2012 NBA Playoffs

Yea, I just heard that. He is absolutely right.

Its unbelievable that Joey Crawford was officiating this game. This is a man who is known to hate the Spurs and ejected Duncan while he was on the bench once.

The Spurs were clearly the better team tonight, but couldn't overcome the refs. I've watched the Spurs get eleminated plenty of years by better teams, this is not one of those years. This is 2006 all over again.

By your count how many rings should Tim Duncan have?

He should have 5. Like I said he got screwed in 2006. Spurs would not of choked against the Heat in the Finals.

The Spurs would have killed the Heat.

But Tim has 4 now. If they screwed him this year and 2006, that's 2 extra rings. That's 6. And if Stern hates them, he may have cost him more than that. But you forgot to include this years screwing.
The defending champs were not the same team w/o their defensive anchor, Chandler. The Lakers were never a contender. They're done. I think the 31-18 ft advantage is very telling. The Spurs played much better if you look at the game as a whole.

You guys keep poo pooing what I am saying, and so how about Greg Fucking Popovich just said it too! He said OKC is playing a storybook playoff. Whether they play Miami or the Celtics, they will have beaten 11 of the last 13 NBA championship fucking teams. And I was right, no team has ever done that before.

Are the Lakers, Spurs, Dallas, Boston or Heat as good as they were the years they won it? Probably not. But so fucking what? Maybe it was a weak ass year the years they won it? No one will look back and say the Spurs weren't good. Until 2 days ago you were sucking the Spurs balls. Now you say they were not good? And Kobe, Gasol & Bynum weren't good this year? Dallas did make the playoffs you know.

Maybe Durant is that damn good he's making them all look bad? Ever think of that?

We don't care about that storybook nonsense. It's Stern that wants us to buy simple minded narratives. If OKC won it straight-up then I'd congratulate them and move on. But that just wasn't the case.

Stern is good friends with the OKC owner, this is a present from Stern.
Yea, I just heard that. He is absolutely right.

Its unbelievable that Joey Crawford was officiating this game. This is a man who is known to hate the Spurs and ejected Duncan while he was on the bench once.

The Spurs were clearly the better team tonight, but couldn't overcome the refs. I've watched the Spurs get eleminated plenty of years by better teams, this is not one of those years. This is 2006 all over again.

By your count how many rings should Tim Duncan have?

He should have 5. Like I said he got screwed in 2006. Spurs would not of choked against the Heat in the Finals.

Oh I don't know about 06. I was confusing it was 04. The Spurs got robbed in 04. They had the Lakers series 2-0 (just like this year) and then came the refs. I don't remember 06 right off.
The defending champs were not the same team w/o their defensive anchor, Chandler. The Lakers were never a contender. They're done. I think the 31-18 ft advantage is very telling. The Spurs played much better if you look at the game as a whole.

You guys keep poo pooing what I am saying, and so how about Greg Fucking Popovich just said it too! He said OKC is playing a storybook playoff. Whether they play Miami or the Celtics, they will have beaten 11 of the last 13 NBA championship fucking teams. And I was right, no team has ever done that before.

Are the Lakers, Spurs, Dallas, Boston or Heat as good as they were the years they won it? Probably not. But so fucking what? Maybe it was a weak ass year the years they won it? No one will look back and say the Spurs weren't good. Until 2 days ago you were sucking the Spurs balls. Now you say they were not good? And Kobe, Gasol & Bynum weren't good this year? Dallas did make the playoffs you know.

Maybe Durant is that damn good he's making them all look bad? Ever think of that?

We don't care about that storybook nonsense. It's Stern that wants us to buy simple minded narratives. If OKC won it straight-up then I'd congratulate them and move on. But that just wasn't the case.

Dirk Nowitzki, BITCH SLAP.

Kobe Bryant Bitch slapped!

Tim Duncan the greatest power forward of all time! Time to retire gramps.

Didn't the Thunder sweep the Mavs and Lakers? And then they beat the Spurs 4 in a row, after spotting them 2.

Next is Lebron or Garnett. Get your excuses ready if its Celtics. If its the Heat, we will keep you posted because you won't be watching. :eusa_liar:
By your count how many rings should Tim Duncan have?

He should have 5. Like I said he got screwed in 2006. Spurs would not of choked against the Heat in the Finals.

Oh I don't know about 06. I was confusing it was 04. The Spurs got robbed in 04. They had the Lakers series 2-0 (just like this year) and then came the refs. I don't remember 06 right off.

I remember not wanting the Pistons to have to face the Spurs that year. And in 2005 they showed us why.
By your count how many rings should Tim Duncan have?

He should have 5. Like I said he got screwed in 2006. Spurs would not of choked against the Heat in the Finals.

The Spurs would have killed the Heat.

But Tim has 4 now. If they screwed him this year and 2006, that's 2 extra rings. That's 6. And if Stern hates them, he may have cost him more than that. But you forgot to include this years screwing.

Well, lol, I can't say for sure they would of beat the Heat/Celts.

