2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

So a few threads were started. Yeah right they're 1000 times worse than the 100 whiny leftytoon threads started every freaking day.
You do realize that acting like a fucking clown does not win debates, right?

Ryan crushed him...but then, the world knew he would, so no real net gain for Romney/Ryan.
Yep, well this has gone from stupid, to idiotic quick.

Night folks.

I stand by my assessment.

Draw to slight win for Biden on Substance,

Which was totally over shadowed by bad style points

Making it an over all Ryan win.

Spin away.

It went idiotic the second you posted in the thread, Chuck.

You give me far to much Credit my Liberal friend.
Biden on Libya....."We knew nothing".

Bidon on Iran......"We'll know everything before it happens".

Seems to me Biden expected the voters to stick their collective necks out and continue to trust the Obama Administration will catch Iran making a nuke before they're able to use it. But then expects us all to just say "Shit Happens" when it comes to Benghazi.
I read the transcript of the debate...if that's Biden "winning", I'd hate to see what a loss looks like!

Unless you give points for interrupting the other person in mid thought and talking louder than someone else, I fail to see where Biden even put a dent in Ryan...and that's with the help of an obviously liberally biased moderator.

Sorry, guys...but if THAT was supposed to win over independent voters...I'm just not seeing it. Biden was obviously sent out there to ATTACK!!! but his explanations of what happened in Libya made no sense at all and his defense of this Administration's complete failure with Iran was laughable. As Ryan pointed out the tax increase on the rich that Obama and Biden think will "fix" our problems will pay for the entitlements they've obligated us to for about 90 days. What then? Biden was rambling...nonsensical...and didn't provide much of anything BUT attacks. What's his plan to fix the economy? What's his plan to get people back to work? What's his plan to cut the deficit? What's his plan to fix Medicare? What's his plan to lower the cost of health care?

Attacking is all well and good but what the American people are looking for are solutions and this Administration has none...
Only the 0bama fluffers will claim a Biden victory...

Most thinking people will call it what it was - no clear winner...

i think by stopping the bleeding and doing his job, it puts the president in a much better position.

ryan screwed up on afghanistan and should never have said what he did about abortion

is that no clear winner?

it wasn't the blow out that last week was... but that doesn't mean it wasn't a win.

Biden made up numbers and came across as an arrogant ass... Not how you win over indys...

Sorry, it was a draw.... Claiming victory is for the nutters....

I think that's how a debate should go. I'm pretty sick of these polite little nothings where everything is glossed over. Ryan didn't do anything to hurt his running mate but he certainly didn't win the debate.

This one goes to Biden, not on style completely but on substance and facts. Women voters will make it a good night for Biden. Democrats needed this one in the win column and Biden was successful in that.

No big bounce but Biden did real good. Ryan was just not as bad as I thought he'd be.
"i don't see how a person can separate their public life from their private life from their faith"

if they can't they shouldn't be in government.

and did i just hear ryan say 'hell, yeah' when asked if people who were pro choice should be worried about them?


Pro choice and women in general already know what Ryan and even more extreme Republicans are attempting no matter what he says in a debate.

I just don't think Ryan won any point enough to continue the momentum. They were coming down anyway so it's not like Ryan really fucked anything up, he just wasn't strong enough.

Next debate, Tuesday. I wish they'd have them on the weekend, I'm tired this morning.

"i don't see how a person can separate their public life from their private life from their faith"

if they can't they shouldn't be in government.

and did i just hear ryan say 'hell, yeah' when asked if people who were pro choice should be worried about them?


Pro choice and women in general already know what Ryan and even more extreme Republicans are attempting no matter what he says in a debate.

I just don't think Ryan won any point enough to continue the momentum. They were coming down anyway so it's not like Ryan really fucked anything up, he just wasn't strong enough.

Next debate, Tuesday. I wish they'd have them on the weekend, I'm tired this morning.


Personally, I found Biden's antics distracting and ignorant but Democrats seem to be embracing Biden's buffoonery...:dunno:

I suppose the next few days will tell the story of the effect with independents, who will ultimately decide this election and the present momentum of the race..

Biden 50

Ryan 31

The CBS News poll was conducted using the GfK KnowledgePanel, a representative Internet panel, to interview 431 uncommitted voters who watched the debate, and had a five percentage point margin of error. The CBS "uncommitted voters" include those who were either totally undecided before the debate or who were leaning to a candidate, but said they may still change their minds. According to CBS, 58 percent of respondents identified as independents, 17 percent as Republicans, and 25 percent as Democrats.
Vice Presidential Debate Polls Show Mixed Results

It didn't specify which way those 'leaners' leaned, and hardly appears to be a random poll, but we'll include it. :)

Yea__ Because we know that 58 percent of the electorate are independent. And we know they're even more likely to proactively participate in a poll. THE MEDIA'S NOT EVEN GOOD AT DISGUISING THEIR 'MALARKEY' ANYMORE.
I've just finished watching this debate after having worked earlier.

You can always tell which side lost because they always go after their opponent's "demeanor". Last week, liberals couldn't stand the way Romney steamrolled over everyone. This week, conservatives hated that Biden did the same thing.

I felt that Paul Ryan held his own with Joe Biden at times, but in the overall, I felt the same kind of feeling in my gut that I got with Sarah Palin as the Republican VP nominee, which is: Not ready for prime-time.

I'm sure Paul Ryan's a really nice guy and he loves his family and all that crap, but I felt that when he was speaking about Iran or Afghanistan that he had absolutely no clue about what he was talking about.

I also found that he cornered himself when it came to questions about answering how Romney-Ryan plan to pay for their defense budget increase while cutting taxes 20% across the board.

The answer remains the usual, "We'll close loopholes". Okay, so which ones? Ryan appeared effusive at best and clueless at worst.

Joe Biden was forceful, aggressive, in command, and spirited. He was also funny at times. Joe Biden could step in as President and lead. He has experience, passion, knowledge and conviction.

I just can't bring myself to saying the same thing about Paul Ryan. He looked like a college kid who was pumped up with information he had to memorize for the big test. That's simply not good enough for me.

So in the end, I think Biden won the debate, and won it rather handily. Ryan acquitted himself well enough, but I feel that despite his 14 years in the House, I just kept wondering to myself, "Is this person the best person to choose as a running mate, someone who is a heartbeat away from the presidency?", and that answer in my head kept resulting in, "No." The Democratic ticket has real foreign policy cred while the Republican ticket has none. I can't remember the last time that was.
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Well I think Biden looked like a fool. Jesus Christ on a crutch. Did you ever see so many smirks, hand gestures and eye rolls in your life?? My God the man should be in Hollywood.

Ryan was patience personified and a gentlemen.

Biden?? An asshole personified. Jeeze.

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