2016 Arctic sea ice thread

Cryosphere Today.........



2016 ice extent is running well below the record low 2012 ice extent.....on its way to setting a new record low Arctic sea ice extent in September.
cryosphere bubba says otherwise. and that is the actual ice capturing data.
The graph I posted is from the National Snow and Ice Data Center....and it is quite accurate and can be verified by other Arctic science sites. Arctic sea ice is trending well below the 2012 line, which was a record low year, and it is headed for a new record-smashing low this year.
The official site is cryosphere sorry
Jelly Sandwhich? That still leaves the Antarctic which is growing

But speaking of the Arctic, which varies greatly all throughout history, here is nice study on ice thickness, which goes on to explain, there is not a lot of information available.
Ice thickness in the Northwest Passage - Haas - 2015 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

The Antarctic is doing the same thing. Yes, it's "growing", it's growing in the sense that there's less ice there too.

There might not be details of how many times polar bears fart in the Arctic, however, like I said, what you've said (and which you seem to have decided to not talk about in this post) is not actually true.

You're making claims which are not based on logic.

You're saying that because the Arctic ice is spread over a larger space, that this somehow means that global warming isn't happening.

Would you like to change your view now?
Nope, its getting thicker, I posted the story and the link, I can go back and get it.
I still can't figure out how ice melts under 29 degrees F.

Why do you think there is ice melting under 29 degrees F?
Jelly Sandwhich? That still leaves the Antarctic which is growing

But speaking of the Arctic, which varies greatly all throughout history, here is nice study on ice thickness, which goes on to explain, there is not a lot of information available.
Ice thickness in the Northwest Passage - Haas - 2015 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

The Antarctic is doing the same thing. Yes, it's "growing", it's growing in the sense that there's less ice there too.

There might not be details of how many times polar bears fart in the Arctic, however, like I said, what you've said (and which you seem to have decided to not talk about in this post) is not actually true.

You're making claims which are not based on logic.

You're saying that because the Arctic ice is spread over a larger space, that this somehow means that global warming isn't happening.

Would you like to change your view now?
Nope, its getting thicker, I posted the story and the link, I can go back and get it.
I still can't figure out how ice melts under 29 degrees F.

Why do you think there is ice melting under 29 degrees F?

Sea ice melts from more then just the air temperature. You also have to consider the temperature of the water and wind direction...(Does the ice spread out and allow the water under it to more easily melt it.). Anyways, a lot of the arctic has been above freezing the past week,,,so it has been warmer in a lot of areas then 29f.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
Sea ice melts from more then just the air temperature. You also have to consider the temperature of the water and wind direction...(Does the ice spread out and allow the water under it to more easily melt it.). Anyways, a lot of the arctic has been above freezing the past week,,,so it has been warmer in a lot of areas then 29f.

You give us a day by day report on Arctic Ice like it is the end of the World. I see you as the ugly American, are ugly through ignorance and stupidity, or immorality? If it was immorality I imagine you could do more than cut/paste, I think your actions prove you as ignorant and stupid.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
You are very educated, impressive in fact. I just read a passage in a book that stated the exact thing, you just said. All the Scientists fought against what a few proved, a revolution, occurred, in science. Now though, this is a bit different, Climate Scientists are being given millions of dollars, the most advanced equipment in the World, they have real power, hence they are more than willing to stretch the truth. They most likely figure even if what they state is completely wrong, the Science they do is still much more valuable than a few decades worth of white lies.
Jelly Sandwhich? That still leaves the Antarctic which is growing

But speaking of the Arctic, which varies greatly all throughout history, here is nice study on ice thickness, which goes on to explain, there is not a lot of information available.
Ice thickness in the Northwest Passage - Haas - 2015 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

The Antarctic is doing the same thing. Yes, it's "growing", it's growing in the sense that there's less ice there too.

There might not be details of how many times polar bears fart in the Arctic, however, like I said, what you've said (and which you seem to have decided to not talk about in this post) is not actually true.

You're making claims which are not based on logic.

You're saying that because the Arctic ice is spread over a larger space, that this somehow means that global warming isn't happening.

Would you like to change your view now?
Nope, its getting thicker, I posted the story and the link, I can go back and get it.
I still can't figure out how ice melts under 29 degrees F.

Why do you think there is ice melting under 29 degrees F?

Sea ice melts from more then just the air temperature. You also have to consider the temperature of the water and wind direction...(Does the ice spread out and allow the water under it to more easily melt it.). Anyways, a lot of the arctic has been above freezing the past week,,,so it has been warmer in a lot of areas then 29f.

