2000 mules continues to do real damage.

2000 Mules CONVINCED me that there was election fraud, when:

A) I didn't care before and never looked into it.
B) I voted for Biden.

No one in their right mind can argue against the facts presented in 2000 mules. PERIOD.
The FACTS are so great that not ONE Court in the United States will listen to it.
Corrupt ones.


according to you all every single police department and every single court is the whole country is corrupt.

which just makes you all even bigger jokes than you were before
Who has jurisdiction. Has any police agency asked the film makers for anything

Whatever location the crimes took place in. Why did the filmmakers not take the evidence to the authorities instead of making profit off said evidence?
a low-budget, low earning movie about the lies of the right, Hitler would be so proud.

One of the MAGA folks had the gall to say it was the top grossing documentary of all time! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
NO ONE who has seen the movie debunks it (other then people who are paid to do so).

The reason why the movie was necessary is because NO COURT, including the USSC wants any part of a case that could result in a finding that the election was fixed. THERE IS NO REMEDY. Such a finding would damage the entire election system of the United States. It would result is mortal damage to all political activity in the U.S. It would put us on par with South American banana republics, and no judge or court wants any part of it.

The ONLY good that can come out of this film is a mob-like insistence that THIS NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. No more bullshit, unsubstantiated mail-in ballots. No more ballot harvesting, in any form. No more unwatched ballot boxes - even if people have to volunteer to sit beside the damned things and make sure nobody deposits more than one ballot. No more bullshit in nursing homes.

Every American who is intelligent enough to come in out of the rain knows that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The millions who voted for Biden cling to the Narrative that it was "the most secure election in American history," even though they know that it is a dastardly lie. They believe the Biden won the "popular vote," and therefore stealing the election was the right thing to do.

Leftists are evil.

More proof comes in every day.
When we have a system that will allow it, let me know.
According to that fauxbertarian, the entire system is corrupt and fucked up....EXCEPT for the aspect of it that tells us all that Xiden won the most clean and fair election in Murican history.

Then its completely above reproach.

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