2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

  • Yes, Trump set a precedent

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • No, it would be unfair

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No comment

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

We all know some people applauded Trump's doing something like this in the 2016 debate(s). That like all he does, set a precedent. I guess disrupting things could have unintended consequences?

2020 Will be interesting
After Kavanaugh, liberals are never to be trusted again.
You mean after Merrick Garland? Or the over 100 judicial appointees the GOP Senate/McConnell refused to allow hearings on?
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.
Uhm, that is not how it unfolded. But okay

spew your silly little hate
They had hearings for weeks on Kavanaugh. They could have brought it up then. But no, when they figured out Kavanaugh was a shoe in. They bring in a woman with no proof, accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape trying to ruin his lifes work and his family. For political reasons. Maybe it will unfold the same for you.

Another POS who believes that abuse & sexual attacks only happen if there are witnesses.
After Kavanaugh, liberals are never to be trusted again.
You mean after Merrick Garland? Or the over 100 judicial appointees the GOP Senate/McConnell refused to allow hearings on?
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.
Uhm, that is not how it unfolded. But okay

spew your silly little hate
They had hearings for weeks on Kavanaugh. They could have brought it up then. But no, when they figured out Kavanaugh was a shoe in. They bring in a woman with no proof, accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape trying to ruin his lifes work and his family. For political reasons. Maybe it will unfold the same for you.

Another POS who believes that abuse & sexual attacks only happen if there are witnesses.
She couldn't remember where, when, or exactly how it happened. I see you give Clinton the benifit of the doubt after he pays his accusers off.
2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

We all know some people applauded Trump's doing something like this in the 2016 debate(s). That like all he does, set a precedent. I guess disrupting things could have unintended consequences?

2020 Will be interesting
After Kavanaugh, liberals are never to be trusted again.
You mean after Merrick Garland? Or the over 100 judicial appointees the GOP Senate/McConnell refused to allow hearings on?
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.
Uhm, that is not how it unfolded. But okay

spew your silly little hate
They had hearings for weeks on Kavanaugh. They could have brought it up then. But no, when they figured out Kavanaugh was a shoe in. They bring in a woman with no proof, accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape trying to ruin his lifes work and his family. For political reasons. Maybe it will unfold the same for you.
not true. Spin is spin no matter how long the spin cycle is on

Sept. 27: Both Ford and Kavanaugh testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. (Key moments from Ford's and Kavanaugh's hearings.)

The Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing Will Be Remembered as a Grotesque Display of Patriarchal Resentment

Then Kavanaugh came in, like an eclipse. He made a show of being unprepared. Echoing Clarence Thomas, he claimed that he did not watch his accuser’s hearing. (Earlier, it was reported that he did.) “I wrote this last night,” he said, of his opening statement. “No one has seen this draft.” Alternating between weeping and yelling, he exemplified the conservative’s embrace of bluster and petulance as rhetorical tools. Going on about his harmless love of beer, spinning unbelievably chaste interpretations of what was, by all other accounts, his youthful habit of blatant debauchery, he was as Trumpian as Trump himself, louder than the loudest on Fox News. He evaded questions; he said that the allegations brought against him were “revenge” on behalf of the Clintons; he said, menacingly, that “what goes around comes around.” When Senator Amy Klobuchar calmly asked if he had ever gotten blackout drunk, he retorted, “Have you?” (He later apologized to her.)

"I filed one of the 83 dismissed misconduct complaints against Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s why."
By Larry Behrendt
December 30, 2018
Larry Behrendt practiced law for more than 30 years in New York and California.

I’m a retired attorney who is on no one’s short list to serve on the Supreme Court. But I listened on Sept. 27 while Kavanaugh peppered two hours of Senate testimony with attacks against people and groups he associated with Democrats. Kavanaugh alleged (without factual basis) that he was the victim of a vast, secret, left-wing cabal, masterminded by senators such as Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and motivated by “revenge on behalf of the Clintons.” I was shocked to hear a Supreme Court nominee carry on like a crazed conspiracy theorist.

Turns out, there’s a rule against federal judges behaving like this. Congress passed the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act in 1980, and the rules under that act state that it’s misconduct for a federal judge to make “inappropriately partisan statements.” I may be retired, but I think I know an inappropriately partisan statement when I hear one.