Well, the problem is some people just act like science should be easy enough for them to understand, and if they can't understand it, they reject it.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
We have records, from ice cores, that go back 800,000 years. We have other proxies that go back further than that. We also have the absorption spectra of the greenhouse gases. There is more than enough data to show that as long as we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, the warming will increase.

CO2, the biggest control knob, Richard Alley, youtube - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
You are very educated, impressive in fact. I just read a passage in a book that stated the exact thing, you just said. All the Scientists fought against what a few proved, a revolution, occurred, in science. Now though, this is a bit different, Climate Scientists are being given millions of dollars, the most advanced equipment in the World, they have real power, hence they are more than willing to stretch the truth. They most likely figure even if what they state is completely wrong, the Science they do is still much more valuable than a few decades worth of white lies.
Damn, you are one ignorant little fool, Elektra. No, all the scientists did not fight against Plate Tectonics. In fact, once the evidence was presented, the paradigm was accepted with a surprising rapidity. Alfred Wegener first proposed Continental Drift in 1912, but could not supply a mechanism for the movement of the continents. As early as 1596, there was spectulation concerning the movement of continents. With the mapping of the magnetic stripes on the Juan de Fuca ridge, and the seismic profile of the subduction zones, suddenly we could see what was happening.

Now it so happens that the absorption spectra of the GHGs, combined with the temperature records from the ice cores and other proxies, gives us a very good historical record of the relationship between the GHGs and atmospheric temperature. So it is simply a matter of known physics and observation, and we are seeing exactly what the scientists have been predicting.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
You are very educated, impressive in fact. I just read a passage in a book that stated the exact thing, you just said. All the Scientists fought against what a few proved, a revolution, occurred, in science. Now though, this is a bit different, Climate Scientists are being given millions of dollars, the most advanced equipment in the World, they have real power, hence they are more than willing to stretch the truth. They most likely figure even if what they state is completely wrong, the Science they do is still much more valuable than a few decades worth of white lies.
Damn, you are one ignorant little fool, Elektra. No, all the scientists did not fight against Plate Tectonics. In fact, once the evidence was presented, the paradigm was accepted with a surprising rapidity. Alfred Wegener first proposed Continental Drift in 1912, but could not supply a mechanism for the movement of the continents. As early as 1596, there was spectulation concerning the movement of continents. With the mapping of the magnetic stripes on the Juan de Fuca ridge, and the seismic profile of the subduction zones, suddenly we could see what was happening.

Now it so happens that the absorption spectra of the GHGs, combined with the temperature records from the ice cores and other proxies, gives us a very good historical record of the relationship between the GHGs and atmospheric temperature. So it is simply a matter of known physics and observation, and we are seeing exactly what the scientists have been predicting.

OMG, I must apologize to Electra and Old Rocks. I unintentionally mislead you both. I don't believe in global climate change science. I picked a bad example in Plate Tectonics in my post. I probably should have used the tired example of a flat earth, that which is a widely held belief which is actually wrong (flat earth wasn't really a widely held belief among the educated ). Global climate change science is influenced by money and politics, which taints the science, and so many pure scientist, or those with No dog in the fight, have expressed the issues with the science. They get ignored by the scientific community which has sold out to the point that they can't even get peer review for work which questions the theories. That is a abomination of science. Science is never settled, not until all honest efforts to discredit a theory have been unsuccessful, only then is it accepted as fact. Anthropogenic climate change is far short of this threshold.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
We have records, from ice cores, that go back 800,000 years. We have other proxies that go back further than that. We also have the absorption spectra of the greenhouse gases. There is more than enough data to show that as long as we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, the warming will increase.

CO2, the biggest control knob, Richard Alley, youtube - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results
no, no you don't. If it were true then it wouldn't get cold in the desert at night. You fail. The deserts disprove your argument. bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
You are very educated, impressive in fact. I just read a passage in a book that stated the exact thing, you just said. All the Scientists fought against what a few proved, a revolution, occurred, in science. Now though, this is a bit different, Climate Scientists are being given millions of dollars, the most advanced equipment in the World, they have real power, hence they are more than willing to stretch the truth. They most likely figure even if what they state is completely wrong, the Science they do is still much more valuable than a few decades worth of white lies.
Damn, you are one ignorant little fool, Elektra. No, all the scientists did not fight against Plate Tectonics. In fact, once the evidence was presented, the paradigm was accepted with a surprising rapidity. Alfred Wegener first proposed Continental Drift in 1912, but could not supply a mechanism for the movement of the continents. As early as 1596, there was spectulation concerning the movement of continents. With the mapping of the magnetic stripes on the Juan de Fuca ridge, and the seismic profile of the subduction zones, suddenly we could see what was happening.

