2011 9th Warmest Year in Satellite Record

Ah yes, the moldy old denier cult myths - "warming stopped in 1998' & 'temperatures flat for last decade'.

Global warming greatest in past decade
September 1, 2008

Researchers confirm that surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were warmer over the last 10 years than any time during the last 1300 years, and, if the climate scientists include the somewhat controversial data derived from tree-ring records, the warming is anomalous for at least 1700 years.

"Some have argued that tree-ring data is unacceptable for this type of study," says Michael Mann, associate professor of meteorology and geosciences and director of Penn State's Earth System Science Center. "Now we can eliminate tree rings and still have enough data from other so-called 'proxies' to derive a long-term Northern Hemisphere temperature record." The proxies used by the researchers included information from marine and lake sediment cores, ice cores, coral cores and tree rings. "We looked at a much expanded database and our methods are more sophisticated than those used previously," says Mann.

What has global warming done since 1998?
Last updated on 18 December 2011

To claim global warming stopped in 1998 overlooks one simple physical reality - the land and atmosphere are just a small fraction of the Earth's climate (albeit the part we inhabit). The entire planet is accumulating heat due to an energy imbalance. The atmosphere is warming. Oceans are accumulating energy. Land absorbs energy and ice absorbs heat to melt. To get the full picture on global warming, you need to view the Earth's entire heat content.

This analysis is performed in An observationally based energy balance for the Earth since 1950 (Murphy 2009) which adds up heat content from the ocean, atmosphere, land and ice. To calculate the Earth's total heat content, the authors used data of ocean heat content from the upper 700 metres. They included heat content from deeper waters down to 3000 metres depth. They computed atmospheric heat content using the surface temperature record and the heat capacity of the troposphere. Land and ice heat content (the energy required to melt ice) were also included.


Figure 1: Total Earth Heat Content anomaly from 1950 (Murphy 2009). Ocean data taken from Domingues et al 2008. Land + Atmosphere includes the heat absorbed to melt ice.

A look at the Earth's total heat content clearly shows global warming has continued past 1998. The planet is still accumulating heat. So why do surface temperature records show 1998 as the hottest year on record? We see in Figure 1 that the heat capacity of the land and atmosphere is small compared to the ocean. Hence, relatively small exchanges of heat between the atmosphere and ocean can cause significant changes in surface temperature.

In 1998, an abnormally strong El Nino caused heat transfer from the Pacific Ocean to the atmosphere. Consequently, we experienced above average surface temperatures. Conversely, the last few years have seen moderate La Nina conditions which had a cooling effect on global temperatures. And the last few months have swung back to warmer El Nino conditions. This has coincided with the warmest June-August sea surface temperatures on record. This internal variation where heat is shuffled around our climate is the reason why surface temperature is such a noisy signal.

CO2 is definitely more important than either one of those in the long term. CO2 levels can keep increasing indefinitely and the greenhouse effects will get greater. Cloud cover can both reflect sunlight away from the Earth and trap heat energy underneath them (clear winter nights are much colder than cloud covered winter nights) and the ENSO variations just move the heat around between the atmosphere and the oceans. Rising CO2 levels will inevitably trap even more heat energy in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans.

I'm more interested in what the professional climate scientists "think" than what some confused and deluded random bystander like yourself "thinks". That you are in fact a deluded tool of the fossil fuel industry is clearly revealed by your use of the idiotic and meaningless denier cult phrase: "CO2 cul-de-sac". The fact that you deny the scientifically established physics of greenhouse gases shows you to be just another anti-science righwingnut clueless denier dupe.

I am more interested in what the data say than in the exaggerated and distorted thoughts and conclusions of some of the 'professional climate scientists'.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......very revealing, Iamnuts. Since you've repeatedly demonstrated that you're rather ignorant about science and would thus have no ability whatsoever to understand raw "data", what you're really saying is that you'd rather believe the lies and distortions coming from the non-scientists who are pushing the fossil fuel industry's propaganda line because they tell you what you want to hear. It isn't "some of the 'professional climate scientists'" (or, in other words, the top experts in this field) whose conclusions you reject, numbnuts, it is virtually all of them and their conclusions are based on the laws of physics and the mountains of observations and data collected from many sources by scientists from all around the world. Your idiotic notion that the "conclusions" that the world scientific community have reached are "exaggerated and distorted" is itself an artifact of the propaganda campaign that has you so bamboozled and confused.

