2018 4th hottest year on record

The top hottest year since 1880 have been 2015,. 2016, 2107, 2018. 2018 the 4th hottest.

What does it take?

I read where a child born today has a 50-50 chance to live to be a hundred.

What are we leaving them?

When will we ever take action? Why do Republicans refuse to do anything

Why is Trump such an as about it? Does he think his money will protect his kids? Or doesn't he care?

Why don;t Republicans care about their children's future?
Chicken little
The top hottest year since 1880 have been 2015,. 2016, 2107, 2018. 2018 the 4th hottest.

What does it take?

I read where a child born today has a 50-50 chance to live to be a hundred.

What are we leaving them?

When will we ever take action? Why do Republicans refuse to do anything

Why is Trump such an as about it? Does he think his money will protect his kids? Or doesn't he care?

Why don;t Republicans care about their children's future?

Hey, the end of the world from global warming is like 15 years late. Funny though, a demtard going on about children’s futures when it’s demtards who want to kill newborns as soon as they can after birth. That’s rich.

Another fucking idipt lying about the VA abortion bill.

Do yourself a favor, put down the beer, take off the MAGA hat & get a fuckiung education.

Okay, if I’m lying then post a YouTube of Mr. Northam explainingthe process. Then, put on up of Cocain Cuomo jizzing his pants over his infanticide bill and then point out my lie you grumpy ass sit at home. Go get a job. You will feel better about your self, and won’t have to be a cheerleader for dead babies and the people who kill them. And stop pretending to care about kids when you support killing them at birth you sicko.

He ewas talking about babies with severe health issues that have no chance of survival.

How about you pull your head out of your ignorant ass & get a fucking education.
How about you run along to Venezuela

Wow great response. What does Venezuela have to do the the subject?
whats it take for a person to only consider 40 yrs out of over 8000 yrs and say we are doomed????

it takes a lot of stupid is what it takes

WE can only compare global temperatures since 1880.

I understand how fucking stupid you are but that is 138 years ago not 40.
But we can pull ice cores from Antarctica from 800,000 years ago.
said who???

they say it is,,but you can have several ice rings a yr form where they say only one

you need to look up the WW2 planes that were dug out of the ice that were buried 600 yrs ago according to the ice rings
The top hottest year since 1880 have been 2015,. 2016, 2107, 2018. 2018 the 4th hottest.

What does it take?

I read where a child born today has a 50-50 chance to live to be a hundred.

What are we leaving them?

When will we ever take action? Why do Republicans refuse to do anything

Why is Trump such an as about it? Does he think his money will protect his kids? Or doesn't he care?

Why don;t Republicans care about their children's future?
Chicken little
Hey, the end of the world from global warming is like 15 years late. Funny though, a demtard going on about children’s futures when it’s demtards who want to kill newborns as soon as they can after birth. That’s rich.

Another fucking idipt lying about the VA abortion bill.

Do yourself a favor, put down the beer, take off the MAGA hat & get a fuckiung education.

Okay, if I’m lying then post a YouTube of Mr. Northam explainingthe process. Then, put on up of Cocain Cuomo jizzing his pants over his infanticide bill and then point out my lie you grumpy ass sit at home. Go get a job. You will feel better about your self, and won’t have to be a cheerleader for dead babies and the people who kill them. And stop pretending to care about kids when you support killing them at birth you sicko.

He ewas talking about babies with severe health issues that have no chance of survival.

How about you pull your head out of your ignorant ass & get a fucking education.
How about you run along to Venezuela

Wow great response. What does Venezuela have to do the the subject?
Socialists like yourself need to go back home...
The top hottest year since 1880 have been 2015,. 2016, 2107, 2018. 2018 the 4th hottest.

What does it take?

I read where a child born today has a 50-50 chance to live to be a hundred.

What are we leaving them?

When will we ever take action? Why do Republicans refuse to do anything

Why is Trump such an as about it? Does he think his money will protect his kids? Or doesn't he care?

Why don;t Republicans care about their children's future?
Chicken little
Hey, the end of the world from global warming is like 15 years late. Funny though, a demtard going on about children’s futures when it’s demtards who want to kill newborns as soon as they can after birth. That’s rich.

Another fucking idipt lying about the VA abortion bill.

Do yourself a favor, put down the beer, take off the MAGA hat & get a fuckiung education.

Okay, if I’m lying then post a YouTube of Mr. Northam explainingthe process. Then, put on up of Cocain Cuomo jizzing his pants over his infanticide bill and then point out my lie you grumpy ass sit at home. Go get a job. You will feel better about your self, and won’t have to be a cheerleader for dead babies and the people who kill them. And stop pretending to care about kids when you support killing them at birth you sicko.

