2015 hottest year ever, 15 of 16 hottest years since 2001...

Ummm, I went back and got the chart you deleted. Hack.

Yeah, I started a post, decided to reply to someone else's post instead and my original post was still in there that contained the chart. After I posted I realized what I did and removed it, what difference does it make? It's still from the epa.

After I posted I realized what I did and removed it,

Yeah, I noticed you removed the chart that made your study look silly.

what difference does it make?

It shows you're dishonest.

It's still from the epa.

I know, the EPA admits that yields have soared, even with "climate change".

No, the chart from the epa demonstrates climate change has an impact on our crops according to the epa. Doesn't show any dishonesty on my part.

How does a 150% increase in crop production demonstrate the climate change reduces crop production?

You'd have to read the epa article, it discusses it in depth, link already provided.

Still waiting on a trusted source who disputes climate change from you silly fuckers and you can't provide one.

Still waiting on a scientific source from you that claims man is responsible for anything that is actually based on empirical data and has no computer derived science fiction as it's primary source.

Good luck with that. And BTW, in Science that's how it's done. YOU make the claim, YOU support the claim.
What's the point of debating this anymore? The right does not accept the evidence.
Farmers are having record year crop productions, which doesn't fit with your bull shit either.

Why wouldn't they? At least in the U.S. where we aren't feeling the affects of climate change quite as severely as other parts of the world. But, why wait?


According to the most recent IPCC report, changes in climates over the last 30 years
have already reduced global agricultural production in the range 1-5 % per decade
globally, with particularly negative effects for tropical cereal crops such as maize and
rice (Porter et al., 2014). In addition, there is now mounting evidence suggesting that
even at low (+2 ºC) levels of warming, agricultural productivity is likely to decline
across the globe, but particularly across tropical areas (Challinor et al., 2014). This
Working Paper provides an overview of projected climate change impacts on crop
production and suitability across Africa, using a combination of literature review,
models and new data analysis

I believe that's from 2013, we already know that crop productions are being threatened and have already been affected by climate change. But, you wouldn't bother to look into it anyway, so what is the point of having this debate with you when one of your boneheaded ideas is to bring the bible into it that you did in another post.

So, do you really believe that crap study? Just figuring the low estimate of 1% per decade says that we are now producing three percent less than we otherwise would be. When i look at the food production rates i see no slow down I see more food than ever. In fact there is so much food out there that we can afford to waste 1.3 BILLION tons of food every year. That's lost, or allowed to rot, or simply thrown down the drain to keep prices up.

There is ZERO real evidence to support that assertion.

Food Waste: The Facts

You're using an organization whose goal is to fight hunger to make the point that there is plenty of food in the world. The rest of your post doesn't address anything.
Yeah, I started a post, decided to reply to someone else's post instead and my original post was still in there that contained the chart. After I posted I realized what I did and removed it, what difference does it make? It's still from the epa.

After I posted I realized what I did and removed it,

Yeah, I noticed you removed the chart that made your study look silly.

what difference does it make?

It shows you're dishonest.

It's still from the epa.

I know, the EPA admits that yields have soared, even with "climate change".

No, the chart from the epa demonstrates climate change has an impact on our crops according to the epa. Doesn't show any dishonesty on my part.

How does a 150% increase in crop production demonstrate the climate change reduces crop production?

You'd have to read the epa article, it discusses it in depth, link already provided.

Still waiting on a trusted source who disputes climate change from you silly fuckers and you can't provide one.

Still waiting on a scientific source from you that claims man is responsible for anything that is actually based on empirical data and has no computer derived science fiction as it's primary source.

Good luck with that. And BTW, in Science that's how it's done. YOU make the claim, YOU support the claim.

You're not going to trust a science based source that uses computer models? Let me see if I can go find a pen and some graph paper.....should be some here in a drawer....be right back....
What's the point of debating this anymore? The right does not accept the evidence.
Farmers are having record year crop productions, which doesn't fit with your bull shit either.

Why wouldn't they? At least in the U.S. where we aren't feeling the affects of climate change quite as severely as other parts of the world. But, why wait?


According to the most recent IPCC report, changes in climates over the last 30 years
have already reduced global agricultural production in the range 1-5 % per decade
globally, with particularly negative effects for tropical cereal crops such as maize and
rice (Porter et al., 2014). In addition, there is now mounting evidence suggesting that
even at low (+2 ºC) levels of warming, agricultural productivity is likely to decline
across the globe, but particularly across tropical areas (Challinor et al., 2014). This
Working Paper provides an overview of projected climate change impacts on crop
production and suitability across Africa, using a combination of literature review,
models and new data analysis

I believe that's from 2013, we already know that crop productions are being threatened and have already been affected by climate change. But, you wouldn't bother to look into it anyway, so what is the point of having this debate with you when one of your boneheaded ideas is to bring the bible into it that you did in another post.

