2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Foreign policy- Biden won handily.

Domestic policy- tie.

Likability- Biden by a mile.

You think lieing to the American people about Lybia is a win??? These bastards blamed a movie that's within our freedom of speech for all this. Obama didn't stand up for our freedoms. That's bull crap. Obama lied outright and didn't given our people what they needed.

Domestic? LOL. Yeah, taking SSI down the same failing path and giving everyone free shit for votes.
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Give me a fuckin' break...........



Five-point plan. Go fuck your lying self.
Ryan just said he could give honesty. Honesty. Ryan said he could give honesty. Except when he's lying.
Both did well.

Ryan is still betting on people not knowing facts and not listening to fact checkers. But, he's known for lying and nothing will change that.

Biden - a very special man of integrity and passion.
This debate was hard to watch. It wasn't a civil discourse between two great men. It was a professional man and a another who was just try to climb on the "Gotcha Ladder" by overtalking, interrupting and not allowing the other to talk.

It was ias if we had one who could listen and answer and one who wpuld talk without considering the discource or question at hand.

Just on demeanor alone, I call Ryan the overwhelming winner as being a more presidential. a good listener and one who could work with Congress, reaching across the aisle which is needed so badly today.
The moderator keeps trying to stop Ryan from correcting bidens lies.... This woman is horible at this. It was obvious from the start she was there to try and make biden look good.....she failed at it.
My gawd Biden was terrible..

Going to be taken to the woodshed by Obama later probably:lol:
Foreign policy- Biden won handily.

Domestic policy- tie.

Likability- Biden by a mile.

Biden lost on likeability.

Americans believe him because what you see is what you get.

The little twerp is lifting weights with his hats on backwards....


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