2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

OK, thanks for letting us know.

There is "no voter fraud" unless the AZ AG indicts (and convicts?) someone for voter/election fraud...

So if the AZ AG is another Zionist 911 "Biden republican" then... "there was no fraud" according to faun, because he will simply do nothing....

We'll find out....
No. There was no voter fraud according to Cyber Ninja's. I suppose that makes them Zionists now, huh, TootieFrootie?
My native language is English.

According to me, every single entity that claims the audit in any way backs up a claim that traitor Joe won is doing so solely on the basis of the hand count and dismissing all the evidence of fraud as nothing. Hence, the audit was the hand count according to all the media and the various Zionist 911 "Biden republicans" like Cheney and w....

A rational interpretation of the prelim audit is that there is plenty of evidence of fraud to decertify the result and enforce the subpoenas that maricopa county is ignoring...

An audit not finished is not an audit, it is an incomplete audit.

Finish the audit by enforcing the subpoenas.
I have a better idea.... fuck off, it's over. It's been almost a year and you rightards have yet to prove voter fraud beyond a few isolated cases.
I agree. Its not the count. The counts say Bidung won. Its the ballots. Are they valid?? That's the question which we won't get an answer to.

We are stuck with clusterfuck Bidung for the next three years. He will leave a big mess that Trump will have to clean up in 2024.
There is "no voter fraud" unless the AZ AG indicts (and convicts?) someone for voter/election fraud...

That is sort of the way things work in our country, you know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing...maybe you have heard of it?

What needs to happen is for both side to present their case in a court of law sworn in under threat of perjury. This is what has been missing from every hearing held by the Repubs state legislatures...nobody is ever sworn in, why do you suppose that is?
I agree. Its not the count. The counts say Bidung won. Its the ballots. Are they valid?? That's the question which we won't get an answer to.

We are stuck with clusterfuck Bidung for the next three years. He will leave a big mess that Trump will have to clean up in 2024.

It is so cute how you think Trump will be POTUS again in 2025.
Let me know when they prove cheating occurred. You know, when voters start getting charged with voter fraud.
Bringing such charges - and one must presume that there are rabid Trumpies aplenty in Arizona and elsewhere passionately eager to do so - would intrude upon the realm of reality, not fertile ground for conspiracy crackpots.

The same pertains to the vast range of conspirators, including all those Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, as well as judges throughout the land, yet not a single suspect has been named.

Fantasy and evidentiary requirements are woefully incompatible.
I have a better idea.... fuck off, it's over. It's been almost a year and you rightards have yet to prove voter fraud beyond a few isolated cases.
The Cry Baby Loser has spawned a teeming hoard of whiny imitators hellbent on savaging American democracy.
All you liberal useful idiots are gleeful about what's in a DRAFT REPORT that was leaked out. The final report is yet to come.

Maricopa County on Friday issued a series of statements on its Twitter page in response to findings laid out in a purported draft audit report of Cyber Ninja’s forensic audit that had been released ahead of the Senate audit hearing.

The draft audit report’s figures did not entirely correlate with that of Cyber Ninja’s final report. Fann said Friday at the hearing, “As you know somebody leaked one of the draft reports out over the last 24-48 hours. It was a draft report, so I can tell you that what’s in that is not entirely what’s in the final report.” However, some key allegations in the draft report regarding ballots did match that of the final report.
that is what you said about Az till the results came out.
The final report is not out yet. A draft report was leaked. All you have to gloat about is that the ballot count was close to what the original count revealed. It did not verify that all of the ballots were legally cast.
All you liberal useful idiots are gleeful about what's in a DRAFT REPORT that was leaked out. The final report is yet to come.

Those "inconsistencies" turn out to be misrepresentations of the process.

Blank ballots for instance were not blank. Those were ballpots where the voter shose not to vote for President but rather just "down ballot" candidates

"Hard drives wiped clean"...turn out to be the normal process of transferring date from the server to storage devices

And on and on
The final report is not out yet.

The Az Senate has the final report, where have you been?

They have sent a letter to the AG about the final report and there was nothing in it about decertifying the election.

It is over, move on to your next state so that you can keep holding onto hope...oh and do not forget your montly contribution to Trump's election fight fund.
All you liberal useful idiots are gleeful about what's in a DRAFT REPORT that was leaked out. The final report is yet to come.


You dumbfuck. They released their full report on Friday.


Whassamatter? You been in a drunken stupor since then? :lmao:

You may wanna hit the bottle again when you see this then....

Cyber Ninja's found Biden won by an even bigger margin. And they put this gem in their final report...

This is the most important finding in the audit because the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent, and there is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree.

So was Trump, but he triggered lefties so you liked him.

Trump is a con-man that cares about nobody but himself. He would have made an amazing TV preacher/cult leader (though some can argue he is the latter already)

Yes he is, just one more in a long line of people to hold the office of POTUS that fall into this category...everyone this century that is for sure.
Trump had some good ideas but his budget handling and sub par press conferences regarding COVID19 did him in. Biden is a life time politician and is senile. Apples and Oranges.
It did not verify that all of the ballots were legally cast.
Do you think any examination of any election, anywhere, at any time in history, would verify that all ballots were "legally cast"?

The question that matters is whether there was a conspiracy to steal the election. That's what Trumpsters keep claiming. And there is ZERO proof of that - despite the idiotic droning.
Trump had some good ideas but his budget handling and sub par press conferences regarding COVID19 did him in. Biden is a life time politician and is senile. Apples and Oranges.

they both suck and are shitty at the job of POTUS, if just for different reasons

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