2019 Military Budget of $676 Billions

That’s funny. I KNOW you don’t.

Did you think I was criticizing Trump?
Of course I dont know. I'm not a military expert, therefore I'm not arrogant enough to pretend like I know more than them.

As for Trump, YOU are the only one talking about him. Why are you talking about Trump in this thread?
No need to be a military expert. Stop the appeal to authority. Think for yourself.
You STILL arent making a compelling case.
It is difficult for the statist to comprehend.
In my experience, only complete douchebags use the word "statist". Youre one of THOSE weirdos.
Isn’t that most convenient?
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
Thanks for that. It looks like the UK vastly overspends. Nobody has ever explained to me why we need to. There is no empire to defend and the only justification I can see is to support the US in its oil wars or similar.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

And the right will love the extra spending, and then complain about Obamacare costing a little more (when actually it didn't, but hey.)

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

And the right will love the extra spending, and then complain about Obamacare costing a little more (when actually it didn't, but hey.)
If only it were limited to the right. The Left loves war spending just as much, then claims Medicare for all is too expensive.

Both parties are corporatists. They do the bidding of their donors, the ruling class.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

FUCKING AWESOME....the good, REAL Americans footing the bill prefer to fund the military over ShaQuita and Guadalupe all day everyday.
We also support Billy Bob and his six kids in Appalachia
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
Thanks for that. It looks like the UK vastly overspends. Nobody has ever explained to me why we need to. There is no empire to defend and the only justification I can see is to support the US in its oil wars or similar.
You were dumb enough to get involved in Bush’s unnecessary invasion of Iraq

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

And the right will love the extra spending, and then complain about Obamacare costing a little more (when actually it didn't, but hey.)
If only it were limited to the right. The Left loves war spending just as much, then claims Medicare for all is too expensive.

Both parties are corporatists. They do the bidding of their donors, the ruling class.

Of course. But very few people think like us.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

And the right will love the extra spending, and then complain about Obamacare costing a little more (when actually it didn't, but hey.)
If only it were limited to the right. The Left loves war spending just as much, then claims Medicare for all is too expensive.

Both parties are corporatists. They do the bidding of their donors, the ruling class.

Of course. But very few people think like us.
...and yet it is so apparent.
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
Thanks for that. It looks like the UK vastly overspends. Nobody has ever explained to me why we need to. There is no empire to defend and the only justification I can see is to support the US in its oil wars or similar.
You were dumb enough to get involved in Bush’s unnecessary invasion of Iraq
I would like to say "lesson learned" but wouldnt be too confident.
We have money for that too.
What? You mean all the lead piping has been replaced? Lead, for gods' sakes, for one example.

And your rivers are all clean? Good thing you don't waste money on that sort of thing. That would be madness. Much better to spend that money on killing people in other countries, the only sensible approach.

Besides, you're all right, screw the other citizens, that's proper thinking.

I don't have lead in my pipes. My water company is smart enough to use plastic piping for many decades now.. Do you live in Libtardville?
You don’t get it and never will. The biggest part of having a beefed up military now is to expand our global footprint, and we’re not immune from attack. 9/11 proved that.

If we’re not immune from attack, then what’s the point of a “beefed up military”?

Do you take medicine if you are sick? Why do you do that? You are going to die someday anyhow, might as well be now!
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
Thanks for that. It looks like the UK vastly overspends. Nobody has ever explained to me why we need to. There is no empire to defend and the only justification I can see is to support the US in its oil wars or similar.
You were dumb enough to get involved in Bush’s unnecessary invasion of Iraq
I would like to say "lesson learned" but wouldnt be too confident.
Not a chance because war is much too lucrative for the ruling class.
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
Thanks for that. It looks like the UK vastly overspends. Nobody has ever explained to me why we need to. There is no empire to defend and the only justification I can see is to support the US in its oil wars or similar.
You were dumb enough to get involved in Bush’s unnecessary invasion of Iraq
I would like to say "lesson learned" but wouldnt be too confident.
Not a chance because war is much too lucrative for the ruling class.
They dont fight the wars either. Always strikes me as odd that those who fight the wars have least stake in what they are supposedly fighting for. Its just a racket.
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
Thanks for that. It looks like the UK vastly overspends. Nobody has ever explained to me why we need to. There is no empire to defend and the only justification I can see is to support the US in its oil wars or similar.
You were dumb enough to get involved in Bush’s unnecessary invasion of Iraq
I would like to say "lesson learned" but wouldnt be too confident.
Not a chance because war is much too lucrative for the ruling class.
They dont fight the wars either. Always strikes me as odd that those who fight the wars have least stake in what they are supposedly fighting for. Its just a racket.
That is not fair, our President suffered with heel spurs

If not for that, we would have won the war in three years. It is said that he knows more than the Generals
This is the USS Gerald Ford:


Including development cost the price to create this thing was $18 billion. It will cost billions more to man, maintain, and upgrade over the decades. All to take out 3rd world gunmen hiding in caves in the desert. Very efficient.

Wow, you're stupid. You think Russia and China are hiding in caves? LMAO.
LOL you think this thing was built to fight Russia and China?! :lmao:

It was built to fight enemies. Present and future. Do you think it was built for fun? You're dumb. Emojis are for children. Grow the F*CK up.

What happened to the Space Force?

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