2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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  • Total voters
CBS Poll just in.

Winner of debate
53% Obama
23% Romney.

Who can be trusted in an international crisis.

Obama 71%
Romney 49%
(so about 20 said both.)

Better on national security

Obama 64% Romney 36%

Better Job on China

50/50 even
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God, the Romney Klan.

Edit - Inappropriate.

Just my humble opinion but this is the kind of shit that gives American politics a bad name.

Lighten up hazlnut, it's not like We have to put them all on the 'company' payroll.

That's one advantage to electing rich fuckers - at least the odds of them dying indigent are slim. That would be embarrassing!

You mean like Obama's family?
CBS Poll just in.

Winner of debate
53% Obama
23% Romney.

Who wcan be trusted in an international crisis.

Obama 71%
Romney 49%
(so about 20 said both.)

Better on national security

Obama 64% Romney 36%

Better Job on China

50/50 even

standard practice when citing 'facts', is to LINK to the supposed facts, dumb ass.
CBS Poll just in.

Winner of debate
53% Obama
23% Romney.

Who wcan be trusted in an international crisis.

Obama 71%
Romney 49%
(so about 20 said both.)

Better on national security

Obama 64% Romney 36%

Better Job on China

50/50 even

Big deal. CBS/CNN viewers lean left. Do I need to go find the Fox News poll that has Romney with 90 plus percent? :lmao:
Chris Wallace just read back romneys remarks from the past on GM, etc. Obama was dead wrong , Romney said gov giantess etc.

Of course, Obama's been lying his ass off about GM, about ending the war in Iraq, about wanting to leave more US troops in Iraq.
CBS Poll just in.

Winner of debate
53% Obama
23% Romney.

Who wcan be trusted in an international crisis.

Obama 71%
Romney 49%
(so about 20 said both.)

Better on national security

Obama 64% Romney 36%

Better Job on China

50/50 even

Big deal. CBS/CNN viewers lean left. Do I need to go find the Fox News poll that has Romney with 90 plus percent? :lmao:

IN the first debate, CNN viewers gave the decision to Romney. Wrong yet again.
Romney did exactly what he had to do, stay cool, he for a while looked like the incumbent and Obama looked like the chaser.....He projected well, and was more pleasant, that counts too. So, he won by default....
I fall here Uncommitted Voter.....I was hoping to for help in this but NOOOOOOOO I am left to whistle in the dark...no one has earned my vote ...yet...



Less horses and bayonets. Trending on twitter. (and none of it good for Romney.)


Less Marines at our Embassies too, during dangerous times. ;) Real impressive Obama has, when the shit hits the fan. Do nothing. Great strategy. Let it work itself out, and then lie about it, and distort the facts. :clap:

In the real world, we need to be more prepared, not unprepared. Good try though.

Obama did indeed want more troops to stay in Iraq. Joe Biden was in charge of the negotiations. (The negotiations fell through when Obama insisted on immunity for the soldiers in Iraq.)


The comments about the Navy of 1917 having fewer mopre ships thatn what we have now. Obama said we once had more horses and bayonettes, too, but we don't use them now. We do.

Jackson, did you play that drinking game where you take a shot of Jack every time obama says "Uh"? :D

Obama did indeed want more troops to stay in Iraq. Joe Biden was in charge of the negotiations. (The negotiations fell through when Obama insisted on immunity for the soldiers in Iraq.)


The comments about the Navy of 1917 having fewer mopre ships thatn what we have now. Obama said we once had more horses and bayonettes, too, but we don't use them now. We do.

He said you have fewer horses and bayonets than back then, if I recall correctly.

Here is the quote: you're right.

You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.

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