2023 officially over with no recession in sight. Thanks Biden!

Don't bother. These morons are stuck in the gold standard and think that printing fiat currency equals debasement.

They don't understand that there is always a lack of currency in the economy, compared to the modern total money supply. Printing currency doesn't cause inflation unless you print more currency than there is money in the system. The main way new money enters the system is through lending on credit.

It's the banks that empower inflation, not the Mint.
your ignorance on display. The more of a thing there is the less each unit is worth. That applies to gold, diamonds, dirt, and money. printing more unbacked money is the direct cause of inflation.
your ignorance on display. The more of a thing there is the less each unit is worth. That applies to gold, diamonds, dirt, and money. printing more unbacked money is the direct cause of inflation.
Money printing without economic growth and increased production, that is.... But all the current "economic growth" is because of the money printing...The mobius loop of economic illiteracy.

They've painted us all into a corner, and are telling us that the wet paint is just in our heads.
your ignorance on display. The more of a thing there is the less each unit is worth. That applies to gold, diamonds, dirt, and money. printing more unbacked money is the direct cause of inflation.

No. Printing currently will only cause inflation if doing so grows the total money supply. I mean, you do know that currency is only a small portion of the total money supply, right? Or were you asleep that day in Econ 101 class?

By the way, that would have been day one.
Are you suggesting that lower income groups should have their taxes reduced?

Hmm....let me think about that.

Think, think, think....

You know, I think you might be on to something. Didn't Calvin Coolidge do something like that? Like, only 3% of people were paying federal taxes. And he managed to pay down a whole bunch of public debt while doing it.
Yes indeed
No. Printing currently will only cause inflation if doing so grows the total money supply. I mean, you do know that currency is only a small portion of the total money supply, right? Or were you asleep that day in Econ 101 class?

By the way, that would have been day one.
Pissing on your foot and swearing up and down that it's raining.
Is inflation part of the economy???????????????? Are you happy with gas prices, grocery prices, prices for everything we buy???????????? Biden directly caused the inflation we are living with today when he shut down keystone and blocked all new oil drilling. The prices of everything are tied to the price of energy, fool. (and yes, the rate of inflation is not as high as it was. 9% is more than 4%) but its still happening. How about our open borders and all the billions we are spending dealing with the massive influx of illegals? How is that good for the economy? Biden has done a terrible job on our economy and he is on the Chinese payroll. Bribery is a crime and when done by a president it is treason.
I am fine with prices. Has no impact on my life. It’s like you woke up yesterday after 50 years. Prices always go up. My money has gone up too. My house is up 30%. I am so much better off now than 2019. Just paid cash for a beach condo with my investment earnings this year. Come on over some time.
Don't you all worry, the Repubs will get re-elected and we can have a real American stock market crash.
I am fine with prices. Has no impact on my life. It’s like you woke up yesterday after 50 years. Prices always go up. My money has gone up too. My house is up 30%. I am so much better off now than 2019. Just paid cash for a beach condo with my investment earning this year. Come on over some time.
So many more are not. Joe the moderate democrat unifier ended up as a Progressive Socialist Party apparatchik divider to the extreme. Calling everyone Republicans as deplorables and dregs. And then defining MAGA over and over like the Progs do when they send their messaging. All of the rights they fought for, and they ended up in The Twilight Zone ringing everyone else in it with them. Progs politicians who cried about the past while pushing agendas to out themselves into danger or push other agendas that keep poor people poor while hiring inferiors saying their qualified from lowered standards and anything sexual open season anywhere, anytime, anyplace or it is a crime against those who question it.
No. Printing currently will only cause inflation if doing so grows the total money supply. I mean, you do know that currency is only a small portion of the total money supply, right? Or were you asleep that day in Econ 101 class?

By the way, that would have been day one.
What is the current rate for puzzy?
So many more are not. Joe the moderate democrat unifier ended up as a Progressive Socialist Party apparatchik divider to the extreme. Calling everyone Republicans as deplorables and dregs. And then defining MAGA over and over like the Progs do when they send their messaging. All of the rights they fought for, and they ended up in The Twilight Zone ringing everyone else in it with them. Progs politicians who cried about the past while pushing agendas to out themselves into danger or push other agendas that keep poor people poor while hiring inferiors saying their qualified from lowered standards and anything sexual open season anywhere, anytime, anyplace or it is a crime against those who question it.
I was a deplorable before deplorables were popular.
Than who are you talking about? You run around with homeless in your spare time to keep street cred? I'm just about sick of you idiots talking about how bad it is in America, yet none of you have it bad. You don't even know anybody that has it bad. I'm retired. You very well may make more in a month than I do in a year, and I don't have it anywhere near bad and do not personally know anybody that does.
You gloom and doom assholes are so full of sh*t you eyes got to be brown.

I got it. Hire one of your homeless buddies. Let him borrow your laptop to join, and then he can rant for you, instead of you just looking like another insincere trumper asshole, running in circles screaming the sky is falling, when it's not even cloudy. That is if you can quit hiding under your pillow to go outside.

Your problem is you're viewed as a left loon.
So many more are not. Joe the moderate democrat unifier ended up as a Progressive Socialist Party apparatchik divider to the extreme. Calling everyone Republicans as deplorables and dregs. And then defining MAGA over and over like the Progs do when they send their messaging. All of the rights they fought for, and they ended up in The Twilight Zone ringing everyone else in it with them. Progs politicians who cried about the past while pushing agendas to out themselves into danger or push other agendas that keep poor people poor while hiring inferiors saying their qualified from lowered standards and anything sexual open season anywhere, anytime, anyplace or it is a crime against those who question it.
Listen. You are on some fake ass culture war crusade. Give it up. You can’t make America a white happy 1950 suburb THAT NEVER EXISTED.

You need to think about which party will let you have your own rights and doesn’t think hard working Americans are deadbeats. A party that simply wants the burden on those who have the means. That’s it. Pretending like 90% of Americans are lazy is bullshit. 90% of America has jack shit just like the GOP wants.
That's quite alright.
I accept the Hate I receive on USBM, because I don't spend my entire FREE time on this pathetic site, whereas, you DO.

Go out a get a friend.
I have plenty, you have NONE.
It is not hate. You are not worth expending an emotion on.
Listen. You are on some fake ass culture war crusade. Give it up. You can’t make America a white happy 1950 suburb THAT NEVER EXISTED.

You need to think about which party will let you have your own rights and doesn’t think hard working Americans are deadbeats. A party that simply wants the burden on those who have the means. That’s it. Pretending like 90% of Americans are lazy is bullshit. 90% of America has jack shit just like the GOP wants.
You made all of that up. I do not believe in the white dominance in a nation of many cultures. I do abhor the men and women who turned us into this potential quagmire of a declining nation for power and money. You want your vengeance then tax the hell out of retired people with privileged pensions. Many retired law enforcement people abused others and never paid a price for it. Government employment galore with higher pensions. Teachers, trades, public transportation and more. There are however others besides whites in those groups. This is doable for revenge while reparations are a hard sell. All of those retirement communities where old honkies are living high of the hog. A graduated tax that starts low and rises as the retiree income increases is possibility. You see, Progs believe in a zero-sum society. And that means real growth is not as important as control of the population.

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