2020 Dems Race To Beat Each Other Over The Cliff...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...will snowflakes follow them or reject them?


Dems embrace reparations, border wall destruction, Green New Deal – and may hurt 2020 chances

"The Democrats' 2020 presidential hopefulsare latching onto an array of far-left ideas at a quickening pace months before the primaries even start -- stirring hope from Republicans that the eagerness to endorse proposals with limited appeal beyond the hardcore base could turn off voters in the general election and hand President Trump a second term."

The trend started last year as potential 2020 hopefuls backed ideas like abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and "Medicare-for-all." But that was just the start. Candidates have lurched further left this year as they make their White House bids official, flirting with everything from slavery reparations to the destruction of existing border wall.

In recent weeks, Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., as well as former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro have come out in favor of reparations for black Americans.

Meanwhile, the Green New Deal -- a massive overhaul of the nation’s economy and energy strategy estimated to cost well into the tens of trillions of dollars -- has taken hold with both the House and the 2020 field.

“Under the guise of Medicare-for-all and a Green New Deal, Democrats are embracing the same tired economic theories that have impoverished nations and stifled the liberties of millions over the past century,” Vice President Pence said Friday in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, where the Green New Deal was a constant punching bag. “That system is socialism.”

Open Borders

Sanctuary Cities

Tearing Down Existing Border Walls

Murdering Babies

Attempted Coups

Govt Stripping Citizens Of Their Control Over Their Own Life - Their Personal Choices Deemed 'Illegal'
-- Forced Govt Socialism

Protecting a criminal from indictment then giving them the DNC nomination was radical enough, but when Hillary lost the 2016 election something snapped inside the Democratic Party.

Journalists have described this sudden mental / moral / ethical breakdown as 'taking a hard left'.


That's the Liberal Media's way of trying to protect the deranged socialists who are trying to 'Out Insane' each other in their race to make America 'Venezuela'!

From reparations to Green New Deal, liberal litmus tests put 2020 Dems in risky territory


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