2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

Let's see.....8 posts, #151-156 & 159 & 160, consisting of denier cult insanity, crackpot conspiracy theories, and laughable pseudo-science....and then two sane factual posts, #157 & 158, correcting the fallacious denier cult twaddle and providing actual factual scientific information, the temperature data sets that the deniers seemed idiotically unable to locate. The contrast is so obvious and rather humorous.

But of course, what is so obvious to normal people is invisible to these Dunning-Kruger Effect afflicted denier cult dingbats.
Let's see.....8 posts, #151-156 & 159 & 160, consisting of denier cult insanity, crackpot conspiracy theories, and laughable pseudo-science, and then two sane factual posts, #157 & 158, correcting the fallacious denier cult twaddle and providing actual factual scientific information, the temperature data sets that the deniers seemed idiotically unable to locate. The contrast is so obvious and rather humorous.

But of course, what is so obvious to normal people is invisible to these Dunning-Kruger Effect afflicted denier cult dingbats.

It's obvious we must waste.....er spend trillions on unreliable energy in order to reduce
global temperatures in 2080 by 0.1 degrees. You've convinced me with your consensus.

So, you keep asking for data. This report has all the data that was available.

Berkley's data is all ADJUSTED every single data point. I will use other unadjusted temps for my work. There are papers out today which show that 90% Of all warming post 1900 is adjustments. Given how stable the earth has been and the USCRN recent input to the game showing the amount of bias, I am of the opinion that Berkley's stuff is crap.

IF you remove the 0.8 to 1.2 deg C that is pointed out by several groups of scientists as being alteration crap the current cycles are of no statistical significance.

There are papers out there that show that 90% of all warming post 1900 is alteration? So, my ignorant little buddy, why the hell did you not post a link to several of those papers? Come on now, you want any kind of credibility, post your links. Don't be shy, but if they are from the Daily Enquirer, we will only eviserate you. LOL.
Let's see.....8 posts, #151-156 & 159 & 160, consisting of denier cult insanity, crackpot conspiracy theories, and laughable pseudo-science, and then two sane factual posts, #157 & 158, correcting the fallacious denier cult twaddle and providing actual factual scientific information, the temperature data sets that the deniers seemed idiotically unable to locate. The contrast is so obvious and rather humorous.

But of course, what is so obvious to normal people is invisible to these Dunning-Kruger Effect afflicted denier cult dingbats.

It's obvious we must waste.....er spend trillions on unreliable energy in order to reduce
global temperatures in 2080 by 0.1 degrees. You've convinced me with your consensus.

It is only obvious that you are a fucking idiot. Post something real, with links to sources. All we have ever gotten from you is useless flap-yap.
and still, nobody posts what the temperatures are,
Let's see.....8 posts, #151-156 & 159 & 160, consisting of denier cult insanity, crackpot conspiracy theories, and laughable pseudo-science....and then two sane factual posts, #157 & 158, correcting the fallacious denier cult twaddle and providing actual factual scientific information, the temperature data sets that the deniers seemed idiotically unable to locate. The contrast is so obvious and rather humorous.

But of course, what is so obvious to normal people is invisible to these Dunning-Kruger Effect afflicted denier cult dingbats.
Just remember, from the OP itself, the "scientist", qualify the statement, "2014 on track to be hottest year on record", with;

(with respect to a 1981-2010 base period)

2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

Tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate your global warming
Is that some kind of special 'retard' joke?

In the real world most of the sun's energy that strikes the Earth winds up in the oceans and that is how it has always been. As the Earth heats up due to the increased CO2 levels in the air, sometimes currents carry warmer waters down into the depths in one place and colder waters from the depths to the surface in another place, or vice versa, and this strongly affects surface air temperatures over the oceans, and thus world average surface temperatures. At this time some of these currents are driven by natural cycles, like the ENSO, PDO, and AMOC, but some research indicates that some changes in ocean currents happening now may be due to AGW driven changes in wind patterns and speeds.

In any case, this is how it has always been....

Tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate your global warming
Is that some kind of special 'retard' joke?

In the real world most of the sun's energy that strikes the Earth winds up in the oceans and that is how it has always been. As the Earth heats up due to the increased CO2 levels in the air, sometimes currents carry warmer waters down into the depths in one place and colder waters from the depths to the surface in another place, or vice versa, and this strongly affects surface air temperatures over the oceans, and thus world average surface temperatures. At this time some of these currents are driven by natural cycles, like the ENSO, PDO, and AMOC, but some research indicates that some changes in ocean currents happening now may be due to AGW driven changes in wind patterns and speeds.

In any case, this is how it has always been....


Tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate your global warming
Is that some kind of special 'retard' joke?

