2019 Military Budget of $676 Billions

History shows me that the experts have been spending huge sums on our military for decades, under every type of president.
Exactly right. Now is the time to stop the madness.
You arent selling me. I dont think you have a good enough grasp of the overall picture to make an informed decision on the matter.
That’s funny. I KNOW you don’t.

Did you think I was criticizing Trump?
Of course I dont know. I'm not a military expert, therefore I'm not arrogant enough to pretend like I know more than them.

As for Trump, YOU are the only one talking about him. Why are you talking about Trump in this thread?
No need to be a military expert. Stop the appeal to authority. Think for yourself.
You STILL arent making a compelling case.
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
That is what happens when the US has allowed itself to become the military defense force of most of the nations in the world.
This is the USS Gerald Ford:


Including development cost the price to create this thing was $18 billion. It will cost billions more to man, maintain, and upgrade over the decades. All to take out 3rd world gunmen hiding in caves in the desert. Very efficient.

The problem with the Gerald Ford is not the billions to man, maintain and upgrade. The problem is that procurement costs are eating us alive. The ship has broken its spending caps which means that the Navy will have to find money somewhere else to finish it. It will likely come out of things such as training and maintenance. Then Republicans demand more money for training and maintenance. We desperately need procurement reform.
It’s not enough! We need to be like South Korea ! Spend every dime on the military to the point the lights are turned off and Americans are starving!

South Korea has a legitimate threat to their north

We have Canada
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
That is what happens when the US has allowed itself to become the military defense force of most of the nations in the world.

Europe is able to invest in first rate modern infrastructure, universal healthcare and free higher education

Because we have their back
It was built to intimidate sand dwellers. It will never be used against China or Russia.

You're a fortune teller now? Thanks for sharing. Your dumbassery is noted. Do you know how many jobs in the private sector it took to build it? Those employees pay taxes as do the corporations. Entitlements do nothing. Worry about them not the military spend.
One nuke and an entire carrier fleet is destroyed. That’s why the billions spent will only be used to harass cave dwellers. Our perpetual wars cost trillions. Subsidizing the defense industry does nothing but create debt. An F-35 cannot create anything.

You think Russia would send a nuke to destroy a ship? Sigh...I am dealing with children.
Oh sorry I’m sure Russia will just let the Carrier launch sorties at its leisure :rolleyes:

LMAO they won’t send a nuke at a ship.
If nukes are used by any side, all bets are off. A single nuke could take out an entire Carrier battle group.
That asshole Obama really fucked up our military. Just like Reagan had to fix the military that Jimmy Carter screwed up Trump is having to work hard to fix what Obama broke.
What did Obama break? The military received plenty of money during his tenure, on the order of half a Trillion dollars every year.
Obama had two wars to fight

What reason does Trump have to increase military spending?
That asshole Obama really fucked up our military. Just like Reagan had to fix the military that Jimmy Carter screwed up Trump is having to work hard to fix what Obama broke.
What did Obama break? The military received plenty of money during his tenure, on the order of half a Trillion dollars every year.

You must not have heard the reports about the airplanes not being able to fly and about only two Army combat brigades being ready. The Navy lacking in competent leadership because of Obama firing everybody that wasn't a queer or transvestite lover or whatever.

This is what Trump inherited from the worthless affirmative action piece of shit.

GAO report shows critical readiness problems for key military branches

GAO report shows critical readiness problems for key military branches

The services are smaller and less ready to fight than they have been in years, making the need to rebuild their forces the top priority cited by the Government Accountability Office in a report released Tuesday.

Military officials told GAO auditors that “the result of the current state of readiness is that military forces are not strong enough to protect vital U.S. national security interests from worldwide threats.” Among those threats are “Russian aggression in Europe and North Korea’s provocative threats in the Asia-Pacific.”
We already spend 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


Why do we need to spend more?
That is what happens when the US has allowed itself to become the military defense force of most of the nations in the world.

Europe is able to invest in first rate modern infrastructure, universal healthcare and free higher education

Because we have their back
And their front too. There is a cost to controlling the world as we do - we gain enormous influence over most of the world being that we are essentially their military as well as ours. That chart is the cost of that.
That asshole Obama really fucked up our military. Just like Reagan had to fix the military that Jimmy Carter screwed up Trump is having to work hard to fix what Obama broke.
What did Obama break? The military received plenty of money during his tenure, on the order of half a Trillion dollars every year.

