2018 Predictions

How many Dem Senate seat will Uncle Vlad Flip for us

  • All 25

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 24 - 97% AGW Consensus Flip

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Dems have to defend 25 of the 33 seats, 23 Dems and 2 "independents" who caucus with Dems 99% of the time.

Or the american public could recognize the folly of the entire system and take to the streets in non-cooperation / nonparticipation.
I started a thread on this while a go.

2018 Senate Race - Looks all Red

2018 Senate Race - Looks all Red

2018 Senate Race - Looks all Red

Dems need to be scared very scared. Not only do will they pick up seats they will EXCEED 60!

Facts are facts, Dems always have low turn out in midterm elections and this won't be any different.

The Dems are vulnerable in 12 seats to which they will foresure lose 5 and Rep are vulnerable in 1, to which the Rep are more likely to keep.

There are also 2 seats the Reps can make a play for - MA and MN. Curt Schilling is running and don't put it passed Boston voters to vote for a celebrity local sports hero. MN nearly went for Trump. In 2 years when the economy is roaring under Trump and he shows he fights for the business classes that could make a play a MN.

Here is the run down. Rep currently sit at 52 seats.

For sure pick ups:
IN - Donnelly is not super popular and this a bright red state
MO - McCaskill won because of a numbnutz comment. Won't happen again.
MT - Super red state
ND - Ditto
WV - ditto

Reps likely to win
FL - Fl went for Trump and Rubio. He will have either popular gov Scott or more likely up and comer LT Gov Carlos Lopez-Cantera. Not a good spot to be in with a roaring economy

ME - outside shot on a small state that could go either way

MI - They have a Rep Gov and Trump won the state. With a roaring economy this could be a upset.

NM - Heinrich won by only 1% in an election year with popular Gov Martinez and a roaring economy it could go red.

OH - Brown is seen as a fool and Trump won big in OH. With a roaring economy and a decent candidate this will be a foresure win. If Kasich runs this is a foresure win.

PA - Has gone red before and PA went for Trump with a roaring economy PA could go red

VA - Kaine is seen as a loser and only won because of a strong libertarian 3rd party support. Trump narrowly lost VA. It will be in play

WI - Johnson was supposed to lose big, but won. With Walker this state is now solid purple.

Prediction - with a roaring economy the GOP picks up some upsets.

Wins: IN, MO, MT, ND, WV; upsets FL, OH, PA, WI, NM super upset in MA (Schilling) and hold NV.

63 filibuster breaking seats to Dems 37 silent seats.

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2018 Senate Race - Looks all Red

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