In the real world most of the sun's energy that strikes the Earth winds up in the oceans and that is how it has always been. As the Earth heats up due to the increased CO2 levels in the air, sometimes currents carry warmer waters down into the depths in one place and colder waters from the depths to the surface in another place, or vice versa, and this strongly affects surface air temperatures over the oceans, and thus world average surface temperatures. At this time some of these currents are driven by natural cycles, like the ENSO, PDO, and AMOC, but some research indicates that some changes in ocean currents happening now may be due to AGW driven changes in wind patterns and speeds.

In any case, this is how it has always been....


And up pops a really 'special' retard with his usual mindless drivel.
Tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate your global warming
Is that some kind of special 'retard' joke?

In the real world most of the sun's energy that strikes the Earth winds up in the oceans and that is how it has always been. As the Earth heats up due to the increased CO2 levels in the air, sometimes currents carry warmer waters down into the depths in one place and colder waters from the depths to the surface in another place, or vice versa, and this strongly affects surface air temperatures over the oceans, and thus world average surface temperatures. At this time some of these currents are driven by natural cycles, like the ENSO, PDO, and AMOC, but some research indicates that some changes in ocean currents happening now may be due to AGW driven changes in wind patterns and speeds.

In any case, this is how it has always been....


And up pops a really 'special' retard with his usual mindless drivel.

but winning.

Like I said 2 years ago s0n......provide me a single solitary link that shows where the "consensus sciece" is mattering in the real world.

This "retard" is still waitin':eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:
Tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate your global warming
Is that some kind of special 'retard' joke?

In the real world most of the sun's energy that strikes the Earth winds up in the oceans and that is how it has always been. As the Earth heats up due to the increased CO2 levels in the air, sometimes currents carry warmer waters down into the depths in one place and colder waters from the depths to the surface in another place, or vice versa, and this strongly affects surface air temperatures over the oceans, and thus world average surface temperatures. At this time some of these currents are driven by natural cycles, like the ENSO, PDO, and AMOC, but some research indicates that some changes in ocean currents happening now may be due to AGW driven changes in wind patterns and speeds.

In any case, this is how it has always been....


...and we all know Popeye the Sailor kept meticulous records of ocean temperature going back 200 years

AGWCult is over, the last fool out please turn off the lights
Tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate your global warming
Is that some kind of special 'retard' joke?

In the real world most of the sun's energy that strikes the Earth winds up in the oceans and that is how it has always been. As the Earth heats up due to the increased CO2 levels in the air, sometimes currents carry warmer waters down into the depths in one place and colder waters from the depths to the surface in another place, or vice versa, and this strongly affects surface air temperatures over the oceans, and thus world average surface temperatures. At this time some of these currents are driven by natural cycles, like the ENSO, PDO, and AMOC, but some research indicates that some changes in ocean currents happening now may be due to AGW driven changes in wind patterns and speeds.

In any case, this is how it has always been....


And up pops a really 'special' retard with his usual mindless drivel.
Too amusing to say the least!!!!!:mm:
New scientific evidence, once again, exposes the delusional, ideologically motivated claims of the AGW deniers that the Earth is not still warming (or, even more crazy, "cooling") for the fraudulent nonsense that they are.

2014 on Track to be Hottest Year on Record
Climate Central
By Andrea Thompson
September 18th, 2014
Just days after NASA data showed that August 2014 was the warmest August on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed the ranking and raised the ante: There’s a good chance 2014 could become the warmest year on record.

Temperature departures around the world for the period from January-August 2014, which ranks as the 3rd warmest such period on record. Credit: NOAA

“If we continue a consistent departure from average for the rest of 2014, we will edge out 2010 as the warmest year on record,” said Jake Crouch, a climatologist with NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, during a press briefing Thursday. Specifically, if each of the remaining months of the year ranks among the top five warmest, 2014 will take the top spot, he said. The news may come as a surprise to those living in the eastern portion of the U.S., which has seen a relatively cool year so far, with a frigid winter followed by a near-average summer (which seemed extremely mild compared to recent steamy summers). But the global picture shows that the East was “pretty much the only land area in the globe that had cooler-than-average temperatures,” Crouch said. (The western U.S., on the other hand, has been baking.)

For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880. The record-hot August marks the 38th consecutive August and the 354th consecutive month with a global average temperature above the 20th century average, according to the NCDC. Of the five warmest years on record (2010, 2005, 1998, 2013, and 2003, in that order), only 2013 and 2014 didn’t start with a mature El Nino, according to NOAA. Of the top 10 warmest years on record, 1998 is the only year that didn’t occur in the 21st century, showing how much global temperatures have risen due to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The top 10 warmest years on record globally, according to NOAA data.

