2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread


I'd call it a draw. Biden had the gloves off most of the night and hit back on every Ryan point. Ryan stayed on point and kept his cool
Actually, Biden is the Vice President. He doesnt look stable at all, let aline Vice Presidential.

He seems to be kicking ass, and Ryan looks like a college student trying to object to getting a C. Ryan is a lightweight.

You're joking right? Biden looks like he is a lunatic tonight. Ryan is coming off calm, collected, and knowledgible.

No, I'm not joking. Ryan looks like he's ready to cry. Biden, from the get go, stomped Ryan's lack of knowledge. Ryan looks like a wimp.
The moderator keeps trying to stop Ryan from correcting bidens lies.... This woman is horible at this. It was obvious from the start she was there to try and make biden look good.....she failed at it.

Well, THAT didn't take long.

Always someone elses fault, right?

GAWD, you rw's are just so damn easy and SO damn predictable!
This debate was hard to watch. It wasn't a civil discourse between two great men. It was a professional man and a another who was just try to climb on the "Gotcha Ladder" by overtalking, interrupting and not allowing the other to talk.

It was ias if we had one who could listen and answer and one who wpuld talk without considering the discource or question at hand.

Just on demeanor alone, I call Ryan the overwhelming winner as being a more presidential. a good listener and one who could work with Congress, reaching across the aisle which is needed so badly today.

you have to remember the culture hes speaking too, Biden won, watch.......
Biden is great? You must have low standards for greatness.

Biden did not disappoint, but he did not bring it enough. He looked like he rattled Ryan some, but did not do the job. He was in the negative with the focus group through most of the debate. In the end, hit failed.
Republicans have a plan for poverty and for those who don't have jobs.

Let them die.

well I'll be damned, Obama is President and we STILL have poverty (worse under him), NO JOBS and people are still dying
The moderator keeps trying to stop Ryan from correcting bidens lies.... This woman is horible at this. It was obvious from the start she was there to try and make biden look good.....she failed at it.

Well, THAT didn't take long.

Always someone elses fault, right?

GAWD, you rw's are just so damn easy and SO damn predictable!

uhm, didn't you bitch about Jim Lehrer?:lol:

on a general note;
and it will be interesting see how the intel community reacts to be throwing right under the bus and run over a few times..:lol:

I'd call it a draw. Biden had the gloves off most of the night and hit back on every Ryan point. Ryan stayed on point and kept his cool

I concur, it was a draw. Biden came off aggressive, but after Obama's somewhat passive performance that was necessary.
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The moderator keeps trying to stop Ryan from correcting bidens lies.... This woman is horible at this. It was obvious from the start she was there to try and make biden look good.....she failed at it.

Well, THAT didn't take long.

Always someone elses fault, right?

GAWD, you rw's are just so damn easy and SO damn predictable!
I guess being honest about what happened escapes you....
The Republicans will take responsibility. Not for losing this one they won't. It's the moderator....it's Biden interrupting......

Regards from Rosie

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