2019 Democrats & the 'Birth' of the 'THOUGHT CRIME'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Under siege, being attacked and falsely accused 24/7 by the Democrats and their co-conspiring media, President Trump vented, raged, and even WANTED Mueller fired and the investigation stopped.

What innocent person eod not want to stop their baseless persecution?

He had great counsel, though, who vote the storm of his frustration and convinced him this was a bad move. TRUMP LISTENED.

He did not fire Mueller.
He cooperated with the investigation.
The WH released thousands of docs.
Administrative people were interviewed.

In the end Trump ordered the investigation be allowed to continue without interruption.

He even chose NOT to use Executive Privilege to block the release of the embarrassing yet not illegal parts of the report.

Dems and snowflakes NOW want to say Trump is guilty of Obstruction because he THOUGHT about firing Mueller.



If you are intoxicated and THINK about drinking and driving ... If someone takes your keys and talks you out of doing so in that moment of weakness / vulnerability ... If someone convinces you its a bad idea...and you listen and you DON'T drink and drive then you NEVER committed the crime of Drinking and Driving.

Trump may have THOUGHT firing Mueller and stopping the investigation ... but he never did it!


Dems and snowflakes need to put on their 'big boy plant's, stop embarrassing themselves with this pathetic display, and let it go.

The Mueller investigation ran its course.

It failed to produce evidence of guilt ... Because there never was any.

Its over.

They, like Hillary, LOST!
..this goes with other '''crimes'''...they inject stuff into it that is not even there
Under siege, being attacked and falsely accused 24/7 by the Democrats and their co-conspiring media, President Trump vented, raged, and even WANTED Mueller fired and the investigation stopped.

What innocent person eod not want to stop their baseless persecution?

He had great counsel, though, who vote the storm of his frustration and convinced him this was a bad move. TRUMP LISTENED.

He did not fire Mueller.
He cooperated with the investigation.
The WH released thousands of docs.
Administrative people were interviewed.

In the end Trump ordered the investigation be allowed to continue without interruption.

He even chose NOT to use Executive Privilege to block the release of the embarrassing yet not illegal parts of the report.

Dems and snowflakes NOW want to say Trump is guilty of Obstruction because he THOUGHT about firing Mueller.



If you are intoxicated and THINK about drinking and driving ... If someone takes your keys and talks you out of doing so in that moment of weakness / vulnerability ... If someone convinces you its a bad idea...and you listen and you DON'T drink and drive then you NEVER committed the crime of Drinking and Driving.

Trump may have THOUGHT firing Mueller and stopping the investigation ... but he never did it!


Dems and snowflakes need to put on their 'big boy plant's, stop embarrassing themselves with this pathetic display, and let it go.

The Mueller investigation ran its course.

It failed to produce evidence of guilt ... Because there never was any.

Its over.

They, like Hillary, LOST!
Democrats want to punish Trump for thinking that their witchhunt was unfair.
Trump let the investigation finish only because he thought the fix was in. Whoever told him that the Mueller report would be a total exoneration is probably in deep shit, expect more firings soon.
Under siege, being attacked and falsely accused 24/7 by the Democrats and their co-conspiring media, President Trump vented, raged, and even WANTED Mueller fired and the investigation stopped.

What innocent person eod not want to stop their baseless persecution?

He had great counsel, though, who vote the storm of his frustration and convinced him this was a bad move. TRUMP LISTENED.

He did not fire Mueller.
He cooperated with the investigation.
The WH released thousands of docs.
Administrative people were interviewed.

In the end Trump ordered the investigation be allowed to continue without interruption.

He even chose NOT to use Executive Privilege to block the release of the embarrassing yet not illegal parts of the report.

Dems and snowflakes NOW want to say Trump is guilty of Obstruction because he THOUGHT about firing Mueller.



If you are intoxicated and THINK about drinking and driving ... If someone takes your keys and talks you out of doing so in that moment of weakness / vulnerability ... If someone convinces you its a bad idea...and you listen and you DON'T drink and drive then you NEVER committed the crime of Drinking and Driving.

