2009 Budget deficit to be largest ever

I would go one step further all the entitlements will....
Our government has made promises they can't possibly keep, even if we cut spending pretty drastically we couldn't pay for these programs. It will get real ugly, give it about 20 to 30 years....

That's why we need a single payer system, because it is costs half as much and does the job just as well.
That's why we need a single payer system, because it is costs half as much and does the job just as well.

A single payer system would reap the same benefits as these programs. Except having promises to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security that we can't pay for, we would multiply the problem by adding an inefficient single payer system.
a Single Payer System Would Reap The Same Benefits As These Programs. Except Having Promises To Medicare, Medicaid And Social Security That We Can't Pay For, We Would Multiply The Problem By Adding An Inefficient Single Payer System.

Every other Western democracy has universal healthcare, and they pay half what we pay for healthcare, and their healthcare is as good as ours.
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Every other Western democracy has universal healthcare, and they pay half what we pay for healthcare, and their healthcare is as good as ours.

1) They aren't facing the impending fiscal problems that we are in for.
2) It is extremely debatable that our healthcare isn't better than the rest of the world, when taken in a wholistic approach.
3) Universal healthcare would reduce the amount of money that is currently being spent on medical R&D
4) Our government has proven over and over that it is extremely inefficient
5) Universal healthcare would produce doctor shortages
6) Universal healthcare would impose taxes that would shrink the economy
7) Government would decide which treatments and drugs it would pay for. Therefore limiting medical choices.... Now I know your rebuttal, insurance companies now decide those things but alot of employer offered insurance packages offer more than one provider, which allows more choice
8) You would likely impose people to waiting for medical services
and more consquences....
1) They aren't facing the impending fiscal problems that we are in for.
2) It is extremely debatable that our healthcare isn't better than the rest of the world, when taken in a wholistic approach.
3) Universal healthcare would reduce the amount of money that is currently being spent on medical R&D
4) Our government has proven over and over that it is extremely inefficient
5) Universal healthcare would produce doctor shortages
6) Universal healthcare would impose taxes that would shrink the economy
7) Government would decide which treatments and drugs it would pay for. Therefore limiting medical choices.... Now I know your rebuttal, insurance companies now decide those things but alot of employer offered insurance packages offer more than one provider, which allows more choice
8) You would likely impose people to waiting for medical services
and more consquences....

Universal healthcare works in every other Western democracy in the world. The Germans have had it since 1880!

You just admited that our system will fail soon.

Now admit that the rest of the world is smarter than we are.
Universal healthcare works in every other Western democracy in the world. The Germans have had it since 1880!

You just admited that our system will fail soon.

Now admit that the rest of the world is smarter than we are.

Where did I say that the American medical industry will fail soon? I said our government has spent and promised us into an impending crisis. This seems to support why we don't entrust our healthcare to the government.
True. And how about China bootlegging and breaking our copywrite laws. They'll actually make a Gucci or Prada product with the name on it and sell it for much less. And they don't pay Gucci or Prada any royalties. CD's, Movies, etc. Unbelievable!

I don't understand why we trade with them when they do this. They should be our enemy.

WE are not trading with them.

SOME corporations are.

WE are not the corporations.

I know you know this, Seal, but it behooves us to remind ourselves of that simple fact periodically.

The government allows this trade policy because SOME CORPORATIONS do very well as a result of it.

The rest of America, as far as they are concerned, does not matter.
Universal healthcare in other countries is not with as high of a standard and quality as we have. We have the greatest health facilities, the greatest medical education, the greatest advances in medical technology, and the greatest doctors in all of the world.... Now we await the typical response by ones such as Kirk with WHO ratings... All the while he neglects to accept that personal well being is on that person and when people do not do what it takes to take care of themselves and get the treatment they want or need, it is not government's fault