He ewas talking about babies with severe health issues that have no chance of survival.

How about you pull your head out of your ignorant ass & get a fucking education.
How about you run along to Venezuela

Wow great response. What does Venezuela have to do the the subject?
The top hottest year since 1880 have been 2015,. 2016, 2107, 2018. 2018 the 4th hottest.

What does it take?

I read where a child born today has a 50-50 chance to live to be a hundred.

What are we leaving them?

When will we ever take action? Why do Republicans refuse to do anything

Why is Trump such an as about it? Does he think his money will protect his kids? Or doesn't he care?

Why don;t Republicans care about their children's future?
Chicken little
Hey, the end of the world from global warming is like 15 years late. Funny though, a demtard going on about children’s futures when it’s demtards who want to kill newborns as soon as they can after birth. That’s rich.

Another fucking idipt lying about the VA abortion bill.

Do yourself a favor, put down the beer, take off the MAGA hat & get a fuckiung education.

Okay, if I’m lying then post a YouTube of Mr. Northam explainingthe process. Then, put on up of Cocain Cuomo jizzing his pants over his infanticide bill and then point out my lie you grumpy ass sit at home. Go get a job. You will feel better about your self, and won’t have to be a cheerleader for dead babies and the people who kill them. And stop pretending to care about kids when you support killing them at birth you sicko.

He ewas talking about babies with severe health issues that have no chance of survival.

How about you pull your head out of your ignorant ass & get a fucking education.
How about you run along to Venezuela

Wow great response. What does Venezuela have to do the the subject?

I see a tiny little problem here.

Earth: 4.4 BILLION years old.

Man's ability to accurately measure global temperature: Approx 110 years

So that means for 99.9999999999999% of the life of the Earth, we have no fucking clue what the global temp was.

So the fact that we've had the hottest years doesn't mean a fucking thing other than we can finally measure it. I ask for proof. What WAS the temp per year for the last 4.4 billion years? Don't know? Ok then don't say its the hottest years. Lack of data doesn't mean your tiny bit of data can speak for BILLIONS of years.

Oh yea little issue with that: manipulation of data.

It's all a hoax. Who cares if the fucking earth is warming? In the 70s liberals said it was cooling. We'll just wait a while and it'll be cooling again. Maybe if liberals like AlGore would stop flying to environmental meetings in their private jets the earth would cool down.

So, we don;'t have historical documents, tree rings, ice cores, geology?

In the 70's one scientist said we were cooling & the press ran with it, Knowledgeable people (not you evidently) know better.

In the 70's, Earth Day started & pollution was an important factor.

The rise is due to emissions of greenhouse gases. I guess you think that this level & increasing greenhouse gases will just cease to have an effect.

If that's true why aren't we cooling down?

Data Shows Decrease in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions During Trump’s First Year in Office | US EPA
Tell me how many of the climate models include solar data.

Hint: starts with z, ends with o.

"Global climate models (GCMs) use mathematical equations to describe the behavior of factors of the Earth system that impact climate. These factors include dynamics of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, living things, and ice, plus energy from the Sun. Sophisticated climate models are increasingly able to include details such as clouds, rainfall, evaporation, and sea ice. Thousands of climate researchers use global climate models to better understand the long-term effects of global changes such as increasing greenhouses gases or decreasing Arctic sea ice. The models are used to simulate conditions over hundreds of years, so that we can predict how our planet's climate will likely change."

Climate Modeling | UCAR Center for Science Education
Computer models based upon the 1% we know.

1%? it is based on everything we know. We know a lot the past couple hundred. We know how the Earth's climate has changed in the past. We know how greenhouse gases affect the climate.
Dufus, there are millions of people alive today who lived in a time when we didn’t even know weather fronts existed.

Takes a total ignorance to believe we know all there is to need to know.

Global warming is not weather.

We now know AGW is real, emissions cause it & will have a negative effect.
You have zero understanding of meteorology. You just parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.
The top hottest year since 1880 have been 2015,. 2016, 2107, 2018. 2018 the 4th hottest.

What does it take?

I read where a child born today has a 50-50 chance to live to be a hundred.

What are we leaving them?

When will we ever take action? Why do Republicans refuse to do anything

Why is Trump such an as about it? Does he think his money will protect his kids? Or doesn't he care?

Why don;t Republicans care about their children's future?

