2015 Iowa Freedom Summit starts tomorrow (Jan 24.)

Just to think, they will be filling up their SUV's with cheap Obamagas to go to the thing.
And I bet you bottom dollar they will be using teleprompters!!!

Can't wait, can't wait!!! This may be even better than waiting for Harold Camping's rapture day back in 2011....
Dr. Ben Carson's speech at the summit:

He talked about his mother, his upbringing, education and G-d. When he mentioned G-d, the crowd appauded. That was nice.

Then he goes off on how Government wants to tells us how to do everything.

The public looks 40-50ish and VERY white.

You can watch the speech for yourself. Carson is actually not very crazy. He will never be nominated.

He also gave a press conference afterward:

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Part of Donald Trump's rant:

"You can't have Romney. You can't have Bush. The last thing that we need is another Bush."

He really ripped into Romney over Romneycare.

He ripped into Bush, J. over immigration. Lots of dogwhistles...

Trump mentioned that Bush 43 nominated Roberts for SOTUS and since Roberts ok'd Obamacare, Roberts is now evil or something.

Yes, the crazies are starting to get warmed up now.

No love for Romney or Bush (J) from Mr. Toupee.


"I know what needs to be done to make America great again."

Oh, and in those 24 seconds, he all but declared his candidacy. :lol:

And his interview:

"I don't think Hillary would be easy to beat."
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Jim DeMint's speech:

Jim DeMint makes some fun of blue states. Funny, California has balanced it' budget.

He gives a pretty good pep-talk to the base.

"Executive Amnesty" --- hmmmmmmm......

"We don't advocate for corporate handouts..." :rofl:

DeMint: a strong America needs: "a strong society, a strong economy and a strong defense."

The crowd applauds when DeMint talks about defending the homeland.
When he attacks social programs, the audience claps.
Union bosses = bad, bad, bad. Audience applauds.
When he talks about vouchers, the audience applauds.
He accused Obama of holding America back in terms of energy. Gas costed $2.00 / gal today..... :D
The Federal Government should just "let prosperity happen"...

Essentially, all the good red meat that Conservatives need or they will eat you instead.

Overall, a pretty good speech.

Oh, and....


Teleprompter alert.jpg

Tsk, tsk...
Did ya hear about Steve King's pledge?

Nope. Tell me.

He wants any presidential candidate to pledge that the first thing they will do....on Inauguration Day.....is completely repeal....by the roots....Obamacare. He's got a 40 word bill that ends with " as though it never existed " that he wants to get passed and signed.
I think I found Steve King's pledge:

Iowa Freedom Summit Rep. Steve King prays God will help GOP restore the soul of U.S. - Washington Times

Rep. Steve King called on God Saturday to help the GOP nominate a 2016 presidential candidate that will “restore the soul” of the United States.

“I pray that out of this process you identify and lift up the individual you will use to restore the soul of this great country,” the congressman from Iowa said. “Thank you Lord, and God bless America.”

He challenged the emerging field of GOP candidates to pledge to repeal Obamacare, push to abolish the IRS and demand a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

Mr. King also said the party’s next standard-bearer should lay out a plan for defeating Islamic militants in the Middle East.

“Layout a plan to defeat radical Islamic jihad,” Mr. King said. “Lay out that plan that defeats them within four to eight years, and defats them for the next 100 years. It can be done.”

Abolish the IRS???
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's speech:

He gets personal and accuses the protesters in Wisconsin as all people who made death threats at him or his family. I think he spent a lot of time talking about this. Sympathy ploy?

Scott Walker.jpg
Jim Gilmore is speaking right now and accused the President of not going to Paris because of the "Obama/Clinton/Kerry appeasement of radical Islam", yadayadaadayaday...

Looks like Jim Gilmore has decided to be the firebrand, the one to feed those hungry Conservatives their red meat.


Can't wait to post his speech...

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