2009 Budget deficit to be largest ever


Europeans, like most of the rest of the world, are freeloading off of US medical research funded by our federal government, states, private foundations, and private sector companies. We would all benefit if they stepped up to the plate and spent on medical research as much as Americans do.

FuturePundit: Policy Medical Archives

yes, this is very true.

now how do you plan to fix it?

the democratic plan was to allow bulk discounts for American bulk purchases too, and to allow us to buy from foreign countries at their already bulk discounted rates that they negotiated.....

this would have lead the pharma industry to renegotiate foreign country prices at a higher cost, to cover the losses they were making off americans alone....

a supposed FREE market, with those foreign purchases allowed by us, and the ability to negotiate bulk purchase discounts which are absolutely normal in any retail purchase of anything from anyone in bulk, would have taken care of THAT problem reeves but the republicans in congress were DEAD SET AGAINST THIS.....why is that? they are in the pockets of PHARMA, i suppose?


Europeans, like most of the rest of the world, are freeloading off of US medical research funded by our federal government, states, private foundations, and private sector companies. We would all benefit if they stepped up to the plate and spent on medical research as much as Americans do.

FuturePundit: Policy Medical Archives

True. And how about China bootlegging and breaking our copywrite laws. They'll actually make a Gucci or Prada product with the name on it and sell it for much less. And they don't pay Gucci or Prada any royalties. CD's, Movies, etc. Unbelievable!

I don't understand why we trade with them when they do this. They should be our enemy.
There'd be less of them.

I'm not really convinced that the mortality/morbidty statistics would get much worse, though.

I am no longer convinced that our medical establishment is actually very healthful to the population, or that another dollar going into the system actually buys another dollar's worth of health care outcomes coming out of the investment.

People would still want to be doctors. And don't assume they'd make less in the new system because a big cost is paperwork/administrative. If we go to single payer, or whatever they call it, the doctor can spend more time on curing/fixing people.

People just assume things are going to happen. Sure, if I don't want everyone insured, then I'm going to scare you on the idea of doing it. That doesn't make it so.
People would still want to be doctors. And don't assume they'd make less in the new system because a big cost is paperwork/administrative.

Sure it is, that is why the last time I went to the doctor when I had no insurance for an ear infection. The doctor saw me for a total of 3 mins, and billed my 350 bucks.

more la la land BS from BOBO.
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He really cannot step back and see how he is so blinded by the extreme partisanship he has and the brainwashed infatuation with socialist and marxist ideals....

Everyone who disagrees with you is a "marxist."

Well, all hail Marx and Lennon.......

Everyone who disagrees with you is a "marxist."

Well, all hail Marx and Lennon.......


When you have and promote far left ideals based on marxism and socialism... chances are it is safe to call someone marxist or socialist in their stances...

just as if you call me conservative in mine, you would be accurate
True. And how about China bootlegging and breaking our copywrite laws. They'll actually make a Gucci or Prada product with the name on it and sell it for much less. And they don't pay Gucci or Prada any royalties. CD's, Movies, etc. Unbelievable!

I don't understand why we trade with them when they do this. They should be our enemy.

Lmao...were talking about healthcare not CD's...blah,blah,blah

What does a Prada bag have to do with affordable healthcare?

Btw I thought Prada bags were made in Italy, how are they breaking our copywrite laws?
There'd be less of them.

I'm not really convinced that the mortality/morbidty statistics would get much worse, though.

I am no longer convinced that our medical establishment is actually very healthful to the population, or that another dollar going into the system actually buys another dollar's worth of health care outcomes coming out of the investment.

It would definetly effect wait times for medical services if there was severe shortage of healthcare professionals though.
yes, this is very true.

now how do you plan to fix it?

the democratic plan was to allow bulk discounts for American bulk purchases too, and to allow us to buy from foreign countries at their already bulk discounted rates that they negotiated.....

this would have lead the pharma industry to renegotiate foreign country prices at a higher cost, to cover the losses they were making off americans alone....

a supposed FREE market, with those foreign purchases allowed by us, and the ability to negotiate bulk purchase discounts which are absolutely normal in any retail purchase of anything from anyone in bulk, would have taken care of THAT problem reeves but the republicans in congress were DEAD SET AGAINST THIS.....why is that? they are in the pockets of PHARMA, i suppose?


Doesn't have anything to do with protecting our citizens from tainted medication huh? So you really want to ingest medicine from say Zimbabwe?
People would still want to be doctors. And don't assume they'd make less in the new system because a big cost is paperwork/administrative. If we go to single payer, or whatever they call it, the doctor can spend more time on curing/fixing people.

People just assume things are going to happen. Sure, if I don't want everyone insured, then I'm going to scare you on the idea of doing it. That doesn't make it so.

Educate yourself then come back and talk intelligently, please? Thank you
Doesn't have anything to do with protecting our citizens from tainted medication huh? So you really want to ingest medicine from say Zimbabwe?

what a simplistic straw man....any security or safety concerns could have easily been overcome....pharma stock rose over 30% in one day, right after the passing of this bill, that should tell us something, no?

does zimbawe negotiate prices with our pharma's or something? why throw that in there reeves?

you know the issue was to be able to buy in bulk from canada... and other EU countries.....

my state for one, before the republicans (illegally) at 3 am in the morning, passed the medicare pill bill, bought its drugs for all of it's medicaid, medicare and some other program's drugs from Canada, costing us tax payers MUCH LESS in taxes than it would have been if bought in the usa....my state also had busses that crossed the border to reputable pharmacies for the citizens, mostly seniors, to take over to canada to get the cheaper drugs....

