2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Ryan held his own: a draw.

Biden had to do what he did to staunch the bleeding.

The bat-el go-eth on-eth
From what I saw (did not watch the whole thing as my O's/Yankees game was of more interest)... caught more outtakes afterward

Biden was a snarky man repeating campaign slogans... and would flat out lie in terms of Medicare (most of the part I saw)

Ryan was more reserved but a bit nervous.. Should have answered more directly with specifics (not like Biden did either)

Neither candidate did well except for the fact that Biden acted this way to fire up their core supporters who got on Obamalama for the way he was in the first debate.. no voter changed their mind about anything

I call the debate a wash... as neither really did anything, clarified anything, or thoroughly explained anything.... a grade of D for both

Just my honest opinion/assesment
Ryan may have won slightly on points, but Biden needed to do for his party what needed to be done.

The bleeding has stopped.
Joltin' Joe Biden wins the bout

The election is over as of last night!!

Great job Joe, showing us what a bunch of inept lying sacks of shit they are....:clap2::clap2:

DANVILLE, Ky. — Whatever Joe Biden was drinking Thursday night, Barack Obama ought to order a case of it.

Biden took on Paul Ryan in the one and only vice presidential debate and did what Obama had failed to do last week in his debate with Mitt Romney: Biden not only won over the audience, but got under his opponent’s skin.

Give me my stimulus money says Ryan.... Fucking jerk.

You may wanna tell CNN that.

Biden, Ryan in combative exchange, but call it a draw - CNN.com
HaHa...the thread title..."50% say Biden win"...it could also say "50% say Ryan wins" and mean the same.
And this coming from a left-left-left-left leaning newspaper.

No, he got 30%....numb n*ts....didn't read it huh?
Ryan may have won slightly on points, but Biden needed to do for his party what needed to be done.

The bleeding has stopped.

In other words the democrat party and supporters are nothing but disrespectful, dullards that have to lie, cut people off and laugh at issues and speak out of turn.

Duly noted.
Ryan stayed classy. Biden did not. Most of the MSM will call it a Biden win, but i actually thought Ryan won easily. He stayed calm & cool while Biden made a fool of himself. And the Moderator was a real embarrassment. So if you like cranky old obnoxious dudes, Biden was your winner. But if you like classy respectable Candidates, Ryan was your winner.

A CNN poll declared Ryan the winner.
Ryan stayed classy. Biden did not. Most of the MSM will call it a Biden win, but i actually thought Ryan won easily. He stayed calm & cool while Biden made a fool of himself. And the Moderator was a real embarrassment. So if you like cranky old obnoxious dudes, Biden was your winner. But if you like classy respectable Candidates, Ryan was your winner.

A CNN poll declared Ryan the winner.

Forty-eight percent of those surveyed said Ryan fared better in the vice-presidential debate, compared with 44 percent for Biden, according to results aired on CNN after the event concluded. The results were within the survey’s five-percentage- point margin of error.

From your link.

That's a statistical tie.
Ryan did a good job at bringing home a couple of points...but they both just spoke to their base.

Which really is all a vp needs to do. Biden alienated women though, they didn't like the grinning/interrupting thing but I think it was more important to team O that he prevent Ryan from getting a head of steam than it was that he bring in women.
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Vice President debates aren't as important as the Presidents anyway, and we saw all we needed to see in that first Presidential debate..

the empty chair showed up for the Democrats.

vote these two dingbats out folks, time for some real change
Ryan stayed classy. Biden did not. Most of the MSM will call it a Biden win, but i actually thought Ryan won easily. He stayed calm & cool while Biden made a fool of himself. And the Moderator was a real embarrassment. So if you like cranky old obnoxious dudes, Biden was your winner. But if you like classy respectable Candidates, Ryan was your winner.

A CNN poll declared Ryan the winner.

Forty-eight percent of those surveyed said Ryan fared better in the vice-presidential debate, compared with 44 percent for Biden, according to results aired on CNN after the event concluded. The results were within the survey’s five-percentage- point margin of error.

From your link.

That's a statistical tie.

The dumbed-down ignorant "IN YOUR FACE!!"/"OOH YOU GOT PWNED!!" crowd, will of course claim a Biden win. But intelligent common sense thinking people will give it to Ryan. He was clearly the more classy respectable man.
Once the smoke clears and the short-term elation wears off, the Obamabots will realize that Ryan was clearly the more classy respectable man. Biden was a cheezy hack.
That smile looks like he's getting ready to Bork the kid.

Funny you should use the name "Bork" as a verb, but quite understandable.

It was the very same Joe Biden who destroyed a decent man, Robert Bork, so much so that his disgraceful performance as the Senate committee chair turned the good name of Robert Bork into a symbol and a verb of character assassination.

Pretty much the only thing - with the possible exception of making asinine and sophomoric gaffes - is what Jo Biden is good at.
Whoever it was who prepped Joe Biden for that debate and told him to grin like an idiot, laugh, roll his eyes and shake his head every time that his opponent was speaking did the Vice President no favors. And what was up with the constant interruptions? Did Biden think that being rude and overbearing somehow came across as being "Presidential"? It's the kind of thing you do when you can't argue your case on it's merits...

Biden tried his best to rattle Paul Ryan and it didn't work. On topic after topic, Ryan's answers were clear and measured while Biden appeared to think that if he pounded on the table and jabbed his finger at the moderator hard enough that he would be declared the victor. It was a clear case of "bluster" versus "reason" and Biden looked like he was trying to make up for Obama's lack of energy in the first debate by drinking a dozen Red Bulls before he went on for his.
Biden did not do his side any good. Ryan won on points, but Biden lost on behavior. He was an obnoxious drunk who came to spoil the party.

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