Trump may have THOUGHT firing Mueller and stopping the investigation ... but he never did it!


Dems and snowflakes need to put on their 'big boy plant's, stop embarrassing themselves with this pathetic display, and let it go.

The Mueller investigation ran its course.

It failed to produce evidence of guilt ... Because there never was any.

Its over.

They, like Hillary, LOST!
Orwell was a prophet
Mueller didn't do the job he was tasked with. Instead of making a decision on the obstruction issue, the incompetent coward passed it off to the Attorney General.

“In his report, Mueller didn’t resolve the issue. If he had been satisfied that there was no obstruction crime, he said, he would have so found. He claimed he wasn’t satisfied. Yet he was also not convinced that there was sufficient proof to charge. Therefore, he made no decision, leaving it to Attorney General William Barr to find that there was no obstruction.

“This is unbecoming behavior for a prosecutor and an outrageous shifting of the burden of proof: The constitutional right of every American to force the government to prove a crime has been committed, rather than to have to prove his or her own innocence.

“This is exactly why prosecutors should never speak publicly about the evidence uncovered in an investigation of someone who isn’t charged. The obligation of the prosecutor is to render a judgment about whether there is enough proof to charge a crime. If there is, the prosecutor indicts; if there is not, the prosecutor remains silent.

“If special counsel Mueller believed there was an obstruction offense, he should have had the courage of his convictions and recommended charging the president. Since he wasn’t convinced there was enough evidence to charge, he should have said he wasn’t recommending charges. Period."

The more nuance libtardos try to apply to what constitutes a crime against humanity the more they undermine their credibility.

(note to self, never ignore the opportunity to help a libtardo make an ass of it'self)

Is the term "it'self" gender correct?
HAVING A THOUGHT, especially wanting to stop an illegal investigation, yet not acting to do so is NOT a crime.

George Orwell was a 'prophet'.
Trump let the investigation finish only because he thought the fix was in. Whoever told him that the Mueller report would be a total exoneration is probably in deep shit, expect more firings soon.
Trump let the investigation finish only because he thought the fix was in. Whoever told him that the Mueller report would be a total exoneration is probably in deep shit, expect more firings soon.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that rubbish.....but we all know that Democrats don't like a fair game.
They always like a rigged deck.....which causes Douchebags that support them to be highly cynical about everything, not just their own politicians. Matter of fact, you folks on the left expect everyone to be this dishonest.
Trump let the investigation finish only because he thought the fix was in. Whoever told him that the Mueller report would be a total exoneration is probably in deep shit, expect more firings soon.

Uh stupid, the Mueller report IS a total exoneration - no crimes found of any sort.
Trump let the investigation finish only because he thought the fix was in. Whoever told him that the Mueller report would be a total exoneration is probably in deep shit, expect more firings soon.

Uh stupid, the Mueller report IS a total exoneration - no crimes found of any sort.
Mueller found lots of crimes but bowed to a bullshit never tested legal theory that the president cannot be indicted. God help us if they force that question on the supreme court.
Under siege, being attacked and falsely accused 24/7 by the Democrats and their co-conspiring media, President Trump vented, raged, and even WANTED Mueller fired and the investigation stopped.

What innocent person eod not want to stop their baseless persecution?

He had great counsel, though, who vote the storm of his frustration and convinced him this was a bad move. TRUMP LISTENED.

He did not fire Mueller.
He cooperated with the investigation.
The WH released thousands of docs.
Administrative people were interviewed.

In the end Trump ordered the investigation be allowed to continue without interruption.

He even chose NOT to use Executive Privilege to block the release of the embarrassing yet not illegal parts of the report.

Dems and snowflakes NOW want to say Trump is guilty of Obstruction because he THOUGHT about firing Mueller.



If you are intoxicated and THINK about drinking and driving ... If someone takes your keys and talks you out of doing so in that moment of weakness / vulnerability ... If someone convinces you its a bad idea...and you listen and you DON'T drink and drive then you NEVER committed the crime of Drinking and Driving.

