2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

As with the Presidential debate, very happy there were no audience outbursts.

The moderator, IMHO, did a fairly credible job (more so the Jim) of keeping the participants in check.

Overall, I have to score this one as a draw. I don't think either one made any serious gaffes. I don't think either scored any serious knockouts. I don't think either one helps or hurts their candidates chances.

Prediction: Most liberals here will claim victory for Biden... many conservatives will call it a draw... Fox will gove it to Ryan... MSNBC will give it to Biden... There may be mention of a renewed thrill up a certain someones leg.
Ryan puts his religious views above the rights of the American People.
First analysis is coming from David Brooks, a wingnut, and Biden is the one who had his shit together.
Biden was obnoxious.

The Republicans will take responsibility. Not for losing this one they won't. It's the moderator....it's Biden interrupting......

Regards from Rosie

You seriously think Biden looking like a jerk interupting every 10 seconds gives him the win?
I'm sorry but when Ryan looks into the camera like that he is such a dork. Biden won this bitch.

Yeah, Ryan the HaySeed.

Several times, he was in over his head.

He wasn't terrible but he's just not ready for the national stage. Personally, I hope he never gets any power.

Most shocking was that he actually said that we should all agree with his religion. For an American, that is just plain STUNNING. But, we have heard this lack of knowledge of and respect for the Constitution from Ryan before. He's basically a little policeman - his way or the highway.
As with the Presidential debate, very happy there were no audience outbursts.

The moderator, IMHO, did a fairly credible job (more so the Jim) of keeping the participants in check.

Overall, I have to score this one as a draw. I don't think either one made any serious gaffes. I don't think either scored any serious knockouts. I don't think either one helps or hurts their candidates chances.

Prediction: Most liberals here will claim victory for Biden... many conservatives will call it a draw... Fox will gove it to Ryan... MSNBC will give it to Biden... There may be mention of a renewed thrill up a certain someones leg.


Just curious. Have you ever read that?

What do you think about Mitt's plan to bring immigrants with degrees here but cut education for citizens in this country?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President
freedombecki said:
This media trickster started out her question by POINTING OUT BIDEN HAD A SON WHO SERVED (inferring Ryan had not)

That is a Hollywood trick to make the person YOU WANT TO WIN A DEBATE INTO A HERO. And by omission, DISPARAGE HIS ADVERSARY.

What a chickenshit hostess. She's corrupt, a trickster, and really, really, I hope I never see her on National Television


ever again.

Media trickster?

Take a chill pill.

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