2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

HaHa...the thread title..."50% say Biden win"...it could also say "50% say Ryan wins" and mean the same.
And this coming from a left-left-left-left leaning newspaper.

Both sides got what they wanted out of the debate for thier base. Democrats finally got someone agressive during a debate, and Republicans saw that Ryan can handle himself in pressure situations.

I all boils down to with how it plays with the undecideds, and since I am not undecided (as are most of the people on this board) we will have to wait a week to see how the polls shift and what the opinion polls say in agragate.

^^^ this.

In the minds of the undecided ... it all boils down to who came off as more likable, authentic, trustworthy and sincere.
Personally, I found Biden's antics distracting and ignorant but Democrats seem to be embracing Biden's buffoonery...:dunno:

I suppose the next few days will tell the story of the effect with independents, who will ultimately decide this election and the present momentum of the race..

That's not the general consensus out there this morning. Republicans are spinning it in Ryan's favor but the worst they're saying is Biden was mean.

Comon crybabies, you lost, it hurts.

They're even, President lost his, Biden won his. Let's see what happens Tuesday. Will the president allow Romney to make his points at leisure or will he stand up and fight like Biden did. Hope he's learned something in two weeks.

Well... You're proud of this display Sarah...(check out this video)

Laughing at the Issues - YouTube

Think Sarah.. is this proper way to treat others, is this what you would deserve..?

Stop whining, Biden was engaged and he did everything he was supposed to do. Biden was the clear winner.
That's not the general consensus out there this morning. Republicans are spinning it in Ryan's favor but the worst they're saying is Biden was mean.

Comon crybabies, you lost, it hurts.

They're even, President lost his, Biden won his. Let's see what happens Tuesday. Will the president allow Romney to make his points at leisure or will he stand up and fight like Biden did. Hope he's learned something in two weeks.

Well... You're proud of this display Sarah...(check out this video)

Laughing at the Issues - YouTube

Think Sarah.. is this proper way to treat others, is this what you would deserve..?

Stop whining, Biden was engaged and he did everything he was supposed to do. Biden was the clear winner.

That's not what your CNN says.
Biden had nothing to lose. He's not taken seriously by most. Personally, i thought he came off as very rude & arrogant. Ryan was clearly the more classy & respectable Candidate.
Well... You're proud of this display Sarah...(check out this video)

Laughing at the Issues - YouTube

Think Sarah.. is this proper way to treat others, is this what you would deserve..?

Stop whining, Biden was engaged and he did everything he was supposed to do. Biden was the clear winner.

That's not what your CNN says.

I say that. I'm sure you can find a poll that strokes the massive Republican ego but your guy looked downright silly having the VP smack him around like that on national tv.

Your side lost, now stop whining.
Joltin' Joe Biden wins the bout

The election is over as of last night!!

Great job Joe, showing us what a bunch of inept lying sacks of shit they are....:clap2::clap2:

DANVILLE, Ky. — Whatever Joe Biden was drinking Thursday night, Barack Obama ought to order a case of it.

Biden took on Paul Ryan in the one and only vice presidential debate and did what Obama had failed to do last week in his debate with Mitt Romney: Biden not only won over the audience, but got under his opponent’s skin.

Give me my stimulus money says Ryan.... Fucking jerk.

This was a win for Ryan. I don't care how the media and libs spin it.

28% said the debate made them more likely to vote for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and 21% said the faceoff made them more likely to vote to re-elect President Barack Obama.

I personally hoped for a thrashing as Biden is an idiot and all. But hopefully their will be further fallout due to his childish behavior and his amazing bold faced deceptions. Dude__ was implying that he and Obama weren't for the wars.
That's not the general consensus out there this morning. Republicans are spinning it in Ryan's favor but the worst they're saying is Biden was mean.

Comon crybabies, you lost, it hurts.

They're even, President lost his, Biden won his. Let's see what happens Tuesday. Will the president allow Romney to make his points at leisure or will he stand up and fight like Biden did. Hope he's learned something in two weeks.

Well... You're proud of this display Sarah...(check out this video)

Laughing at the Issues - YouTube

Think Sarah.. is this proper way to treat others, is this what you would deserve..?

Stop whining, Biden was engaged and he did everything he was supposed to do. Biden was the clear winner.

Biden was not supposed to be likeable in this debate. He is the bad cop in the Obama/Biden good cop/bad cop pairing. Biden says the things that would make Obama look "unpresidential"
Obamas "don't say anything they can use against you later" strategy in the first debate was a disaster. As was his seeming unpreparedness

I doubt we will see the same Obama in the next debate
I couldn't bare to watch the idiot show but I hope Biden did win. I really don't want to have to vote for Obama to make sure Willard doesn't win...need Obama to stretch that lead out a bit. I tuned in and all I hear is chanting for more war more war more war...Any sane person could not stand to watch that shit for more than a few minutes.
Stop whining, Biden was engaged and he did everything he was supposed to do. Biden was the clear winner.

That's not what your CNN says.

I say that. I'm sure you can find a poll that strokes the massive Republican ego but your guy looked downright silly having the VP smack him around like that on national tv.

Your side lost, now stop whining.

Show me a poll that says something different than what your CNN poll says.
Wonderful, now our President and Vice President are PLAYING good cop bad cop with us.

gives you all the warm fuzzies doesn't it..?

vote these TWO out..

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