Go protest in front of the Chinese Embassy

Your OP wastes energy and is melting the ice caps
The Chinese are taking action.
Yeah, well they’ll have to take more in an hour.
"Global climate models (GCMs) use mathematical equations to describe the behavior of factors of the Earth system that impact climate. These factors include dynamics of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, living things, and ice, plus energy from the Sun. Sophisticated climate models are increasingly able to include details such as clouds, rainfall, evaporation, and sea ice. Thousands of climate researchers use global climate models to better understand the long-term effects of global changes such as increasing greenhouses gases or decreasing Arctic sea ice. The models are used to simulate conditions over hundreds of years, so that we can predict how our planet's climate will likely change."

Climate Modeling | UCAR Center for Science Education
Computer models based upon the 1% we know.

1%? it is based on everything we know. We know a lot the past couple hundred. We know how the Earth's climate has changed in the past. We know how greenhouse gases affect the climate.
Dufus, there are millions of people alive today who lived in a time when we didn’t even know weather fronts existed.

Takes a total ignorance to believe we know all there is to need to know.

Global warming is not weather.

We now know AGW is real, emissions cause it & will have a negative effect.
You have zero understanding of meteorology. You just parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You have zero knowledge of everything. Otherwise you would recognize what AGW is, that it is happening, what is causing it & how to fix it,. But instead, you're just anorther dumbass Trumpette.
I see a tiny little problem here.

Earth: 4.4 BILLION years old.

Man's ability to accurately measure global temperature: Approx 110 years

So that means for 99.9999999999999% of the life of the Earth, we have no fucking clue what the global temp was.

So the fact that we've had the hottest years doesn't mean a fucking thing other than we can finally measure it. I ask for proof. What WAS the temp per year for the last 4.4 billion years? Don't know? Ok then don't say its the hottest years. Lack of data doesn't mean your tiny bit of data can speak for BILLIONS of years.

Oh yea little issue with that: manipulation of data.

It's all a hoax. Who cares if the fucking earth is warming? In the 70s liberals said it was cooling. We'll just wait a while and it'll be cooling again. Maybe if liberals like AlGore would stop flying to environmental meetings in their private jets the earth would cool down.

So, we don;'t have historical documents, tree rings, ice cores, geology?

In the 70's one scientist said we were cooling & the press ran with it, Knowledgeable people (not you evidently) know better.

In the 70's, Earth Day started & pollution was an important factor.

The rise is due to emissions of greenhouse gases. I guess you think that this level & increasing greenhouse gases will just cease to have an effect.

If that's true why aren't we cooling down?

Data Shows Decrease in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions During Trump’s First Year in Office | US EPA

It takes the Earth decades to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. That is why we need to act now to prevent issues decades down the road.
Computer models based upon the 1% we know.

1%? it is based on everything we know. We know a lot the past couple hundred. We know how the Earth's climate has changed in the past. We know how greenhouse gases affect the climate.
Dufus, there are millions of people alive today who lived in a time when we didn’t even know weather fronts existed.

Takes a total ignorance to believe we know all there is to need to know.

Global warming is not weather.

We now know AGW is real, emissions cause it & will have a negative effect.
You have zero understanding of meteorology. You just parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You have zero knowledge of everything. Otherwise you would recognize what AGW is, that it is happening, what is causing it & how to fix it,. But instead, you're just anorther dumbass Trumpette.
You show you don’t even know what a weather front is with your answer.
I see a tiny little problem here.

Earth: 4.4 BILLION years old.

Man's ability to accurately measure global temperature: Approx 110 years

So that means for 99.9999999999999% of the life of the Earth, we have no fucking clue what the global temp was.

So the fact that we've had the hottest years doesn't mean a fucking thing other than we can finally measure it. I ask for proof. What WAS the temp per year for the last 4.4 billion years? Don't know? Ok then don't say its the hottest years. Lack of data doesn't mean your tiny bit of data can speak for BILLIONS of years.

Oh yea little issue with that: manipulation of data.

It's all a hoax. Who cares if the fucking earth is warming? In the 70s liberals said it was cooling. We'll just wait a while and it'll be cooling again. Maybe if liberals like AlGore would stop flying to environmental meetings in their private jets the earth would cool down.

So, we don;'t have historical documents, tree rings, ice cores, geology?

In the 70's one scientist said we were cooling & the press ran with it, Knowledgeable people (not you evidently) know better.

In the 70's, Earth Day started & pollution was an important factor.

The rise is due to emissions of greenhouse gases. I guess you think that this level & increasing greenhouse gases will just cease to have an effect.

If that's true why aren't we cooling down?

Data Shows Decrease in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions During Trump’s First Year in Office | US EPA

It takes the Earth decades to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. That is why we need to act now to prevent issues decades down the road.
You don’t even know CO2 is the root of life on earth.
I see a tiny little problem here.

