2015 hottest year ever, 15 of 16 hottest years since 2001...

194 nations agreed that climate change is a problem, one that all of us have to address. People like Silly Billy and Mr. Westwall simply don't count anymore.
194 nations agreed that climate change is a problem, one that all of us have to address. People like Silly Billy and Mr. Westwall simply don't count anymore.

Poor little Old Crock.... He has no facts, No empirical evidence, just a shit loaf of failed models which cant predict anything.. Then you make claims that you are some how smarter than the evidence presented, claim to be an authority, all while pontificating from a position of weakness and laughable stuff you and your AGW cult claim as science.. Is your diaper full of shit too, in need of changing?
You have made yourself the arbiter of who is and is not credible.. So you tell me...

Sure, I'll take NASA, NOAA, almost every government, universities and corporations. What do you have?

I have empirical evidence.. Which I just so happened to post above showing your crap all lies..

You have fictional models that fail.. Your government god is lying to you and you cant see it.. Fool!

Not going to answer the original question? If who ever you are using as a source isn't qualified to explain the information you are posting then your opinion is less than convincing.

Well there you go... Running in circles with sharp object in hand..

I am a certified meteorologist. I hold a Masters in Atmospheric Physics..

You are an ignorant fool.. Your opinion is crap, based on lies and failed models... And that I can say with 100% certainty..
LOL. Many, many times LOL. What a silly little liar Silly Billy is. Get that GED yet, Silly Billy? I doubt it.

You know, You, Crick and now this new sock puppet all act the same... I see you haven't passed kindergarten..You really should have your handlers change your shitty diaper.
I have empirical evidence.. Which I just so happened to post above showing your crap all lies..

You have fictional models that fail.. Your government god is lying to you and you cant see it.. Fool!

Not going to answer the original question? If who ever you are using as a source isn't qualified to explain the information you are posting then your opinion is less than convincing.

Well there you go...

I am a certified meteorologist. I hold a Masters in Atmospheric Physics..

You are an ignorant fool.. Your opinion is crap, based on lies and failed models... And that I can say with 100% certainty..

You're an anonymous poster on a hyper-partisan discussion forum. There is absolutely no reason to believe you. And, even if you were, you are way out numbered.

Well.. why do you need to lie about warming?


This is the difference between the RAW unaltered data and your highly adjusted crap, from which you base all of your claims..

By the way, your outnumbered by about 70% of the population, which thinks this is all a lie and a scam.. The empirical evidence bears this out.

Sorry, if you can't even cite a valid source, what do you want me to do?

Just give me a trusted source that isn't part of some wingnut group, not full of conspiracy nuts and not paid by the oil industry.

Answer my empirical evidence post. Show me where CO2 can be attributed to any of the warming.. And how you ascertained this. Please post your math, methods, and data with which you made these conclusions... I'll wait..
There is no empirical data to support the claims. It's all based on "projections" of dubious credibility. First off, the temperature records have been shown to be less than accurate or credible. Second, they are only looking at selected countries. When you look at total crop production, what do you see? You see steady increases year-by-year.

Nobody said there weren't increases in crop production. You're really missing the point It's a complicated world and simply posting charts without any context around them isn't an argument. So, go back to wherever you got those and ask that source what crop production would look like without climate change. Otherwise your little charts aren't worth shit.

"It would have been better without global warming" is the kind of claim Obama makes about the economy. It's an absolute bullshit claim. Yeah, it's a complex world, which is why such claims are almost always bullshit.

Scientists out weigh your opinion.

His are not worth s**t, but yours are ?

I can't get enough of this.

This must be a Crick clone drone... Thinks he is all right and that no one else is qualified to tell him he is full of shit. Its doing exactly what I expect from a drone... Ignore the empirical evidence presented and the logic which shows his cult anti-science religion a farce.
Happy Crick
194 nations agreed that climate change is a problem, one that all of us have to address. People like Silly Billy and Mr. Westwall simply don't count anymore.
194 nations agreed the USA should pay for fake science

The Old Crock retard doesn't think we count any more.. Simply because he cant refute the empirical evidence showing them liars.. All they have is adhom, personal attacks, and ignoring the real empirical data by making up shit.
No, Silly Billy, liars like you don't count, never have. You claim degrees that you cannot possibly have, considering the level of ignorance that you have repeatedly demonstrated on this board.
No, Silly Billy, liars like you don't count, never have. You claim degrees that you cannot possibly have, considering the level of ignorance that you have repeatedly demonstrated on this board.

