2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

Do you believe in Santa Claus. Some prefer to live, their entire life, in a fantasy because they are not strong enough to deal with the real world.
If you watched it, it is very clear a lot of laws were broken. The election never should have been certified. Security logs deleted before the first fake audit. They also proved internet access. The election was stolen, you stone cold idiot.
:laughing0301: RSBN?
Overall, we rate Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, right-wing propaganda, the use of poor sources, and failed fact checks.
And that has what to do with a broadcast of a press conference moron?
Tell the fat goof to go away then. Why does he insisted on losing over and over....?
President Groundhog will never slink away.

2020 ... Best election evah!!!

The only embarrassments here continue to be you and your butt buddies. Ignoring the actual illegalities shown while you show just how stupid you are.
They think laws can be broken because they were broken to get rid of Trump. It does not work that way. No one is above the law except anyone the media says is. They have destroyed our Constitution by abusing power and the traitors here support them.
If you watched it, it is very clear a lot of laws were broken. The election never should have been certified. Security logs deleted before the first fake audit. They also proved internet access. The election was stolen, you stone cold idiot.
It was clear the Cyber Ninjas do t understand what they’re doing.

Logs weren’t deleted. They were archived. Cyber Ninjas isn’t aware that the data doesn’t stay in the EMS server indefinitely. It can’t.
you realize you just elected a man president who lost at least twice prior right? ironically having to pull out for getting caught in so many lies, but…hey…your party wanted him

Beats a clown like Rump who’s failed at 98% of everything he’s attempted in life and blew through Daddy’s half a billion in less than ten years! :cool-45:
Known issues doesn't mean invalid votes.

Read the whole report. Don't speak to me until you do.

Intellectual laziness like yours makes me sick to my stomach.

Besides, would you have preferred they list all 57,734 'known issues' in that report? Would you sit through that? Would the AZ Senate?

Please, be realistic.
:laughing0301: RSBN?
Overall, we rate Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, right-wing propaganda, the use of poor sources, and failed fact checks.
Yes, one of the most important things in the USA in this century continues, despite your efforts to cancel it:


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