2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

We all know some people applauded Trump's doing something like this in the 2016 debate(s). That like all he does, set a precedent. I guess disrupting things could have unintended consequences?

2020 Will be interesting
After Kavanaugh, liberals are never to be trusted again.
You mean after Merrick Garland? Or the over 100 judicial appointees the GOP Senate/McConnell refused to allow hearings on?
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.

You know....it's shit like this that pisses me off. I am a liberal. I am not a Democrat. I didn't agree with this shit.
They represent your party and are taking it over.

They do not.

Still not a Democrat. The Democratic Party consists of neoliberals. All of the drama is a distraction. A manipulation. Faux outrage has exhausted the American public.
After Kavanaugh, liberals are never to be trusted again.
You mean after Merrick Garland? Or the over 100 judicial appointees the GOP Senate/McConnell refused to allow hearings on?
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.
Uhm, that is not how it unfolded. But okay

spew your silly little hate
They had hearings for weeks on Kavanaugh. They could have brought it up then. But no, when they figured out Kavanaugh was a shoe in. They bring in a woman with no proof, accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape trying to ruin his lifes work and his family. For political reasons. Maybe it will unfold the same for you.
not true. Spin is spin no matter how long the spin cycle is on

Sept. 27: Both Ford and Kavanaugh testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. (Key moments from Ford's and Kavanaugh's hearings.)

The Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing Will Be Remembered as a Grotesque Display of Patriarchal Resentment

Then Kavanaugh came in, like an eclipse. He made a show of being unprepared. Echoing Clarence Thomas, he claimed that he did not watch his accuser’s hearing. (Earlier, it was reported that he did.) “I wrote this last night,” he said, of his opening statement. “No one has seen this draft.” Alternating between weeping and yelling, he exemplified the conservative’s embrace of bluster and petulance as rhetorical tools. Going on about his harmless love of beer, spinning unbelievably chaste interpretations of what was, by all other accounts, his youthful habit of blatant debauchery, he was as Trumpian as Trump himself, louder than the loudest on Fox News. He evaded questions; he said that the allegations brought against him were “revenge” on behalf of the Clintons; he said, menacingly, that “what goes around comes around.” When Senator Amy Klobuchar calmly asked if he had ever gotten blackout drunk, he retorted, “Have you?” (He later apologized to her.)

"I filed one of the 83 dismissed misconduct complaints against Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s why."
By Larry Behrendt
December 30, 2018
Larry Behrendt practiced law for more than 30 years in New York and California.

I’m a retired attorney who is on no one’s short list to serve on the Supreme Court. But I listened on Sept. 27 while Kavanaugh peppered two hours of Senate testimony with attacks against people and groups he associated with Democrats. Kavanaugh alleged (without factual basis) that he was the victim of a vast, secret, left-wing cabal, masterminded by senators such as Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and motivated by “revenge on behalf of the Clintons.” I was shocked to hear a Supreme Court nominee carry on like a crazed conspiracy theorist.

Turns out, there’s a rule against federal judges behaving like this. Congress passed the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act in 1980, and the rules under that act state that it’s misconduct for a federal judge to make “inappropriately partisan statements.” I may be retired, but I think I know an inappropriately partisan statement when I hear one.

When did they bring up Ford?
You mean after Merrick Garland? Or the over 100 judicial appointees the GOP Senate/McConnell refused to allow hearings on?
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.

You know....it's shit like this that pisses me off. I am a liberal. I am not a Democrat. I didn't agree with this shit.
what shit? Are you aware of how it all unfolded?

You mean the attempts to justify?
just the facts

How we got here: The Kavanaugh timeline

but we know what kind of man Kav is: especially with the Lying Trump WH running interference

White House claims security ‘intervened’ before Kavanaugh was able to shake hand of Fred Guttenberg on day one of supreme court confirmation hearing

Again. You folks need to grow up with your TMZ shenanigans.
You mean after Merrick Garland? Or the over 100 judicial appointees the GOP Senate/McConnell refused to allow hearings on?
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.
Uhm, that is not how it unfolded. But okay

spew your silly little hate
They had hearings for weeks on Kavanaugh. They could have brought it up then. But no, when they figured out Kavanaugh was a shoe in. They bring in a woman with no proof, accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape trying to ruin his lifes work and his family. For political reasons. Maybe it will unfold the same for you.