Another lie you cant hope to prove.. All because you cant see how a trained scientist can have a position that is not the same as yours and the left wing fools teaching in colleges.

What has been repeatedly demonstrated on this board, is your ignorance of facts. You choose to believe lies and deceptions simply becasue you dont follow the scientific method and rules which expose them as lies and failed hypotheses..

Sadly this is what is passing for college education these days... Strict adherence to agenda driven left wing socialist crap. When college grads cant tell you the three basic branches of the US government, think Judge Judy is a supreme court justice, or the centuries old scientific method, it truly is scary..
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Have yet to see a valid climate denial organization. And yeah, Billy Bob, you're the one claiming to be a meteorologist, might as well claim to be Donald Trump, without any sort of evidence it means nothing, so not really sure why you would make a claim like that in the first place.

But, question is still open, as a meteorologist, what sources do you use to claim climate change isn't happening?
194 nations agreed that climate change is a problem, one that all of us have to address. People like Silly Billy and Mr. Westwall simply don't count anymore.

194 nations agreed that climate change is a problem, one that all of us have to address.

That is awesome!
In 10 years, how many PPM will their agreement keep out of the atmosphere?
Have yet to see a valid climate denial organization. And yeah, Billy Bob, you're the one claiming to be a meteorologist, might as well claim to be Donald Trump, without any sort of evidence it means nothing, so not really sure why you would make a claim like that in the first place.

But, question is still open, as a meteorologist, what sources do you use to claim climate change isn't happening?

I never said that the climate is not changing. Its been changing for over 4.2 billion years and were not going to stop it from changing. To think we can is ludicrous.

What I did say is, that MAN induced change on a global scale is not happening. We do have limited impact in micro climates (small geographical regions) due to land use but the earths as a whole is not being forced one way or the other by man and CO2 output.

There is no empirical evidence to support that man is changing climates on a global scale. CO2 is not driving anything, as I posted above, by empirical evidence. There is no mid-troposphere hot spot.This according to the IPCC and the US EPA is a must for the hypothesis to be true.

The graphs are notated as to their origin and data used to create them. I dont give a dam about your belief that they are reliable or not. NOAA and NASA have adjusted the surface records so badly they are useless for scientific research. Only RAW data sets and the US-CRN raw data are even remotely reliable and why I use them. Satellite data is right on the money with their quantifying balloon data sets to verify their veracity.

Again, show me using empirical evidence (models are not proof, as it is fictionally derived from flawed inputs GIGO and always fails the empirical review) how CO2 is affecting the current temperature rise of ZERO for the last 18 years and 8 months and before that the equal rises as laid out by the IPCC in AR3-AR4 which I have posted up thread.

I'm sure you will dodge this and claim I have not posted a link.. I dont need a link to give you information and point you in the direction of the data. Now prove your assumptions with some facts and real science.
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They don't accept science period.
Old earth
The need to fund science research

None of this matters. Pretty soon they'll be telling us how we need to accept Jesus and demanding that we stop using science.

Sick people. Taliban like.

It's you and your cult who reject science. You belong to a Jonestown like cult.

The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, and the climate has changed constantly over that entire period.

The physical evidence supporting evolution is overwhelming, including fossils and stratification.

Your cult however is refuted by physical evidence, virtually every time - so you go back and falsify past records.

Your religion is a fraud.
Your link is bullshit. You obviously can't read a graph that shows world crop production increases year after year after year.

This was already explained to you.

What part of my graph didn't you understand? Where is the evidence of reduced crop production in those graphs?

I fully understand your charts. Can you tell me what the source of your charts thinks about climate change?

It doesn't matter what they think. Opinions aren't a valid substitute for facts. The one fact that is beyond dispute is that crop production has increased every year for the last 60 years.

It doesn't matter what they think? You're argument seems to be that nothing is predictable. Again, I'll trust educated people in their field and not your personal opinions.
how many inches of snow will fall in DC today?
Have yet to see a valid climate denial organization. And yeah, Billy Bob, you're the one claiming to be a meteorologist, might as well claim to be Donald Trump, without any sort of evidence it means nothing, so not really sure why you would make a claim like that in the first place.