Trump may have THOUGHT firing Mueller and stopping the investigation ... but he never did it!


Dems and snowflakes need to put on their 'big boy plant's, stop embarrassing themselves with this pathetic display, and let it go.

The Mueller investigation ran its course.

It failed to produce evidence of guilt ... Because there never was any.

Its over.

They, like Hillary, LOST!

The fact is that Trump did not listen. He ordered members of his staff to perform illegal acts. He was saved because they did not obey him. I suspect some of this was leaked so he could not follow through.

1.. Trump ordered McGahn to fire Mueller. McGahn refused to do so.
2. Mueller found that Trump's answers inadequate but refrained from a long legal battle to force him to answer questions
3. They had little choice in the matter. They could have been subpoenaed.

This is what the Mueller report said about obstruction.
"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report says. "Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement.
"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

He then says Congress should investigate.


If you think this is winning then it shows how crazy you are. The Trump campaign was willing to help Russia help them by giving them polling data and talking about the campaign with a business associate linked to Russian Intelligence. Russia later bought pro-Trump ads following the same strategy.

The Independent Counsel could not exonerate Trump of obstruction charges so he urged Congress to look into it. Also Trump was partially saved because many of the illegal orders he gave were not followed by his aides. McGahn resigned because he feared Trump would tell him again to fire Mueller.

Then you have Trump constantly attacking Mueller's investigation That is hardly cooperation.
Mueller didn't do the job he was tasked with. Instead of making a decision on the obstruction issue, the incompetent coward passed it off to the Attorney General.

“In his report, Mueller didn’t resolve the issue. If he had been satisfied that there was no obstruction crime, he said, he would have so found. He claimed he wasn’t satisfied. Yet he was also not convinced that there was sufficient proof to charge. Therefore, he made no decision, leaving it to Attorney General William Barr to find that there was no obstruction.

“This is unbecoming behavior for a prosecutor and an outrageous shifting of the burden of proof: The constitutional right of every American to force the government to prove a crime has been committed, rather than to have to prove his or her own innocence.

“This is exactly why prosecutors should never speak publicly about the evidence uncovered in an investigation of someone who isn’t charged. The obligation of the prosecutor is to render a judgment about whether there is enough proof to charge a crime. If there is, the prosecutor indicts; if there is not, the prosecutor remains silent.

“If special counsel Mueller believed there was an obstruction offense, he should have had the courage of his convictions and recommended charging the president. Since he wasn’t convinced there was enough evidence to charge, he should have said he wasn’t recommending charges. Period."


The trouble is that Mueller also bought into the DOJ belief that a sitting President cannot be indicted. If he had extended his investigation, you would be complaining about that.
Under siege, being attacked and falsely accused 24/7 by the Democrats and their co-conspiring media, President Trump vented, raged, and even WANTED Mueller fired and the investigation stopped.

What innocent person eod not want to stop their baseless persecution?

He had great counsel, though, who vote the storm of his frustration and convinced him this was a bad move. TRUMP LISTENED.

He did not fire Mueller.
He cooperated with the investigation.
The WH released thousands of docs.
Administrative people were interviewed.

In the end Trump ordered the investigation be allowed to continue without interruption.

He even chose NOT to use Executive Privilege to block the release of the embarrassing yet not illegal parts of the report.

Dems and snowflakes NOW want to say Trump is guilty of Obstruction because he THOUGHT about firing Mueller.



If you are intoxicated and THINK about drinking and driving ... If someone takes your keys and talks you out of doing so in that moment of weakness / vulnerability ... If someone convinces you its a bad idea...and you listen and you DON'T drink and drive then you NEVER committed the crime of Drinking and Driving.

Trump may have THOUGHT firing Mueller and stopping the investigation ... but he never did it!


Dems and snowflakes need to put on their 'big boy plant's, stop embarrassing themselves with this pathetic display, and let it go.

The Mueller investigation ran its course.

It failed to produce evidence of guilt ... Because there never was any.

Its over.

They, like Hillary, LOST!