AGWCult singing: Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Change, Climate Disruption, the Pacific ocean ate my global warming
Hilarious. The poor desperate deniers have devolved into all-conspiracy all-the-time nutters. They literally have no other arguments beyond TheGreatSocialistConspiracy.

That's why the whole planet is laughing at them. Get used to your constant humiliation, deniers. After all, you've worked hard to earn all the ridicule you're getting.

Well, I think if the "deniers" are wrong the laugh will be on all of us, won't it? :FIREdevil:
Hilarious. The poor desperate deniers have devolved into all-conspiracy all-the-time nutters. They literally have no other arguments beyond TheGreatSocialistConspiracy.

That's why the whole planet is laughing at them. Get used to your constant humiliation, deniers. After all, you've worked hard to earn all the ridicule you're getting.
Hey, Moonbat, does the ocean consume 93% of the Warming per TrollingBlunders chart?
Hilarious. The poor desperate deniers have devolved into all-conspiracy all-the-time nutters. They literally have no other arguments beyond TheGreatSocialistConspiracy.

That's why the whole planet is laughing at them. Get used to your constant humiliation, deniers. After all, you've worked hard to earn all the ridicule you're getting.

Well, I think if the "deniers" are wrong the laugh will be on all of us, won't it? :FIREdevil:

Wrong about what?
And a few more empty, vacuous, waste-of-time posts that say nothing from the anti-science denier cult dupes.

In the real world....

Global Oceans Break All-Time Heat Record; World on Pace for Warmest Year Ever
By Eric Holthaus
SEPT. 18 2014
The Earth’s oceans have never been this far beyond the bounds of normal. New data released Thursday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that Earth’s oceans reached a level last month not seen since humans have been keeping comprehensive records. Global ocean temperatures in August 2014 warmed to “the largest departure from average for any month on record” according to a NOAA statement. The previous record was set just two months ago, in June 2014. Records date back to 1880, though there’s ample evidence that the new record hasn’t been matched in much longer than that. The NOAA data also showed the temperature of the Earth as a whole hit a new all-time August record last month, confirming similar results earlier this week from NASA and the Japanese Meteorological Agency, which use slightly different ways of crunching the numbers.

Additionally, the combined temperature of June, July, and August was also unprecedented in historical records. According to the JMA, four of the last five months have now been record-breaking for that particular month. (July was No. 2, just a hair behind the super-charged El Niño year of 1998.) The eastern United States is among the only land areas on Earth still running below normal for 2014, a legacy of the polar vortex outbreaks of earlier this year. Later Thursday morning, NOAA expanded on the implications of the new records in a conference call, saying that on its current pace—and with the help of a newly resurgent El Niño—2014 is poised to become the warmest year ever measured. “If the next four months rank among the five warmest on record, 2014 will be the warmest on record for the globe,” said Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center. The warming effect of El Niño, which boosts temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean, appears to have begun finally kicking into gear over the last week or so. In a separate announcement Thursday, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society declared that “borderline El Niño conditions have now returned in both ocean and atmosphere.” The El Niño is expected to persist until at least March 2015, affecting a range of weather patterns around the globe over the coming months. Should 2014 become the new warmest year, a lingering El Niño means the record may not last long.
And a few more empty, vacuous, waste-of-time posts that say nothing from the anti-science denier cult dupes.

In the real world....

Global Oceans Break All-Time Heat Record; World on Pace for Warmest Year Ever
By Eric Holthaus
SEPT. 18 2014
The Earth’s oceans have never been this far beyond the bounds of normal. New data released Thursday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that Earth’s oceans reached a level last month not seen since humans have been keeping comprehensive records. Global ocean temperatures in August 2014 warmed to “the largest departure from average for any month on record” according to a NOAA statement. The previous record was set just two months ago, in June 2014. Records date back to 1880, though there’s ample evidence that the new record hasn’t been matched in much longer than that. The NOAA data also showed the temperature of the Earth as a whole hit a new all-time August record last month, confirming similar results earlier this week from NASA and the Japanese Meteorological Agency, which use slightly different ways of crunching the numbers.

Additionally, the combined temperature of June, July, and August was also unprecedented in historical records. According to the JMA, four of the last five months have now been record-breaking for that particular month. (July was No. 2, just a hair behind the super-charged El Niño year of 1998.) The eastern United States is among the only land areas on Earth still running below normal for 2014, a legacy of the polar vortex outbreaks of earlier this year. Later Thursday morning, NOAA expanded on the implications of the new records in a conference call, saying that on its current pace—and with the help of a newly resurgent El Niño—2014 is poised to become the warmest year ever measured. “If the next four months rank among the five warmest on record, 2014 will be the warmest on record for the globe,” said Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center. The warming effect of El Niño, which boosts temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean, appears to have begun finally kicking into gear over the last week or so. In a separate announcement Thursday, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society declared that “borderline El Niño conditions have now returned in both ocean and atmosphere.” The El Niño is expected to persist until at least March 2015, affecting a range of weather patterns around the globe over the coming months. Should 2014 become the new warmest year, a lingering El Niño means the record may not last long.


