2018 trump asks saudis tp increase oil output by 2 million barrels a day. Cites high oil prices.

So you cons want to continue to lie some more

Please do.
Awwwww....a 'b...b...but Trump' thread in defense of Biden crawling to the Butcher of Kashoggi to ask for resources we are already rich in, only to return in failure.

Trump did not call Saudi a 'Pariah' and promise never to shake hands with the butcher of Kashoggi as Biden did.

Trump did not crawl to, beg for oil, and fist-bump the butcher of Kasjoggi as Biden just did.

If we ever needed a visual reminder of the continuing grip oil-rich autocrats have on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, we got it today,” D-Adam Schiff tweeted. “One fist bump is worth a thousand words.

There is a reason Democrats do not want Biden to run again for President. They recognize his weakness and failure. Schiff just proved this.

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So you cons want to continue to lie some more

Please do.
What is your point? Trump asked the Saudis to increase their oil output because the U.S. was already running at full capacity. Biden asked the Saudis to increase output to make up for the decreased U.S. capacity he was responsible for.
Between the Saudi's jizz stains on Biden's chin and the Iranians, I wonder which one Old White Joe likes the taste of better?
Oh trumps deal with the saudis pushed a record amount of American oil companies out of business.
The people of your country who voted for the honorable president Joe Biden did not elect a moron. I fear your parents sent you into the wrong school. A 24/7 campaign - 52 weeks every year - with nothing else than unimportant nonsense themes like "Great again" will help the USA less than nothing. And a president of the USA is also always only a human being - but the USA needs all US-Americans to be the USA - not only an elitarian Trump sect where the leader follows the same unbreakable law as all others: Absolute loyalite to the person Donald Trump.

STFU foreigner. You know nothing about my country or its political workings. So take care of your own shithole country's business and stay out of mine.
Well no shit. But Republicans love to say we have the capacity to pump more oil but Trump was asking the saudis to I crease output and not anerican.oil companies.

Why is that?
Dipshit, he also DRILLED MORE And HAD PIPELINES to where he made us energy INDEPENDANT.....can you morons actually think for once..........You guys live in a vaccum...........

IF gas prices were below $2/gallon and Biden was producing MORE gas instead of lowering it, we would be fine with it, WHY you ask?

Because why is Biden asking SAUDI ARABIA for gas when WE can add that production?
Oh trumps deal with the saudis pushed a record amount of American oil companies out of business.

Do you realize that you posted an article that debunked what you said?

"The coronavirus pandemic caused fuel demand to slump by one-third globally, and U.S. prices briefly plunged through negative-$40 a barrel. Prices have recovered to roughly $40 but that is still not considered high enough to keep many companies afloat."

You aren't the sharpest tack in the box, are you, hillbilly? :laughing0301:
Second that ^^^ OP.

Good Lord, Trump lives in their libtards pea minds! :rolleyes:
And trumps deal with the saudis pushed a record amount of united states oil companies to go out of business.
Second that ^^^ OP.

Good Lord, Trump lives in their libtards pea minds! :rolleyes:

Ain't that the truth? These idiots know they can't defend their Old White Joe, so all they can do is "But Trump..."

So you cons want to continue to lie some more

Huh? what does an oil deal from four years ago have to do with the one pre-election promise Joe has actually carried out since elected, to kill the fossil fuel industry despite us relying on it for like 82% of all our energy needs + over 2000 key products our society depends on while having no solid, established, reliable source to take its place?

Ya kinda think that could be just a little dangerous to human civilization, Bub?
And I bet enough crying will get it removed. Even though it's political history. And rel
Huh? what does an oil deal from four years ago have to do with the one pre-election promise Joe has actually carried out since elected, to kill the fossil fuel industry, despite us relying on it for like 82% of all our energy needs + over 2000 key products our society depends on while having no solid, established, reliable source to take its place?

Ya kinda think that could be just a little dangerous to human civilization, Bub?
Yep you want to continue to lie some more.
I called it.
Huh? what does an oil deal from four years ago have to do with the one pre-election promise Joe has actually carried out since elected, to kill the fossil fuel industry despite us relying on it for like 82% of all our energy needs + over 2000 key products our society depends on while having no solid, established, reliable source to take its place?

Ya kinda think that could be just a little dangerous to human civilization, Bub?

The left doesn't believe we should have to manufacture those over 2000 key products in our own country. Their belief is that since China has all the cheap Russian oil it needs, let them manufacture those products for us. They're actually ok with that.
These idiots know they can't defend their Old White Joe

Is THAT what that color is? It kinda reminds me of that chalky gray color a piece of dead skin gets when you get a thick callous on one's foot.
And I bet enough crying will get it removed. Even though it's political history. And rel

Yep you want to continue to lie some more.
I called it.

Dude, you're continually getting the crap beaten out of you with your goofy misinformed threads.

Just stay down, ok? :laughing0301:
The left doesn't believe we should have to manufacture those over 2000 key products in our own country. Their belief is that since China has all the cheap Russian oil it needs, let them manufacture those products for us. They're actually ok with that.
Actually biden.hasnt revealed the China tariffs. And Biden is moving to protect American companies by moving semi conductor tech jobs to america!!America!!!

Has Trump moved his jobs from China yet.

He has a clothing line he could easy move and create american jobs.

How about Ivanka Chinese jobs?

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