Now it so happens that the absorption spectra of the GHGs, combined with the temperature records from the ice cores and other proxies, gives us a very good historical record of the relationship between the GHGs and atmospheric temperature. So it is simply a matter of known physics and observation, and we are seeing exactly what the scientists have been predicting.

OMG, I must apologize to Electra and Old Rocks. I unintentionally mislead you both. I don't believe in global climate change science. I picked a bad example in Plate Tectonics in my post. I probably should have used the tired example of a flat earth, that which is a widely held belief which is actually wrong (flat earth wasn't really a widely held belief among the educated ). Global climate change science is influenced by money and politics, which taints the science, and so many pure scientist, or those with No dog in the fight, have expressed the issues with the science. They get ignored by the scientific community which has sold out to the point that they can't even get peer review for work which questions the theories. That is a abomination of science. Science is never settled, not until all honest efforts to discredit a theory have been unsuccessful, only then is it accepted as fact. Anthropogenic climate change is far short of this threshold.
well they still don't have a theory, cause the hypothesis has never been tested.
Jelly Sandwhich? That still leaves the Antarctic which is growing

But speaking of the Arctic, which varies greatly all throughout history, here is nice study on ice thickness, which goes on to explain, there is not a lot of information available.
Ice thickness in the Northwest Passage - Haas - 2015 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

The Antarctic is doing the same thing. Yes, it's "growing", it's growing in the sense that there's less ice there too.

There might not be details of how many times polar bears fart in the Arctic, however, like I said, what you've said (and which you seem to have decided to not talk about in this post) is not actually true.

You're making claims which are not based on logic.

You're saying that because the Arctic ice is spread over a larger space, that this somehow means that global warming isn't happening.

Would you like to change your view now?
Nope, its getting thicker, I posted the story and the link, I can go back and get it.
I still can't figure out how ice melts under 29 degrees F.

Why do you think there is ice melting under 29 degrees F?
cause you all keep saying it. you have no evidence that the arctic has been warmer. The average temp is 27 degree F. So?
The Antarctic is doing the same thing. Yes, it's "growing", it's growing in the sense that there's less ice there too.

There might not be details of how many times polar bears fart in the Arctic, however, like I said, what you've said (and which you seem to have decided to not talk about in this post) is not actually true.

You're making claims which are not based on logic.

You're saying that because the Arctic ice is spread over a larger space, that this somehow means that global warming isn't happening.

Would you like to change your view now?
Nope, its getting thicker, I posted the story and the link, I can go back and get it.
I still can't figure out how ice melts under 29 degrees F.

Why do you think there is ice melting under 29 degrees F?

Sea ice melts from more then just the air temperature. You also have to consider the temperature of the water and wind direction...(Does the ice spread out and allow the water under it to more easily melt it.). Anyways, a lot of the arctic has been above freezing the past week,,,so it has been warmer in a lot of areas then 29f.

Well, the problem is some people just act like science should be easy enough for them to understand, and if they can't understand it, they reject it.

That could be an argument for both sides of this debate.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
We have records, from ice cores, that go back 800,000 years. We have other proxies that go back further than that. We also have the absorption spectra of the greenhouse gases. There is more than enough data to show that as long as we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, the warming will increase.

CO2, the biggest control knob, Richard Alley, youtube - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

The greenhouse gas effect is widely accepted, the problem is nobody has produced a reliable model. Therefore making predictions on cause and effect has yet been speculation. Warming alarmist have damaged their brand by making absurd predictions (see Al Gore) which have not occurred. Throw in money and politics, and VIOLA, reasonable people question the "science". Remove money, politics and emotion to get untainted science.

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
You are very educated, impressive in fact. I just read a passage in a book that stated the exact thing, you just said. All the Scientists fought against what a few proved, a revolution, occurred, in science. Now though, this is a bit different, Climate Scientists are being given millions of dollars, the most advanced equipment in the World, they have real power, hence they are more than willing to stretch the truth. They most likely figure even if what they state is completely wrong, the Science they do is still much more valuable than a few decades worth of white lies.
Damn, you are one ignorant little fool, Elektra. No, all the scientists did not fight against Plate Tectonics. In fact, once the evidence was presented, the paradigm was accepted with a surprising rapidity. Alfred Wegener first proposed Continental Drift in 1912, but could not supply a mechanism for the movement of the continents. As early as 1596, there was spectulation concerning the movement of continents. With the mapping of the magnetic stripes on the Juan de Fuca ridge, and the seismic profile of the subduction zones, suddenly we could see what was happening.