It just would had been nice to see him get 5 and possibly 6 next year, to be the first since MJ to do before Kobe or LeBron. And no I don't count bench role-players like Fisher or Horry that bounce from team to team and got lucky where they landed.
He should have 5. Like I said he got screwed in 2006. Spurs would not of choked against the Heat in the Finals.

Oh I don't know about 06. I was confusing it was 04. The Spurs got robbed in 04. They had the Lakers series 2-0 (just like this year) and then came the refs. I don't remember 06 right off.

I remember not wanting the Pistons to have to face the Spurs that year. And in 2005 they showed us why.

'06 was the Dallas screwjob. The MVP of that series was Steve Javie.
He should have 5. Like I said he got screwed in 2006. Spurs would not of choked against the Heat in the Finals.

The Spurs would have killed the Heat.

But Tim has 4 now. If they screwed him this year and 2006, that's 2 extra rings. That's 6. And if Stern hates them, he may have cost him more than that. But you forgot to include this years screwing.

Well, lol, I can't say for sure they would of beat the Heat/Celts.

It just would had been nice to see him get 5 and possibly 6 next year, to be the first since MJ to do before Kobe or LeBron. And no I don't count bench role-players like Fisher or Horry that bounce from team to team and got lucky where they landed.

Lebron won't win 3 championships.

But I won't say anything bad about Kobe. Last time I did he ripped off 2 championships. And I said he'd NEVER win another one wo Shaq.

I don't think Kobe will, but you never know.

Shaq on Inside the NBA is really funny. Last show until next year.
If it's the Heat and Thunder; I won't even watch those games. That's a jungle ball match-up if I've ever seen one.

Get ready for it because thats what Stern is gunning for, get ready for the rig job tonight and Saturday in Miami, we are about to see the refs get involved in a way we have never seen before.
Ibaka just reached in on Duncan three times. No call.

And the refs totally gave it to Boston last night. :eusa_whistle: Looks to me like the Thunder are stepping up. That's all. Doesn't look rigged to me. Looks like a bad mother fucking team. I thought they would win it all last year but they ended up getting knocked out by the Lakers or Dallas. Pissed me off. But this year is their year. IF they can win tonight. They don't win tonight, they don't win at all. Spurs won't lose in SA.

Are you nuts? the refs aren't giving Boston a motherfuckin thing, the Celtics have been playing 5 on 8 the whole fuckin series against Miami and thats not going to change tonight either. The bottom line is the league wants OKC V.S Heat in the Finals to try and promote the new rivalry Kevin Durant v.s Lebron James :rolleyes:
"It seems like they got every whistle possible...." -- Tim Duncan. I don't know if I've ever heard him complain about the reffing.

Yea, I just heard that. He is absolutely right.

Its unbelievable that Joey Crawford was officiating this game. This is a man who is known to hate the Spurs and ejected Duncan while he was on the bench once.

The Spurs were clearly the better team tonight, but couldn't overcome the refs. I've watched the Spurs get eleminated plenty of years by better teams, this is not one of those years. This is 2006 all over again.

I feel you Joey Crawford is a fuckin asshole, he hates the Spurs and the Celtics, he gave Rondo a technical in game 4 when he was laying on the ground. Joey Crawford single handedly cost the Celtics the championship back in 2010 with a rigged game 7.
Despite the refs? The calls are going against the Spurs man. And I could care less who the next Kobe is. That crap is over-rated. It's a team sport.

Terribly officiated game. Every time the Spurs got moving in the fourth the whistles were pulled out. The technical against Jackson was a joke as well.

Congratulations Stern, you got the Spurs eleminated again.

Why couldn't he help us Pistons in 2005. We were trying to repeat!

Those Pistons were not that marketable for Stern to help them win multiple championships, its only marketable if the team is popular and has a player like Kobe Bryant or Lebron James that people fall in love with and sell merchandise.
It's not just a matter of b/c location. It's about the "high flying players" they can market. Now if OKC plays the Heat then it'll be for the Heat's favor. If they play Boston, it'll be in the Thunder's favor b/c Durant is a cornerstone of the league right now. KG and Pierce are yesterday's news; at least that's how Stern wants it.

Yes, Stern wants to relive the Magic-Bird era, with Durant and LeBron.

Now even though I want the Celtics to win, I want the Heat to win game 6 so they can go 7 games and wear each other out while Thunder rest.

As far as I understand it the Finals will start June 12th regardless, so your post about the Thunder getting rest is irrelevant because it doesnt matter if the Boston/Miami series ends tonight or Saturday the Finals will start on the 12th regardless. Anyways they are a young team stacked with 20 year olds besides Derek Fisher so why do they need "rest"?:rolleyes:
Why couldn't he help us Pistons in 2005. We were trying to repeat!

The 2004 and 2005 Pistons were one of the best all around teams ever. I loved watching that team. The 2005 playoffs between the Spurs and Pistons were one of the best Finals ever in my opinion.

I loved that Piston team too. I wonder when the Pistons will be good again. I hate it that we didn't win the lottery and get the number one pick.

They just asked, "if you were starting a franchise team tomorrow, who do you want? Durant or Lebron?"

