2019 Military Budget of $676 Billions


Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Jobs follow the money

If we invested in modernizing our infrastructure......the jobs would follow
IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Yeah jobs for killing. That’s what we need.

LOL not true at all. You’re dumb.
The truth is difficult to accept. Hopefully you will come to understand some day.

Your stupid opinion is not Truth. I hope you come to understand that someday. But I doubt it because you are a stupid Lefitst pacifist loser.
Yeah in your delusional statist world, believing the lying state is the only choice.

Open your and release the propaganda instilled in you by the state.

Here is your’s and the other statist dummy in this thread homework. Read General Smidley Bulter’s book, then anything by the great Ralph Raico, then anything by Robert Higgs...then you can graduate to a greater enlightenment.

Good luck.
Obviously, retard. Not that it matters, as your dotard would have just borrowed the money from China.

I pay my fair share, and the fair share of many other mooching deadbeat Dem losers.
Red states have the highest rates of welfare amd food stamp participation. You take way more than you pay in.

Very true.

Just a quick note about the military though. I agree with what you say about the $18B CVN. Defense spending is a deterrent. NK is building missiles because they know it is the one thing that will keep the US out of their country. They look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Bosnia, etc... and see one common denominator; they didn't have a way to hit back at us. A nuke balances the scales. The CVN is built not to fight but to keep the peace. Now; to your point, could a $10B carrier do the same job. Yes. Could an $8B CVN do the same thing. Yes. Essentially, it's a jobs program.
Yes our military budget and the number of bases we keep active around the world are absurd
We have 800 bases
...and yet some Americans don’t know we have become an imperialist empire.
Here is an example of some previous US military expenditures during WWII.
US forces targeted large civilian populations with great success.

Here is an example of some previous US military expenditures during WWII.
US forces targeted large civilian populations with great success.

The ruthless bombing of Germany and Japan was a war crime. No different from the war crimes committed by the Nazis and Imperial Japan.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

Not to worry since we have no enemies threatening or attacking us. The money would be better spent on social programs but certain war for profit industries wouldn't like that and would cut off the money stream to their favorite politicians.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Jobs follow the money

If we invested in modernizing our infrastructure......the jobs would follow

Not the same thing and you know it.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

They say "if you don't have the brains to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits and indoctrination"
If you add up all the pantywaist military $ its 1/2 our total discretionary spending.
No wonder we have 3 rd world country roads health care and education
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.
Agreed and yet has there been an investigation and have any heads rolled?

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

They say "if you don't have the brains to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits and indoctrination"
If you add up all the pantywaist military $ its 1/2 our total discretionary spending.
No wonder we have 3 rd world country roads health care and education
...and an increasingly tyrannical central government.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.
Agreed and yet has there been an investigation and have any heads rolled?
Of course not
If you add up all the pantywaist military $ its 1/2 our total discretionary spending.
No wonder we have 3 rd world country roads health care and education

This from someone who thinks QUEER-O did a "great job" making $10 trillion vanish...

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Jobs follow the money

If we invested in modernizing our infrastructure......the jobs would follow

Not the same thing and you know it.
Doesn’t have to be

Spending on military is not the only way to generate jobs

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

They say "if you don't have the brains to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits and indoctrination"
If you add up all the pantywaist military $ its 1/2 our total discretionary spending.
No wonder we have 3 rd world country roads health care and education

You should move if you don’t like it. Honestly. Just say thank you and STFu.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

IMO The United States has (nearly) always been in the position of requiring a 'boogie man' and a requirement to blow loads of US tax payer dollars for ammo, bombs, tanks, planes, etc.

$0.674 TRILLION is IMO a complete waste of US tax payer dollars but then, one opinion is just that; one opinion.

As a nation, we should be ashamed that we have come to such a vulgar requirement.

IKE must be spinning in his fucking grave.

Do you know how many jobs in the private sector are there because of the military? All the innovation?

Why is it a waste? I am ashamed that you are too uneducated to smartly discuss this.
Jobs follow the money

If we invested in modernizing our infrastructure......the jobs would follow

Not the same thing and you know it.
Doesn’t have to be

Spending on military is not the only way to generate jobs

You are so wrong. Companies like Lockheed and MITRE and Boeing and Raytheon and countless others and their subcontractors...equal a ridiculous amt of jobs. Get your head out of your ass because you don’t know what you are talking about.

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