the age of 100 than they have since Methuselah's day.

That said, the percentage of childhood deaths is negligible considering how many people there are in this country--we are approaching half a billion souls here, many of whom are not registered as even being. Even if we took the official number of 317,443,000 as our basis, the annual rate of childhood deaths due to gunshot wounds is well under a total of 460.

Calling that a major problem is just plain wrong because that's probably close to one in a million children dying of gunshot wounds annually or .0000001

Get a grip, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

At birth, the average life expectancy is more than double what it was a hundred years ago, as it is now.

If you take away people's guns, politicians get lazy and in countries in which the population has no access to weaponry, it is common for politicians to order the killings of hundreds of thousands of people, and in many instances, a third of the population deprived of benefits and food, medicine, and sanitation in order to say people died of "natural causes."

There's nothing natural about political genocide. Nazi Germany eliminated 95% of European Jews by mass killings and deportations to countries who forced starvation on many of them.

That factor is eliminated when average people can protect themselves by being armed and respected as truly equal partners with others in the life of a country.

God bless America, and may the flag of Liberty ever wave.
20 kids EVERY FUCKING day are shot and you call it a "molehill"? :cuckoo:
20 children hospitalized each day. Those guns make us so safe.
Twenty U.S. Kids Hospitalized Each Day for Gun Injuries: Study ? WebMD
Brain, I know these kinds of articles are written to horrify everyday people about guns so that the government grabbers can take away the people's guns with their consent. After that, we're just another communist country killing ten million over this issue and ten million over that until a third of the population is wiped out, usually political opponents of those who lied their asses off getting elected when elections were "free" of everything except their calumny.

The fact is that the child population of the United States is 73 million (2007) Number of people in the US under the age of 18 is 73,675,595.
In early America, life expectancy was 26. By 1850, life expectancy had increased to 38. Today in this same country of America, average life expectancy is 77, and more people live to be the age of 100 than they have since Methuselah's day.

That said, the percentage of childhood deaths is negligible considering how many people there are in this country--we are approaching half a billion souls here, many of whom are not registered as even being. Even if we took the official number of 317,443,000 as our basis, the annual rate of childhood deaths due to gunshot wounds is well under a total of 460.

Calling that a major problem is just plain wrong because that's probably close to one in a million children dying of gunshot wounds annually or .0000001

Get a grip, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

At birth, the average life expectancy is more than double what it was a hundred years ago, as it is now.

If you take away people's guns, politicians get lazy and in countries in which the population has no access to weaponry, it is common for politicians to order the killings of hundreds of thousands of people, and in many instances, a third of the population deprived of benefits and food, medicine, and sanitation in order to say people died of "natural causes."

There's nothing natural about political genocide. Nazi Germany eliminated 95% of European Jews by mass killings and deportations to countries who forced starvation on many of them.

That factor is eliminated when average people can protect themselves by being armed and respected as truly equal partners with others in the life of a country.

God bless America, and may the flag of Liberty ever wave.
20 kids EVERY FUCKING day are shot and you call it a "molehill"? :cuckoo:

And 47 people die every day wearing seat belts. Remember how that little stat worked out for you when you spouted how seat belts were mandated blah, blah, blah?

Brain, I know these kinds of articles are written to horrify everyday people about guns so that the government grabbers can take away the people's guns with their consent. After that, we're just another communist country killing ten million over this issue and ten million over that until a third of the population is wiped out, usually political opponents of those who lied their asses off getting elected when elections were "free" of everything except their calumny.

The fact is that the child population of the United States is 73 million (2007) Number of people in the US under the age of 18 is 73,675,595.
In early America, life expectancy was 26. By 1850, life expectancy had increased to 38. Today in this same country of America, average life expectancy is 77, and more people live to be the age of 100 than they have since Methuselah's day.

That said, the percentage of childhood deaths is negligible considering how many people there are in this country--we are approaching half a billion souls here, many of whom are not registered as even being. Even if we took the official number of 317,443,000 as our basis, the annual rate of childhood deaths due to gunshot wounds is well under a total of 460.

Calling that a major problem is just plain wrong because that's probably close to one in a million children dying of gunshot wounds annually or .0000001

Get a grip, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

At birth, the average life expectancy is more than double what it was a hundred years ago, as it is now.

If you take away people's guns, politicians get lazy and in countries in which the population has no access to weaponry, it is common for politicians to order the killings of hundreds of thousands of people, and in many instances, a third of the population deprived of benefits and food, medicine, and sanitation in order to say people died of "natural causes."

There's nothing natural about political genocide. Nazi Germany eliminated 95% of European Jews by mass killings and deportations to countries who forced starvation on many of them.

That factor is eliminated when average people can protect themselves by being armed and respected as truly equal partners with others in the life of a country.

God bless America, and may the flag of Liberty ever wave.
20 kids EVERY FUCKING day are shot and you call it a "molehill"? :cuckoo:

And 47 people die every day wearing seat belts. Remember how that little stat worked out for you when you spouted how seat belts were mandated blah, blah, blah?