Stern is good friends with the OKC owner, this is a present from Stern.
If it's the Heat and Thunder; I won't even watch those games. That's a jungle ball match-up if I've ever seen one.
Get ready for it because thats what Stern is gunning for, get ready for the rig job tonight and Saturday in Miami, we are about to see the refs get involved in a way we have never seen before.
You guys sayin' the NBA is scripted?

Or just not quite as bad as say a Don King fight or the WWE?
Stern is good friends with the OKC owner, this is a present from Stern.
If it's the Heat and Thunder; I won't even watch those games. That's a jungle ball match-up if I've ever seen one.
Get ready for it because thats what Stern is gunning for, get ready for the rig job tonight and Saturday in Miami, we are about to see the refs get involved in a way we have never seen before.
You guys sayin' the NBA is scripted?

Or just not quite as bad as say a Don King fight or the WWE?

Well the NBA is about making money of course, and a OKC V.S Miami Finals would generate alot more revenue than say a Celtics/Spurs Finals.
Terribly officiated game. Every time the Spurs got moving in the fourth the whistles were pulled out. The technical against Jackson was a joke as well.

Congratulations Stern, you got the Spurs eleminated again.

Why couldn't he help us Pistons in 2005. We were trying to repeat!

Those Pistons were not that marketable for Stern to help them win multiple championships, its only marketable if the team is popular and has a player like Kobe Bryant or Lebron James that people fall in love with and sell merchandise.

But I do believe cheating occured that year. If you watch the 7 games again, just like you guys see the refs cheating now because you are looking for it, one of my friends pointed out that Chaucey Billups was throwing games and it was MORE obvious that the refs are being now. It was BLATENTLY obvious.

Chauncey probably figured he already had a ring, fuck it. And if its rigged anyways, may as well bet the farm your team will lose and go with the flow. Or have all your friends and relatives do it so you don't get caught. Or just do it for the mob and then they can pay you under the table later.

If the game is rigged like you guys say, who can blame Chauncey?
Why couldn't he help us Pistons in 2005. We were trying to repeat!

Those Pistons were not that marketable for Stern to help them win multiple championships, its only marketable if the team is popular and has a player like Kobe Bryant or Lebron James that people fall in love with and sell merchandise.

But I do believe cheating occured that year. If you watch the 7 games again, just like you guys see the refs cheating now because you are looking for it, one of my friends pointed out that Chaucey Billups was throwing games and it was MORE obvious that the refs are being now. It was BLATENTLY obvious.

Chauncey probably figured he already had a ring, fuck it. And if its rigged anyways, may as well bet the farm your team will lose and go with the flow. Or have all your friends and relatives do it so you don't get caught. Or just do it for the mob and then they can pay you under the table later.

If the game is rigged like you guys say, who can blame Chauncey?

After that whole game 7 debacle in the 2010 NBA Finals I know anything is possible, the league will do what they can to effect the outcome to where its the most profitable for them.
Stern is good friends with the OKC owner, this is a present from Stern.
If it's the Heat and Thunder; I won't even watch those games. That's a jungle ball match-up if I've ever seen one.
Get ready for it because thats what Stern is gunning for, get ready for the rig job tonight and Saturday in Miami, we are about to see the refs get involved in a way we have never seen before.
You guys sayin' the NBA is scripted?

Or just not quite as bad as say a Don King fight or the WWE?

Yes it is much more like WWE now, "sports entertainment".

Its Hero-ball now. All about who has the best dunks. Look at how much coverage Blake Griffin gets even though he can't post up to save his life.
Yes, Stern wants to relive the Magic-Bird era, with Durant and LeBron.

Now even though I want the Celtics to win, I want the Heat to win game 6 so they can go 7 games and wear each other out while Thunder rest.

As far as I understand it the Finals will start June 12th regardless, so your post about the Thunder getting rest is irrelevant because it doesnt matter if the Boston/Miami series ends tonight or Saturday the Finals will start on the 12th regardless. Anyways they are a young team stacked with 20 year olds besides Derek Fisher so why do they need "rest"?:rolleyes:

Irrelevant? You don't see the difference between the series ending tonight and Saturday? Let me help you. Its 3 days extra rest the Thunder will get that the Celtics won't. And if its not about the Thunder getting rest, its about the Celtics NOT getting a rest. They aren't 20 years old.

Today is the 7th. If the Celtics win tonight, they will get an extra 5 days rest b4 the 12th. You don't think they would like the extra 2 days rest? :eusa_liar:

If it goes until Saturday, which will be the 9th, that's only 3 days b4 the finals for whoever wins.

And if not physical rest, mental rest. Why spend all day today thinking about Lebron when the Celtics could be resting, practicing, healing and preparing for Durant?

How about preperation?

And don't even think for a minute that the Thunder will get rusty because of the time off. They swept everyone else practically and came out fresh and strong after the break. THey are focused.

And besides, none of the teams they are playing are any good anyways, right? First the Mavs sucked, then it was no big deal when they beat the Lakers, then it was the refs when they beat the Spurs. And you will say Boston wasn't as good as they were when they won their last championship. But what will you say if they end up winning it all? You will have their collective balls so far down your throat. They only suck because the Thunder make them look sucky. :lol:

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