For the billionth time.... government is not your mommy... government is not and should not be an insurance company... government is not there to ensure that those who earn more are forced to pay for those who do not... the government is not Robin Hood.... nobody is owed personal care by the government... anyone who wants an insurance play best pay for it out of pocket, or have it as a benefit of their employment where their worth as a producer or contributor affords them the benefit of a company wishing to contribute to their heathcare expenses
Universal healthcare in other countries is not with as high of a standard and quality as we have. We have the greatest health facilities, the greatest medical education, the greatest advances in medical technology, and the greatest doctors in all of the world.... Now we await the typical response by ones such as Kirk with WHO ratings... All the while he neglects to accept that personal well being is on that person and when people do not do what it takes to take care of themselves and get the treatment they want or need, it is not government's fault

For the billionth time.... government is not your mommy... government is not and should not be an insurance company... government is not there to ensure that those who earn more are forced to pay for those who do not... the government is not Robin Hood.... nobody is owed personal care by the government... anyone who wants an insurance play best pay for it out of pocket, or have it as a benefit of their employment where their worth as a producer or contributor affords them the benefit of a company wishing to contribute to their heathcare expenses

So you favor a privatization of the fire department and police?
For the billionth time.... government is not your mommy... government is not and should not be an insurance company... government is not there to ensure that those who earn more are forced to pay for those who do not... the government is not Robin Hood.... nobody is owed personal care by the government... anyone who wants an insurance play best pay for it out of pocket, or have it as a benefit of their employment where their worth as a producer or contributor affords them the benefit of a company wishing to contribute to their heathcare expenses

But if somebody attacks the property of an American corporation in some foreign land, then by GOD the government becomes their DADDY quickly enough eh?

And who do they send to protect those interests, DD?

The very same people you think the government has no vested interest in helping to survive in this modern complex economy of ours.

Can't have it both ways, pal.

The government is either for the people and the corporations or it's not.

Your choice.

You want a laisse fare economy?

Okay, see how quickly this economy would fall apart if we really had one.

The RICHEST AMONG US benefit most from having a totalitarian goverment, sport.

Keeping we the sheeple alive, so we can breed the future's Hessians for the military seems like a sensible plan to me.
But if somebody attacks the property of an American corporation in some foreign land, then by GOD the government becomes their DADDY quickly enough eh?

And who do they send to protect those interests, DD?

The very same people you think the government has no vested interest in helping to survive in this modern complex economy of ours.

Can't have it both ways, pal.

The government is either for the people and the corporations or it's not.

Your choice.

You want a laisse fare economy?

Okay, see how quickly this economy would fall apart if we really had one.

The RICHEST AMONG US benefit most from having a totalitarian goverment, sport.

Keeping we the sheeple alive, so we can breed the future's Hessians for the military seems like a sensible plan to me.

No... if someone attacks a citizen of our country or citizens of our country, then as the charge of national defense, I agree with the country coming to defense....

if a multi-national company is milked of all it's monies by another government, then that is a result of the choice of that company to have businesses and business relations in that country

I am not for the richest of us, I am not for the poorest of us... I am for the freedom for us to become what our abilities and our decisions allow us to become.... I take my freedom and the concept of government based on freedoms, liberties, and personal responsibility very seriously... sport
So you favor a privatization of the fire department and police?

I have seen private security and fire departments in communities where I have lived.... and they did good jobs...

But in terms of the police... the police are there to enforce and protect via the laws of the land.... that is a service and charge of the government to do so...

So while I can accept private police in a community that wishes to employ them for additional security, I do not think that private police can be used for government law enforcement...

As for fire companies... if communities, counties, cities, etc wish to go the private route... no problem with me
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No... if someone attacks a citizen of our country or citizens of our country, then as the charge of national defense, I agree with the country coming to defense....

if a multi-national company is milked of all it's monies by another government, then that is a result of the choice of that company to have businesses and business relations in that country

I am not for the richest of us, I am not for the poorest of us... I am for the freedom for us to become what our abilities and our decisions allow us to become.... I take my freedom and the concept of government based on freedoms, liberties, and personal responsibility very seriously... sport

You can be for something so much that you are blinded by others who use that thing to push a completely different agenda. I think you are so into freedom that you don't see the people you support are slowly taking it away from you.
You can be for something so much that you are blinded by others who use that thing to push a completely different agenda. I think you are so into freedom that you don't see the people you support are slowly taking it away from you.

I support those who are more on the side of freedom, over those who are more on the side of socialism....

