2019 Military Budget of $676 Billions

Obviously, retard. Not that it matters, as your dotard would have just borrowed the money from China.

I pay my fair share, and the fair share of many other mooching deadbeat Dem losers.
Red states have the highest rates of welfare amd food stamp participation. You take way more than you pay in.

Very true.

Just a quick note about the military though. I agree with what you say about the $18B CVN. Defense spending is a deterrent. NK is building missiles because they know it is the one thing that will keep the US out of their country. They look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Bosnia, etc... and see one common denominator; they didn't have a way to hit back at us. A nuke balances the scales. The CVN is built not to fight but to keep the peace. Now; to your point, could a $10B carrier do the same job. Yes. Could an $8B CVN do the same thing. Yes. Essentially, it's a jobs program.
Yes our military budget and the number of bases we keep active around the world are absurd

And why is that?

Yes I'm curious if he has performed any analysis or if he's just talking out his ass like most ignorant liberals.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Remember when the military was at a post-Vietnam War low under Jimmy Carter? Then Reagan built it back-up again? Those were all good long term investments. Humvee, M1 Abrams tank, Blackhawk transport helicopter, Apache attack helicopter, and Bradley fighting vehicle are all still be used today. The Abrams and Apache are still the best in their class today.
Yeah thanks in large part to Reagan we've spent trillions of dollars to blow up caves in Middle Eastern deserts.

So Kavanaugh who is not even accused of rape is a rapist? You're a special kind of moron aren't you. Loser.
I pay my fair share, and the fair share of many other mooching deadbeat Dem losers.
Red states have the highest rates of welfare amd food stamp participation. You take way more than you pay in.

Very true.

Just a quick note about the military though. I agree with what you say about the $18B CVN. Defense spending is a deterrent. NK is building missiles because they know it is the one thing that will keep the US out of their country. They look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Bosnia, etc... and see one common denominator; they didn't have a way to hit back at us. A nuke balances the scales. The CVN is built not to fight but to keep the peace. Now; to your point, could a $10B carrier do the same job. Yes. Could an $8B CVN do the same thing. Yes. Essentially, it's a jobs program.
Yes our military budget and the number of bases we keep active around the world are absurd

And why is that?

Yes I'm curious if he has performed any analysis or if he's just talking out his ass like most ignorant liberals.

Analysis? He cannot even spell the word. He is a moron.
Red states have the highest rates of welfare amd food stamp participation. You take way more than you pay in.

Very true.

Just a quick note about the military though. I agree with what you say about the $18B CVN. Defense spending is a deterrent. NK is building missiles because they know it is the one thing that will keep the US out of their country. They look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Bosnia, etc... and see one common denominator; they didn't have a way to hit back at us. A nuke balances the scales. The CVN is built not to fight but to keep the peace. Now; to your point, could a $10B carrier do the same job. Yes. Could an $8B CVN do the same thing. Yes. Essentially, it's a jobs program.
Yes our military budget and the number of bases we keep active around the world are absurd

And why is that?

Yes I'm curious if he has performed any analysis or if he's just talking out his ass like most ignorant liberals.

Analysis? He cannot even spell the word. He is a moron.

That one lives in a trailer park.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.


Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Yes; I know. I have been around since 1961 & I understand the MIC & how it provides JOBS, JOBS, & more JOBS.

Mommy & Daddy make bombs, tanks, ammo, nuclear bombers, etc., Monday thru Friday, they put junior & sis' thru school & college by making the war machine efficient & lethal, and every Sunday they go to church & they absolve themselves from the deaths they create around the planet with all of those weapons of war that puts food on the table for junior & that pays for sister's braces & her college fund. It's a great gig for white Christians. Yep, wave that flag for Jesus & bomb the Hell outta your fellow man while we're at it.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.
There has to be a bogey man always. People need to be kept in a state of fear so that they will vote for policies that are patently not in their best interests. That applies in all areas of political life.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Yeah jobs for killing. That’s what we need.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Remember when the military was at a post-Vietnam War low under Jimmy Carter? Then Reagan built it back-up again? Those were all good long term investments. Humvee, M1 Abrams tank, Blackhawk transport helicopter, Apache attack helicopter, and Bradley fighting vehicle are all still be used today. The Abrams and Apache are still the best in their class today.
Yeah thanks in large part to Reagan we've spent trillions of dollars to blow up caves in Middle Eastern deserts.

So Kavanaugh who is not even accused of rape is a rapist? You're a special kind of moron aren't you. Loser.
You try to rape a girl, you're a rapist in my book.

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Yes; I know. I have been around since 1961 & I understand the MIC & how it provides JOBS, JOBS, & more JOBS.

Mommy & Daddy make bombs, tanks, ammo, nuclear bombers, etc., Monday thru Friday, they put junior & sis' thru school & college by making the war machine efficient & lethal, and every Sunday they go to church & they absolve themselves from the deaths they create around the planet with all of those weapons of war that puts food on the table for junior & that pays for sister's braces & her college fund. It's a great gig for white Christians. Yep, wave that flag for Jesus & bomb the Hell outta your fellow man while we're at it.
They don’t wave the flag for Jesus. They wave it for what they think is patriotism. When in reality, they are unknowingly controlled by the ruling class.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Yeah jobs for killing. That’s what we need.