Geaux......these people spend their days in a state of perpetual fantasy. The "good intentions" contingent, I call them. They'll go in their box not getting that life boils down to "suck" vs "suckier"......take your pick.
20 children hospitalized each day. Those guns make us so safe.
Twenty U.S. Kids Hospitalized Each Day for Gun Injuries: Study ? WebMD
Brain, I know these kinds of articles are written to horrify everyday people about guns so that the government grabbers can take away the people's guns with their consent. After that, we're just another communist country killing ten million over this issue and ten million over that until a third of the population is wiped out, usually political opponents of those who lied their asses off getting elected when elections were "free" of everything except their calumny.

The fact is that the child population of the United States is 73 million (2007) Number of people in the US under the age of 18 is 73,675,595.
In early America, life expectancy was 26. By 1850, life expectancy had increased to 38. Today in this same country of America, average life expectancy is 77, and more people live to be the age of 100 than they have since Methuselah's day.

That said, the percentage of childhood deaths is negligible considering how many people there are in this country--we are approaching half a billion souls here, many of whom are not registered as even being. Even if we took the official number of 317,443,000 as our basis, the annual rate of childhood deaths due to gunshot wounds is well under a total of 460.

Calling that a major problem is just plain wrong because that's probably close to one in a million children dying of gunshot wounds annually or .0000001

Get a grip, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

At birth, the average life expectancy is more than double what it was a hundred years ago, as it is now.

If you take away people's guns, politicians get lazy and in countries in which the population has no access to weaponry, it is common for politicians to order the killings of hundreds of thousands of people, and in many instances, a third of the population deprived of benefits and food, medicine, and sanitation in order to say people died of "natural causes."

There's nothing natural about political genocide. Nazi Germany eliminated 95% of European Jews by mass killings and deportations to countries who forced starvation on many of them.

That factor is eliminated when average people can protect themselves by being armed and respected as truly equal partners with others in the life of a country.

God bless America, and may the flag of Liberty ever wave.
20 kids EVERY FUCKING day are shot and you call it a "molehill"? :cuckoo:

And if you break down the stats, most of them are junior thugs or future thugs.

So the net effect is a wash.
Brain, I know these kinds of articles are written to horrify everyday people about guns so that the government grabbers can take away the people's guns with their consent. After that, we're just another communist country killing ten million over this issue and ten million over that until a third of the population is wiped out, usually political opponents of those who lied their asses off getting elected when elections were "free" of everything except their calumny.

The fact is that the child population of the United States is 73 million (2007) Number of people in the US under the age of 18 is 73,675,595.
In early America, life expectancy was 26. By 1850, life expectancy had increased to 38. Today in this same country of America, average life expectancy is 77, and more people live to be the age of 100 than they have since Methuselah's day.

That said, the percentage of childhood deaths is negligible considering how many people there are in this country--we are approaching half a billion souls here, many of whom are not registered as even being. Even if we took the official number of 317,443,000 as our basis, the annual rate of childhood deaths due to gunshot wounds is well under a total of 460.

Calling that a major problem is just plain wrong because that's probably close to one in a million children dying of gunshot wounds annually or .0000001

Get a grip, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

At birth, the average life expectancy is more than double what it was a hundred years ago, as it is now.

If you take away people's guns, politicians get lazy and in countries in which the population has no access to weaponry, it is common for politicians to order the killings of hundreds of thousands of people, and in many instances, a third of the population deprived of benefits and food, medicine, and sanitation in order to say people died of "natural causes."

There's nothing natural about political genocide. Nazi Germany eliminated 95% of European Jews by mass killings and deportations to countries who forced starvation on many of them.

That factor is eliminated when average people can protect themselves by being armed and respected as truly equal partners with others in the life of a country.

God bless America, and may the flag of Liberty ever wave.
20 kids EVERY FUCKING day are shot and you call it a "molehill"? :cuckoo:

And 47 people die every day wearing seat belts. Remember how that little stat worked out for you when you spouted how seat belts were mandated blah, blah, blah?


Not talking about seat belts. You must be lost.
20 kids EVERY FUCKING day are shot and you call it a "molehill"? :cuckoo:

And 47 people die every day wearing seat belts. Remember how that little stat worked out for you when you spouted how seat belts were mandated blah, blah, blah?


Not talking about seat belts. You must be lost.

You have a short memory. Would you like for me to link your comparison of seat belt laws effectiveness relative to your stupid proposed gun control ideas?

