20 years of US-led Afghan nation-building

Trillion $ spent and all that was achieved was spawning an Army full of faggots being overrun by Taliban within 1 week.

You need to train warriors to be able to stand your ground against these kind of freaks.

If you train fags, result will be total collapse within 1 week.

The real-life Rambo: Brute strength of the Taliban fighter caught on camera as he brandishes TWO machine guns at once​


The real-life Rambo: Brute strength of the Taliban fighter caught on camera as he brandishes TWO machine guns at once​


looks impressive, but they say he's dead. Not a very good strategy. Give me one guy with one gun who knows how to use it.
Theres a reason a single US navy seal can take out 50 insurgents
You wonder why Taliban has overrun the country ?

Can anyone find a country the US has imposed regime change on that has done well out of it?

Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Seems the US govt isn't very good at it, mostly because they only care about their own interests.
Can anyone find a country the US has imposed regime change on that has done well out of it?

Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Seems the US govt isn't very good at it, mostly because they only care about their own interests.

Japan seemed to do pretty well
Can anyone find a country the US has imposed regime change on that has done well out of it?

Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Seems the US govt isn't very good at it, mostly because they only care about their own interests.

So did Germany
looks impressive, but they say he's dead. Not a very good strategy. Give me one guy with one gun who knows how to use it.
Theres a reason a single US navy seal can take out 50 insurgents

He might be dead, but by how things are going in Afghanistan we can assume that for every killed Taliban there'll be enough Afghani/Pakistani to replace the deceased one.

Question is why the USA trained Afghan Army collapsed within 1 week.

I know this thread is provocative, but in the end Afghan Army has collapsed within 1 week against Taliban.

USA lied to its own population about Afghan Army capabilities, their performance is total failure despite receiving 20 years of USA/EU support.
1 week was enough for Taliban to conquer alomst all of Afghanistan.
He might be dead, but by how things are going in Afghanistan we can assume that for every killed Taliban there'll be enough to replace the deceased one.

Question is why USA trained Afghan Army collapsed within 1 week.

I know this thread is provocative, but in the end Afghan Army has collapsed within 1 week against Taliban.

Taliban come into a town... grab the women and children and then the men give up. No one can fight that kind of animal unless they are ready to create widespread destruction.
Without being there its really hard to say... but I can guess there are tribal affiliations that come into play and its hard for any conventional army to fight against an insurgent one who can dissapear into villages and dont really have a military front to fight against.
It's no supprise.
The U.S. did well because of our recon, and thats what that last 2,500 soldiers were there doing that we pulled out before everything fell apart.
A very long time ago.

And because people are so impatient these days... we are going to see thousands more humans die and suffer in Afghanistan. But who cares right? its none of our business right? who cares that many of them bought into the whole freedom thing and even risked their lives to help us?
pulling out of that place still might have been inevitable but it could have been done a bit wiser
Taliban come into a town... grab the women and children and then the men give up. No one can fight that kind of animal unless they are ready to create widespread destruction.
Without being there its really hard to say... but I can guess there are tribal affiliations that come into play and its hard for any conventional army to fight against an insurgent one who can dissapear into villages and dont really have a military front to fight against.
It's no supprise.
The U.S. did well because of our recon, and thats what that last 2,500 soldiers were there doing that we pulled out before everything fell apart.
Tribal, just look at the inner cities of the Progressive Mayor's in charge. Not much difference i can see.
Trillion $ spent and all that was achieved was spawning an Army full of faggots being overrun by Taliban within 1 week.
I remember when I was over there they had an outbreak of gonorrhea in the Afghan Training Wing. Apparently these guyd were just fucking the shit out of each other in their barracks at night.
I guess the Afghan clinic was going through so many antibiotics that NATO was starting to take notice because of the requests.
The French ran the hospital over on the NATO/ISAF side of KAIA and one of the French doctors came over to brief The Afghan AF Wing Commander, Colonel Shafi, about the problem. It went something like this.

French doctor--ehh yes surr...zehr eez a praublem wizz ehhh gonorrhea in your troops. Emmm...we sink zat you shood ehhh geev zem a condom to prevent spreading zis ehh STD.

Colonel Shafi--"confused look" "shakes head no doesn't understand...looks around for assistance"

My Boss--Yes sir...what the doctor is trying to say is that there is an issue with sexually transmitted diseases among your trainees.

Colonel Shafi-- still confused look

My Boss--turns to our interpreter, who was also named Shafi and tells him to explain....but Shafi the interpreter doesn't know WTF we are talking about. "STD" pointing to his crotch....."STD" my boss insists..."STD"..."disease" "Gonorrhea"...over and over

Unknown American--What is Dari for Gonorrhea?

Another American--Google it!

So they finally find the Dari word for Gonorrhea, the interpreter begins laughing, which sends everyone else to laughing and then he explains to Colonel Shafi what gonorrhea is...and Shafi's response will stay with me for all my days

Colonel Shafi: Oh...yes yes yes...this happens when they mix black chai (tea), and white chai ...this happened when I was a very young trainee as well. I will send out an order through Colonel Habibullah telling them to stop mixing these. Anything else?
And with that...he closed the meeting and walked out of the room.

That was Afghanistan.
And because people are so impatient these days... we are going to see thousands more humans die and suffer in Afghanistan. But who cares right? its none of our business right? who cares that many of them bought into the whole freedom thing and even risked their lives to help us?
pulling out of that place still might have been inevitable but it could have been done a bit wiser

Afghanistan has been a problem for western countries that have dared go in. The British, the Soviets and the US. It's that kind of place. These people need to figure things out for themselves. The US isn't a good parent, so why would they need a bad parent? They can learnt to develop their country however they want, or not.
Can anyone find a country the US has imposed regime change on that has done well out of it?

Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Seems the US govt isn't very good at it, mostly because they only care about their own interests.
Yet no one dares say this. In a sane nation, we’d be marching on DC to stop these incessant wars. Unfortunately imperialism and arms industry profits rule the day.
Afghanistan has been a problem for western countries that have dared go in. The British, the Soviets and the US. It's that kind of place. These people need to figure things out for themselves. The US isn't a good parent, so why would they need a bad parent? They can learnt to develop their country however they want, or not.

It's true Afghanistan has been a problem for countries that have decided to venture in, however we had for the most part already pulled out of the country. We only had between 2 - 3 thousand troops left in a supporting role.
That was hardly a problem for us considering the size of our military. SO by everyones logic here, its high time to pull out the 30,000 troops from Korea right?

Its really easy to sit there and say they should figure things out for themselves, but how are you supposed to do that when 14th century terrorists put a gun to the head of your wife and child? There are 2 societies there. One is an emerging society and the other one is retrograde and more violent and its pretty much assured now they will win. We simply needed to leave a few people there who's expertise was invaluable to a government trying to hang on. That wouldnt really be considered being a "parent" it would be more like a friend. We weren't telling them how to live their lives...... so you think its preferable now that Taliban can go from town to town forcing people to give them their 15 year old daughters? hey thats way better! And its way better now that terrorist groups can set up training camp again.
WP: "Washington has notified the Taliban that the absence of attacks against American troops arriving in Kabul, providing for the evacuation of Western missions, will be positively perceived by the international community and taken into account when making decisions on recognizing the power of the Taliban"

Shameful сlowns...

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