2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

Truth over facts. You voted and support a buffoon. Your attempt at comedy failed.
Try as you may, you can't change the facts. trump has always been a complete ass. He almost destroyed the country with his psychotic " me " behavior, never has a US President stirred up so much violence and hatred; it's a miracle we survived him for 4 years. If the far left had as many crazies as the far right does he would have been out of office and out of this world a whole lot sooner. Bit alas, even the far left isn't as crazy as trump supporters.
well the problem was that this was Trumps plan and Biden inherited it. He did agree with the troop withdrawal but with 3/4 of the troops gone before he came to office then he was left with the fall of the government in the country and Americans stuck there.

Getting 3/4 of the troops out before evacuating everyone.
Either it was going to be good and Trump would be sure to take credit or it would fail and Trump would be sure to place blame.

If you blame Biden then you have to blame Trump.

Trump is no longer President and Biden has failed on the Border, Afghanistan and Covid, so let just stop with the passing the buck and Biden owns his own failures at this point in time and I believe if Biden was up for re-election today he would lose.

As for the audit the fact is no matter how many times they recount the ballots Biden won and no matter how many times Trump base make claims the machines caused the fraud, well it was never proven in court and in the end Biden is still President…
Try as you may, you can't change the facts. trump has always been a complete ass. He almost destroyed the country with his psychotic " me " behavior, never has a US President stirred up so much violence and hatred; it's a miracle we survived him for 4 years. If the far left had as many crazies as the far right does he would have been out of office and out of this world a whole lot sooner. Bit alas, even the far left isn't as crazy as trump supporters.
Agree to disagree. Border crisis, inflation, botched Afghanistan withdrawal, COVID19 running wild. Alas you’re a partisan hack.
Trump is no longer President and Biden has failed on the Border, Afghanistan and Covid, so let just stop with the passing the buck and Biden owns his own failures at this point in time and I believe if Biden was up for re-election today he would lose.

As for the audit the fact is no matter how many times they recount the ballots Biden won and no matter how many times Trump base make claims the machines caused the fraud, well it was never proven in court and in the end Biden is still President…
Unlike trump, Biden has accepted his responsibilities, both good and bad. trump in negotiating with just the Taliban and leaving the Afghan government out of the negotiations effectively sent the message that the Afghan government was fraudulent and the Taliban was the power in Afghanistan. He was a poor negotiator, he gave them everything they wanted. They would have never renegotiated the deal, Biden knew this and dealt with it as best she could. As far as immigration goes, trump never addressed it. The immigrants just waited till he was out of office and the floodgates opened. No way to humanely stop this. Immigration quotas were so low we now have worker shortages all over the country. That's how important immigrants are to US. Again Biden is dealing with it the best anyone could with a bad situation made even worse by his predecessor. Biden is actually doing something about Covid as the virus mutates and gets worse, while sending the right message all the time. Yes we finally have a president back in the White House. The fraud is gone.
Unlike trump, Biden has accepted his responsibilities, both good and bad. trump in negotiating with just the Taliban and leaving the Afghan government out of the negotiations effectively sent the message that the Afghan government was fraudulent and the Taliban was the power in Afghanistan. He was a poor negotiator, he gave them everything they wanted. They would have never renegotiated the deal, Biden knew this and dealt with it as best she could. As far as immigration goes, trump never addressed it. The immigrants just waited till he was out of office and the floodgates opened. No way to humanely stop this. Immigration quotas were so low we now have worker shortages all over the country. That's how important immigrants are to US. Again Biden is dealing with it the best anyone could with a bad situation made even worse by his predecessor. Biden is actually doing something about Covid as the virus mutates and gets worse, while sending the right message all the time. Yes we finally have a president back in the White House. The fraud is gone.
Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
Let me know when they prove cheating occurred. You know, when voters start getting charged with voter fraud.

OK, thanks for letting us know.

There is "no voter fraud" unless the AZ AG indicts (and convicts?) someone for voter/election fraud...

So if the AZ AG is another Zionist 911 "Biden republican" then... "there was no fraud" according to faun, because he will simply do nothing....

We'll find out....
Again, who is calling the hand count, "the audit?"

My native language is English.

According to me, every single entity that claims the audit in any way backs up a claim that traitor Joe won is doing so solely on the basis of the hand count and dismissing all the evidence of fraud as nothing. Hence, the audit was the hand count according to all the media and the various Zionist 911 "Biden republicans" like Cheney and w....

A rational interpretation of the prelim audit is that there is plenty of evidence of fraud to decertify the result and enforce the subpoenas that maricopa county is ignoring...

An audit not finished is not an audit, it is an incomplete audit.

Finish the audit by enforcing the subpoenas.
You don’t realize by now that Trump triggers leftists, who are trying to ruin this country? I have told you countless times that this trait alone earns my vote. If that makes me a buffoon in your eyes then so be it. There is a method to my madness.
Unlike trump, Biden has accepted his responsibilities, both good and bad. trump in negotiating with just the Taliban and leaving the Afghan government out of the negotiations effectively sent the message that the Afghan government was fraudulent and the Taliban was the power in Afghanistan. He was a poor negotiator, he gave them everything they wanted. They would have never renegotiated the deal, Biden knew this and dealt with it as best she could. As far as immigration goes, trump never addressed it. The immigrants just waited till he was out of office and the floodgates opened. No way to humanely stop this. Immigration quotas were so low we now have worker shortages all over the country. That's how important immigrants are to US. Again Biden is dealing with it the best anyone could with a bad situation made even worse by his predecessor. Biden is actually doing something about Covid as the virus mutates and gets worse, while sending the right message all the time. Yes we finally have a president back in the White House. The fraud is gone.
Biden hasn’t accepted anything until that is the media calls him out and then he refuses to answer questions. Thus his approval rating is in the toilet.
Try as you may, you can't change the facts. trump has always been a complete ass. He almost destroyed the country with his psychotic " me " behavior, never has a US President stirred up so much violence and hatred; it's a miracle we survived him for 4 years. If the far left had as many crazies as the far right does he would have been out of office and out of this world a whole lot sooner. Bit alas, even the far left isn't as crazy as trump supporters.

"Biden making America ""normal"" again.


well the problem was that this was Trumps plan and Biden inherited it. He did agree with the troop withdrawal but with 3/4 of the troops gone before he came to office then he was left with the fall of the government in the country and Americans stuck there.

Getting 3/4 of the troops out before evacuating everyone.
Either it was going to be good and Trump would be sure to take credit or it would fail and Trump would be sure to place blame.

If you blame Biden then you have to blame Trump.
Biden will bear the blame.... regardless. That is nuts inevitable.
You don’t realize by now that Trump triggers leftists, who are trying to ruin this country?

Seems that you should like Biden since he triggers rightys, who are trying to ruin this country.

If that makes me a buffoon in your eyes then so be it. There is a method to my madness.

It does not make you a buffoon, it just means you voted for a buffoon
Seems that you should like Biden since he triggers rightys, who are trying to ruin this country.

It does not make you a buffoon, it just means you voted for a buffoon
Biden triggers logical people as he is an inept moron. Trump is polarizing so weak ass people don’t like him. Biden is just bad at his job.
Biden triggers logical people as he is an inept moron.

So was Trump, but he triggered lefties so you liked him.

Trump is polarizing so weak ass people don’t like him.

Trump is a con-man that cares about nobody but himself. He would have made an amazing TV preacher/cult leader (though some can argue he is the latter already)

Biden is just bad at his job.

Yes he is, just one more in a long line of people to hold the office of POTUS that fall into this category...everyone this century that is for sure.

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