2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Biden wiped the floor with Ryan. Ryan looked like a deer caught in the headlights when he couldn't explain why he wrote letters requesting stimulus funds; he looked like a fool when he (yet again) couldn't provide specifics on how he plans on paying for Romney's 5 trillion tax cut.
Just look at all the thread titles, alone!

When all the wingnuts can criticize is the STYLE, it means they have lost on the SUBSTANCE.

Bitter Biden interrupted Paul Ryan 82 times!

CNN's Gloria Borger: Biden Came Off As Condescending

Mark Levin, "Biden was off his meds"

FOX NEWS' CHRIS WALLACE: I've Never Seen A Candidate As Disrespectful As Joe Biden Wa

Biden Laughs and Calls Ryan's Statements a 'Bunch of Shit'

ETA: Oops - I missed one!

Biden has roid rage


Biden's so mean..

It does sound silly, maybe Ryan will cry.
I'm sorry to say, but I thought Paul Ryan looked out of his league up there. On foreign policy stuff it was like he was a college kid who had just crammed a bunch of information before a big test.

Not good enough. Joe Biden's got real credentials. When President Reagan came into office, Joe Biden was eager to work both parties on arms reduction. By the end of his presidency, Ronald Reagan had said that he hoped one of his defining legacies over time would be the reduction of nuclear weapons in the world.

Joe Biden had a record as a centrist Democrat, particularly on foreign policy. I remember him working with not only the likes of Dick Lugar, but of Jesse Helms.

With Paul Ryan, it's like you don't even have a say. It's his way or the highway, and that's the reason why so many Republican candidates will not go on the record as saying they support his budget, which even the Catholic Church found to be extreme.
"i don't see how a person can separate their public life from their private life from their faith"

if they can't they shouldn't be in government.

and did i just hear ryan say 'hell, yeah' when asked if people who were pro choice should be worried about them?


Pro choice and women in general already know what Ryan and even more extreme Republicans are attempting no matter what he says in a debate.

I just don't think Ryan won any point enough to continue the momentum. They were coming down anyway so it's not like Ryan really fucked anything up, he just wasn't strong enough.

Next debate, Tuesday. I wish they'd have them on the weekend, I'm tired this morning.


Personally, I found Biden's antics distracting and ignorant but Democrats seem to be embracing Biden's buffoonery...:dunno:

I suppose the next few days will tell the story of the effect with independents, who will ultimately decide this election and the present momentum of the race..

That's not the general consensus out there this morning. Republicans are spinning it in Ryan's favor but the worst they're saying is Biden was mean.

Comon crybabies, you lost, it hurts.

They're even, President lost his, Biden won his. Let's see what happens Tuesday. Will the president allow Romney to make his points at leisure or will he stand up and fight like Biden did. Hope he's learned something in two weeks.
I'm sorry to say, but I thought Paul Ryan looked out of his league up there. On foreign policy stuff it was like he was a college kid who had just crammed a bunch of information before a big test.

Not good enough. Joe Biden's got real credentials. When President Reagan came into office, Joe Biden was eager to work both parties on arms reduction. By the end of his presidency, Ronald Reagan had said that he hoped one of his defining legacies over time would be the reduction of nuclear weapons in the world.

Joe Biden had a record as a centrist Democrat, particularly on foreign policy. I remember him working with not only the likes of Dick Lugar, but of Jesse Helms.

With Paul Ryan, it's like you don't even have a say. It's his way or the highway, and that's the reason why so many Republican candidates will not go on the record as saying they support his budget, which even the Catholic Church found to be extreme.

BS......Biden looked like a jerk. He's not serious about dealing with serious issues.

Laughing at the Issues - YouTube

Well he didn't.

He was cordial and polite and he left that stage knowing that he maintained his dignity.

The same can't be said for the VP.
Pro choice and women in general already know what Ryan and even more extreme Republicans are attempting no matter what he says in a debate.

I just don't think Ryan won any point enough to continue the momentum. They were coming down anyway so it's not like Ryan really fucked anything up, he just wasn't strong enough.

Next debate, Tuesday. I wish they'd have them on the weekend, I'm tired this morning.


Personally, I found Biden's antics distracting and ignorant but Democrats seem to be embracing Biden's buffoonery...:dunno:

I suppose the next few days will tell the story of the effect with independents, who will ultimately decide this election and the present momentum of the race..

That's not the general consensus out there this morning. Republicans are spinning it in Ryan's favor but the worst they're saying is Biden was mean.

Comon crybabies, you lost, it hurts.

They're even, President lost his, Biden won his. Let's see what happens Tuesday. Will the president allow Romney to make his points at leisure or will he stand up and fight like Biden did. Hope he's learned something in two weeks.

Well... You're proud of this display Sarah...(check out this video)

Laughing at the Issues - YouTube

Think Sarah.. is this proper way to treat others, is this what you would deserve..?
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Biden clearly kicked some ass tonight.........but only to the base. Those with the political IQ of a handball fail to recognize that all that laughing and appalled looks were a strategy: to fire up the base and the nutters. They love that shit and it is the only play they have at this point. Watch the polling from the independents over the next few days........maybe 18 people will say Biden won.

Oh......and the biggest substance flap happened right in the beginning and will hand the hammer to Romney for next week. From Biden >>>

"We weren't told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security there," Biden said

Puts it on the tee for Romney next Tuesday FTMFW.:rock::rock::coffee:
Pro choice and women in general already know what Ryan and even more extreme Republicans are attempting no matter what he says in a debate.

I just don't think Ryan won any point enough to continue the momentum. They were coming down anyway so it's not like Ryan really fucked anything up, he just wasn't strong enough.

Next debate, Tuesday. I wish they'd have them on the weekend, I'm tired this morning.


Personally, I found Biden's antics distracting and ignorant but Democrats seem to be embracing Biden's buffoonery...:dunno:

I suppose the next few days will tell the story of the effect with independents, who will ultimately decide this election and the present momentum of the race..

That's not the general consensus out there this morning. Republicans are spinning it in Ryan's favor but the worst they're saying is Biden was mean.

Comon crybabies, you lost, it hurts.

They're even, President lost his, Biden won his. Let's see what happens Tuesday. Will the president allow Romney to make his points at leisure or will he stand up and fight like Biden did. Hope he's learned something in two weeks.

No one has to spin it dear, When all the alphabet news channels says Biden lost and was ugly..Biden wasn't mean, just a befuddled old buffoon..and people should really think on that HE could step in as President..The same you all said about Palin and now are saying about Ryan..

say no to Biden/Obama folks, vote them out
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Anyone that thinks coming off as a 2 year old child is going to win moderates=idiots. Based on Cnn polling 53 percent liked Ryan to 43% for Biden. This really did hurt him.

He over played his hand.

Yup......even my wife, who isnt into politics at all made a comment last night from the kitchen cut out, "What the fuck with all the interrupting and laughing??":D:D
baha. New York times it he most left leaning paper out there.. I bet most of the people were dems and Biden still only got 50 percent .. I would be scared if this is true..

Both sides got what they wanted out of the debate for thier base. Democrats finally got someone agressive during a debate, and Republicans saw that Ryan can handle himself in pressure situations.

I all boils down to with how it plays with the undecideds, and since I am not undecided (as are most of the people on this board) we will have to wait a week to see how the polls shift and what the opinion polls say in agragate.

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