I don't really care if you are "interested" or not, you poor deluded fool. Those phrases are valid descriptions of you and your absurd anti-science positions on this topic so I will continue to use them to point out the truth about your pretensions about 'arguing the science'.

No, Iamnuts, I know you are duped and deluded. I, on the other hand, accept the testimony of the world's science community and the experts in the fields of climate science which overwhelmingly supports the reality of AGW. I understand and accept the enormous body of evidence collected by the world scientific community over the last half century that indicates the reality and dangers of anthropogenic global warming/climate changes. It is you denier cult nutjobs who "credulously believe" the biased anti-science drivel spewed by propagandists like Watts, while simultaneously rejecting the testimony of the vast majority of the real climate scientists.


ie- is this graph reasonable or is it emotionally affecting you to come to erroneous conclusions?
What an absolutely idiotic question. The graph used scientific measurements of the increase in the heat content of the atmosphere and oceans measured in Joules. It is your fervent beliefs in your denier cult fantasies that are "emotionally affecting you to come to erroneous conclusions".

you have to examine the labelling of the x and y axis and the positioning of the origin. if the intent was to show that the heat content of the atmosphere is miniscule compared to the oceans then it is alright. but if it is trying to show the relative increase of heat content of the oceans it is wildly deceiving.
Rather than making really stupid claims, dufus, how about presenting some evidence that the heat content of the oceans hasn't increased by the amounts shown in that graph. Oh, that's right, you can't, 'cause you're just blowing smoke out your ass.

Ocean heat content increases update

Your link to ocean temps is a bit dated.
I am more interested in what the data say than in the exaggerated and distorted thoughts and conclusions of some of the 'professional climate scientists'.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......very revealing, Iamnuts. Since you've repeatedly demonstrated that you're rather ignorant about science and would thus have no ability whatsoever to understand raw "data", what you're really saying is that you'd rather believe the lies and distortions coming from the non-scientists who are pushing the fossil fuel industry's propaganda line because they tell you what you want to hear. It isn't "some of the 'professional climate scientists'" (or, in other words, the top experts in this field) whose conclusions you reject, numbnuts, it is virtually all of them and their conclusions are based on the laws of physics and the mountains of observations and data collected from many sources by scientists from all around the world. Your idiotic notion that the "conclusions" that the world scientific community have reached are "exaggerated and distorted" is itself an artifact of the propaganda campaign that has you so bamboozled and confused.

I don't really care if you are "interested" or not, you poor deluded fool. Those phrases are valid descriptions of you and your absurd anti-science positions on this topic so I will continue to use them to point out the truth about your pretensions about 'arguing the science'.

No, Iamnuts, I know you are duped and deluded. I, on the other hand, accept the testimony of the world's science community and the experts in the fields of climate science which overwhelmingly supports the reality of AGW. I understand and accept the enormous body of evidence collected by the world scientific community over the last half century that indicates the reality and dangers of anthropogenic global warming/climate changes. It is you denier cult nutjobs who "credulously believe" the biased anti-science drivel spewed by propagandists like Watts, while simultaneously rejecting the testimony of the vast majority of the real climate scientists.

What an absolutely idiotic question. The graph used scientific measurements of the increase in the heat content of the atmosphere and oceans measured in Joules. It is your fervent beliefs in your denier cult fantasies that are "emotionally affecting you to come to erroneous conclusions".

you have to examine the labelling of the x and y axis and the positioning of the origin. if the intent was to show that the heat content of the atmosphere is miniscule compared to the oceans then it is alright. but if it is trying to show the relative increase of heat content of the oceans it is wildly deceiving.
Rather than making really stupid claims, dufus, how about presenting some evidence that the heat content of the oceans hasn't increased by the amounts shown in that graph. Oh, that's right, you can't, 'cause you're just blowing smoke out your ass.

Ocean heat content increases update

Your link to ocean temps is a bit dated.

Your link to reality expired a long time ago.
Very good article on this subject.

http://pangea.stanford.edu/~jlpayne/Knoll et al 2007 EPSL Permian Triassic paleophysiology.pdf


Paleophysiology and end-Permian mass extinction

Andrew H. Knoll a,⁎, Richard K. Bambach b, Jonathan L. Payne c,
Sara Pruss a, Woodward W. Fischer d
a Department of Organimsic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138, USA
b Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560, USA
c Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA
d Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, USA
Received 13 October 2006; received in revised form 17 January 2007; accepted 6 February 2007
Editor: A.N. Halliday
Available online 11 February 2007

It's nice they acknowledge the existence of the bolide evidence but then they completely ignore the SO2 constituent of the Siberian Traps (other then as a passing acid rain reference) while focusing an inordinant amount of time on the CO2 released. When you go into a paper with a predetermined result wanted...you'll invariably get it.

