2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

Because they knew how incompetent CN is and how much CN's bukkshit hurts elections.


The Dems say they are too "incompetent" to rig the machines to cheat, but that the machines now can no longer be used because the CNs are "competent"enough to program them to cheat....

So which is it....
The auditors haven't the authority to declare 50,000 ballots decertified and removed from the vote tallies.. They have pointed them out and they know which ones they determined to be likely illegal. Otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to have counted them.) A look at these 50,000 votes would easily show which ones were for Biden and which were for Trump.

It is up to the state legal system (The AG, prosecutors, et al.) to determine whether any votes should be ignored.

There could be votes both for Biden and Trump that should be removed. Using the existing numbers for each side, it would require nothing other than simple subtraction to come up with the correct true number of legal votes for each candidate.

What you've posted here is severely illogical.
The ninjas never said there were “ likely illegal” ballots and the state election officials have already addressed that.

What you’ve listed here is severely incorrect and highly biased nonsense.
The auditors haven't the authority to declare 50,000 ballots decertified and removed from the vote tallies.. They have pointed them out and they know which ones they determined to be likely illegal. Otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to have counted them.) A look at these 50,000 votes would easily show which ones were for Biden and which were for Trump.

It is up to the state legal system (The AG, prosecutors, et al.) to determine whether any votes should be ignored.

There could be votes both for Biden and Trump that should be removed. Using the existing numbers for each side, it would require nothing other than simple subtraction to come up with the correct true number of legal votes for each candidate.

What you've posted here is severely illogical.
The auditors spent 6 months and the best they could do was showing ballots that they think could be fraudulent but also could be totally legit.

What good is an audit if it couldn't even conclude a single fraudulent vote?
A recount to my understanding is nothing but a recount of all existing ballots in order to make sure that they were all counted (no verification of signature's or other such investigatory practices are required on a recount) correct ?????

So an audit is the verification of each ballot for it's legitimacy, and that the chain of custody was followed or exist so on and so forth correct ???? The audit wasn't a recount, but rather it was a more extensive look at the ballots etc right ???

Now what did the audit find out, and when submitted to the AG, then how should he proceed in your opinion if the discrepancies or possible fraud findings were great enough to warrant a further investigation ??
The verification of the ballots happen before they are counted in the first place. Any flawed or ambiguous ballots are separated and re-examined before being counted.
The auditors spent 6 months and the best they could do was showing ballots that they think could be fraudulent but also could be totally legit.

What good is an audit if it couldn't even conclude a single fraudulent vote?

Never mind maricopa county stonewalled, failed to comply with legal subpoenas, and destroyed evidence illegally.

The Dems say they are too "incompetent" to rig the machines to cheat, but that the machines now can no longer be used because the CNs are "competent"enough to program them to cheat....

So which is it....
How do the machines “cheat” when hand counts match the machine counts?
The proof is that AZ AG has done absolutely nothing but allow maricopa country to not comply with subpoenas.

Now he is making some noises, but there is no action. Those in maricopa county who are not complying with subpoenas have been doing so for months with no fear of legal consequences...

The AZ AG is a Zionist 911 W "Biden republican" and faun and the "US" media know it, which is why they are confident the audit is "over..."

The post 1998 GOP loves Zionism.

Zionism is America's worst liability, and that is putting it mildly...
Zionism has rotted your brain.

On the left, a normal brain. On the right, what Zionism has done to yours...

The auditors spent 6 months and the best they could do was showing ballots that they think could be fraudulent but also could be totally legit.

What good is an audit if it couldn't even conclude a single fraudulent vote?
It’s great if there actual goal was to create further ambiguity and perpetuate the idea that it wasn’t completely legit. In that they succeeded.
The standard types of fraud were enough to flip the result.

The larger fraud is not properly outed because maricopa county is not in compliance....
If that were true, you would have proven so when challenged. You couldn't because you're delirious.

The Dems say they are too "incompetent" to rig the machines to cheat, but that the machines now can no longer be used because the CNs are "competent"enough to program them to cheat....

So which is it....
What it is, is you're retarded. Root access was denied to Cyber Ninja's because it wasn't needed to validate the equipment and had CN done so, it would have decertified the equipment. Also because CN is not accredited and doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.

That already happened in another county in another state where they now have to purchase all new equipment because they gave accredited auditors root access.
"Obama could end the speculation of his place of birth but chooses not to"







12 years old I'm guessing that is your age.....when you can't argue you really get funny.....
12 years old I'm guessing that is your age.....when you can't argue you really get funny.....

There's nothing to argue, rambirther. You're brain-dead to think Obama didn't prove he was born in the U.S.. So what else remains but to laugh at you?

There's nothing to argue, rambirther. You're brain-dead to think Obama didn't prove he was born in the U.S.. So what else remains but to laugh at you?
You only show how limited you are mentally and emotionally.....

Right General Flynn?...


They found duplicates; which turned out to be different people but with the same name and birthdate. And those favored Trump anyway.

They found people who moved before the election. Turned out residents are allowed to vote for president even if they move within 30 days of an election.
This video basically states exactly what I claimed. The fact audited ballot count may have added some votes to the tally does not mean that the 50,000 ballots that were possibly (likely) illegally counted does not conflate to verification of the true LEGAL vote count.

The Auditors haven't the authority to decertify any votes. The AG and the legal system does.

You will note that the video also states that British media (and others) are now questioning the authenticity of the election 'results'.

Twist and squirm all you want. The truth will eventually be exposed.


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