Earth: 4.4 BILLION years old.

Man's ability to accurately measure global temperature: Approx 110 years

So that means for 99.9999999999999% of the life of the Earth, we have no fucking clue what the global temp was.

So the fact that we've had the hottest years doesn't mean a fucking thing other than we can finally measure it. I ask for proof. What WAS the temp per year for the last 4.4 billion years? Don't know? Ok then don't say its the hottest years. Lack of data doesn't mean your tiny bit of data can speak for BILLIONS of years.

Oh yea little issue with that: manipulation of data.

It's all a hoax. Who cares if the fucking earth is warming? In the 70s liberals said it was cooling. We'll just wait a while and it'll be cooling again. Maybe if liberals like AlGore would stop flying to environmental meetings in their private jets the earth would cool down.

So, we don;'t have historical documents, tree rings, ice cores, geology?

In the 70's one scientist said we were cooling & the press ran with it, Knowledgeable people (not you evidently) know better.

In the 70's, Earth Day started & pollution was an important factor.

The rise is due to emissions of greenhouse gases. I guess you think that this level & increasing greenhouse gases will just cease to have an effect.

If that's true why aren't we cooling down?

Data Shows Decrease in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions During Trump’s First Year in Office | US EPA

It takes the Earth decades to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. That is why we need to act now to prevent issues decades down the road.

the earth doesnt remove co2 the trees do,,,so go plant a tree and get back to us
Computer models based upon the 1% we know.

1%? it is based on everything we know. We know a lot the past couple hundred. We know how the Earth's climate has changed in the past. We know how greenhouse gases affect the climate.
Dufus, there are millions of people alive today who lived in a time when we didn’t even know weather fronts existed.

Takes a total ignorance to believe we know all there is to need to know.

Global warming is not weather.

We now know AGW is real, emissions cause it & will have a negative effect.
You have zero understanding of meteorology. You just parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You have zero knowledge of everything. Otherwise you would recognize what AGW is, that it is happening, what is causing it & how to fix it,. But instead, you're just anorther dumbass Trumpette.
the only way to fix it is to plant more trees,,,so how many trees did you plant last yr??

my guess is none
1%? it is based on everything we know. We know a lot the past couple hundred. We know how the Earth's climate has changed in the past. We know how greenhouse gases affect the climate.
Dufus, there are millions of people alive today who lived in a time when we didn’t even know weather fronts existed.

Takes a total ignorance to believe we know all there is to need to know.

Global warming is not weather.

We now know AGW is real, emissions cause it & will have a negative effect.
You have zero understanding of meteorology. You just parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You have zero knowledge of everything. Otherwise you would recognize what AGW is, that it is happening, what is causing it & how to fix it,. But instead, you're just anorther dumbass Trumpette.
You show you don’t even know what a weather front is with your answer.
A weather ront
I see a tiny little problem here.

Earth: 4.4 BILLION years old.

Man's ability to accurately measure global temperature: Approx 110 years

So that means for 99.9999999999999% of the life of the Earth, we have no fucking clue what the global temp was.

So the fact that we've had the hottest years doesn't mean a fucking thing other than we can finally measure it. I ask for proof. What WAS the temp per year for the last 4.4 billion years? Don't know? Ok then don't say its the hottest years. Lack of data doesn't mean your tiny bit of data can speak for BILLIONS of years.

Oh yea little issue with that: manipulation of data.

It's all a hoax. Who cares if the fucking earth is warming? In the 70s liberals said it was cooling. We'll just wait a while and it'll be cooling again. Maybe if liberals like AlGore would stop flying to environmental meetings in their private jets the earth would cool down.

So, we don;'t have historical documents, tree rings, ice cores, geology?

In the 70's one scientist said we were cooling & the press ran with it, Knowledgeable people (not you evidently) know better.

In the 70's, Earth Day started & pollution was an important factor.

The rise is due to emissions of greenhouse gases. I guess you think that this level & increasing greenhouse gases will just cease to have an effect.

If that's true why aren't we cooling down?

Data Shows Decrease in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions During Trump’s First Year in Office | US EPA

It takes the Earth decades to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. That is why we need to act now to prevent issues decades down the road.
You don’t even know CO2 is the root of life on earth.
So is water. And there are floods.

Let me put you in a room of COP2 & see how well you do.
The three previous years were hotter?

Sounds like we're in a cooling period.

so you are suck a fucking idiot that you think that the chart of average global temperatures is a smooth line?
It's supposed to be getting worse. Instead it's getting better.

Panic about your stupidity instead of global warming.
Look at the graph jackass.
I see it was cooler last year, blumpkin. :)

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