2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

If those storage devices were , they would have produced them.

As the county election officials said, the frauditors had no clue what they were doing. They had ZERO experience.

It was a clown show.
They just made a deal for the routers that were subpoenaed. You need to know what you are talking about before you say anything. Go away and study hard.
No because they are evidence when heard by a court and evidentiary hearings were refused.


Courts Blocked an Evidentiary Hearing
The strategy may have played well in front of television cameras and on talk radio to Trump’s supporters. But it has proved a disaster in court, where judges uniformly rejected their claims of vote fraud and found the campaign’s legal work amateurish.

In a scathing ruling late Saturday, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann — a Republican and Federalist Society member in central Pennsylvania — compared the campaign’s legal arguments to “Frankenstein’s Monster,” concluding that Trump’s team offered only “speculative accusations,” not proof of rampant corruption.

Gee, is that all you have after your sad little Big Lie has been destroyed? :lol:
Your lie has been destroyed. There is far too much wrong with this election. 7 republican legislatures picked alternative electors. They did that for nothing? You lose. Massive fraud took place.
Most of Trump's affidavits have never been submitted to a court. Because they are horseshit.
In case anyone forgot, that Rudy Grecian's M.O..

During the Ukraine Scandal, Giuliani went on some news program doing the same thing he did with the election affidavits. He held up a stack of papers and waved them in front of the camera, claiming they were documents proving Biden blackmailed Poroshenko to fire Shokin. When the interviewer asked if he could see them, Rudy pulled them away and wouldn't let him anywhere near them. Then, in an effort to make them appear real, he declared he was going to make them public.

Somewhere on this forum is a thread that was started where we were counting the days Giuliani had still NOT released them. To this day, he never has.

Like with those "documents"... like with those "affidavits"... Rudy is just being Rudy; bluffing and sweating hair dye.
They just made a deal for the routers that were subpoenaed. You need to know what you are talking about before you say anything. Go away and study hard.

You need to find out what a router is before you mock someone for not knowing what they are talking about! :lol:
Your lie has been destroyed. There is far too much wrong with this election. 7 republican legislatures picked alternative electors. They did that for nothing? You lose. Massive fraud took place.
They did that in an attempt to subvert an election they did not like

It was a purely illegal partisan act
All the information is not released yet. 5 months of Maricopa county not cooperating one bit. Why do you think that is if there was no fraud?
You're lying again, FruitLoops. Why?

In reality, Maricopa complied with most of the subpoenas.
Biden will bear the blame.... regardless. That is nuts inevitable.

Once this memo surfaces that show that Trump tried to order all military to be out of Afghanistan by Christmas this shows that Trump was in a hurry to get them all out and take credit for the troop withdrawal which was his plan. Never consulted the military brass about this early withdrawal. Clearly his motive was to take credit even when he had already lost the election.

Yet in reality there was no plan.

He also tweeted and spoke that he wanted them all out by Christmas 2020 when he had agreed to the early spring date with the Taliban.

You haven’t named one. They treat minorities equally to whites. That’s how it should be. I am a Jew. I do not want or need special treatment. I told you, cancel culture. People cannot say what they believe on social media or they get cancelled. Democrats have become the party of tyranny.

“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”…A Democrat said that. Democrats are also a party of forcing my daughters to share a locker room with trans women and play sports against them. Pretty sick.
You haven't named one, the world is moving past your petty prejudices. We have to be alternatives just more hatred lies and confusion. That's why the Republicans are going down bad. People are figuring out how bad they really are
and they don't want anything to do with them. I'm not going to continue to argue with you, I made my point. You failed to counter in an realistic effective manner. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
The EMS data is not stored on a router, you unbelievably stupid person.

I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you. Debating you feels like kicking a five year old.
Why did the county withhold them so long and why would they have to make a deal to release them? Elections should be transparent. Fraud city, trolly.
Those states had hearings where affidavits were heard. They detailed all sorts of fraud.

and not a single one of those people were ever sworn in, why is that?

In the Michigan hearing a Dem asked for the wetness to be sworn in and she was told she was out of order.

If someone is not sworn in, they are just telling a story

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