LOL. Didn't bother to read it, just skimmed it. And came to totally erroneous conclusions about what the article said.

SO2 forms aerosols in the stratosphere that reflect light, cooling the atmosphere.

TEMIS -- Sulphur dioxide (SO2) -- introduction

Sulphur dioxide in troposphere and stratosphere
The lifetime of sulphur dioxide molecules in the troposphere is a few days. The amount is highly variable, above a low background concentration.
It is removed from the troposphere in gas phase by formation of suphuric acid, which forms condensation nuclei for aerosols and clouds and acidifies the rain;
directly, by way of an uptake on aerosols and clouds, which leads to dry and wet acid depositions.
Clean continental air contains less than 1 ppb of sulphur dioxide, which corresponds to a total column density < 0.2 Dobson Units (DU) in a boundary layer of 2 km.
The lifetime of sulphur dioxide molecules in the stratosphere, on the other hand, is several weeks, during which is produces sulphate aerosols. This makes sulphur dioxide from volcanos one of the two most important sources of stratospheric aerosols.
Very good article on this subject.

http://pangea.stanford.edu/~jlpayne/Knoll et al 2007 EPSL Permian Triassic paleophysiology.pdf


Paleophysiology and end-Permian mass extinction

Andrew H. Knoll a,&#8270;, Richard K. Bambach b, Jonathan L. Payne c,
Sara Pruss a, Woodward W. Fischer d
a Department of Organimsic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138, USA
b Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560, USA
c Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA
d Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, USA
Received 13 October 2006; received in revised form 17 January 2007; accepted 6 February 2007
Editor: A.N. Halliday
Available online 11 February 2007

It's nice they acknowledge the existence of the bolide evidence but then they completely ignore the SO2 constituent of the Siberian Traps (other then as a passing acid rain reference) while focusing an inordinant amount of time on the CO2 released. When you go into a paper with a predetermined result wanted...you'll invariably get it.

LOL. Didn't bother to read it, just skimmed it. And came to totally erroneous conclusions about what the article said.

SO2 forms aerosols in the stratosphere that reflect light, cooling the atmosphere.

TEMIS -- Sulphur dioxide (SO2) -- introduction

Sulphur dioxide in troposphere and stratosphere
The lifetime of sulphur dioxide molecules in the troposphere is a few days. The amount is highly variable, above a low background concentration.
It is removed from the troposphere in gas phase by formation of suphuric acid, which forms condensation nuclei for aerosols and clouds and acidifies the rain;
directly, by way of an uptake on aerosols and clouds, which leads to dry and wet acid depositions.
Clean continental air contains less than 1 ppb of sulphur dioxide, which corresponds to a total column density < 0.2 Dobson Units (DU) in a boundary layer of 2 km.
The lifetime of sulphur dioxide molecules in the stratosphere, on the other hand, is several weeks, during which is produces sulphate aerosols. This makes sulphur dioxide from volcanos one of the two most important sources of stratospheric aerosols.

Actually I read it all the way through and they mentioned SO2 twice I believe. CO2 is mentioned over twenty times and H2S is mentioned I think 6 times. Based on empirical data that we have loads of the SO2 content is far more powerful then the CO2 component. Particulate matter is not so much a concern with flood basalts as those type of eruptions are fairly quiescent.

Even minor eruptions cause immediate and measurable DECREASES in temperature. It only is logical that eruptions of the past will act the same as those we have today. They are the same after all.
Why dont you guys stick to a science subject that the average person cares about???
Not everyone is as extremely reality-challenged as you are, kookster. And BTW, hate to break it to you but you are faaaaaar from "average", kookster, and not in a good direction.
Why dont you guys stick to a science subject that the average person cares about???
Not everyone is as extremely reality-challenged as you are, kookster. And BTW, hate to break it to you but you are faaaaaar from "average", kookster, and not in a good direction.

