2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

If they were dumb enough to believe they would actually find fraud then there's nothing that will ever convince the dead enders.
And there ya go.

It won't matter if this doesn't go their way. They'll claim a conspiracy of some kind. Whatever it is, they'll be the victim.

Intense, emotional group pathologies are not necessarily washed away by reality.
Draft report from partisan Arizona review confirms Biden defeated Trump in Maricopa County last November

It actually gave Biden more votes. What a Liar trump is. This was money wasted. IDIOTS!
Just how long will repub party gonna allow this liar to dictate their words and thoughts....they are FOOLS!
Well, they've definitely been fooled.

This is the culmination of 30+ years of talk radio conditioning. It's not even about him. He was/is the one who is shameless and desperate enough to play to the rubes, but it probably would have been someone else at some point. These people were ripe for the picking.
There is no spinning or trolling in my OP. Actually, it's quite neutral and non-partisan.
Yes, my comment was but yours wasn't. The dem trolls used a vague leaked supposed report cherry picking the information....YES the hand count shows votes, but then again that was never the issue. Where the votes came from is. But instead of being honest about this, the dem/communist trolls are jumping the gun trying to direct that the hand count found more votes for Biden--yes hand counts tend to be off from the machine count by some small margin. It means nothing. Whether the votes were fraud or not does...
Well, they've definitely been fooled.

This is the culmination of 30+ years of talk radio conditioning. It's not even about him. He was/is the one who is shameless and desperate enough to play to the rubes, but it probably would have been someone else at some point. These people were ripe for the picking.
Exactly! Limbaugh and his like lied to listeners for years. He prepared the soil for scum like trump.
There were problems with the audit.

Pullen said other reports that will be presented in detail tomorrow have not yet been leaked, and that “anomalies” found in voting records are vast enough to cast doubt on the final vote count — despite the hand recount’s confirmation of the result.

Maricopa County supervisors have refused to aid the contractors hired by Fann, accusing them of bias and inexperience after errant claims were made about the county’s election.

Another source:
Cyber Ninjas' audit was marred by a lack of transparency, leading outside experts to warn that its findings ultimately "should not be trusted." The company is not federally accredited by the US Election Assistance Commission to test voting systems

Anomalies?? I'd bet there were plenty of Anomalies.
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