LOL not true at all. You’re dumb.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Remember when the military was at a post-Vietnam War low under Jimmy Carter? Then Reagan built it back-up again? Those were all good long term investments. Humvee, M1 Abrams tank, Blackhawk transport helicopter, Apache attack helicopter, and Bradley fighting vehicle are all still be used today. The Abrams and Apache are still the best in their class today.
Yeah thanks in large part to Reagan we've spent trillions of dollars to blow up caves in Middle Eastern deserts.

So Kavanaugh who is not even accused of rape is a rapist? You're a special kind of moron aren't you. Loser.
You try to rape a girl, you're a rapist in my book.

So if I try and win a race and lose I am a winner in your book? You dumb Shit. What happened to Innocent until proven guilty? You are scum.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Yes; I know. I have been around since 1961 & I understand the MIC & how it provides JOBS, JOBS, & more JOBS.

Mommy & Daddy make bombs, tanks, ammo, nuclear bombers, etc., Monday thru Friday, they put junior & sis' thru school & college by making the war machine efficient & lethal, and every Sunday they go to church & they absolve themselves from the deaths they create around the planet with all of those weapons of war that puts food on the table for junior & that pays for sister's braces & her college fund. It's a great gig for white Christians. Yep, wave that flag for Jesus & bomb the Hell outta your fellow man while we're at it.
They don’t wave the flag for Jesus. They wave it for what they think is patriotism. When in reality, they are unknowingly controlled by the ruling class.

You do realize that the book Animal Farm is fiction right? Such a whiny pansy you are. Man up.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Yes; I know. I have been around since 1961 & I understand the MIC & how it provides JOBS, JOBS, & more JOBS.

Mommy & Daddy make bombs, tanks, ammo, nuclear bombers, etc., Monday thru Friday, they put junior & sis' thru school & college by making the war machine efficient & lethal, and every Sunday they go to church & they absolve themselves from the deaths they create around the planet with all of those weapons of war that puts food on the table for junior & that pays for sister's braces & her college fund. It's a great gig for white Christians. Yep, wave that flag for Jesus & bomb the Hell outta your fellow man while we're at it.
They don’t wave the flag for Jesus. They wave it for what they think is patriotism. When in reality, they are unknowingly controlled by the ruling class.

You do realize that the book Animal Farm is fiction right? Such a whiny pansy you are. Man up.
I don’t like killing for the ruling class. Why do you?

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Yeah jobs for killing. That’s what we need.

LOL not true at all. You’re dumb.
The truth is difficult to accept. Hopefully you will come to understand some day.
IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.

Yes; I know. I have been around since 1961 & I understand the MIC & how it provides JOBS, JOBS, & more JOBS.

Mommy & Daddy make bombs, tanks, ammo, nuclear bombers, etc., Monday thru Friday, they put junior & sis' thru school & college by making the war machine efficient & lethal, and every Sunday they go to church & they absolve themselves from the deaths they create around the planet with all of those weapons of war that puts food on the table for junior & that pays for sister's braces & her college fund. It's a great gig for white Christians. Yep, wave that flag for Jesus & bomb the Hell outta your fellow man while we're at it.
They don’t wave the flag for Jesus. They wave it for what they think is patriotism. When in reality, they are unknowingly controlled by the ruling class.

You do realize that the book Animal Farm is fiction right? Such a whiny pansy you are. Man up.
I don’t like killing for the ruling class. Why do you?

Because I am not a sissy boy. And not only the ruling class kills. Read a book about WW2 someday.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Yeah jobs for killing. That’s what we need.

LOL not true at all. You’re dumb.
The truth is difficult to accept. Hopefully you will come to understand some day.

Your stupid opinion is not Truth. I hope you come to understand that someday. But I doubt it because you are a stupid Lefitst pacifist loser.
What's this "we" shit lib did you even pay any taxes that year? :eusa_hand:
Obviously, retard. Not that it matters, as your dotard would have just borrowed the money from China.

I pay my fair share, and the fair share of many other mooching deadbeat Dem losers.
Red states have the highest rates of welfare amd food stamp participation. You take way more than you pay in.

Very true.

Just a quick note about the military though. I agree with what you say about the $18B CVN. Defense spending is a deterrent. NK is building missiles because they know it is the one thing that will keep the US out of their country. They look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Bosnia, etc... and see one common denominator; they didn't have a way to hit back at us. A nuke balances the scales. The CVN is built not to fight but to keep the peace. Now; to your point, could a $10B carrier do the same job. Yes. Could an $8B CVN do the same thing. Yes. Essentially, it's a jobs program.
Yes our military budget and the number of bases we keep active around the world are absurd
We have 800 bases

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