Why does the US spend massive and massive about of money on cancer research compared to Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China and Taiwan?

“Welcome to modern medicine, where advances keep people alive long after they lost what it is that made them people.”
The Uber wealthy ceos are looking for a way to tap into life insurance. Not that far fetched. Wasn't there something called dead peasants insurance? How sick is that?
True. But as a citizen I am very very critical of this nation as cancer rates frankly are way too high for the richest and wealthiest nation on earth. Something is wrong here. Perhaps diet. Perhaps industry emitting carcinogenic chemicals into the environment. But when one is critical of industry one gets backlash from backwards thinkers.
Something is wrong here.

Maybe some of those chemicals are in what you eat. Stop eating the processed foods and get back to nature.
If you look at this https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(23)00182-1/fulltext

Well than China is 4%, Japan is 4%, UK is 9%, USA is whopping 57%

So not sure why the US is so high compared to other countries and why those countries are so low.

According to this, the US accounts for more than half of recent cancer funding, with China and Japan just under 5%

That is so odd I wonder if the reason the US spends so much more money on cancer research is because the lobbyist is so much more massive in the US the pharmaceutical companies and universities are so massive in the US and are lobbying the government to spend money on cancer research.

Where those other countries only have a handful of pharmaceutical companies and universities unlike the US that has hundreds of pharmaceutical companies and universities.

But again some one could ask why those countries have only handful of pharmaceutical companies and universities?

Because we want to develop new treatments for cancer? And don't forget that many of the people doing that research in the US are from those other countries.
Why should other countries pay so much for their research when they can just steal our technology and save lots of money?

I don't want other countries stealing our military or industrial technology. If they want to steal technology that helps treat cancer, I'm ok with that as long as it doesn't make it cost ineffective to develop new such technology.

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