I support the conservative agenda... I do not worship or blindly think that all the politicians I vote for will do everything correctly... but I will continue to look for those who DO strive for the ideals I hold dear and the ideals I swore to defend as a soldier...

And you best look twice at those you are supporting who are against the freedoms... who are openly looking to replace those freedoms with elitist government control with a socialist theme
I support those who are more on the side of freedom, over those who are more on the side of socialism....

I support the conservative agenda... I do not worship or blindly think that all the politicians I vote for will do everything correctly... but I will continue to look for those who DO strive for the ideals I hold dear and the ideals I swore to defend as a soldier...

And you best look twice at those you are supporting who are against the freedoms... who are openly looking to replace those freedoms with elitist government control with a socialist theme

Bobo is one of the elitist, I can not tell you how many times he has attacked me for being a truck driver. He looks down on anyone who does not make as much money as him. He thinks he knows best. Just like the Dems in congress. To hell with what the people who elected us want. we Know best. Thats their way.
I support those who are more on the side of freedom, over those who are more on the side of socialism....

I support the conservative agenda... I do not worship or blindly think that all the politicians I vote for will do everything correctly... but I will continue to look for those who DO strive for the ideals I hold dear and the ideals I swore to defend as a soldier...

And you best look twice at those you are supporting who are against the freedoms... who are openly looking to replace those freedoms with elitist government control with a socialist theme

Freedoms? What freedoms? The freedom to listen in on our phone calls? The freedom to torture? The freedom to hold people without trial? The freedom to bankrupt the country?
WE are not trading with them.

SOME corporations are.

WE are not the corporations.

I know you know this, Seal, but it behooves us to remind ourselves of that simple fact periodically.

The government allows this trade policy because SOME CORPORATIONS do very well as a result of it.

The rest of America, as far as they are concerned, does not matter.

One thing you absolutely MUST understand about today's world. The "little guy" does not matter, has never mattered, and NEVER WILL matter. So stop whining about them. The people that matter are those that have the skills, money and backing to influence policy. The rest are meaningless sheep with NO power.

And that has always been and always will be a GOOD thing....
Freedoms? What freedoms? The freedom to listen in on our phone calls? The freedom to torture? The freedom to hold people without trial? The freedom to bankrupt the country?

Sure thing, the ONLY case of the US abusing the system was ruled unacceptable by the Supreme Court. So NO American citizen is in any danger of being held without a trial or the right to a lawyer or the right to have a bond hearing. No American Citizen is tortured and if they are abused the Court punishes the law enforcement officers that do it. As for listening in, they can not use anything they hear in a court of law without a warrant, so your rights have not been denied. Further it is very specific as to what and why they listen.

And as for Bankrupt, I suggest you call your Democratic Congressman and complain that they have approved a Budget that is so out of whack with what we have coming in. CONGRESS, not the President , creates the Budget. Last I checked, Congress is controlled by the Democrats. Pelosi won't allow a vote on drilling but she had no problem passing through a budget that is 400 billion dollars short of the money they have coming in.
Sure thing, the ONLY case of the US abusing the system was ruled unacceptable by the Supreme Court. So NO American citizen is in any danger of being held without a trial or the right to a lawyer or the right to have a bond hearing. No American Citizen is tortured and if they are abused the Court punishes the law enforcement officers that do it. As for listening in, they can not use anything they hear in a court of law without a warrant, so your rights have not been denied. Further it is very specific as to what and why they listen.

And as for Bankrupt, I suggest you call your Democratic Congressman and complain that they have approved a Budget that is so out of whack with what we have coming in. CONGRESS, not the President , creates the Budget. Last I checked, Congress is controlled by the Democrats. Pelosi won't allow a vote on drilling but she had no problem passing through a budget that is 400 billion dollars short of the money they have coming in.

I disagree.

Just because they can't use what they listen in on without warrent in court, DOES NOT MEAN that they are NOT violating our right to privacy....period.

I disagree.

Just because they can't use what they listen in on without warrent in court, DOES NOT MEAN that they are NOT violating our right to privacy....period.


You have no "right to privacy" on open air lines that ANYONE with a scanner can intercept.

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