And yet, he's far closer to average (on the good side) then you ever will be!:lol::lol::lol:
Why dont you guys stick to a science subject that the average person cares about???
Not everyone is as extremely reality-challenged as you are, kookster. And BTW, hate to break it to you but you are faaaaaar from "average", kookster, and not in a good direction.
And yet, he's far closer to average (on the good side) then you ever will be!
But you only say that because your link to reality expired a long time ago, walleyedretard. Now, as always, you have absolutely no frigging idea what is going on. In fact, you're almost as reality-challenged as the kookster and he's certifiably insane and probably posting from the day room of the funny farm.
Not everyone is as extremely reality-challenged as you are, kookster. And BTW, hate to break it to you but you are faaaaaar from "average", kookster, and not in a good direction.
And yet, he's far closer to average (on the good side) then you ever will be!
But you only say that because your link to reality expired a long time ago, walleyedretard. Now, as always, you have absolutely no frigging idea what is going on. In fact, you're almost as reality-challenged as the kookster and he's certifiably insane and probably posting from the day room of the funny farm.

Yeah, we know. And we're still winning the argument. That must just make you feel all goooey inside huh?:lol::lol::lol:
And yet, he's far closer to average (on the good side) then you ever will be!
But you only say that because your link to reality expired a long time ago, walleyedretard. Now, as always, you have absolutely no frigging idea what is going on. In fact, you're almost as reality-challenged as the kookster and he's certifiably insane and probably posting from the day room of the funny farm.
Yeah, we know. And we're still winning the argument. That must just make you feel all goooey inside huh?
LOLOL.....always amusing to realize that you're so lost in your delusional denier cult belief system that you imagine that you're winning some argument, in rightwingnut bizarro world I suppose. In the real world, nations and businesses are moving to deal with the climate change crisis in one way or another. In the real world, your futile denial of reality won't stop the physical changes we're collectively creating on our planet.
But you only say that because your link to reality expired a long time ago, walleyedretard. Now, as always, you have absolutely no frigging idea what is going on. In fact, you're almost as reality-challenged as the kookster and he's certifiably insane and probably posting from the day room of the funny farm.
Yeah, we know. And we're still winning the argument. That must just make you feel all goooey inside huh?
LOLOL.....always amusing to realize that you're so lost in your delusional denier cult belief system that you imagine that you're winning some argument, in rightwingnut bizarro world I suppose. In the real world, nations and businesses are moving to deal with the climate change crisis in one way or another. In the real world, your futile denial of reality won't stop the physical changes we're collectively creating on our planet.

Sure thing silly person! You keep telling yourself that. The world is abandoning your scaremongering. You can't frighten the savages anymore because they don't believe your BS anymore.

another gay thread about a topic that brings yawns in 2012............

Relative to the public at large, nobody cares about this shit anymore!!!

Don't speak for others. You are obviously out of touch.

Oh, I almost forgot... you get your inspriation from "DA BUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

haha.. idiot
The globe is supposed to be warming up. It will continue to warm up until the next ice age.

Whats the big deal?
The globe is supposed to be warming up. It will continue to warm up until the next ice age.

Whats the big deal?

Well, I guess it wouldn't seem like a big deal to someone as completely clueless as you obviously are. But your idiotic non-comprehension is your own problem. The adults of the world will continue to deal with this without you.
Yeah, we know. And we're still winning the argument. That must just make you feel all goooey inside huh?
LOLOL.....always amusing to realize that you're so lost in your delusional denier cult belief system that you imagine that you're winning some argument, in rightwingnut bizarro world I suppose. In the real world, nations and businesses are moving to deal with the climate change crisis in one way or another. In the real world, your futile denial of reality won't stop the physical changes we're collectively creating on our planet.
Sure thing silly person! You keep telling yourself that. The world is abandoning your scaremongering. You can't frighten the savages anymore because they don't believe your BS anymore. Loser!

Sticking to your denier cult myths to the bitter end, eh walleyedretard? Reality denial might work for a time in the political arena but reality always bitch-slaps you in the end, you poor deluded fool.
The globe is supposed to be warming up. It will continue to warm up until the next ice age.

Whats the big deal?