The fact is that Trump did not listen. He ordered members of his staff to perform illegal acts. He was saved because they did not obey him. I suspect some of this was leaked so he could not follow through.

1.. Trump ordered McGahn to fire Mueller. McGahn refused to do so.
2. Mueller found that Trump's answers inadequate but refrained from a long legal battle to force him to answer questions
3. They had little choice in the matter. They could have been subpoenaed.

This is what the Mueller report said about obstruction.
"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report says. "Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement.
"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

He then says Congress should investigate.


If you think this is winning then it shows how crazy you are. The Trump campaign was willing to help Russia help them by giving them polling data and talking about the campaign with a business associate linked to Russian Intelligence. Russia later bought pro-Trump ads following the same strategy.

The Independent Counsel could not exonerate Trump of obstruction charges so he urged Congress to look into it. Also Trump was partially saved because many of the illegal orders he gave were not followed by his aides. McGahn resigned because he feared Trump would tell him again to fire Mueller.

Then you have Trump constantly attacking Mueller's investigation That is hardly cooperation.
As I stated, Trump may have INTENDED to do something but did NOT do anything.


As it was pointed out, THINKING about, INTEDING TO DO SOMETHING, like drinking and drivibg, but NOT doing it is NOT a crime.

Let me know when Democrats pass that THOUGHT CRIME bill.

Under siege, being attacked and falsely accused 24/7 by the Democrats and their co-conspiring media, President Trump vented, raged, and even WANTED Mueller fired and the investigation stopped.

What innocent person eod not want to stop their baseless persecution?

He had great counsel, though, who vote the storm of his frustration and convinced him this was a bad move. TRUMP LISTENED.

He did not fire Mueller.
He cooperated with the investigation.
The WH released thousands of docs.
Administrative people were interviewed.

In the end Trump ordered the investigation be allowed to continue without interruption.

He even chose NOT to use Executive Privilege to block the release of the embarrassing yet not illegal parts of the report.

Dems and snowflakes NOW want to say Trump is guilty of Obstruction because he THOUGHT about firing Mueller.



If you are intoxicated and THINK about drinking and driving ... If someone takes your keys and talks you out of doing so in that moment of weakness / vulnerability ... If someone convinces you its a bad idea...and you listen and you DON'T drink and drive then you NEVER committed the crime of Drinking and Driving.

Trump may have THOUGHT firing Mueller and stopping the investigation ... but he never did it!


Dems and snowflakes need to put on their 'big boy plant's, stop embarrassing themselves with this pathetic display, and let it go.

The Mueller investigation ran its course.

It failed to produce evidence of guilt ... Because there never was any.

Its over.

They, like Hillary, LOST!

The fact is that Trump did not listen. He ordered members of his staff to perform illegal acts. He was saved because they did not obey him. I suspect some of this was leaked so he could not follow through.

1.. Trump ordered McGahn to fire Mueller. McGahn refused to do so.
2. Mueller found that Trump's answers inadequate but refrained from a long legal battle to force him to answer questions
3. They had little choice in the matter. They could have been subpoenaed.

This is what the Mueller report said about obstruction.
"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report says. "Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement.
"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

He then says Congress should investigate.


If you think this is winning then it shows how crazy you are. The Trump campaign was willing to help Russia help them by giving them polling data and talking about the campaign with a business associate linked to Russian Intelligence. Russia later bought pro-Trump ads following the same strategy.

The Independent Counsel could not exonerate Trump of obstruction charges so he urged Congress to look into it. Also Trump was partially saved because many of the illegal orders he gave were not followed by his aides. McGahn resigned because he feared Trump would tell him again to fire Mueller.

Then you have Trump constantly attacking Mueller's investigation That is hardly cooperation.

Let me know when Democrats pass that THOUGHT CRIME bill.
Loretta Lynch wanted to be able to prosecute people that uttered what SHE defined as Hate Speech against Muslims. They are doing that in Canada, Germany and the UK, and elsewhere. That's where she probably got the idea. You know if they could they would want to prosecute thought, or admitted thought.

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