So, do you really believe that crap study? Just figuring the low estimate of 1% per decade says that we are now producing three percent less than we otherwise would be. When i look at the food production rates i see no slow down I see more food than ever. In fact there is so much food out there that we can afford to waste 1.3 BILLION tons of food every year. That's lost, or allowed to rot, or simply thrown down the drain to keep prices up.

There is ZERO real evidence to support that assertion.

Food Waste: The Facts

You're using an organization whose goal is to fight hunger to make the point that there is plenty of food in the world. The rest of your post doesn't address anything.

Your EPA chart proves there is plenty of food in the world.
What's the point of debating this anymore? The right does not accept the evidence.
Farmers are having record year crop productions, which doesn't fit with your bull shit either.

Why wouldn't they? At least in the U.S. where we aren't feeling the affects of climate change quite as severely as other parts of the world. But, why wait?


According to the most recent IPCC report, changes in climates over the last 30 years
have already reduced global agricultural production in the range 1-5 % per decade
globally, with particularly negative effects for tropical cereal crops such as maize and
rice (Porter et al., 2014). In addition, there is now mounting evidence suggesting that
even at low (+2 ºC) levels of warming, agricultural productivity is likely to decline
across the globe, but particularly across tropical areas (Challinor et al., 2014). This
Working Paper provides an overview of projected climate change impacts on crop
production and suitability across Africa, using a combination of literature review,
models and new data analysis

I believe that's from 2013, we already know that crop productions are being threatened and have already been affected by climate change. But, you wouldn't bother to look into it anyway, so what is the point of having this debate with you when one of your boneheaded ideas is to bring the bible into it that you did in another post.

So, do you really believe that crap study? Just figuring the low estimate of 1% per decade says that we are now producing three percent less than we otherwise would be. When i look at the food production rates i see no slow down I see more food than ever. In fact there is so much food out there that we can afford to waste 1.3 BILLION tons of food every year. That's lost, or allowed to rot, or simply thrown down the drain to keep prices up.

There is ZERO real evidence to support that assertion.

Food Waste: The Facts

You're using an organization whose goal is to fight hunger to make the point that there is plenty of food in the world. The rest of your post doesn't address anything.

Your EPA chart proves there is plenty of food in the world.

The graph by itself? No it doesn't.
After I posted I realized what I did and removed it,

Yeah, I noticed you removed the chart that made your study look silly.

what difference does it make?

It shows you're dishonest.

It's still from the epa.

I know, the EPA admits that yields have soared, even with "climate change".

No, the chart from the epa demonstrates climate change has an impact on our crops according to the epa. Doesn't show any dishonesty on my part.

How does a 150% increase in crop production demonstrate the climate change reduces crop production?

You'd have to read the epa article, it discusses it in depth, link already provided.

Still waiting on a trusted source who disputes climate change from you silly fuckers and you can't provide one.

Still waiting on a scientific source from you that claims man is responsible for anything that is actually based on empirical data and has no computer derived science fiction as it's primary source.

Good luck with that. And BTW, in Science that's how it's done. YOU make the claim, YOU support the claim.

You're not going to trust a science based source that uses computer models? Let me see if I can go find a pen and some graph paper.....should be some here in a drawer....be right back....

Computer models are all subject to the GIGO syndrome (Garbage In, Garbage Out). A computer model can no more be trusted as any book. What comes out of either depends on the knowledge and integrity of the author. So far the authors of climate computer models have demonstrated neither knowledge nor integrity.
Farmers are having record year crop productions, which doesn't fit with your bull shit either.

Why wouldn't they? At least in the U.S. where we aren't feeling the affects of climate change quite as severely as other parts of the world. But, why wait?


According to the most recent IPCC report, changes in climates over the last 30 years
have already reduced global agricultural production in the range 1-5 % per decade
globally, with particularly negative effects for tropical cereal crops such as maize and
rice (Porter et al., 2014). In addition, there is now mounting evidence suggesting that
even at low (+2 ºC) levels of warming, agricultural productivity is likely to decline
across the globe, but particularly across tropical areas (Challinor et al., 2014). This
Working Paper provides an overview of projected climate change impacts on crop
production and suitability across Africa, using a combination of literature review,
models and new data analysis

I believe that's from 2013, we already know that crop productions are being threatened and have already been affected by climate change. But, you wouldn't bother to look into it anyway, so what is the point of having this debate with you when one of your boneheaded ideas is to bring the bible into it that you did in another post.

So, do you really believe that crap study? Just figuring the low estimate of 1% per decade says that we are now producing three percent less than we otherwise would be. When i look at the food production rates i see no slow down I see more food than ever. In fact there is so much food out there that we can afford to waste 1.3 BILLION tons of food every year. That's lost, or allowed to rot, or simply thrown down the drain to keep prices up.

There is ZERO real evidence to support that assertion.

Food Waste: The Facts

You're using an organization whose goal is to fight hunger to make the point that there is plenty of food in the world. The rest of your post doesn't address anything.

Your EPA chart proves there is plenty of food in the world.

The graph by itself? No it doesn't.