You must not have heard the reports about the airplanes not being able to fly and about only two Army combat brigades being ready. The Navy lacking in competent leadership because of Obama firing everybody that wasn't a queer or transvestite lover or whatever.

This is what Trump inherited from the worthless affirmative action piece of shit.

GAO report shows critical readiness problems for key military branches

GAO report shows critical readiness problems for key military branches

The services are smaller and less ready to fight than they have been in years, making the need to rebuild their forces the top priority cited by the Government Accountability Office in a report released Tuesday.

Military officials told GAO auditors that “the result of the current state of readiness is that military forces are not strong enough to protect vital U.S. national security interests from worldwide threats.” Among those threats are “Russian aggression in Europe and North Korea’s provocative threats in the Asia-Pacific.”
The services have only themselves to blame
The Great Obama gave them all the money they asked for

But they invested in Star Wars aircraft, stealth ships, and state of the art weapons systems rather than in maintenance and training

Russia is too weak to attack NATO and it is us who are provoking N Korea
The US has to spend more on our military because we are literally defending the entire free world. From defense against nukes to patrolling the trade routes that drive the global economy, the US is the only ones able and willing to do it. We also use the military to better our citizens, and even to offer citizenship to immigrants, through college and future government employment.

I'm all for fucking pulling out and letting the pirates raid everything on the sea, I'm all for letting regimes run over foreign nations, I'm all for the dog eat dog of how things were /before/ American tax payers put up their wallets for the good of the fucking planet. Lets pull out of it all right now then you leftist idiots, you can wallow in not having your cell phones and wal-mart. I can afford the higher costs of piracy. I can afford to go without foreign built trash products. I can afford to invest in companies that'll hire security to port shit across the planet. No problem!
The US has to spend more on our military because we are literally defending the entire free world. From defense against nukes to patrolling the trade routes that drive the global economy, the US is the only ones able and willing to do it. We also use the military to better our citizens, and even to offer citizenship to immigrants, through college and future government employment.

I'm all for fucking pulling out and letting the pirates raid everything on the sea, I'm all for letting regimes run over foreign nations, I'm all for the dog eat dog of how things were /before/ American tax payers put up their wallets for the good of the fucking planet. Lets pull out of it all right now then you leftist idiots, you can wallow in not having your cell phones and wal-mart. I can afford the higher costs of piracy. I can afford to go without foreign built trash products. I can afford to invest in companies that'll hire security to port shit across the planet. No problem!

The EU is more than capable of defending their sphere of influence. They have an economy the equivalent of ours. But we pay four percent of our GDP for defense, they pay slightly over two.
This allows EU countries to invest more in public healthcare, modern infrastructure and low cost higher education
Exactly right. Now is the time to stop the madness.
You arent selling me. I dont think you have a good enough grasp of the overall picture to make an informed decision on the matter.
That’s funny. I KNOW you don’t.

Did you think I was criticizing Trump?
Of course I dont know. I'm not a military expert, therefore I'm not arrogant enough to pretend like I know more than them.

As for Trump, YOU are the only one talking about him. Why are you talking about Trump in this thread?
No need to be a military expert. Stop the appeal to authority. Think for yourself.
You STILL arent making a compelling case.
It is difficult for the statist to comprehend.

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019

FUCKING AWESOME....the good, REAL Americans footing the bill prefer to fund the military over ShaQuita and Guadalupe all day everyday.
You arent selling me. I dont think you have a good enough grasp of the overall picture to make an informed decision on the matter.
That’s funny. I KNOW you don’t.

Did you think I was criticizing Trump?
Of course I dont know. I'm not a military expert, therefore I'm not arrogant enough to pretend like I know more than them.

As for Trump, YOU are the only one talking about him. Why are you talking about Trump in this thread?
No need to be a military expert. Stop the appeal to authority. Think for yourself.
You STILL arent making a compelling case.
It is difficult for the statist to comprehend.
In my experience, only complete douchebags use the word "statist". Youre one of THOSE weirdos.

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