2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Republicans want to privatize Social Security and Medicare, outlaw abortion, and start a new war with Iran.
The democrats over played it last night...... Even the obviously bias moderator didn't help as much...... I am thinking this will give the left boners because they actually believe Bidens lies but I don't think they did themselves a favour with independents.
Well... You're proud of this display Sarah...(check out this video)

Laughing at the Issues - YouTube

Think Sarah.. is this proper way to treat others, is this what you would deserve..?

Stop whining, Biden was engaged and he did everything he was supposed to do. Biden was the clear winner.

Biden was not supposed to be likeable in this debate. He is the bad cop in the Obama/Biden good cop/bad cop pairing. Biden says the things that would make Obama look "unpresidential"
Obamas "don't say anything they can use against you later" strategy in the first debate was a disaster. As was his seeming unpreparedness

I doubt we will see the same Obama in the next debate

Chuck Todd said this morning he's hearing Biden in 2016 for the first time ever. He may have looked fist to cuffs and unpresidential but he's getting props. It isn't at all like the Cons here are spinning things.
Ryan lost.. Make no mistakes. :lol:

He got beat into a corner every time, weather it was on Iran, or domestic issues.

I mean the idiot answered a question regarding the negativity in their campaigns... With MORE negativity and attacks. He got nailed to floor on war mongering, wouldn't fess up what his policies were in specific and weaved in and out the thin line of truth and lie.. Or as Joe called it, "loose talk".

Ryan and Rmoney lost. :lol:
Republicans want to privatize Social Security and Medicare, outlaw abortion, and start a new war with Iran.

Those lies certainly constituted most of Biden's talking points. That and "vouchers", tax cuts for the rich, and two wars on the credit card.

Biden was rude and blundering. Every statement about Romney's platform was incorrect and distorted. Ryan was on task with the numbers down pat.
Ryan won on substance. Biden won because he didnt drool all over himself.
No problem with the first 2. Outlawing abortion I agree with unless mother's life is in jeopardy or child's life is. War with Iran NO FUCKING WAY!
Here's what a trouncing looks like:


HaHa. I don't know why he does that. That look is just weird.
No problem with the first 2. Outlawing abortion I agree with unless mother's life is in jeopardy or child's life is. War with Iran NO FUCKING WAY!

Dude, your stances are all over the place. YOu want govt. intervention, then you don't, then you do, then you don't again. You seem three times as confused as the typical LOLberal, and I generally agree with your non-intervention stances.

It's weird. How old are you?
yeah we know, Obama won too

poor dear Liberals, got to hold onto something...
No problem with the first 2. Outlawing abortion I agree with unless mother's life is in jeopardy or child's life is. War with Iran NO FUCKING WAY!

Dude, your stances are all over the place. YOu want govt. intervention, then you don't, then you do, then you don't again. You seem three times as confused as the typical LOLberal, and I generally agree with your non-intervention stances.

It's weird. How old are you?

He's about 12. Right age to be impressed by narco-libertarianism.
Ryan stayed classy. Biden did not. Most of the MSM will call it a Biden win, but i actually thought Ryan won easily. He stayed calm & cool while Biden made a fool of himself. And the Moderator was a real embarrassment. So if you like cranky old obnoxious dudes, Biden was your winner. But if you like classy respectable Candidates, Ryan was your winner.
Did anyone else think the moderator was in the tank for Biden? SHe consistently cut off Ryan and let Biden ramble on. Her questions were pointed to Ryan but softballs for Biden. Maybe it's just me.
Ryan stayed classy. Biden did not. Most of the MSM will call it a Biden win, but i actually thought Ryan won easily. He stayed calm & cool while Biden made a fool of himself. And the Moderator was a real embarrassment. So if you like cranky old obnoxious dudes, Biden was your winner. But if you like classy respectable Candidates, Ryan was your winner.

That's how i saw it too. And after seeing how many distortions they both told on the truth, I still think Ryan kept closer to it than Biden did. On the Libya security question, he flat out lied about information that is now common knowledge.

I found that extremely distasteful.
Hey maybe Biden will say how he will keep all those clean Negros out of chains. Biden is a racist old fool that did nothing but follow a scrpit. I wondered last night if he didn't have advanced knowledge of the questions asked them.

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