2012 election the year that proved the TEA party is a sham

Yes he did but he did not go away from his Conservative Facade until the democrats came to town.

so the democrats "made" him do it?

No he just used them he was what he was all the time.

are you saying that he tricked many republican voters into thinking he was a conservative so they would vote him into office? twice. if so, how do we know republican voters won't be tricked again?
Yep. There have been a lot of "movements" over my very short life span of 36 years, and not one of them has really amounted to much. The 2-party system means you always end up voting for a compromise candidate in some form or another. And once that happens, then its hard to stay enthusiastic.

Think about how little influence the old Religious Right, Moral Majority, etc wing of the GOP party has now. Come primary season they can typically swing a few states for their candidate of choice, but they lack the power to actually carry those guys through to even the VP slot. Huckabee, Santorum, etc. They all fade out. And those guys used to hold the leash of the GOP for a while there prior to Newt's Republican Revolution.

That's what's happening to the TEA Party and OWS. For a while there they looked like they'd be the political force dictating what the Left and Right would do for at least a generation. Now the TEA Party is selling out to Newt and the OWS is on its way to being a footnote in the history books.

Of course that's what happens. Our institutional rules create a system where only two candidates are viable. The parties keep themselves in those two slots by absorbing any potential rivals.

Short of Constitutional Convention, how do we fix this?

I know that the Electoral College is definitely part of the problem. With the way that system works a third party candidate carrying 30% of the vote ends up completely shut out. I know that on the Congressional level, it is possible to run and win with a 3rd party, but at the Presidential level?....

There are times I'm willing to consider scrapping all this and going with a variation on a Parliamentary system.

It's not really possible to win as a third party at the Congressional level either. Two parties the natural outcome of a first-past-the-post system. Even a parliamentary system, if it's first-past-the-post, will result in two parties alternating in power. Look at Britain. Does anyone outside of the Tories or Labour have a legit shot at capturing a majority?
Really? That's interesting.

So you're saying that everything he did before 2006 was perfectly acceptable to you?

and tell me, what was it that he did after 2006 that was particularly different from pre-2006.

As for spending he spent but he started spending like a drunken sailor when the democrats took control because CONGRESS not the president authorizes spending.

He had a Republican-controlled Congress for half of his eight years. He had a Republican-cntrolled House for 6 years. Medicare Part D was passed in 2006, when his party had both houses.

Part D passed in 2003 (it took effect in 2006), but you are correct the Republicans controlled both houses at the time.
The "Tea Party" was always a sham. It was just an attempt by the hardcore reactionary right to rebrand itself. Same old wine, attempting to hide in a new skin.
No it wasn't because they did start protesting with bush.
The "Tea Party" was always a sham. It was just an attempt by the hardcore reactionary right to rebrand itself. Same old wine, attempting to hide in a new skin.

They were white Repub voters anyway who realized that they weren't getting a piece of the pie like the Establishment Repubs such as Gingrich, McConnell, Boehner, etc... & the wealthy they service

The tea party first started protesting bush. I know what the hell you are trying to hint at you piece of shit racist baiting bitch.
You misspelled Obama

Rick Santelli from CNBC 2009: CNBC's Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party - YouTube

I guess he was protesting Bush when he said "President Obama" huh?

Hmm, there's an interesting thing going on here.

It would seem that there are a lot of people, mainly Tea Party supporters, that confuse Ron Paul's original celebration of the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party (on December 16, 2007)...

...with the foundation of the Tea Party, on January 24, 2009, by Trevor Leach, and it's promotion by CNBC's Rick Santelli, also in 2009.

Trevor Leach was chairman of the Young Americans for Liberty in New York State, and organized a "Tea Party" to protest obesity taxes proposed by New York Governor David Paterson, and call for fiscal responsibility on the part of the government.

The two seem to be completely unrelated in every aspect except name. One was a Libertarian fund-raising event for the Ron Paul campaign, and the other was a tax protest.
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lol @ u believing the tea party stood for something other than GOP

The core of the TEA Party are folks that were protesting under Bush. They were often thrown under the bus by the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity flavor of "New Conservatives", but they were there. They've always stood for less Federal Government, Tighter Immigration, and less Military Action Overseas. They always hated Medicare Part D and the massive debt incurred by Iraq.

The problem is after Obama was elected the GOP essentially started working to hijack that movement. And now they've obtained what they want from the TEA party, they're getting thrown back under the bus.

That's going to keep happening while you have a two party system. Like some of the posters on those board love to point out: Is a TEA Party supporter going to vote for a Democrat?

If the answer is no, the next tactic is to paint any third party option as a "Vote for the Democrats." So then TEA Party supporters are trapped.

The EXACT same thing happened to the Moral Majority and practically every single "movement" on the Left that had any kind of legitimate gripe with the system. The exact same argument with the exact same result. Until it becomes possible in US politics for a third party candidate to have a chance, it'll keep happening.


Tea Party didnt protest under Bush, those same people defended or deflected any critisim of Bush until he left office. Once he left they pretended they were against him all along.

The hard core Libertarians did...but since there were only a dozen of them, they got no press.

It wasn't until they were bankrolled by Freedomworks when the black guy took over that they started getting any print.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

If the toilet is overflowing, the first action should be to shut off the water. Before anything can be done to improve our situation, obama has to be voted out of office. Anybody but obama makes sense.

I'll raise my cup of tea to that
The hard core Libertarians did...but since there were only a dozen of them, they got no press.

It wasn't until they were bankrolled by Freedomworks when the black guy took over that they started getting any print.

See my last post.

Ron Paul's "Boston Tea Party" fund raiser actually had nothing to do with the Tea Party.

The Tea Party did not exist until 3 days after Obama took office.
The hard core Libertarians did...but since there were only a dozen of them, they got no press.

It wasn't until they were bankrolled by Freedomworks when the black guy took over that they started getting any print.

See my last post.

Ron Paul's "Boston Tea Party" fund raiser actually had nothing to do with the Tea Party.

The Tea Party did not exist until 3 days after Obama took office.

The Tea Party didn't exist, but the libertarians WERE protesting Bush.
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No I spelled it right bush

OK, again, you're confusing different movements because they are using similar names.

The video you posted was a group of 9/11 "Truthers".

As far as I know, the Tea Party movement had nothing to do with 9/11 conspiracy theories....
No I spelled it right bush

OK, again, you're confusing different movements because they are using similar names.

The video you posted was a group of 9/11 "Truthers".

As far as I know, the Tea Party movement had nothing to do with 9/11 conspiracy theories....

No you are confusing it. The are tea party's nation wide.
You have TEA party .org you have tea party.com you have tea party.net none are connected with each other but they are tea party's. I just posted a video about one of the tea party's tea party
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See also: Tax revolt, List of Tea Party protests, 2009, and List of Tea Party protests, 2010
The theme of the Boston Tea Party, an iconic event in American history, has long been used by anti-tax protesters.[24][25][26] It was part of Tax Day protests held throughout the 1990s and earlier.[27][28][29][30] More recently, the anniversary of the original Boston Tea Party was commemorated on December 16, 2007,[31] by Republican Congressman Ron Paul supporters who held a fund raising event for the 2008 presidential primaries advocating an end to fiat money and the Federal Reserve System, disengaging from foreign entanglements in Iraq and Afghanistan, and upholding States' rights.[32][33][34]
Fox News commentator Juan Williams says that the TPM emerged from the ashes of Paul's 2008 presidential primary campaign.[35]

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