The stupid fricking republican medicare pill bill stopped all of that and it hit this very poor state already, very hard....

believe me when I say that i do share your concern with the Pharma Industry putting all of their R & D expense on to us in the USA....this is absolutely unfair and unethical in a way, of course in my opinion....

if we could let the free market work and not have legislation in place that prevents the free market from working and prevents us from negotiating for our medicare drugs on the same playing field as all other countries with their negotiations which would bring in a much lower price for them, then our congress's legislation is what is causing our drugs here in the usa to be double more or less, than all of these other countries.

If the Pharma industry had to negotiate prices with us as with the others that make mutual deals with them, then our prices would come down and all other negotiated prices from other countries would go up just slightly to cover it imho....it really should be taken care of and it should be an easy fix...?

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what a simplistic straw man....any security or safety concerns could have easily been overcome....pharma stock rose over 30% in one day, right after the passing of this bill, that should tell us something, no?

does zimbawe negotiate prices with our pharma's or something? why throw that in there reeves?

you know the issue was to be able to buy in bulk from canada... and other EU countries.....

my state for one, before the republicans (illegally) at 3 am in the morning, passed the medicare pill bill, bought its drugs for all of it's medicaid, medicare and some other program's drugs from Canada, costing us tax payers MUCH LESS in taxes than it would have been if bought in the usa....my state also had busses that crossed the border to reputable pharmacies for the citizens, mostly seniors, to take over to canada to get the cheaper drugs....

The stupid fricking republican medicare pill bill stopped all of that and it hit this very poor state already, very hard....

believe me when I say that i do share your concern with the Pharma Industry putting all of their R & D expense on to us in the USA....this is absolutely unfair and unethical in a way, of course in my opinion....

if we could let the free market work and not have legislation in place that prevents the free market from working and prevents us from negotiating for our medicare drugs on the same playing field as all other countries with their negotiations which would bring in a much lower price for them, then our congress's legislation is what is causing our drugs here in the usa to be double more or less, than all of these other countries.

If the Pharma industry had to negotiate prices with us as with the others that make mutual deals with them, then our prices would come down and all other negotiated prices from other countries would go up just slightly to cover it imho....it really should be taken care of and it should be an easy fix...?


BTW I think this was patently stupid...The Medicare Act of 2003

This is why.....

The Senate Medicare Options: Serious Savings or Business as Usual?
Delay in the Medicare Part D entitlement. The drug entitlement is scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2006. In sharp contrast to the rushed consideration of the Medicare drug bill in both the House and Senate, the delay would give Congress the crucial time needed to reconsider and redesign a rational and responsible Medicare drug benefit that is affordable for both seniors and taxpayers. This is simply good public policy. With the enactment of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, congressional leaders, in particular those of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee, imposed an additional $8.7 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities on current and future taxpayers. As the Comptroller General of the United States David Walker remarked this week, the United States simply cannot afford Medicare Part D. Members of Congress have a duty to reconsider and restructure it. A simple delay, according to the Fiscal Watch Team, could produce a broad range of big savings, running anywhere between $40 to $80 billion.
This is why.....

The Senate Medicare Options: Serious Savings or Business as Usual?
Delay in the Medicare Part D entitlement. The drug entitlement is scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2006. In sharp contrast to the rushed consideration of the Medicare drug bill in both the House and Senate, the delay would give Congress the crucial time needed to reconsider and redesign a rational and responsible Medicare drug benefit that is affordable for both seniors and taxpayers. This is simply good public policy. With the enactment of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, congressional leaders, in particular those of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee, imposed an additional $8.7 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities on current and future taxpayers. As the Comptroller General of the United States David Walker remarked this week, the United States simply cannot afford Medicare Part D. Members of Congress have a duty to reconsider and restructure it. A simple delay, according to the Fiscal Watch Team, could produce a broad range of big savings, running anywhere between $40 to $80 billion.

this will be a huge issue for congress, it will be spun by both sides for political posturing and i bet it will be ugly, but i'm sick of it, the act needs major reforms or it will be the single thing that bankrupts us....imho.
this will be a huge issue for congress, it will be spun by both sides for political posturing and i bet it will be ugly, but i'm sick of it, the act needs major reforms or it will be the single thing that bankrupts us....imho.

I would go one step further all the entitlements will....
Our government has made promises they can't possibly keep, even if we cut spending pretty drastically we couldn't pay for these programs. It will get real ugly, give it about 20 to 30 years....
I would go one step further all the entitlements will....
Our government has made promises they can't possibly keep, even if we cut spending pretty drastically we couldn't pay for these programs. It will get real ugly, give it about 20 to 30 years....

well, i wouldn't go that far.... some things can be fixed, if we put our minds to it.....though i don't see congress having the fortitude to tackle it... :(
well, i wouldn't go that far.... some things can be fixed, if we put our minds to it.....though i don't see congress having the fortitude to tackle it... :(

Unfortunately it is too politically sensitive, they are cowards or realist. But Americans need to demand them to tackle it. If not, our country will go bankrupt or we will have poor and elderly people dying in the streets...

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