Another POS who believes that abuse & sexual attacks only happen if there are witnesses.
She couldn't remember where, when, or exactly how it happened. I see you give Clinton the benifit of the doubt after he pays his accusers off.
Like Willey, who lied to the FBI? LOL

Starr and Willey: The Untold Story

The sexual harassment allegations against Bill Clinton, explained
When did they bring up Ford?
Ford had requested anonymity. Who outed her? Probably a friend, because it was not the Dems as morons like you have charged before. Very early on, Ford was brought up, but unnamed

please do not abuse that poor woman any further
Waiting till the last minute to bring in a woman with no proof to destroy a family. For political reasons. Liberals are the scum of the earth. I hope every single one of you gets your life ruined for the exact same reason.
Uhm, that is not how it unfolded. But okay

spew your silly little hate
They had hearings for weeks on Kavanaugh. They could have brought it up then. But no, when they figured out Kavanaugh was a shoe in. They bring in a woman with no proof, accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape trying to ruin his lifes work and his family. For political reasons. Maybe it will unfold the same for you.

Another POS who believes that abuse & sexual attacks only happen if there are witnesses.
She couldn't remember where, when, or exactly how it happened. I see you give Clinton the benifit of the doubt after he pays his accusers off.
Like Willey, who lied to the FBI? LOL

Starr and Willey: The Untold Story

The sexual harassment allegations against Bill Clinton, explained
Those who didn't lie. Their lives were ruined. With you blessings.
The timeline
July 6: Christine Blasey Ford reaches out to her congresswoman, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), regarding her concerns about Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. (Her letter.)

July 9: President Trump announces Brett Kavanaugh as his pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the bench. (His announcement.)

notice the dates:

July 30: Ford sends Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) a letter detailing her alleged assault.

Sept. 16: Ford's accusations are made public in a Washington Post report. (The allegations.)

  • Ford alleges that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge pushed her into a bedroom at a party, where Kavanaugh pinned her down, attempted to remove her clothing, held his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream for help and — as she believes it — attempted to rape her.
Sept. 17: Kavanaugh issues a statement denying Ford's allegations, saying he has "never done anything like what the accuser describes — to her or to anyone." (His statement.)

Sept. 19: Ford's lawyer, Debra Katz, emails the Senate Judiciary Committee that Ford has agreed to testify before them. (Katz's email.)

Sept. 23: A second woman, Deborah Ramirez, details new allegations of sexual misconduct in the New Yorker, which she said took place while her and Kavanaugh were students at Yale. (Her allegations.)

  • Ramirez alleges that Kavanaugh waved his penis in front of her at a dorm party.
  • Kavanaugh denied the allegation.
2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

We all know some people applauded Trump's doing something like this in the 2016 debate(s). That like all he does, set a precedent. I guess disrupting things could have unintended consequences?

2020 Will be interesting
2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

We all know some people applauded Trump's doing something like this in the 2016 debate(s). That like all he does, set a precedent. I guess disrupting things could have unintended consequences?

2020 Will be interesting

As long as the Democratic Party can maintain focus on this then it is unnecessary for them to address detailed policy. That is the intended consequence.
When did they bring up Ford?
Ford had requested anonymity. Who outed her? Probably a friend, because it was not the Dems as morons like you have charged before. Very early on, Ford was brought up, but unnamed

please do not abuse that poor woman any further
Lol, like i said she didn't remember when or where it happened. If the same was done to good ole Bill, liberals would've ruined her.
2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

We all know some people applauded Trump's doing something like this in the 2016 debate(s). That like all he does, set a precedent. I guess disrupting things could have unintended consequences?

2020 Will be interesting

I sure as hell hope so.
2020 Election: Will a Democrat Bring Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse To A Debate?

Women Who Accuse Trump of Sexual Abuse - Should The 2020 Democratic Nominee Bring Them To Debates?

We all know some people applauded Trump's doing something like this in the 2016 debate(s). That like all he does, set a precedent. I guess disrupting things could have unintended consequences?

2020 Will be interesting

As long as the Democratic Party can maintain focus on this then it is unnecessary for them to address detailed policy. That is the intended consequence.
the shut down

This is getting in the way of the Dem agenda in Congress.

It is a Trump distraction, destruction tactic
It's okay for a democrat to abuse women. Got it.
No oen ever said that

but even religious conservatoires said it is ok for Trump to do it and brag about it


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