Arg argg argg arggg me and me spinach kept meticulous record of ocean heat
And a few more empty, vacuous, waste-of-time posts that say nothing from the anti-science denier cult dupes.

In the real world....

Global Oceans Break All-Time Heat Record; World on Pace for Warmest Year Ever
By Eric Holthaus
SEPT. 18 2014
The Earth’s oceans have never been this far beyond the bounds of normal. New data released Thursday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that Earth’s oceans reached a level last month not seen since humans have been keeping comprehensive records. Global ocean temperatures in August 2014 warmed to “the largest departure from average for any month on record” according to a NOAA statement. The previous record was set just two months ago, in June 2014. Records date back to 1880, though there’s ample evidence that the new record hasn’t been matched in much longer than that. The NOAA data also showed the temperature of the Earth as a whole hit a new all-time August record last month, confirming similar results earlier this week from NASA and the Japanese Meteorological Agency, which use slightly different ways of crunching the numbers.

Additionally, the combined temperature of June, July, and August was also unprecedented in historical records. According to the JMA, four of the last five months have now been record-breaking for that particular month. (July was No. 2, just a hair behind the super-charged El Niño year of 1998.) The eastern United States is among the only land areas on Earth still running below normal for 2014, a legacy of the polar vortex outbreaks of earlier this year. Later Thursday morning, NOAA expanded on the implications of the new records in a conference call, saying that on its current pace—and with the help of a newly resurgent El Niño—2014 is poised to become the warmest year ever measured. “If the next four months rank among the five warmest on record, 2014 will be the warmest on record for the globe,” said Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center. The warming effect of El Niño, which boosts temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean, appears to have begun finally kicking into gear over the last week or so. In a separate announcement Thursday, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society declared that “borderline El Niño conditions have now returned in both ocean and atmosphere.” The El Niño is expected to persist until at least March 2015, affecting a range of weather patterns around the globe over the coming months. Should 2014 become the new warmest year, a lingering El Niño means the record may not last long.
Arg argg argg arggg me and me spinach kept meticulous record of ocean heat
And still more ignorant anti-science drivel from ol' CrazyFruitcake. Even more insane this time than usual.
And a few more empty, vacuous, waste-of-time posts that say nothing from the anti-science denier cult dupes.

In the real world....

Global Oceans Break All-Time Heat Record; World on Pace for Warmest Year Ever
By Eric Holthaus
SEPT. 18 2014
The Earth’s oceans have never been this far beyond the bounds of normal. New data released Thursday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that Earth’s oceans reached a level last month not seen since humans have been keeping comprehensive records. Global ocean temperatures in August 2014 warmed to “the largest departure from average for any month on record” according to a NOAA statement. The previous record was set just two months ago, in June 2014. Records date back to 1880, though there’s ample evidence that the new record hasn’t been matched in much longer than that. The NOAA data also showed the temperature of the Earth as a whole hit a new all-time August record last month, confirming similar results earlier this week from NASA and the Japanese Meteorological Agency, which use slightly different ways of crunching the numbers.

Additionally, the combined temperature of June, July, and August was also unprecedented in historical records. According to the JMA, four of the last five months have now been record-breaking for that particular month. (July was No. 2, just a hair behind the super-charged El Niño year of 1998.) The eastern United States is among the only land areas on Earth still running below normal for 2014, a legacy of the polar vortex outbreaks of earlier this year. Later Thursday morning, NOAA expanded on the implications of the new records in a conference call, saying that on its current pace—and with the help of a newly resurgent El Niño—2014 is poised to become the warmest year ever measured. “If the next four months rank among the five warmest on record, 2014 will be the warmest on record for the globe,” said Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center. The warming effect of El Niño, which boosts temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean, appears to have begun finally kicking into gear over the last week or so. In a separate announcement Thursday, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society declared that “borderline El Niño conditions have now returned in both ocean and atmosphere.” The El Niño is expected to persist until at least March 2015, affecting a range of weather patterns around the globe over the coming months. Should 2014 become the new warmest year, a lingering El Niño means the record may not last long.
Arg argg argg arggg me and me spinach kept meticulous record of ocean heat
And still more ignorant anti-science drivel from ol' CrazyFruitcake. Even more insane this time than usual.

Tell them how that nasty ocean ate 93% of the warming. First time I'm hearing about it

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