Yes it does. It proves there is more food per person now than there was 60 years ago.
What's the point of debating this anymore? The right does not accept the evidence.
You mean the exaggerated and highly adjusted upwards crap you think is evidence? Anyone can get a crayon and make up shit..

I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.
The GOP, only party in the world that denies GW. And a lot of other stuff...a disgrace. And ty for wrecking the world...multiple times...

Do you know the difference in global warming and anthropogenic global warming?

I know the first is probably true.

There is no proof for the second.

What a load of horse shit...

Below are two rates of warming from the Hadcrut3 lower troposphere. One is from the period 1900 through 1950 and the the other is 1951 through 2000. Below each is the rate of warming.


The trend for the period 1900-1950 is 0.51 deg C or 0.103/decade

This trend occurred before CO2 became a rapidly increasing according to the IPCC and is near or is the Natural Variational rate.

The trend for 1951-2000 is 0.50 deg C or 0.100 deg C/decade.

This means that the two rates of warming are statistically insignificant DESPITE the rapid rise in CO2 and equal to NATURAL VARIATION..


So by simple observation we can see the problem with the hypothesis of runaway temp caused by CO2. During the time they claim runway rise it was nothing of the sort and even given the rise in CO2 there was no discernible increase in that natural rise.

Even your beloved IPCC acknowledges NATURAL VARIATION. The empirical evidence shows that CO2 isn't doing squat..
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case here, is you. You fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence.. YOU dismiss others points of view becasue YOU have your blinders on and believe every lie your told about the missing heat, which must be hiding, because your failed models say so... You never question why your models have no predictive powers and why they fail... Could it be becasue your WRONG? Or that your hypothesis is bunk?
Last edited:
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.


2015 hottest year ever, 15 of 16 hottest years since 2001...
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.


2015 hottest year ever, 15 of 16 hottest years since 2001...

Doesn't appear that way.
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

Why do alarmists feel it necessary to lie about warming when its been cooling now since 2004?
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

What a fool you are.. Do you think NOAA or NASA are reputable? This is the torture they do to data that doesn't comply with their "expectations of warming"
Warming Shown with error bar accuracy vs a magnafying glass.JPG
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

Why do alarmists feel it necessary to lie about warming when its been cooling now since 2004?
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

What a fool you are.. Do you think NOAA or NASA are reputable?

Who is reputable?
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

Why do alarmists feel it necessary to lie about warming when its been cooling now since 2004?
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

What a fool you are.. Do you think NOAA or NASA are reputable?

Who is reputable?

You have made yourself the arbiter of who is and is not credible.. So you tell me...

You probably think John Cook and Dana Nuttercellie of Skeptical Science is.. Both are deceptionists and their science crap.
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

Why do alarmists feel it necessary to lie about warming when its been cooling now since 2004?
I'll ask you the same question the rest of the dipshits can't answer. Name a respectable organization that is not full of conspiracy nuts, right wing hacks or has ties to the oil industry that does not believe or better yet has evidence that humans are not the cause of climate change.

IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

What a fool you are.. Do you think NOAA or NASA are reputable?

Who is reputable?

You have made yourself the arbiter of who is and is not credible.. So you tell me...

Sure, I'll take NASA, NOAA, almost every government, universities and corporations. What do you have?
After I posted I realized what I did and removed it,

Yeah, I noticed you removed the chart that made your study look silly.

what difference does it make?

It shows you're dishonest.

It's still from the epa.

I know, the EPA admits that yields have soared, even with "climate change".

No, the chart from the epa demonstrates climate change has an impact on our crops according to the epa. Doesn't show any dishonesty on my part.

How does a 150% increase in crop production demonstrate the climate change reduces crop production?

You'd have to read the epa article, it discusses it in depth, link already provided.

Still waiting on a trusted source who disputes climate change from you silly fuckers and you can't provide one.

Still waiting on a scientific source from you that claims man is responsible for anything that is actually based on empirical data and has no computer derived science fiction as it's primary source.

Good luck with that. And BTW, in Science that's how it's done. YOU make the claim, YOU support the claim.

You're not going to trust a science based source that uses computer models? Let me see if I can go find a pen and some graph paper.....should be some here in a drawer....be right back....

No, the computer models are less than worthless they are inherently biased. No matter what number you punch in you always end up with a catastrophe. That's not how moels are supposed to work, nor is it how the world works. They are fiction, and ridiculously bad fiction at that.
IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

Why do alarmists feel it necessary to lie about warming when its been cooling now since 2004?
IN other words, One YOU THINK IS OK... which means the only nut case is you becasue you fail to think for yourself or look at empirical evidence..

You have the question. You can't find an answer.

What a fool you are.. Do you think NOAA or NASA are reputable?

Who is reputable?

You have made yourself the arbiter of who is and is not credible.. So you tell me...

Sure, I'll take NASA, NOAA, almost every government, universities and corporations. What do you have?

I have empirical evidence.. Which I just so happened to post above showing your crap all lies..

You have fictional models that fail.. Your government god is lying to you and you cant see it.. Fool!

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