2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

Nah, not gonna happen. America loves Jews. Jesus was a Jew. Unfortunately for you, there aren't enough Jew-haters to matter.


Are you a Christian?

Jews invented modern religion, which is why so many Jew frauds of Catholic preists rape little kids....

When will Jesus float down from the clouds?
The hand recount indicated that was not the case.


The hand count was before the audit checked for fraud.

The audit found massive fraud sufficient to flip the result.

That is why your side lies and claims the initial hand count is the audit....
That's the new standard to potentially disenfranchise thousands? "Likely"?

Someone unaffiliated with the Arizona elections, or any of the several audits thinks it is "likely" some are illegal, and a U.S. court should go along with that poster?
OK, let's play.

Is there anything more the good poster can bring before a court other than his opinion of illegality being "likely"? Or, if the poster 'asaratis' ain't gonna go before the court with his 'likelihood' brief......well, is anyone? PillowBoy" The grifter's favorite pigeon, the disgraced Overstock CEO? Krakenpot Powell? 'Tucker' Giuliani? Melissa Carrone*?

And too, to add nuance to the 'illegal likelihood' ...well, could the majority of those 50,000 allegedly likely illegal ballots slated by the poster to be thrown out....well, could the majority have been for Don Trump? All of them for Don Trump?

If so, where does that leave the election?

Seems to me it would...likely....leave it pretty much unchanged. No?

*Don’t Laugh at the Voter Fraud Cranks
The auditors haven't the authority to declare 50,000 ballots decertified and removed from the vote tallies.. They have pointed them out and they know which ones they determined to be likely illegal. Otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to have counted them.) A look at these 50,000 votes would easily show which ones were for Biden and which were for Trump.

It is up to the state legal system (The AG, prosecutors, et al.) to determine whether any votes should be ignored.

There could be votes both for Biden and Trump that should be removed. Using the existing numbers for each side, it would require nothing other than simple subtraction to come up with the correct true number of legal votes for each candidate.

What you've posted here is severely illogical.
It is done, it is over the Ninjas are finished. They submitted their final report and the Senate sent a letter to the AG with the final results.

It is time for you to move to to Tx and see if you cannot find Biden some more votes there as well
A recount to my understanding is nothing but a recount of all existing ballots in order to make sure that they were all counted (no verification of signature's or other such investigatory practices are required on a recount) correct ?????

So an audit is the verification of each ballot for it's legitimacy, and that the chain of custody was followed or exist so on and so forth correct ???? The audit wasn't a recount, but rather it was a more extensive look at the ballots etc right ???

Now what did the audit find out, and when submitted to the AG, then how should he proceed in your opinion if the discrepancies or possible fraud findings were great enough to warrant a further investigation ??
Lie. There's no evidence those 50K ballots are "likely illegal." Most of them have already been explained by the Maricopa County Election Board.
They've been denied by the Maricopa County Election Board....which has been fighting the audit since day one.

Here are just a few links.

They're covering their own asses. They're also protecting some down ballot "results".
First of all I would guess about 25% of Trump voters are democrats and independents...and to ponder the make up of any group is not a lie its being inquisitive....second....his inauguration crowds...I never heard Trump say they were larger than Obama's....3rd if there are 30,000 provable lies then why haven't you given me one?...forth....Obama could end the speculation of his place of birth but chooses not to....and fifth...Hillary is a criminal....and she is a scumbag that makes shit up about people that idiots like you fall for....
"Obama could end the speculation of his place of birth but chooses not to"







Are you a Christian?

Jews invented modern religion, which is why so many Jew frauds of Catholic preists rape little kids....

When will Jesus float down from the clouds?
Nope, not a Christian.
The auditors haven't the authority to declare 50,000 ballots decertified and removed from the vote tallies.. They have pointed them out and they know which ones they determined to be likely illegal. Otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to have counted them.) A look at these 50,000 votes would easily show which ones were for Biden and which were for Trump.

It is up to the state legal system (The AG, prosecutors, et al.) to determine whether any votes should be ignored.

There could be votes both for Biden and Trump that should be removed. Using the existing numbers for each side, it would require nothing other than simple subtraction to come up with the correct true number of legal votes for each candidate.

What you've posted here is severely illogical.
They found duplicates; which turned out to be different people but with the same name and birthdate. And those favored Trump anyway.

They found people who moved before the election. Turned out residents are allowed to vote for president even if they move within 30 days of an election.
A recount to my understanding is nothing but a recount of all existing ballots in order to make sure that they were all counted (no verification of signature's or other such investigatory practices are required on a recount) correct ?????

So an audit is the verification of each ballot for it's legitimacy, and that the chain of custody was followed or exist so on and so forth correct ???? The audit wasn't a recount, but rather it was a more extensive look at the ballots etc right ???

Now what did the audit find out, and when submitted to the AG, then how should he proceed in your opinion if the discrepancies or possible fraud findings were great enough to warrant a further investigation ??
So now the audit's no good, huh?
A recount to my understanding is nothing but a recount of all existing ballots in order to make sure that they were all counted (no verification of signature's or other such investigatory practices are required on a recount) correct ?????

So an audit is the verification of each ballot for it's legitimacy, and that the chain of custody was followed or exist so on and so forth correct ???? The audit wasn't a recount, but rather it was a more extensive look at the ballots etc right ???

An audit is both a recount and a verification of ballots.

Now what did the audit find out, and when submitted to the AG, then how should he proceed in your opinion if the discrepancies or possible fraud findings were great enough to warrant a further investigation ??

I think the best way to go is to have both sides in a court of law under oath. One thing that has been missing from all of this by those desperate to find fraud is nobody is ever sworn in, do you find that as odd as I do?

Outside of that, I have to wonder why the Ninjas did not dig into each of those "discrepancies". I am a data analyst by trade/education and if I went to my boss with "potential" problems the first question that would be asked is if I looked deeper into the list to see if the potential was legit. If I said no I would either be fired on the spot for incompetence or be sent back to do my job correctly.
I asked for proof.

You gave none.

Thanks for tryin'. Here's a participation trophy.

The proof is that AZ AG has done absolutely nothing but allow maricopa country to not comply with subpoenas.

Now he is making some noises, but there is no action. Those in maricopa county who are not complying with subpoenas have been doing so for months with no fear of legal consequences...

The AZ AG is a Zionist 911 W "Biden republican" and faun and the "US" media know it, which is why they are confident the audit is "over..."

The post 1998 GOP loves Zionism.

Zionism is America's worst liability, and that is putting it mildly...
They found duplicates; which turned out to be different people but with the same name and birthdate. And those favored Trump anyway.

They found people who moved before the election. Turned out residents are allowed to vote for president even if they move within 30 days of an election.

The standard types of fraud were enough to flip the result.

The larger fraud is not properly outed because maricopa county is not in compliance....

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