Remember...to report an unsafe consumer product or a product-related injury, consumers may call the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's toll-free hotline at 1-800-638-2772. A teletypewriter for hearing impaired is available at 1-800-638-8270; the Maryland TTY number is 1-800-492-8104.
CPSC Home | CPSC.gov
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that buckets filled with water or other liquids, especially the large 5-gallon size, present a drowning hazard to small children. CPSC knows of at least 67 drowning deaths in buckets during the years 1985-1987, mostly to young children 8-12 months old. Information available to the Commission strongly suggests that many, if not most, of these drownings occurred in large (5 gallon) plastic buckets or containers being used for mopping floors or for other household chores.
While large buckets or containers appear to be most hazardous, the CPSC staff warns consumers to never leave any bucket of water unattended where small children may gain access to it.
In 17 of the 67 death reports for the period 1985-1987 available to the Commission, the size of the bucket was reported. All of these were reported to be 5-gallon buckets or containers. The Cook County, Illinois Medical Examiners Office, which first alerted the Commission to this particular hazard, reports that all of the 11 bucket drownings which it has investigated since 1985 involved 5-gallon plastic shipping containers being used as household buckets.
Large 5-gallon plastic or metal containers are used for bulk or commercial-sized quantities of a wide variety of products including food, paint, and construction materials such as spackling compound. When emptied of their original contents, these containers are sometimes re-used as buckets by consumers. Similar 5-gallon containers are also sold new in stores as large volume household buckets.
Young children's curiosity combined with their crawling and pulling up while learning to walk can lead to danger when buckets are used around the house. The Commission staff believes that these drownings happened when curious children or toddlers crawled to a bucket containing mop water or other liquids for household chores, pulled themselves up and leaned forward to play in the water. When they toppled into the bucket, they were unable to free themselves and drowned.
The 5-gallon bucket is particularly dangerous (even when only partly filled) because its heavier weight makes it more stable than a smaller bucket and unlikely to tip over when a child uses it to pull up. The 5-gallon bucket containers are commonly about half the height of these infants and with several gallons of water, weigh more than most children of that age.
The Commission is interested in learning more about this hazard. If you know about a drowning incident in a bucket or similar product, call the CPSC Hotline at 1-800-638-2772. A teletypewriter for the hearing impaired is available at
OMG! We need to enact background checks on people purchasing pickle buckets!

That is 22.33 children killed by pickle buckets a year!

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Pretty good, almost on par with being as safe as Mexico. :lol:

The point that flew right over your pointy head is that we do not have a problem with law abiding gun owners

We have a problem in several urban areas confined to an extremely small segment of the population.

And btw those urban areas with the most gang violence have some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

So tell me again how hamstringing law abiding people with more bullshit regulations is going to stop gang violence in cities.
What would be even better would be for gun nuts to provide answers for curbing gun violence.
Hang 'em high, silly. :lol:
Remember...to report an unsafe consumer product or a product-related injury, consumers may call the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's toll-free hotline at 1-800-638-2772. A teletypewriter for hearing impaired is available at 1-800-638-8270; the Maryland TTY number is 1-800-492-8104.
CPSC Home | CPSC.gov
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that buckets filled with water or other liquids, especially the large 5-gallon size, present a drowning hazard to small children. CPSC knows of at least 67 drowning deaths in buckets during the years 1985-1987, mostly to young children 8-12 months old. Information available to the Commission strongly suggests that many, if not most, of these drownings occurred in large (5 gallon) plastic buckets or containers being used for mopping floors or for other household chores.
While large buckets or containers appear to be most hazardous, the CPSC staff warns consumers to never leave any bucket of water unattended where small children may gain access to it.
In 17 of the 67 death reports for the period 1985-1987 available to the Commission, the size of the bucket was reported. All of these were reported to be 5-gallon buckets or containers. The Cook County, Illinois Medical Examiners Office, which first alerted the Commission to this particular hazard, reports that all of the 11 bucket drownings which it has investigated since 1985 involved 5-gallon plastic shipping containers being used as household buckets.
Large 5-gallon plastic or metal containers are used for bulk or commercial-sized quantities of a wide variety of products including food, paint, and construction materials such as spackling compound. When emptied of their original contents, these containers are sometimes re-used as buckets by consumers. Similar 5-gallon containers are also sold new in stores as large volume household buckets.
Young children's curiosity combined with their crawling and pulling up while learning to walk can lead to danger when buckets are used around the house. The Commission staff believes that these drownings happened when curious children or toddlers crawled to a bucket containing mop water or other liquids for household chores, pulled themselves up and leaned forward to play in the water. When they toppled into the bucket, they were unable to free themselves and drowned.
The 5-gallon bucket is particularly dangerous (even when only partly filled) because its heavier weight makes it more stable than a smaller bucket and unlikely to tip over when a child uses it to pull up. The 5-gallon bucket containers are commonly about half the height of these infants and with several gallons of water, weigh more than most children of that age.
The Commission is interested in learning more about this hazard. If you know about a drowning incident in a bucket or similar product, call the CPSC Hotline at 1-800-638-2772. A teletypewriter for the hearing impaired is available at
OMG! We need to enact background checks on people purchasing pickle buckets!

That is 22.33 children killed by pickle buckets a year!


Kill all the parents! .000000001 parents are a hazard to their children's health!
We have.. It's just that there is no support to prosecute federal gun crime to the extent allowable by law.

Thugs need to be eliminated either by death or a very lengthy incarceration


So basically, to keep doing what you just admitted isn't working. Hell of a plan, son. :lol:

Last April, Harvard University completed a long study.......concluded definitively that......

more guns = less crimes

Here is the full paper >> http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMauseronline.pdf

Stop being a fucking limpwrister.,........and pull up your pants.:D:D:up:


LOL, Your link certainly does not say that "more guns = less crime".

Did you even read your own link or are you just a liar?

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