But, question is still open, as a meteorologist, what sources do you use to claim climate change isn't happening?

I never said that the climate is not changing. Its been changing for over 4.2 billion years and were not going to stop it from changing. To think we can is ludicrous.

What I did say is, that MAN induced change on a global scale is not happening. We do have limited impact in micro climates (small geographical regions) due to land use but the earths as a whole is not being forced one way or the other by man and CO2 output.

There is no empirical evidence to support that man is changing climates on a global scale. CO2 is not driving anything, as I posted above, by empirical evidence. There is no mid-troposphere hot spot.This according to the IPCC and the US EPA is a must for the hypothesis to be true.

The graphs are notated as to their origin and data used to create them. I dont give a dam about your belief that they are reliable or not. NOAA and NASA have adjusted the surface records so badly they are useless for scientific research. Only RAW data sets and the US-CRN raw data are even remotely reliable and why I use them. Satellite data is right on the money with their quantifying balloon data sets to verify their veracity.

Again, show me using empirical evidence (models are not proof, as it is fictionally derived from flawed inputs GIGO and always fails the empirical review) how CO2 is affecting the current temperature rise of ZERO for the last 18 years and 8 months and before that the equal rises as laid out by the IPCC in AR3-AR4 which I have posted up thread.

I'm sure you will dodge this and claim I have not posted a link.. I dont need a link to give you information and point you in the direction of the data. Now prove your assumptions with some facts and real science.

Good post, and right on point.

But these are religious fanatics you are dealing with; they cannot be reasoned with and reject fact or evidence.
You're not going to trust a science based source that uses computer models? Let me see if I can go find a pen and some graph paper.....should be some here in a drawer....be right back....

Go ahead, it won't change the fact that the physical evidence refutes your religion. Nor will it change the fact that your cult continually engages in fraud to force figures to fit.

Hottest year on record, 1934. BUT that doesn't fit with the doctrine of the church, so let's just change those temperatures to something that works for the faith?

That ain't science, that's fraud.

You AGW fools are no different than the Catholic Church of the 1300's.

I don't care if you have consensus that the sun orbits the earth. I don't care if you have a computer model that the earth is the center of the universe.

Yes, you will destroy anyone who questions church doctrine, using the coercion of the church to keep any study of forbidden ideas away from questioning minds.

You are the herald of the new dark ages, where knowledge is suppressed in favor of "consensus."
Have yet to see a valid climate denial organization. And yeah, Billy Bob, you're the one claiming to be a meteorologist, might as well claim to be Donald Trump, without any sort of evidence it means nothing, so not really sure why you would make a claim like that in the first place.

But, question is still open, as a meteorologist, what sources do you use to claim climate change isn't happening?

I never said that the climate is not changing. Its been changing for over 4.2 billion years and were not going to stop it from changing. To think we can is ludicrous.

What I did say is, that MAN induced change on a global scale is not happening. We do have limited impact in micro climates (small geographical regions) due to land use but the earths as a whole is not being forced one way or the other by man and CO2 output.

There is no empirical evidence to support that man is changing climates on a global scale. CO2 is not driving anything, as I posted above, by empirical evidence. There is no mid-troposphere hot spot.This according to the IPCC and the US EPA is a must for the hypothesis to be true.

The graphs are notated as to their origin and data used to create them. I dont give a dam about your belief that they are reliable or not. NOAA and NASA have adjusted the surface records so badly they are useless for scientific research. Only RAW data sets and the US-CRN raw data are even remotely reliable and why I use them. Satellite data is right on the money with their quantifying balloon data sets to verify their veracity.

Again, show me using empirical evidence (models are not proof, as it is fictionally derived from flawed inputs GIGO and always fails the empirical review) how CO2 is affecting the current temperature rise of ZERO for the last 18 years and 8 months and before that the equal rises as laid out by the IPCC in AR3-AR4 which I have posted up thread.

I'm sure you will dodge this and claim I have not posted a link.. I dont need a link to give you information and point you in the direction of the data. Now prove your assumptions with some facts and real science.

Good post, and right on point.

But these are religious fanatics you are dealing with; they cannot be reasoned with and reject fact or evidence.

He can't even provide you with a viable source.

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