How fast and why are the questions. How can we keep putting more CO2 into the atmosphere in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year and not expect to have an effect? The big deal is that with normal warming the pace is slower and species have time to adapt. The current rise in GHGs is at a pace that we can't taske the past as a template for the future, because the only time its gone up faster was during periods of natural catatrophes.
LOLOL.....always amusing to realize that you're so lost in your delusional denier cult belief system that you imagine that you're winning some argument, in rightwingnut bizarro world I suppose. In the real world, nations and businesses are moving to deal with the climate change crisis in one way or another. In the real world, your futile denial of reality won't stop the physical changes we're collectively creating on our planet.
Sure thing silly person! You keep telling yourself that. The world is abandoning your scaremongering. You can't frighten the savages anymore because they don't believe your BS anymore. Loser!

Sticking to your denier cult myths to the bitter end, eh walleyedretard? Reality denial might work for a time in the political arena but reality always bitch-slaps you in the end, you poor deluded fool.

Yep, I certainly will continue to follow the scientific method (which the alarmists abandoned decades ago) and strive for a better understanding of the world around us (the alarmists don't care...they just want our money) so that we may be better stewards of the planet (unlike the alarmists who regularly shoot first and aim later resulting in billions of environmental damage and poisoned water wells in one well known case) so that all the critters can live in harmony.

Harmony, the alarmists don't believe in nor want harmony, they are extremists with all of the negative meaning that that adjective entails.
The globe is supposed to be warming up. It will continue to warm up until the next ice age.

Whats the big deal?

How fast and why are the questions. How can we keep putting more CO2 into the atmosphere in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year and not expect to have an effect? The big deal is that with normal warming the pace is slower and species have time to adapt. The current rise in GHGs is at a pace that we can't taske the past as a template for the future, because the only time its gone up faster was during periods of natural catatrophes.

And yet, with all the CO2 we're supposedly pumping into the atmosphere, the only way the alarmists can keep trotting out those "hottest year evah" BS is by falsifying the historical record. The fact remains that the planets global temp has risen .7C in 1,000 years. The fact remains the MWP and the RWP saw temps at least 2.5C warmer then we are now.

The facts keep biting you in the ass.
LOLOL.....always amusing to realize that you're so lost in your delusional denier cult belief system that you imagine that you're winning some argument, in rightwingnut bizarro world I suppose. In the real world, nations and businesses are moving to deal with the climate change crisis in one way or another. In the real world, your futile denial of reality won't stop the physical changes we're collectively creating on our planet.
Sure thing silly person! You keep telling yourself that. The world is abandoning your scaremongering. You can't frighten the savages anymore because they don't believe your BS anymore. Loser!

Sticking to your denier cult myths to the bitter end, eh walleyedretard? Reality denial might work for a time in the political arena but reality always bitch-slaps you in the end, you poor deluded fool.

You could silence the repetition all of the denier myths by simply proving your assertion whatever that might be.

You may proceed.
Why dont you guys stick to a science subject that the average person cares about???
Not everyone is as extremely reality-challenged as you are, kookster. And BTW, hate to break it to you but you are faaaaaar from "average", kookster, and not in a good direction.

How ironic??

Actually..........the only thing I deal with in here is reality. The science hobbyists can debate temperatures and glaciers from now until the cows come home. I couldnt give a shit, frankly. All I care about is that at the end of the day, the "consensus" isnt leading my country to ecomomic devestation due to embracing green energy. And on that count........my reality is the ONLY reality.

Really............the only thing that brought me in this forum in the first place was the spectre of Cap and Trade, which was still in play back 3 years ago. Now?

Dead as a doornail:boobies::boobies::fu:

So where exactly is the science "consensus" mattering s0n??? THATS the reality:eusa_dance: in the minds of anybody except the fringe nut environmental radicals..........who are a small percentage of our population. THATS the reality.:eusa_dance:

What I care about is that the public.........for several years now..........is yawning about the "consensus" and the bomb throwing. How do I know? Because if they cared, we'd be seeing all kinds of progressive environmental legislation on the environment related to global warming. But waht are we seeing? DICK.......and THATS the reality:eusa_dance:

In fact, I couldnt be laughing any harder these days watching the environmental nutters knock themselves out in the nether-regions of the internet like they are part of this huge groundswell of public sentiment that global warming is coming to kill us!! In fact.....in 2011, its become the water cooler comedy central and a complete reverse from 2006.

Nobody has more fun in this forum than me, particularly when newcomers come in here and see nothing but hyper-bomb throwing from the radicals?? Indeed........reasonable people know the markings of the extremeist k00ks like Rolling Thunder. Like in any forum, when the response is always the mental meltdown rant filled with personal hate if you dont agree, its a neon sign for "Im a hyper-activist k00k!!!"


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