2023 officially over with no recession in sight. Thanks Biden!

You made all of that up. I do not believe in the white dominance in a nation of many cultures. I do abhor the men and women who turned us into this potential quagmire of a declining nation for power and money. You want your vengeance then tax the hell out of retired people with privileged pensions. Many retired law enforcement people abused others and never paid a price for it. Government employment galore with higher pensions. Teachers, trades, public transportation and more. There are however others besides whites in those groups. This is doable for revenge while reparations are a hard sell. All of those retirement communities where old honkies are living high of the hog. A graduated tax that starts low and rises as the retiree income increases is possibility. You see, Progs believe in a zero-sum society. And that means real growth is not as important as control of the population.
Quackery. No one want control over dumb hicks man. You have nothing we want to control. All progressives seek is a place where everyone has their personal liberties and the burden for paying for stuff mostly comes from those who have money. That’s it.
Quackery. No one want control over dumb hicks man. You have nothing we want to control. All progressives seek is a place where everyone has their personal liberties and the burden for paying for stuff mostly comes from those who have money. That’s it.
Who is we? Are you under the impression there is something in this for you? What would that be except conforming and sucking the dick of your perceived betters? Enjoy dickhead.
You guys are asking the wrong questions.

You say: Why is the economy bad? IT ISNT

The question you should be asking is: WHY DOESNT THE ECONOMY WORK FOR ME? The economy is going great, why do I not feel it?

The answer is: Because the GOP has convinced half of the country that TRICKLE DOWN economics works when it DOES NOT. They repackaged trickle downs into Trump tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. They have the poorest people in the country - rural white impoverished folks - storming the capital for more tax cuts for the wealthy.
The GOP is running the economy? Do tell.
I'm just about sick of you idiots talking about how bad it is in America, yet none of you have it bad.
Fiscal conservatism has it's rewards, no debt, house, vehicles, everything paid for. AVOID living in liberal mooching parasite areas to keep their money grubbing hands off your wealth. Get right and get wealthy!
Who is we? Are you under the impression there is something in this for you? What would that be except conforming and sucking the dick of your perceived betters? Enjoy dickhead.
I can read a political platform and vote for it. You though…. Idiot.
The GOP is running the economy? Do tell.
Our current tax structure was passed under Trump. Like a shyster though taxes are going up for everyone but the wealthy and corporations. Jokes on you.
Fiscal conservatism has it's rewards, no debt, house, vehicles, everything paid for. AVOID living in liberal mooching parasite areas to keep their money grubbing hands off your wealth. Get right and get wealthy!
Half right. Living fiscally conservative will most likely do all of those things, with the exception of being assured of becoming wealthy. It is a hell of a start, though.
Fiscal conservatism has it's rewards, no debt, house, vehicles, everything paid for. AVOID living in liberal mooching parasite areas to keep their money grubbing hands off your wealth. Get right and get wealthy!

If you think fiscal conservatism means avoiding all debt, then no wonder you're a poor, broke jackass.

Debt is a tool. The key is to use it effectively and productively.
Are you seriously paying $7 a dozen for eggs.
I can get local for $4 a dozen at the feed store. But not too long ago, they were $7/dozen and milk was about that for a gallon.

I don't buy when it's that much but ppl who claim no inflation during this president are out of their minds.
You right wingers and your media echo chamber assured me… 100% chance you assured me… we were going into recession… 100%.

Well, where is it? Looks like foxy Biden out foxed the world. Best economy in the first world.. some lists have us second.

Let’s get rid of the GOP insurrectionists and keep the economy going!

As a reminder here were the dummy predictions:
I mean...right. It’s problem solving.

Aaron Sorkin said it best at the end of his movie, The American President. The GOP is not interested in solving problems. I cued it up.

The Democrats are. Gas prices go up. Biden taps the SPR and creates and atmosphere to where our oil companies ramp up oil production. The SPR is being replenished. That is what you do. You don’t put a tariff on imported oil in some Rube Goldberg design to get Chevron to drill here.
Stealing credit I see, please tell us what Biden did specifically...this is where you got BITCH SLAPPED.
You and I and everyone knows Trump would be tweeting his ass off every day taking credit. And you would be giving him all credit like a drooling stooge.
I can get local for $4 a dozen at the feed store. But not too long ago, they were $7/dozen and milk was about that for a gallon.

I don't buy when it's that much but ppl who claim no inflation during this president are out of their minds.
but ppl who claim no inflation during this president are out of their minds.

People that claim that WW inflation is strictly because of biden are out of their minds.
But HATE will do that.
Our current tax structure was passed under Trump. Like a shyster though taxes are going up for everyone but the wealthy and corporations. Jokes on you.
And there was no attempt from Quid Pro Joe to do anything about it. Basically, giving his stamp of approval on it. Where's his attempt to keep the tax rates at TRUMP! levels?

And it's nice to see you admit the TRUMP! tax cuts were for all tax payers. The oft-repeated lie by the left is that they were only for the rich.
but ppl who claim no inflation during this president are out of their minds.

People that claim that WW inflation is strictly because of biden are out of their minds.
But HATE will do that.
Oh I know all democrats are to blame. It's not just the Biden administration.

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