Now it so happens that the absorption spectra of the GHGs, combined with the temperature records from the ice cores and other proxies, gives us a very good historical record of the relationship between the GHGs and atmospheric temperature. So it is simply a matter of known physics and observation, and we are seeing exactly what the scientists have been predicting.

OMG, I must apologize to Electra and Old Rocks. I unintentionally mislead you both. I don't believe in global climate change science. I picked a bad example in Plate Tectonics in my post. I probably should have used the tired example of a flat earth, that which is a widely held belief which is actually wrong (flat earth wasn't really a widely held belief among the educated ). Global climate change science is influenced by money and politics, which taints the science, and so many pure scientist, or those with No dog in the fight, have expressed the issues with the science. They get ignored by the scientific community which has sold out to the point that they can't even get peer review for work which questions the theories. That is a abomination of science. Science is never settled, not until all honest efforts to discredit a theory have been unsuccessful, only then is it accepted as fact. Anthropogenic climate change is far short of this threshold.
Apologize to me? I just like that someone mentioned plate teutonics, from what I understand, it took decades to change people's view.

So did you mislead me? Scientists immediately accepted plate teutonics?
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Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
We have records, from ice cores, that go back 800,000 years. We have other proxies that go back further than that. We also have the absorption spectra of the greenhouse gases. There is more than enough data to show that as long as we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, the warming will increase.

CO2, the biggest control knob, Richard Alley, youtube - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

The greenhouse gas effect is widely accepted, the problem is nobody has produced a reliable model. Therefore making predictions on cause and effect has yet been speculation. Warming alarmist have damaged their brand by making absurd predictions (see Al Gore) which have not occurred. Throw in money and politics, and VIOLA, reasonable people question the "science". Remove money, politics and emotion to get untainted science.

So, all you've got is the grand, global conspiracy: 99 out of every 100 climate scientists and roughly 90 out of every 100 scientists in all other subjects, have joined a massive conspiracy to lie to the public and have left NO evidence, NO confessions, NO discrepancies in their "manufactured" data. Pretty amazing. So amazing, in fact, you've have to be a complete FOOL to believe it. BTW, if no one has produced reliable models, what might these be?

-images-Assessment Reports-AR5 - WG1-Chapter 09-Fig9-08.jpg

Figure 9-08, Chapter 9, WG-I, The Physical Science Basis, Assessment Report 5, IPCC

Arctic Sea Ice Dwindles to New Record Winter Low
Scientific American-Mar 29, 2016
Every winter, the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cover reaches a peak and then declines with the onset of spring. That peak, recorded this year on ...

The article in the link reports records go back 37 years. That is hardly enough data to suggest we are in a longterm global warming trend. Less than 100 years ago most scientist believed the continents were static. Now they all agree and subscribe to plate tectonics. This global warming theory is very young, meteorology and climatology is very complicated. Anthropogenic global climate change won't even be a topic of discussion in 20 years.
We have records, from ice cores, that go back 800,000 years. We have other proxies that go back further than that. We also have the absorption spectra of the greenhouse gases. There is more than enough data to show that as long as we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, the warming will increase.

CO2, the biggest control knob, Richard Alley, youtube - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

The greenhouse gas effect is widely accepted, the problem is nobody has produced a reliable model. Therefore making predictions on cause and effect has yet been speculation. Warming alarmist have damaged their brand by making absurd predictions (see Al Gore) which have not occurred. Throw in money and politics, and VIOLA, reasonable people question the "science". Remove money, politics and emotion to get untainted science.

So, all you've got is the grand, global conspiracy: 99 out of every 100 climate scientists and roughly 90 out of every 100 scientists in all other subjects, have joined a massive conspiracy to lie to the public and have left NO evidence, NO confessions, NO discrepancies in their "manufactured" data. Pretty amazing. So amazing, in fact, you've have to be a complete FOOL to believe it. BTW, if no one has produced reliable models, what might these be?

View attachment 75237

Figure 9-08, Chapter 9, WG-I, The Physical Science Basis, Assessment Report 5, IPCC

THose charts are your model? It is historical data that ended in 2010. Please show the models which predict into the next few decades. Then the model can be tested and proven. Al Gore started the ball rolling with failed predictions and inaccuracies.

Al Gore Global Warming Movie Responses: 10 Facts 'An Inconvenient Truth' Got Wrong

I maintain that there is no reliable model and dozen of failed predictions-

The big list of failed climate predictions

There are plenty of scientist, climate and otherwise, who question or out right reject the theory.

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not a conspiracy, it's science tainted by money, politics, and emotion.

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